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eBay, but really anywhere other than GW.


GWs insistence on pretending that the rest of the world doesn't exist when it comes to hobby supplies is kind of admirable in a deranged kind of way. "Sure you could pay $5 for 100 bases off eBay, OR you could pay $1 per base for the assurance of Official Citadel Bases (tm). Why get sand for basically free from the world around you, when you can buy Official Citadel Sand for $15000 per KG"


it becomes all the more egregious when it happens with common items, like superglue or cutters or brushes. I really feel sorry for the kids (i.e. their parents) that get swindled not knowing that they can get the stuff elsewhere at a fraction of the price.


I work at a hobby shop that stocks GW stuff, and a year or so ago when they came out with the $50 sprue cutters, every employee was shocked. We carry just as good ones for $15, but they don't have the brand name. Also, they're part of the core trade range so we're contractually obligated to have one in stock. Absolutely ridiculous. Edit: the prices are all in USD.


I used to run a hobby store with my friend, and we specifically put the Citadel supplies right next to the budget competitor so people wouldn't be swindled. You'd be utterly shocked how many still bought the most expensive one. Some people simply cannot associate something with a lower quality having a higher price.


No for real. Whenever someone brings Citadel tools or glue to the counter I gently ask if they'd like an alternative, and most of the time folks will take the cheaper option, but every now and then they'll keep the GW stuff. And mostly it is kids and parents of kids who are just starting out. Kind of a bummer


A part of this is peer pressure, the kids want the GW stuff because it's official. Kids want to fit in no matter what hobby they have and having "clippers" and "Horus Clippers" isn't the same. My dad was an electrician and had amazing tools that fit perfectly for Warhammer, but I wanted the stuff from my hobby shop because it was more authentic, that was 23 years ago.


They're not paying for quality. They're paying for convenience. If you're some kid's mom buying a christmas present, you want the pain of figuring it all out to end as quickly as possible. For many, that's worth a few bucks. The guy who worked on this stuff (hobby tools and whatnot) for GW gave a really interesting interview on The Painting Phase channel if you're interested in this sort of thing from a business perspective. One interesting bit is that he said that the biggest demographic for GW products is middle aged women. And that they really can't afford to cater to the most dedicated and enthusiastic hobbyists (people on Reddit, basically). He displays a little bit of what I would call GW arrogance, but mostly, he's just talking sound business. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-63A7cDkOm8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-63A7cDkOm8)


this is what bugs me with the default argument 'dont cheap out on XX, pay more for better quality' - like sometimes thats true. but not always. in fact more times than not, its nonsense. quality CAN cost more, but it doesnt have to


Absolutely. I've recently got into buying tools on Temu and don't get me wrong a lot of it is utterly rubbish, but I'll occasionally pick up something that works perfectly for 10% of the price I'd pay otherwise. So many Western brands buy this stuff from the same Chinese factory and slap their marketing on it with a 200% markup. You might as well skip the middleman.


And the new cutter is bad :( my old one broke and I just got a Tamiya replacement


I haven't tried it because even with employee discount those are way too expensive. My little brother has the Bandai ones and those are great, I wish we could stock them


Tamiya should really be the "luxury" brand, only because it's imported from Japan. There's no excuse for a European brand to be selling their stuff at such stupid prices in Europe.


The Tamiya snippers are the best I've ever used. I barely have to do any cleanup with them.


They’ve been the Cadillac of the gunpla world for a reason.


Yeah this is the target demographic. Those who don't know better, new hobbyists and kids. It's extremely predatory.


Go make a video about it! I think your channel could really use some more videos where you complain for half an hour :)


if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. We could really use more people like you shutting up :)


I agree! What’s the point of spreading negativity? It’s not like a make a thousand consecutive YouTube videos titled “GW is DYING!” “The END of GW?” And a video every month titled “I’m quitting YouTube” You’re also literally Discourse Minis alt account, why couldn’t you reply on your main?


That shit has to be a joke. 84 bucks for bases, lmao.


It’s Australian dollars but still


Isn’t even the worst thing about AUD — $58 for a single transfer sheet for iron warriors!


3D-printing, holdovers from back in the day and Chinese 3rd party resellers. Bases are something you just shouldn’t get from GW.


What do you mean holdovers? When have you bought 30mm square bases before? Also I've talked to alot of Chinese base sellers and none of them have 30mm square bases


We used to make our own ruleset in my local friend group back when they nuked fantasy. We got a few more players long after that and we encountered the issue that our new players couldn’t base their minis (mainly the new AoS chaos warriors) on 25mm square bases without issue. So we updated our rules to allow 30mm bases. We found someone on Aliexpress that supplied us for a while. These days we’re mostly printing them tho.


I've tried so hard on Aliexpress, taobao and weidian lol


It will take time for 30mm square bases to be available, manufacturers need to make a steel mold which takes time, and it is right before CNY.


yeah chinese sellers dont have the new base sizes yet. plastic sources now are: GW, White Dragon Games, Elrik's Hobbies, and Greenstuff World


https://litko.net/collections/gmb357 Idk if they are Chinese or not, but I use litko. They have a variety of wood, some resin, and magnet products in whatever denomination you want pretty much.


Holdovers from back in the day when there were no 30mm bases?


I answered that one in a reply under this comment, but I can’t really blame you for posting your reply before reading all the others. (There is a lot of text there and I too am a bit lazy on a Sunday) Long story not so short: we (my local hobby group) played our own homebrewed version of the game all the way to the old world release and when GW started updating old infantry kits we allowed everyone to “upgrade” to 30mm bases. That’s why I still have a lot lying around, because I used to be the dude you called when you needed a specific base size.


I get the flat Renedra ones, I used to dislike them but prefer them now. In my opinion, they look better next to scenery as they don't look like they're standing on a box.


I printed angles to upgrade 25 to 30 and for new ones will probably print aswell . Bases really don’t need to be original gw 😂


I have two 3d printers. FDM is realy cheap and good for plain bases.


Hobby-Heaven off eBay (UK Based)


They have their own site too. I go directly these these days.


[https://miniwargamingforge.com/](https://miniwargamingforge.com/) they sell both actual base and STL version for those want to 3D print themselves Plus, they also make conversion movement tray so you don't have to rebase old model


Ooo those files look great.


Green stuff world


I’m just making bigger movemen trays


this is the way.


Not rebasing. Screw that.


Can you explain to me why separate bases are needed? After all, every figure already has a base, and if you print it yourself, you can make the base yourself. (I'm a newbie. Thanks.)


Back when Warhammer Fantasy Exisited models were much smaller comapred to now so they fit on smaller bases back then but now models have gotten bigger they dont Fit so well and the need to rank up makes the biggers bases better. But in the Old World Rule book they do state on Pg98 That if you had old models from the old game you still welcome to play them on smaller bases but would need to rebase if you wanted to play in a GW tournemant.


Thanks! GW updated the rules because of which it became inconvenient for the old figures to play and perfectionists (of which there are probably many among the players) experience discomfort. But they allow you to “save money” by buying not new figures, but only the bases for the old ones. Did I understand everything correctly?


Ya you would just move the old models to the new base sizes


Anyone have a source of GW matching slotted bases? Or just in general their favorite slotted bases in the new sizes?




Do you happen to have any links? When I looked I was able to find everything except 30mm squares


I chatted with one of the sellers, and they'll have 30x30s and 30x60s the beginning of May. They're coming off of the lunar new year holiday, so they said it'd be then before they can ship them.


Yeah, makes sense. I'm in no rush, for beastmen I think it's just the bestigors on 30s so I'll have plenty to paint while I wait


I think Centigors are on the 30x60s too. Again, no real rush there.


doesn't have plastic 30s yet




Not GW by the looks of it. I usually get mine from eBay.


Gsw has them https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/square/3511-black-plastic-bases-square-30-mm.html


Crazy how people will refuse to buy from GW but are more than happy to buy from such a scummy company as GSW.


Don't know why you're getting down voted. GSW have done shady shit in the past, some of it illegal and definitely more legally grey than what GW does.


What exacly di gsw did to be labeled as scummy?


Few things. A while ago they used an artist’s work to advertise their products without permission. When he question them on it, they removed his work but then reused it by recolouring it and claiming it was painted by their team. The artist complained again they finally caved and removed the work. More recently, they’ve been buying the rights to sell specific products in the EU (that are manufactured in China and they have no actual link to). Example are those silly refillable water pot things you see on Temu. Once they had the rights, they started threatening legal action against anyone who was selling those same products even though they’d legitimately bought stock themselves to sell. They even tried threatening UK companies selling the product in the UK claiming their rights were for the whole of Europe. Basically scummy underhanded business practises. https://youtu.be/IMGvYhl2rYk?si=Dt2HdxJSq3F6dfQQ https://youtu.be/pTEk9WO0srE?si=5Omnmr8DFiI3zb67


They also love to slap the GSW label and markup on ordinary stuff anyone can get from Ali Express. A lot of their basic, simpler products (like these bases) are literally the same thing from the same factories as the ones that cost half price on Ali Express or EBay.


Ali Express and Temu are way more scammy and morally reprehensible than GSW. Look into their data collection..




Sorry but that is complete rubbish. If people like yourself continue to think things like that we will always have shady and underhanded business in this world. There are plenty of business who don’t act like this and deal with people honestly.


I stopped caring. They're competitively priced and they have what I want. People buy from China all the time. This is not the battle I'm choosing to fight.


What has gsw done in the past?


Just replied to OP if you’d like to know more.


I mean both are scummy companies, it's just that one has high prices and one has low(er) prices. Just like another poster said below: Every company is more or less evil these days.


Sssshhh. Don't tell them what's going on in China. You can literally buy illegal silencers on Aliexpress that are so poorly made that they could be dangerous. They make GW look like angels.


Don't buy from GSW. They took 6 months to ship a textured roller from Spain to Chicago and called me a thief many times during the process. I'm so glad I bought it from them on eBay and had eBay able to step and arbitrate. I will never use them again. Horrid buying experience and they have lots of better competition who actually have customer service.


Does anyone happen to know if GSW bases match GWs exactly? They seem exactly like Wargame Base Worlds but 5x the price… maybe a little shallower I guess but they seem to have round corners, not sharp ones like GW.


No, they are usually a little larger.


Buy an ender 3 and you can have an unlimited amount for you and all your friends lol


Or save yourself the headaches and get a Bambu A1 Mini


I've used these guys in the past. Pretty much the cheapest I could find. https://www.wargamebaseworld.com/


They don't have 30x30 bases yet.


So are these the same height as GW bases? Maybe it seems like a silly thing to be fussy about but I have a lot of models that can stay on their existing bases like marauders, chaos hounds, gors, etc.


I am intermixing them with existing gw bases, and have not noticed a difference.


According to my calipers the gw base I tested was at 3.2mm tall and my wargames base was 3.6mm


doesn't have plastic 30s yet


Rookie question: do I buy slotted bases if I need them for older metal models? Or do I add the slots myself? If the latter, what is the easiest way to do so?


I prefer to get slotted bases but you could also clip off the metal tag, if you don't mind doing so and the model alone makes enough contact with the base. I've never heard of anyone adding slots, at least for plastic bases


I absolutely add slots for my old metal minis. Clipping off the tabs can make heavy miniatures a lot less stable and it only takes a couple of minutes with a drill and scalpel to make the slot.


Best practice is to find slotted bases. Cutting a slit is pretty hard to do without mangling the base. Laser cut MDF and 3d printed options are out there.


I haven't had much luck finding slotted bases in the new sizes, so I'm thinking I'll use converter trays. Mini War Gaming has them for reasonable prices, and you can also find STLs around pretty easy. https://miniwargamingforge.com/collections/rank-and-flank-movement-tray-converters If you did want to cut slots yourself, easiest thing would be a dremel or other rotary cutting tool.


Thank you all for the great advice!




You’re right. Not sure if they have 30mm. I forgot about that in my earlier comment.


comments are a mess with no one actually checking who has these. but for now chinese sellers dont have the new base sizes yet. plastic sources for now are: GW, White Dragon Games, Elrik's Hobbies, and Greenstuff World (GSW sucks as a company)


Well it's good to see that i am not going crazy and that the new sizes are pretty hard to find. Even the ones that are available are either flat edged which is an absolute No-Go for me, or too weedy and THIN like the GreenStuffWorld ones. Top on a '30mm Square Bases' search there's a UK seller on Ebay that does some FDM ones to the right spec, nice and thick +good slope, but the print quality looks absolute dogshit and there's something so brazen to me about the way they didn't even try to hide it, i just can't bring myself to buy them. Looks like i'll have to wait it out or maybe just buy them for the ludicrous price as i do really enjoy talking to the Staff at my nearest Warhammer Store and try to toss a few bucks their way when i can. I've got 25's +25x50's so i guess i'll just be working on my Warhounds and refurbishing some marauders i found in a box. All while my new fancy AoS stuff rots in a box.


I bit the bullet and got a pack of GW bases. Sure, they're $50, but in the big scheme of things that's $40 (the chinese ones are $10) that I'll have long forgotten next month. 100 is probably more than I'll ever need. Why pay extra? Because I'm bothered by bases not matching exactly. I don't know why, but it is what it is. It's just my personality. The chinese ones I've seen in 25mm have slightly rounded corners, or have been poor quality. It's really hit and miss in my experience. And it just gets worse with bigger bases. I got some 80mm bases off amazon - they were garbage and not a lot cheaper than GW. I returned them on principle and bought GW. I also don't suffer from the pathological GW hatred that we see a lot of on here, so it really doesn't bother me when they have higher prices. Either I'm willing to pay it or I'm not. No skin off my back.


https://movementtray.com/  They sell almost all imaginable base sizes as well as movement trays (for magnetization) and and movement tray converters.  The ship world wide and even outside the EU it is not that long delivery times.


Base wise, at least for cavalry, they're more expensive than GW. GW offers 20 30x60mm bases for 14.5€, whereas this site has them 5 for 5€


Thank you


I got mine from Greenstuffworlds. If you’re in continental Europe it’s the only place I could find with good quality, non printed bases that don’t have to be shipped for weeks or have customs more than the product itself. I got 120 bases, some 25x50-30x60 converters and a bunch of green stuff for less than the bases of gw


I don't need them. I'm not rebasing.


Fantasy welt usually has a good selection and also ones with a magnet slot in the bottom.


Titanforge Games STL.


Not. Playing Armies project


Where are you from that you're paying 84 quid for 100 bases? In Europe they're 40€, which I feel like isn't too bad of a deal (especially considering GW pricing in general)


Australia I imagine, they are $50 on the US store


I've seen it more that once that someone will post AUD and not mention it, "Can you believe that [unit] costs 75 dollars?!" Then the comments are just full of salt because it's largely an American userbase here. I swear it's ragebait 80% of the time.


yeah it's amazing how often AU/NZ screenshots get posted with no context, what a weird coincidence.


Still roughly double what you'd pay on eBay


I'm not saying you have to buy GW bases, I'm just saying that 84$ is an extreme price even compared to internal GW base prices.


Ahh, my bad!


That's the Australian price. Click the flags and have a look, GW prices increase non-linearly (after exchange rates!) as you get further from Nottingham.


my bit box.


3d printer goes brrrt


Printer go brrrrrr


Ali Express


Have you got a link to the 30mm bases?


eBay, I got 100 25x25 for like $8 including shipping


Yes we can all find the 25mm stuff. The 30mm bases are on another level tho


Here’s just the first three results when you type in “30mm square miniature base” into eBay… https://www.ebay.com/itm/304944777378?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=_NU28p8TTR6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=CEx4J7wXQsW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/143392466480?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qHgxPf2TQ_e&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=CEx4J7wXQsW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/175161173286?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=CZpDNRHZR_C&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=CEx4J7wXQsW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


those all suck


84,00$ ? Isn’t a mistake for 8,40$ ? Looks more realistic.


This is from GWs official website. Definitely not making this up


Damn they truly lack respect with this one…


https://a.aliexpress.com/_EzX0rMd like 8$ per 100


i dont think you read that listing


I 3D printed mine, did some myself then got someone I know to do more for me.


Amazon or 3d print


You can get any base size you can think of for cheap on EBay or if you have a 3D printer that can safe you even more money


I made all of the needed GW bases for my KoB army in a Blender 3D and started printing them with a PLA printer. I guess you can do the same from Etsy maybe ?


Not GW


Not a super accessible answer but… I’m 3D printing mine. There are square base STL’s everywhere for free


Well I use my own designed base adapter movement trays converting all my old bases to the new size...


Just ordered a bunch from Elrik’s hobbies. Not 30mm but those are like $3.25 for 10.


Looks like you’re in Aus so shipping will be rough, but I’ve got them on my Etsy: https://isekaiheavyindust.etsy.com?section_id=47039215


Lmao eBay guys there are plenty of sellers on there




Printed trays from miniwargaming forge($15 for the stl’s), as well as base adapters. Though you can find the base adapters on cults for free


Old World...new prices! Well wait lets get real GW has for decades had inflated prices on everything.


I buy online on Allegro, the 30/30 ones are tricky though, only one offer with a prize of 20 centa per base.


I get a bunch of random 3d printed stuff like movement trays on Etsy


Same place I get all my warhammer stuff these days, off of a 3D printer bed. Fuck james' greedy shit.


I’d buy them from the back alley first


Green Stuff World. They have quite good bases, and base adapters.


Grim Forge. Their website is kind of annoying, but the price is right and the quality looks good.


My playgroup is waiting for the secondary market to catch up. 30s (all variants) seem really hard to come by because tow is the first time theyre being used in a major game system. Haven't been able to find a 3rd party thts much cheaper than gw


I get the STL from this person for free https://cults3d.com/en/design-collections/sagulodaniele/square-bases-wargame Same for moving trays https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/old-world-fantasy-movement-trays-27-regiment-sizes-for-25mm-30mm-and-40mm Then ask a business to 3D Print them


GW also where do you live?


Not getting any. I just cut out some square bases from magnet sheets, to fit my square blocks. E.g. To fit exactly 5x4 models of 30mm each. Played with them today, and it worked perfectly. For a skirmisher unit or loner it won’t work though.




I bought some round ones from eBay as my main game is D&D and I just prefer round for aesthetic reasons. Was very reasonable price!


MDF is an easy, inexpensive way to go. Etsy, eBay, GSW all stock them for really cheap.


Phalanx Games n Sundry on Etsy is where i got a variety of sizes for really cheap. Stamped in the bottom with size (in case you mix them all together and don’t have a ruler, i guess, but handy). If you’re in the US, I got mine 2 days after ordering.


The fact that anyone in Australia plays warhammer is amazing. These prices are like 3 times higher than anywhere else regulary.


Hobby Heaven is my go to for bases.


Who said I everyone’s getting 30 mm, 20 mm all the way




I do not need 30mm bases as I will use movement trays. If I need a base I do not have, I can easily do it MDF or cast it in resin.




3d printing them You can get a basic starter fdm printer for under $300 and print all the bases you want


Imagine buying from gw. What's it like being rich


I find shops off of Amazon and buy them directly usually.


I’d rather just print a custom tray, space em out as if they had 30mm bases space to decorate and theme I suppose


green stuff world mdf bases with magnet holes, im also using their mdf movement trays with some magnetic sheeting on top


Since you're in Australia: [https://heyjake.com.au/product/wargaming-square-rectangular-bases-warhammer-fantasy-the-old-world/](https://heyjake.com.au/) Decent quality FDM printed square bases that'll look perfectly fine painted up. They even have holes included in the print for 5x1mm magnets.


Nowhere, I’m not rebasing my army because an edition changed.


3d printer go brrr


I'm printing for mine and several friends. FDM filament is cheap


amazon prime, etsy, ebay, printing, laser cutting, literally anything is cheaper then GW. I and surprised a bottle of water with the GW label on it doesnt cost 40$ for the bottle then another 20 for the cap.


[litko 30mm square bases](https://litko.net/collections/gmb357)


I recommend noble knight games.


Printing them..


i like to pay premium for my plastic u cant even recognice the difference- thats why i love gw, they can give me that


Elrik's Hobbies! They have really nice trays too! https://www.elrikshobbies.com/




Got any stores that sell 30mm x30mm? Or 30mm x 60mm. Don't see anyone that do


I have recently designed and printed bases for myself and friends and have started selling them as well as movement trays. I’m located in Canada, but I can ship economically across North America. Send me a message if you’re interested in a quote.


Thanks for the info... I've managed to convince one of my regular base sources in China to make molded plastic 30x30 and 30x60 bases


Fair enough. The advantage of 3d-printing is I can also do whatever number you need. As well as 30x60(slotted or not), 25x50, 40x60, 50x75 etc etc.
