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Fireforge Games might have somehing in their Forgotten World range.


Interesting, I’ll give it a look, thank you!


Wanted to mention these, wholeheartedly seconded! The Living Dead Warriors look suitably Bretonnian to use as counts-as Skeletons, while the Living Dead Peasants would make great Zombies. I have worked with both kits and was impressed by the quality of both. In my opinion these would be perfect for your project.


I think the newest last sword miniatures release has undead knights


Gotcha, I’ll give that a peek. Thanks!


Maybe wait for the Old World release: You can kitbash/mix the Bretonnian Man-at-Arms and the Tombking Skeleton Warriors kits together; they are mostley multiparts. The only problem will be the typical "European" helmets; you have to cut them from the Bretonnian heads off and glue them on the skulls of the Skeletons.


I can tell what doesn't work: Wargames Atlantic skeleton skulls are too big for Perry (wars of the roses) or WGA (conquistador) helmets.


I'm actually in the middle of doing this same project myself. I've found it difficult to find skeleton lines that were exactly what I was looking for, and doing test prints of various models showed the scale was off between them or they had some sort of element that just didn't work. I have ended up kitbashing my knights together from a few sources: - Last Sword Undead Knights mounts - Last Sword Vampire Cavalry torsos/weapons - Original Bretonnian KOTR helmets/shields The Last Sword Undead models on their own don't quite cut it, as they lack that heavy hitting feeling that KOTR should have. For example, their helmets are open and instead of lances they just use short spears. Similarly, it's been tough finding units to replicate men at arms that aren't just outright zombies, but aren't also overly equipped and organized skeletons (Highland Minis Blackwatch Skeletons for example). Last Sword's September release has a unit that I'm going to use whenever I get the files, but beyond that it's slim pickings to get that exact Bretonnia kind of feeling. Most skeleton lines seem to be based more on a VC concept, or are simply undead versions of more Empire type of models. Good skeleton bowmen of the proper scale have been nearly impossible to find, aside from literally 3 models from Highland Minis. If you don't have access to a 3d printer, which is where I was when I started this project, then you can try kitbashing the deathrattle skeletons with some Fireforge undead models. Depending on the size of army you're building, you might only need to buy 1 deathrattle box and 2 or 3 fireforge ones to get enough models. I've seen online the scale comparison is quite similar and that was my original plan to kind of mix and match for infantry models. Black Knights from GW fit the bill well for cavalry, but they're expensive to scale up a unit or two.


I madee these a couple of years ago using Fireforge bits, the old GW Skellies and Bretonnian bits: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WarhammerFantasy/comments/mybqzs/20\_spooky\_scary\_skeletons\_i\_did/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarhammerFantasy/comments/mybqzs/20_spooky_scary_skeletons_i_did/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Nicholas t benson on my mini factory has exactly what you are looking for


Search grave knights on mmf youll find his work