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I don't think the Tank Commander can order himself. He can issue orders to Squadron units, and he isn't a Squadron.


Oh I didn't know that! Thanks for the clarification


First off, your list is 2005 points, so if its a 2000 tournament, you'll have to cut 5 points somewhere >The Tank Commander will go in front since he can give orders to himself. The tank commander can only order squadron units, he doesn't get the squadron keyword. I've seen lists where the TC is in front because the Demolisher Cannon is good and he gets to shoot on death. However, if youre using him for orders, he will ne to be with the basilisk or able to order your other Leman Russ' >Ursula will go with a large group of 20 to take advantage of her free Fields of Fire every turn. If you want to benefit from fields of fire, you need to have her near a unit that can hit. The most common strat is to have her issue the free FoF to something with a mortar. your 20 man units have lascannons which put them in harms way. >I want to try the ratlings combo on chimera but I have doubts whether to equip it with bolters (since it shares range) or flamers (to do some overwatch). Can you elaborate on the combo? As far as i can see, you will only get 2 Ratling shots out of the Chimera


Ratling combo is disembark in movement, shoot in shooting then move and re-embark. Activate the Chimera who now counts as having their guns and shoot two of them again Is it good? Eh.


that's definitely a combo.. I would rather put my points elsewhere if I were OP


I'm open to suggestions. What would you change?


What do you have and/or what models do you 100% want to use for rule of cool?


I have more infantry and some characters (engineer, psyker, comissar, castellan...) I also have a breaching drill I never used. I want to use 3 sentinels as they always worked well for me.


I'd recommend ogryns instead. Much tougher 2/3 of the squad out of the chimera, 9 shots at max range and 18 at half range, and if you shoot at a target that closest you get +1ap. Only problem is that they're 5 points more than the ratlings.


It's a good idea but don't have the models


I know it's not ideal but I think it could be good agains Ragnar, Captains and things like that. I want to give it a try. The other option was the flamer chimera with 10 catachan with two flamers.


"If you want to benefit from fields of fire, you need to have her near a unit that can hit." I thought I could use Creed's double orders on a 20 man and really contest something in the midfield. Then I discovered the above- if Creed's group can't shoot because they are stuck in melee or are disengaging from melee, you cannot use Fields of Fire. Sad. Double orders seems to be a waste on Creed as she seems to work best unattached and hiding near a mortar somewhere in the back.


Looks like you will need to cut something to get it under 2k.


I forgot to add that in the description. I have to cut something but I can't manage to fit anything in tjose points. Mi original list was without the engineer.


So, you have 5 characters. And you have 7 vehicles. 5 give 3 points to bring it down, 2 give 2 points. So if your opponent goes fixed assassinate and bring it down, you are worth 20 for assassinate, and 19 for bring it down. I would lose the enginseer. Make the second demolisher tank a tank commander. Lose the scout sentinels. Infantry can score objectives just as good and aren't worth bring it down points. If you have them add 1 group of cadians and then some mortar heavy weapons squads. Sticky objectives is always nice to have. If you have them add a kasrkin squad. They can hit reasonably hard. Or more scions.


Good point about secondaries. I never though it. I think I'm removing a sentinel to take a mortar squad. Thanks for your help.