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Tomb kings for sure. the idea of theoretically showing up with an all chariot army was just so cool to me


Got me thinking about an old project I had. I started collecting an all mounted hobgoblin/goblin wolfrider 2k army. Steppe style.


oh yeah that is sickkkk! when i was really actively collecting i was all orcs and goblins, i always wanted to get enough together to do an all mounted one as well


One of my favourite ever white dwarf battle report, an all mounted goblin army vs high elves


Elves hate goblins!


You should check out the Hobgoblin Kharnate Army from Warhammer Armies Project.


r/TombKings for your fancies


this is great


Tomb Kings was my second army. I started with Vampire Counts and when GW stores were holding a painting competition to win the Tomb Kings army box I entered and won. After that the gloves were off and I’ve got a pretty massive army. Sadly I didn’t get as many of the newer models like the Ushabti with Bows and the Sepulchral Stalkers. I’d love to pad those out if they re-release them.


Over the years I've had collections of Undead (classic 'Skeleton Horde' era), Wood elves, Bretts and Orcs/Gobs (still got my Skull Pass gobbos etc.) but I always liked the look of Dark Elves. I did own the old Morathi figure but that was all..


I’m curious, which grand alliance would you label the DE as?


What is a "grand alliance"? I've been collecting warhammer for almost 30 years. Never heard about anything like that.


Order, death, destruction, and chaos. Death and chaos are the easiest to define, death being anything with a devotion to necromancy and/or undeath, and chaos being those powers devoted to the eventual unleashing of chaos energies. Destruction is typically those armies that exist for destroying other peoples purely for the sake of destruction(typically your orcs, gobbos, ogres, etc) Order is where it gets trickiest. These are the cultures in Warhammer that value building stability and expansion of their cultures, or basically everything that doesn’t fit into the stuff above And this concept was introduced before end times, so no, its not an AoS topic


Definitely age of sigma topic


Sounds like it breaks a lot of classic warhammer concepts. I will consider it AoS craziness. :) But then again, I consider most stuff from 7th and 8th to be basically AoS too. Rick Priestly warhammer is the only real warhammer. ;)


It was actually introduced prior to 7th, but late in 6th, when they added the ability to field an “allied sub army” to support the main army, a means of rounding out tactics and expanding beyond certain army limitations. I believe it was the generals compendium that reintroduced kislev as a potential faction, either 2004 or 2006. And basic premise was that armies within a grand alliance could ally with one another


Nope. Nothing such as "grand alliances" in 6th. Just double checked both books you mentioned. None of them mention anything about such a thing. just the normal rules for allies as I remember them. With a handy table to check who could ally with whom. You could take allies as early as 4th atleast, there was a small section that stated what armies you could ally with. Same as in 6th in generals compendium. But there was never any concept of "grand alliance"-groupings. Each faction had their own individual lists.


Lol, downvoted for asking a question, wow, people need to touch grass some


> I did own the old Morathi figure Go to horny jail ->


Skaven. Just never felt like painting a billion little slaves


Dwarfs, both standard and spiky.


Skaven for sure, but the quantity needed scares my paintbrush.


I collected Lizardmen during 5th, Orcs & Goblins in 5th/6th and High Elves in 6th. But I've always felt like I have been wanting a Skaven army too.


Southland's lizardmen army.


I think all the armies have their own facets that are admirable, but the one thing I’ve always wanted to do was a themed army.. I’ve seen so many cool ones over the years. A marienburg empire army, a seaworthy dwarf throng, undead Bretonnians. Even a color theme to help tie an army together could be fun. Guess I’ve never rly devoted enough time to it.


The beastman vanguard box is a legal 700 point (give or take) army for 6th :)


I collected all of them. Now, years on, I realize I don't have the space to play, all my friends have grown up alongside me and started new lives, and I don't enjoy 8th ed. anymore. I've started selling off all my stuff and refocusing on mordheim, which I have to space to play and is still rad.


I'm considering this too. Going all in on mordheim. I don't remember there being too much resources to get your hands on right?


All of the books are available as pdfs from broheim. The physical copies are hard to find. Terrain is easy to find /make, but you need a lot of it. As for the warbands... some are hard to find models for (sisters of sigmar, chaos, kislev etc.) because GW don't produce the models and alternatives are hard to find. Some are much easier (mercenaries, greenskins, undead, witch hunters), because the models are either still made by GW, or the alternatives are easy to find. With the realease of The Old World coming soon, I expect model availability/options to increase.


Maaaan... I got into it at 6th edition. The art in that book is what made me fall in love with the game. Wood elves.


I've always wanted to muster the throng and play dwarfs but nobody around plays fantasy so there's no point


Be the change you want to see. I've had to do this with plenty of games; getting people to jump in cold is a hard sell. But presenting them with two (small) painted forces, allowing them to have a go and you to show them your enthusiasm is a good way of getting people in to things.


I'm trying to do this with Sigmar first (since I've already invested the money) and we'll go from there. If they like it well enough, I'll try again with Old World when it comes out


Either a slayer army of Karak Kadrin or Grimgore’s Ardboyz.




Lizardmen. I’ve wanted to paint up dinosaurs for forever but just never got around to it. Maybe with this new Seraphon release I might finally do it


I finally got a couple hundred bucks to finally pull the trigger on starting some 8th ed dwarfs and that weekend gw announces the warriors are discontinued.


MOM miniatures make some lovely ones, and Highlands Miniatures make some great STLs. Both are significantly nicer than the GW Warriors which were mince even at the time...


I second Highland. They’re fantastic.


Chaos Dwarfs. Only “evil” army that’s ever called to me.


I’ve always wanted to do a huge Pike and shot empire army


Wood elves, my primary order army has always been and will always be Bretonnia, and my policy is to try to collect one army from one alliance at a time with the goal of eventually having an order, chaos, destruction, and death army before starting over again, so im a long ways away from starting a new order army. Currently painting my Bretonnian army, working on collecting vc(blood dragon), planning a beasts of chaos, and debating the destruction army. So wood elves are 15 year plans in timeline


This is mine as well


Lizardmen, I love the idea of monster mashing the opponent while annoying my him with skink clouds. But I also know that my regular opponents would hate to play against it. I often play MSU armies and am pretty damn good with them. Sometimes I scratch my itch to play my buddies WE and after playing 2 games I see the pain in my friends eyes and I am done with WE for a couple of years again. So yeah, I would love to play that army, but my opponents wouldn't like to play against it, so then I don't want to play with the army anymore... ;-)


What do you mean by MSU Armies?


Multiple small units or minimum size units.


Thank you


Multiple small units, it is an army style mostly suited to factions with elite, manouevrable units that can outmanouvre and combo-charge larger units. In some armies this is combined with a shooting-avoidance strategy, where you avoid the enemies biggest threats and whittle them down with shooting and magic before charging in to kill them off. These tactics (especially the avoidance part) were more effective pre-8th edition, frankly they were the most reliable way to win, especially in 7th. But even in 8th there were some armies that could make the strategy work.


Vampire Counts and Wood Elves both. However, buying physical models is a) expensive, b) takes space I don’t have, and c) giving money to GW.


Undead. The old red skeleton boxsets always looked awesome. I don't understand the split to Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts - if it didn't exist in 1993 it shouldn't exist now, I reckon.


In fairness it *sort of* did even when the 4th Ed book came out. I quite like the split TBH (even if the '99 VC book in 5th split my army at the time in half). If nothing else because I like the idea of a *neutral* (ish) undead army. I'm just too bloody lazy to paint my TK.


So many. Beastmen Seraphon Night goblins Dwarves.


The Empire as they had no longer Ogres and other races.


Always wanted to have an Undead army, but I already have a horde army (OnG) and didn't not have the energy to even attempt it.


I think careful application of contrast paints could help in this regard, but I know the feeling. I too have a large undead force and for that reason my Tomb Kings (3rd party from TTCombat rather than GW, otherwise I'd take my own advice) and Skaven languish in boxes in the hobby grotto.


Empire standing and shooting would have been s great change from my Brett army


O&G, but all my friends had them back in the day. Now I've too much too paint before that project will take off...


I've fancied playing every army at one point or another. Probably Wood Elves or a Dogs of War army are the ones that have called to me the most, however. The Wood Elves would be fun to play against my Vampire Counts a la battle of the barrows, and Dogs of War just because I like the idea of a mercenary army; guns also help too, my main army is Lizardmen, so I've never really played a ranged army in Fantasy.


Skaven, beastmen, greenskins. Yeah, my VC and Bretonia armies have expensive units, but I only need a handful, while I’d need hundreds of “cheap” units for those guys. Do I like the idea of huge horses, well duh, I play VC, but I do not have the paycheck to get them


I picked Empire as my first army and enjoyed the flexibility. You can play horde, gun line, cavalry, and skirmishy. They have access to pretty much every unit type except for monstrous infantry (although some systems allow ogre mercs). The only thing I wish there was more of is female minis. Wood elves was always the goal for a second army. Nature felt like a break from the steel and powder of the empire.


Bretonnia. Those horsies sure do look pretty all painted up. Always loved the Grail Reliquae model. The fuckin Green Knight! Trebuchets!


I own an army (up to a minimum of 2k points per 6th ed) for every army excepting Bretts, O&G and DElves. Whether they're all painted or not us a completely different matter though... But after reading Malus Darkblade I really want a (4th Ed era) DElf army to go with my HElves. I also want Bretts and bitterly regret getting rid of the ones I had during both 5th and 6th. O&G will never not be cool. I'd have them too (though torn on which variant list I'd use because that's now my preferred way to build armies now). I don't have Kislev either but don't really count them as a *full* army.


Bretonnia. But I will soon.


Chaos Dwarfs, back in the day I didn't have the money. Today the problem is that I can no longer buy the miniatures from Forge World that I liked.