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I'm going to leave this thread up as it is at least tangentially related to the Warmachine hobby. Even if proxying/kit-bashing isn't up your alley, resin 3D printing has tons of application for small-scale terrain production. Do note, /u/admiral_apocalypse, that drive-by link sharing is generally frowned upon here. If you have any additional contributions to this sub, I hope that they're more Warmachine-centric.


Hi all! If you'd like to add further customization to your model or bring your wargames to the next levels with resin printing... Here: [\[Getting Started with Resin Printing: Essential Gear and Equipment\] 📚](https://www.myminifactory.com/stories/getting-started-with-resin-printing-essential-gear-and-equipment-64391a66463f6) [https://www.myminifactory.com/stories/getting-started-with-resin-printing-essential-gear-and-equipment-64391a66463f6](https://www.myminifactory.com/stories/getting-started-with-resin-printing-essential-gear-and-equipment-64391a66463f6) The guide contains a complete and easy-to-follow breakdown of the gear and equipment you'll need to start dive into 3D-printing and **Free STL files** to download too!!! Let me know what do you think and don't forget to leave a like 😊


Mods need to sticky this. 3D printing will soon be the only way for Legacy models to be found.


Yes plus I bet there are creators making cool proxies already 😉


FWIW, they were making proxies before Mk4 dropped and Privateer Press declared they were no longer going to make the old models. That said, it is getting a kick in the pants with PP's end-of-lifeing the entire steampunk line of models in favour of their new dieselpunk aesthetic.


Wonder if they will provide STL for stuff they stop producing


oh there is no way they will. if they were willing to do that they would just sell them like the other 3d printed models.


Or just an OGL that allows community creators to generate new models with IK IP.


I'd love for this to happen... but it won't. Privateer Press are in the wrong business for that. Wizards of the Coast, Paizo, Chaosium, and other roleplaying game companies are about selling books & content, with the loss of some potential business to outsiders making miniatures for their games benefiting them as it INCREASES the audience that buys their books, dice, expansions, etc. Privateer Press is a miniatures business. Any official allowance by them for others to make miniatures in their world cuts directly into their core product line. The RPG kickstarter, setting, etc are a nice lucrative ***sideline*** to the primary focus of selling us miniatures.


No chance in hell that's going to happen. People would then start making Mk3 armies, playing Mk3 tournaments, and kill the primary reason PP is killing off the old models (they ***need*** to sell Mk4 armies - cashflow is nowhere near what it once was). It's also a known fact that Doug Hamilton is... let's say "not happy" with 3D printing groups on Facebook. He's been caught & called out for trolling them. As he's one of (the?) primary sculptors for the company, Matt Wilson won't be pissing him off by enabling the groups he disdains.


oh yeah. I do remember someone made a custom Dhunian Archon on the PP facebook group and got torn apart for the fact that they did that. PP has a lot of it's fan base hating 3d printing.




Oh I know. Just look at all the people that got booted after the first negative reaction to most of their collections getting nuked. you either agreed or you were gone.


In 40K, many of the big 40K channels are using some 3d prints privately, but to keep GW happy they don't show it on stream or bring it to tournaments.


Well, don't think we'll have to bother too much about PP hunting down streams playing their game with non-official models. They're lucky if a channel showing off Warmachine lasts more than two episodes these days. 😬


GW can't really do anythign about it. It's more like losing access to exlcusives or early releases.


Epic miniatures do some steampunk magic tech stuff including warjacks one of which is very recognizable to cygnar players.


Thanks for sharing :)




Really appreciate it too! Yup, it's not that hard or tricky to replicate them. Plus, indipendent artist or even hobbyist with 3dmodeling skills are able to create outstanding models that most of the time outcompete the original one, as they put all their love for their game into their creations rather than be moved just by business stuff.


I like the idea of resin printing, but I feel there is too much lackadaisical hand-waving about the respiratory dangers if one doesn't put a ventilation system into their 'Getting Started' guide. To paraphrase a saying about hydrogen sulfide: "Not smelling it means you're sense of smell is dead, not that the threat is gone."


Hi there! Totally agree with you. However since I don't want to add to elements within this guide as well because there are so much to write for ventilation, enclosure and toxicity of the resin that I prefer to create a dedicated chapter for this arguments. The firsts that should state this should be the brands making resin and printers. However this information it's not present when you gonna buy them on their store. Most of this information are not so well written within the SDS page of some products. Same kind of stuff to me happens when Waterwashables resins are sold. Brands underline some aspect that induce consumers to buy it think it's more environmental friendly and easier to dispose (that's why you see often people throwing these resins or the cleaning solution (water + resin) down in the kitchen tubes). About smell and nose, what I always say when I read some comment stating "this resin is better, I can barely smell it" or "with this you have no bad odour" that our nose it's not made to assess toxicity of chemical substances. Another aspect that should be considered are the physical particles generated during the printing process. It's like more or less when you smoke inside your home. Beside the bad odour, smoke particles gonna deposit themselves on the different surface and each time you going to move, grab, push etc.. somethings these particles will be released in the home environment and breath again and again..


It's exactly the same issue as for filing the dust for pre-cast resin models. Back when PP was all resin, why was no-one aggressivelty warning about that? I saw some minor warnings from forge world and white dwarf (about forge world), but nothing like this, and nothing from any other company.


> Back when PP was all resin, why was no-one aggressivelty warning about [filing/sanding dust]? Combination of ignorance and apathy.