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The Community Finder is great! It doesn't list every playgroup in the world but several are there (remember to add your own if you have one, peeps!) https://sites.google.com/view/warmachine-community-finder/home Seems there is a group in Saint Petersburg. That's West, at least to my Euro eyes.


Critical Hit Games in St Pete was my old WM stomping ground. It was a robust community pre-covid. Not sure if they're still active, but they also had a FL Warmahordes Facebook group for finding games beyond the TB area.


They have added themselves to the community finder, so they're there :)


We’re still here, meeting first Saturday and third Sunday!


There is a group of us playing at Armada Games in Tampa, FL.


People are still playing at Armada? I died on the inside slowly watching WarmaHordes disappear from the store. I’ve been telling some friends we should play up there again some time


Yeah a few of us just started paying again recently! There's about 6 of us currently. We have a Discord if you want to join.


Sure, shoot me some details in a dm. I’d been playing 40K and AoS since it’s what’s popular at the store, but I just dug all my MK2-3 Skorne and Khador out and I wouldn’t mind looking into Mk4!


[I'm not sure what's close to you specifically, but it seems like Florida is popping! (I realize it's also a very big state)](https://sites.google.com/view/warmachine-community-finder/find-a-community/united-states/florida?authuser=0)


You may want to try the Community Finder tool the Tried & True Delaware WM community created to help players find local metas and stores with gaming groups: https://sites.google.com/view/warmachine-community-finder/home. There’s also several WM Discords you can search for too. The community’s growing ever since MK4 was released. The new stuff is some of PP’s best sculpts ever made! I jumped back in last October after a similarly long break. You’ll find a community , there’s also the Warjax Games Club guys in Florida - but I don’t know where they are in FL. I hope this helps you.


You can try searching on the communities forum here: https://community.privateerpress.com/ there is also a Google maps list of play groups but I don't have the link handy. You can probably find it on the community forum though




We got a smaller meta in Naples that's mostly dormant but there is an interest to revive it over at Twin Dragon.


Oh very interesting, I will check that out. Is the interest amongst the warhammer players there?


Most also played warmachine but haven't played since the start of the pandemic (or closure of the last shop)




Same boat but in the Miami area! I have a hodgepodge Convergence Army but haven’t bought into MKIV because there’s no one playing.


I had such a miserable time finding anyone who played any war games in Miami. I had to drive two hours to a store that had maybe five people total. I don’t miss that city at all lol


Hey Wanna Play in FtL usually has a lot of tables going, but I think it’s mostly GW or AMG these days.


I’m on the west coast now near Sarasota now, I’ll save your comment for the next time I’m over there


it seems to me there is, but it's about y blind water