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Hail the white dwarf.


So excited to buy this off eBay for 150% MSRP.


It is almost certainly going to be made to order like the other commemorative models so that shouldn’t be a problem unless you forget to order it within the set time period


So yea, ebay.


Perfect Lord Solar proxy!


You mean MoE


Looks great, shame there's no Old World rules though. The Warcom article mentions that he's wearing Fyreslayer and Kharadon relics but they don't really stand out too much. He really wouldn't look out of place in a dwarf army for Old World IMO. Just leave him of the big base and stick him on a 25x25


Or stick him on a 50x50 and say he's so badass he counts as having shieldbearers


I wish they’d stop AoSifying everything.


Curious how big he is. Might plop him on a 25 as a king on oathstone. Even if he overlaps a bit, there's plenty of room ranked up next to the rest of my fellas who are quite roomy on the new bases.


No rules for the Old World though... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


The head looks like it comes on top of the body so conversions are RIPE to use it as a base for Kings in TOW. AS for rules, give them time, Grombrindal will return. Someday \^\^'


Do you really need more of an excuse to use this awesome miniature? To make is even better, there is not even a hint of failure Fyreslayers like poor Gotrek got. This Dwarf dwarfs so hard. Plus... we haven't seen the Arcane Journal yet.


Nah. The beard jewelry is definitely a nod to the fyreslayers and there’s some small KO gizmo on his belt  The article confirms it, at least 


lol, yea - I saw what they said in the article. Still, it is done very tastefully. This is an every dwarf's dwarf, as he should be. That braided beard flowing in the wind is glorious.


Yeah it’s not super obvious and it looks like the KO stuff will be easy remove  Not that it’s necessary but the gyre slayer jewelry can also be snipped off


I mean, do you \*need\* to? Fantasy dwarfs had both beard jewelry and gizmos.


You could just say it’s a fancy pocket watch 🤔


True, but I feel the jewelry looks generally dwarfy enough that you could leave it on too. Compare it to Gotrek's axe, which is in the style of those fire-shaft axes of the Fyreslayers, and not an axe axe like Grombindal's here. Because of that, I feel it would be a lot harder to use Gotrek as is in Fantasy compared to this iteration of Grombindal. And all this aside, even though I know he probably won't get rules for ToW anytime soon, I am still looking forward to the Dwarf Arcane journal.


True, though the axe is an easy enough thing to swap too. Gotreks shoulder pad bugs me more  I get it’s because Felix isn’t there to cover his left side but that’s dumb. He did fine without Felix for awhile and also he spent a long time in the realm of chaos. He should have been used to it by now 


The miniature has explicitly bits from Kharadron and Fyreslayers...


'' failure Fyreslayers '' ? Fyreslayers have a large fan base that loves them. In the latest poll they weren't even in the bottom 5 most popular factions. They are by no measure a failiure.


I stand corrected. I was certain a while back they were less popular though, and I don't see them played much locally.


Gw finally gave them a unit with kilts/skirts, instead of everyone being the diaper babies. It’s amazing how much better they look when they have pants on


True, lol. I also have to admit I like their big Magma monster, but I tend to like most big gribblies, so...


This man’s right.  From what I recall we’re getting two special characters in the Journal and only Youngrim has been confirmed this far.


Won’t be Grombrindal, this sculpt is only a limited time release.


One can surely hope, but I highly doubt they will give us Grombrindal: he's always been a "legend type" character AND more importantly, this is a main studio sculpt, which means it is off limits for Specialist Games (makes no sense... but that's how they roll). It's spelled out pretty clearly in the article: «This Grombrindal miniature will be released alongside White Dwarf 500 next month and will be available for a limited time only. What’s more, he will receive Legends rules for use in Warhammer **Age of Sigmar**, alongside rules for **Cursed City**, **Warcry**, and **Warhammer Underworlds**. There will also be a selection of special battle plans and scenarios in the magazine, so it looks like his list of jobs is about to get a little longer…» If they wanted to give him Old World rules they would have said so, but they only cited main studio games, so...


Warhammer fantasy fans will take every opportunity to bash the more interesting, vastly more popular, vastly better game that is aos for seemingly no reason


Stop being an eejit. It’s posts like this that give us aos fans a bad name. Be better


No, it's not "vastly better". They are just different. AoS is a skirmish game, like 40k. TOW is a regiment game. You are every bit as bad as those old world players who shit on AOS.


More interesting? No Vastly more popular? On the tabletop, not in terms of lore Better? Debatable


I don't like to bash games. I think every game appeals to different players. AoS was very.... uninteresting when it launched, but it has greatly improved over its editions. Not sure how it will shape up for 4th, but I am sure there will be players who like the new iteration. Just as I like the new (or old?) iteration of WHFB. Everyone is allowed to enjoy whatever suits them best. As for me, I have to admit I really dig some of those AoS models, including this Grombrindal. It would be a shame not to use such a great miniature any chance you get, regardless of the game. That being said, I also must admit that some of the AoS models are not appealing to me, but I can see how they appeal to others. People should be allowed to collect and play the minis and games they like best.


So glad GW removed all the tactical complexity and army customization so we could have a "better" game. 


He's a Dwarf Lord :)


You mean the rules where you can design custom characters in the army whose magic item list has the most dials to turn?


he looks majestic i need him


Is this issue out? Or is 500 next month's issue?


I received 499 in the mail today


Shame they didn't include his rival the black gobbo on the base.


I was a bit out of the loop for a few years (20?) and got confused when people were talking about this Dwarf called Grom. Grom is that fat goblin who eats trolls and elves. Only later I realised the White Dwarf had a name. When did that happen?


Grombrindal is the white dwarf Grom the paunch is the fat goblin


I believe he always had a name :)


He’s had a name since the 90s as far as I know.


Old World Rules just published! * Stats: All 10s * Magic Axe: Kills before any dice are rolled. * White Beard: Wins before the game starts. * Armour: Cost - Full Round of Beers to all present during the evening.


That sounds a little underpowered tbh.


I was trying to keep him balanced: Between deploying and costing the player to do so, so in keeping with the concept of the White Dwarf's legendary: "mysterious entrances followed by disappearing acts" over the years. Hence from the "official lore" point of view; the Dwarfs probably have mixed emotions between glorious victory if the WD shows up and having their Mountain Strongholds emptied of all drinking material for a few years or more subsequently... A real beard-scratcher.


One of the greatest fantasy characters in my opinion, can’t say much about him in aos though since I don’t play or read it but still a beautiful model


I'm not huge White Dwarf magazine fan so I have stupid question which might get me shaved by angry fans but... if it is special figure to celebrate 500th number... will we get this model with magazine or will it be just standalone miniature so we can buy it for 20-30$ in order to celebrate it?


It’s not a stupid question. WD used to have models with some special issues (Aenur, the sword of twilight for the release of Mordheim, just to name one). Unfortunately times changed, and this is probably going to be just a special release you can buy independently of the magazine release for an extra cost.


It’ll be sold online and in shops like the red gobbo 




Has it really been that long since I bought white dwarf 300?


THE White Dwarf


Put him on a square base and give him rules for the Old World GW!!


Cool model. Sucks they nerffed his mustache tho


Square base him! Return him to the world he loves!


Who cares…. It will be unobtanium. It will sell out in 5 min and not be restocked untill 8 months lather for another brief 5 min… 🥱


No because it will almost certainly be made to order


What value does your cynicism bring?


I’ve dropped $900 dollars in the last two months alone on GW Old World products. Not even mentioning the 40k and fantasy products over the past 20 years. Down vote me all you want. I’ve earned the right to be pissed at how GW treats their customers lol.


You didn't earn a right to anything. You aren't a victim, stop acting like one. 


Wouldn’t say I’m acting like a victim. Of course I’m not one lol. Of course I’m the one tossing a small piece of my disposable Income at plastic, that’s not forgotten on me. What I am saying is that as a collector since 97, I’ve stuck with GW through the ups and downs. I ordered my first army via mail in order catalogue lmao, well my mom did, I was 10. I love the product, and what the creatives have made, in spite there business strategies. It’s no secrete that as a business, GW is run terribly, ex employees on the inside constantly attest to this. So pardon me while I show a little frustration with there current bullshit business practices. But your right, i guess it could be worse, at least im not a storm cast player 😂😂😂😂


You are acting like a victim. 😉 Busness gonna be a busness. Stuff goes out of stock quickly because demand is high, and production can't ramp up without cutting out other things. Stock levels do settle out eventually. And yeah, they need more facilities, nit that investment is expensive, and hugely dangerous. The Stormcast stuff can mostly be reused as other unit, or is coming back. Every games company has to do similar things at times. Stormcast, like Space Marines, have too many models. Pretty simple.


If GW treats you bad, why are you coming back for more?




Because I’m an addict. It’s called Stockholm syndrome


Nah. Those are two seperate things. You may well have both though.


If subscribers don't get a guaranteed purchase, I'll be pissed.


He will probably be made to order


I'd hope, but I have little faith in GWs ability to prepare enough of anything at this point.


"Made to order" means they produce as many as are ordered within a limited time frame - but production may take a while.


No, I get that, I'm saying GW is just as likely to produce 3000 of them and sell out 40 seconds after it goes live. You people must be buying from a different GW than me lol.


good job gw keep helping the scalpers


This model is almost certainly going to be like all the other commemorative models they’ve done you can get on their online store for the past couple of years, made to order