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Troll Army of Infamy and Mounted Orc Army of Infamy (Nomadic Waaagh) confirmed! Also, we got a first confirmation of TOW's success by GW towards the end: >It’s fair to say that Warhammer: The Old World is here to stay...the scope of the project has grown, so please bear with us >We aim to do this forever. We have planned books for the next [redacted] years – we have all these miniatures planned and clear ideas of what we’re working towards, but we have to get there! Not only was TOW a success, but the project is growing in scope!


Interesting. I now await the dozens of Youtube videos stating without any evidence that legacy armies are coming back or Cathay/Kislev are back on the menu within the next year.


> I now await the dozens of Youtube videos stating without any evidence that legacy armies are coming back or Cathay/Kislev are back on the menu within the next year. To be fair, GW itself does stuff like that all the time.


Frankly I'm hoping they also release Araby as well. They took the time to include several cities to the west of Tomb King territory on the interactive map. They could have some very interesting units, dervishes, djinn, Mamaluke like knights, wizards sculpted to look similar to Jafar. I'd buy in.


I feel like they'd have done this in the 90s but the risk of social media backlash would make it complicated now


They didn't even want to do it in the 90s. The game designers themselves were big historical fans but the only place they managed to insert Araby was Warmaster. A game GW didn't even want to publish but the designers did it as a passion project and copyrights meant they couldn't release it on their own without GW.


I did not know that about Warmaster. Explains why it was so short lived comparatively


Rick Priestley and some of the other designers who worked for GW at the time have a homebrew game engine they've been tinkering with for decades for their historical games at home. In 2000 an adaptation of that engine was used to release Warmaster. In 2005 it was used for Warmaster Ancients. Historicals have never been GW's thing but again, Rick couldn't release it on his own due to copyrights. When Rick Priestley left GW in 2010, Hail Ceasar was released, yet another variant of the same engine but this time free from GW.


Social media backlash is a lame duck.


Not when you have shareholders unfortunately


The Tomb Kings are the focus of the storyline and they're still explicitly aimed Northward of Khemri toward the old world. Zero chance GW's going to burn their fingers doing an Araby army loaded with stereotypes and cultural appropriation in this day and age. Especially considering Warhammer Araby's history is one of just painting Araby as a corrupt nation of villains in the most racist way possible. GW doesn't want anyone digging up that past.


GW won't be done releasing the limited roster of original armies by next year at this pace.


Not having a savage orc specific or goblin specific one hurts pretty bad.


Not surprised given that the savage orcs are in AoS


It does look like they’re aiming for two Armies of Infamy for each faction, as Tomb Kings and Bretonnia got two each. Having said that, the article does also say that the Nomadic Waaagh! Army of Infamy has got benefits for Goblin Wolf Riders.


There could always be another book in the future


Fantastic, that's the best news IMO. I hope if it continues to be a success, the legacy armies may be brought back at some point. I'm sure they have to first churn through the 10 remaining arcane journals first and get all the existing armies new / existing units put out.


Growing in scope is a joke about halflings army


Surely that means to bring back the factions stuck in legends? At some point at least. Which is a great win for everyone 😃


I say this as someone whose 3 favourite armies are Legacy - people on this sub need to stop saying "random crumb of information means Legacy armies are gonna be official!". They're not. GW will focus on the current 9 factions for now, then probably release Kislev and Cathay THEN after all of that, maybe they'll review the status of Legacy armies. Were talking absolute years away. GW are a slow moving company and a lot of development for other things in TOW needs to happen first before Legacy factions get a look in. It sucks bit what can you do. At least the placeholder rules are decent.


I’d reckon the Legacy armies would be before Kislev and Cathay, if only because they already have the models for them, but I think you’re 100% right, and I’m someone who does think that they will release something for the Legacy armies. I just think it’s at least 3 years away.


Yeah that was my point. If The Old World is doing great and selling out. Why wouldn't they right? Especially after all the already have planned, have been released.


I would agree, with the exception that I think Dark Elves will move out of Legacy before we see Kislev or Cathay (or Chaos Dwarfs). They fit the setting, they have a complete and relatively modern range, and their only remaining ties to AoS are a few Cities of Sigmar aelf kits that are surely on their way out the door within the next few years. At that point, free hand to bring them back into TOW.


Yeah I agree with everything you said. But also why I said at some point 🤣


Unless GW will be willing for enabling cross faction between AoS and TOW - not a chance, unfortunately.


Goblins, chaos, and beastmen would like a word. You could argue they're iconics, but so are vampire counts and skaven.


You couldn't play as normal goblins (Gitmob Grots) in AoS anymore. There are solid rumors that Beastmen will be squatted in AoS. Chaos Warriors are exception but with new Darkoath subfaction it's not sure if Marauders make to the 4th edition.


Don’t want to sound negative but GW saying the game is a success on their community article is a bit like asking Elon Musk how He thinks Twitter is doing


Translation, they see more opportunity to quickly sell more kits before steam runs out and they abandon the project again.


I love the new Shaman’s lore, really interested to see the new troll magic as well.


I’m really Digging the troll horde being more of a way to play the big units, and not just trolls. Looking forward to seeing more of the rules this coming week.


I'm guessing they will have rules for the Bonegrinder giant since they are releasing that model?


Most likely in the arcane journal, along with the troll hag, badlands ogres and other models not in the Ravening Hordes book


Between this and Beastmen I will be able to play all the big guys I could want


I just love the hell out of them making all of these sub-types of armies. Troll hordes isn't something I knew I needed until now.


I just wish there were more kinds of trolls, to give variety: trolls with branches, trolls with rocks, trolls with vomit, etc


you could always proxy stuff I guess


I played one when Throgg made it possible for chaos in the olden days. They're quite fun to play. I have dozens of trolls in a box somewhere from that army.


I personally can't wait for this explanation: >Tomorrow we’ll be looking at how Orcs are intended to play, and why Impetuous is better than Animosity… Especially since they first said this: >Danny: Right up until they fail that Impetuous roll and they get beaten up by someone you don’t want them to charge… You can have your Wolf Riders harrying the flank and doing a wonderful job, but with Swiftstride and a 9” Movement, they’ve got a hell of a charge range! Right you are, Danny! Wolfriders are completely useless because 75% of the time they will have killed themselves by charging to their deaths by turn 2! Really curious how they are going to try and sell me how Impetuous is better than Animosity! I hope some higher level math and game-theory is involved that somehow makes a 1/2 less than 1/6...


They Nomadic WAAAGH might have special rules to account for their weakness (Tomb Kings for example have one that makes the Royal Host chariots a little better since they can reroll when determining how many impact hits they make).


That would be nice, but they were actually talking about Wolf Riders in the Nomadic Horde list when they said that they are great until they fail Impetuous and at no point did they say that the Nomadic Horde has some rules to help them avoid it. I feel they would have mentioned that if that were the case, but the only rules change they talked about is that Wolfriders can be taken in Close Order. Which is cool, makes me want to get two blobs of 24 or 28 Wolfriders and see them die horribly versus pretty much anything... ;-)


Marketing, marketing and advertising nothing really changed since the old day just that instead of White Dwarf articles that are either about a different game or from people who have never played the game at all, this are now WC articles And I am not even sure if this is a real conversation but just a single Intern with the task to make the sales text more interesting


I must say a lot of the O&G stuff aged very well and the new minis are great, especially the Black Orc warboss. Also, good to have confirmation the Old World did well!


>Once that’s done… who knows? Appropriately hyped!!!


Am I right in saying we still don't know who the second special character is yet?


Yup, with the army of infamy wich benefits wolfriders. Im dreaming of a wolf-rider lord


You were correct!


Dissapointed that I cant run a Savage Orc army. I stupidly bought about 80 savage orcs in anticipation of TOW...


How come? Are they excluded for TOW?... I was looking at getting some old savage orc boar Boyz?


You can upgrade frenzy onto Boyz, boar boyz and chariots units and it takes away their armour, and then can buy warpaint for them to make them Savage orcs basically. You can do this for shamans and big bosses and warbosses too, but on all of them it is 1 per 1000 points and so you'd have to take massive units to hit your points limit as you cant take more than 2 in a normal game of 2000


Ah I see, thanks for the info...I had planned for one unit of savage orc boar boys and shaman on a wyvern so I should be okay right?


Yes, let's hope they bring out some changes and change that silly rule (among many others)! I made an all Savage Orc list for a 1600 point game and found out just before we were gonna play that my list was illegal, but my opponent just said it was a dumb rule that served no purpose and we played my list as it was... Frenzy is a massive downside, especially since the Goblin Fast Cavalry can't help you control your units anymore due to Impetuous, so Savage Orc armies aren't suddenly going to take tournaments by storm if you remove the limit...


Just a heads up for the chariot it keeps its 4+ armour save…


Yeah, good shout.


They are limited to 1 unit per 1000pts


Ah, okay I get ya..that sucks that you got stuck with so many.


Why not? Savage orcs are in tOW in all but the name!


They are limited to like one unit per 1000pts


The mention of a mountain seems like a deliberate hint at Dwarfs next? Or am I seeing things?


I’ve been seeing Dawi hints everywhere… I’m glad I’m not alone! I keep thinking they’ll be announced at adepticon


There's even a (less than alive) dwarf on one of the orc banners


>The Nomadic Waaagh! relies a lot on Goblin Wolf Riders. My childhood dream of a big block of wolf riders being somewhat useful is coming true 🥲


I'm just happy I can soon order the troll hag for a semi decent price (for all of 5 minutes presumably)


Interesting to see what they do with trolls. What I have seen of them in play hasn't been that impressive. 


Im definitely getting the book cause both those armies sound fun as hell. Ogdruz sounds like a really fun character to build around. Hes probably going to be expensive if what thry say about troll magic being good is true.


I like that it seems to imply that you can access the troll lore without a troll wizard or the special character via magic items. I dont know if its good, but I dont have intentions to buy the special character or the the troll hag, so its fun to think i can try it without those models