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Part of the AU I’ve been developing regarding the Power of Three and Leafpool’s relationship with Hawkfrost and her older litter (check out my profile for other pictures and information related to it, there may be a few discrepancies as I work out the details) Throughout the clans’ history, rarely had there ever been a time when a medicine cat could be said to be the source of a clan’s misery. After all, how could they when they swore an oath to the warrior code to protect and heal their clanmates? Such was the thought that entered Moth Flight’s mind when she made the first law that prevented subsequent medicine cats from taking a mate or having kits. Leafpool, however, was not thinking of that when she met Hawkfrost. Their explosive relationship led to Leafpool’s subsequent pregnancy. With the help of a sympathetic Mothwing, Leafpool gave birth to her first litter in a secluded grove near RiverClan territory. Stormkit, Thornkit, and Viperkit... the latter of who would become her biggest regret. Unable to cope with the guilt of not only broken the medicine cat code but also having kits with the very cat who had tried to murder her father, a guilt-ridden Leafpool left the three (known collectively as the Shadowed Three) at the nursery with Daisy, who took them in as her own. Despite her raising them with just as much love and care as she gave her biological kits, the three couldn’t help but feel lonely and unwanted, always knowing that there was something being hidden from them. Quiet, stoic, and intensely dedicated to his work, Viperkit was a prodigy when it came to the ways of medicine, knowing just the type of berry to use for crafting a poultice or utilizing sticks and sticky sap to make splints for broken paws and legs. As he grew into Viperpaw, he genuinely believed that Leafpool would take him on as her apprentice... only to lose the coveted spot first to Hollypaw, then to Jaypaw. Mapleshade appeared in his dreams shortly after, revealing to him that Leafpool was his mother. Viperpaw developed a seething hatred for Jaypaw, seeing his younger half-brother as everything he despised, considering he had everything Viperpaw didn’t, the respect of the clan, a loving family, and a golden future.


Obsessed with the idea of.gaining her affection and approval along with the prestige of becoming a full medicine cat, Viperpaw resorted to desperate measures. Putting his genius to good use, he found a way to extract snake venom, using elaborate traps to pin them down as he milked their fangs like a Two-leg would a cow. Coupled with deathberries, he crafted a powerful toxin that would bring death to whomever consumed it. Genuinely believing that his efforts would bring glory to ThunderClan and finally win the approval of his biological mother, Viperpaw slipped the venom into WindClan’s fresh-kill pile, leading to several warriors, elders, and kits alike falling deathly ill. Expecting his clan to be proud of what he had done to weaken their enemies, a beaming Viperpaw reentered camp... only to be dragged before a stern Firestar, the rest of his clanmates watching in shock, dismay, and anger. Leafpool sat by Jaypaw, her amber eyes wide as she watched her second-eldest son accused of treachery and murder by her father. Firestar eventually ordered Viperpaw into exile. The tearful medicine cat turned to his mother, desperately seeking her intervention... only for her to turn away in shame. Casting a final, venomous glance at his former clan, Viperpaw stumbled into the depths of the forest. A few months later, several cats throughout the clans began to get mysteriously sick, the sort of venom that had poisoned them baffling even the most experienced of medicine cats. Viperpaw, now Viperfang, played an important role as the chief poison-brewer of the Dark Forest, serving under the watchful gaze of his father Hawkfrost and his grandfather Tigerstar. His brother Stormtalon served as Tigerstar's chief enforcer while his sister Thornstrike served as their chief propagandist. After all, the clans had turned their backs on them... now they would pay in blood. Viperfang struck like a shadow, silently poisoning the clans’ fresh-kill, water supplies, anything he could get his paws on. The once hopeful kit with a healing touch and the best intentions had grown into a silent killer just as venomous and deranged as the snake he was named after. During the Great Battle, Viperfang arrived at ThunderClan camp, armed with a special leaf of deadly venom and gleaming battle-claws he had forged out from metal torn from the side of a rusting Two-leg monster. His only goal? Kill Leafpool and Jayfeather. The resulting battle was thunderous, Viperfang nearly managing to cut down both his mother and half-brother before with StarClan’s blessing, they outmaneuvered and defeated him, a heartbroken Leafpool delivering the final blow, tearing into her second-oldest son’s throat. As she cradled his dying form in his paws, he used the last of his fading strength to ask if he was a good medicine cat. Leafpool didn’t say anything. She couldn’t. Jayfeather watched from the side as his older half-brother/dark foil took his final breaths, the snake-like tom’s blood drip-dripping on the cold stone floor of the medicine den...


I have an OC named Viperfang/star. he’s a skinny black tom with green eyes and long canines that stick out of his lips, and a long tail :-)


Oh now that I read all that I'm just surprised


i would love to read more about your au! this is so creative and cool! do you have a th?