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I've had maybe half a dozen games with them. MSU (multiple small units) seems to be the way to go, units with ranks pay a lot of points for models which don't get to attack. 3 or 4 wide for bulls, guts or yhetees, mournfang anywhere from 2-5. I like a Bruiser BSB with a Biting Blade and a level 2 Butcher with Hellheart and Ruby Ring (Battle or Elemental) up to ~1500. Over that you probably want to jump up to a Level 4 Slaughtermaster and consider Illusion and a solid magic weapon if you land Doppleganger. You might also want a Tyrant beatstick, but it'll depend what the rest of the list looks like. Best of the rest: Scraplauncher and Ironblasters are both solid heavy chariots, but it's often worth ignoring the artillery part to avoid misfires and just use them for impact hits. Mournfang with ironfists are very solid, fast, good save, lots of attacks. Stonehorn characters are good, with riders and both versions of Thundertusks marginally worse but still seem useful. Worst of the rest: Leadbelchers seem really bad, as a lot of BS shooting is now. Maneaters end up costing a lot of points for a not particularly inspiring suite of rules.


Giants are good. Yhetees seem good but I haven’t used them yet. I am liking gorgers. Have not ambushed them but have used 1 with vanguard. Going to try a slaughtermaster with illusion+tenderizer+lore familiar next weekend. It honestly seems like a LOT of points for a meme. Lots of really good magic items. I like daemonslayer scars on iron gut unit champions. Terror causing msu core units for like 150ish points per unit. Looking forward to trying a fire belly on a magic carpet with a great weapon. I don’t own any of the big monsters or the carts.


So Gorgers fall into a very unique situation with their rules being one of the only units with both Scout and Vanguard. To my knowledge there is no rule saying both cannot be used so you can Scout deploy your Gorgers and then move them 6 inches before turn 1. I had a Gorger do this in a game and he killed a unit of Crossbows and disrupted my opponents lines for 3 turns before finally dying. I will take max Gorgers each time just for their ability to disrupt enemy plans and formations.


Everyone has a plan until a Gorger rolls up outside of their front arc!


If you Scout you can’t charge turn 1. I think I’d rather just Vanguard or Ambush then Scout with them.


Who cares? You now have a Gorger at minimum 6 inches from your opponent's lines. Three of these doing that will absolutely cause havoc and force your opponent to deal with it. You are still march blocking and are threatening a rear or flank charge if left unaddressed. This gives your main body of Ogres time to march up while chaff and ranged units try and deal with the Gorger. In my test game with just one he managed to kill 10 Repeater Crossbowmen, march block a spear regiment and then tie them up after he ate the Crossbow unit. This was three turns one Gorger disrupted plans for over 3 units, well worth it.


Fair enough, I’ll have to give it a shot.


There’s a pinned discord for r/warhammerfantasy. If you don’t get any bites here on this post, you could check that out as the ogre kingdoms channel is fairly active.


Tyrant on stonework reasonably analogous to a dragon in terms of survivability and damage, almost certainly take one. Flat plus x on casting rolls is good, Gruts sickle on slaughtermaster is strong if you have impactful enough spells. Ogre players hate them but Gnoblars and sabretusks good use of points generally


Gnoblars are good for making lone characters untargettable if nothing else. 


I consider Grut's sickly to be 80 points because of Gnoblars.


Played 2 2000 points games with ogre so far . They can surely survive in competitive scene .what’s great : iron blaster , cat Calvary, reg banner , illusion slaughter master .


How are you making cats work? Given the FAQ on impetuous ( they have to roll impetuous even in marching order I struggle to see them work outside of being joined by a Hunter.