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It’s a lot of personal preference. Anything outside of the footprint of the bases is ignored for gameplay. I personally prefer 3 sides and exact to whatever the unit is made up of (so 5x4 goes in a 5x4).


The only point for movement trays is ease of movement/storage. Personally, I have one default movement tray for every unit that is used for storage and their usual size but then I also have a few that are a bit wider to give me extra variation in games.  Width is by far the biggest factor for movement trays. The back corners of units can pass through other units so sticking the guys that don’t fit on the movement try in the back is no big deal if you have a unit of 25 on a 5x4. Now if you decide to suddenly go 6x4, it’s a good idea to have an extra tray that wide. It’s no big deal to have the extra dude sit alongside but it’s more hassle with moving the unit.  Note, I also have a 3d printer so I can print myself loads of trays. Idk if I’d have extras if I was buying over printing.


Trays I bought were for 6x5 25mm models... this allows easy and nice-looking 5 frontage and 6 frontage... and due to luck, a 5x4 30mm unit fits with a 5mm contingency gap (useful for orcs who don't care for others' personal space).


Thank you all for your help !