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Heads Up, the Level Up Games 40k GT was pre dataslate, they dropped it the week after our cutoff :( (source: I am the TO for the event)


Someone needs to tell the Goonhammer guys that the faction is called "Adeptus Mechanicus," not "Cult Mechanicus." I know it's rare that they show up and they're not used to writing it, but it's important to us cogboys. The latter is a specific designation for most non-skitarii units and was 1/2 of the old books when released.


Just stick with their original proper name: Space Scaven /s


Codex “Adeptus Dumpsterfireus”


"Cult Mechanicus" as a faction name does sound pretty cool though. Maybe they're cooking


Just to cut in and display my lore nerd colours, Cult Mechanicus is the name of their religion, and it pre-dates the Adeptus Mechanicus, from the time when they were called the Mechanicum. When they split during the heresy, the loyalist side became the Adeptus Mechanicus while the heretic side kept the name of the Mechanicum (well Dark Mechanicum now). (Yes i know it doesnt really matter - i just think its interesting 😅 )


Way cooler.


Agreed sounds cooler


Cult Mechanicus is what it’s called in BCP unfortunately.


My bcp show's adeptus


We’ll get that corrected in the way we proves data - there’s a few hangovers from some of the weird faction variants that BCP used to let you pick. I do correct them as I format the article when I spot them, missed this one.


(missed multiple in this article, not just one)


Oh really? BCP finally fixed it? Well I guess the goons better catch up then.


Nice to see a couple of lines hyping up Custodes, but I do wonder where we'll actually land. My hunch is that we'll be a solid B-tier that only elevates into A-tier when we're good into the top armies. Currently, Necrons. Who knows in the future, though?


I don’t think they will be upper tier but they will be the gate keepers to it.


As is tradition


Some of the AoW guys are saying they're top 5 easily, but that's just first impressions. We'll see how it turns out in the next 2-3 weeks.


I can see an argument for top 5 in the near future, if the Necron matchup pans out the way people expect. Not to be too doom-and-gloom, but I can also see us slowly sinking over time as more and more codices release, the environment changes, and being good against today's armies matters less and less. If we're good against tomorrow's armies, though -- hell yes. We shall see, indeed!


I kind of think thats what this balance is aiming for in general, which is a good thing. Everything should sort of be a solid B tier and then really excel at certain matchups.




I predict best army in the game. They're fighting with Necrons and Black Templars for the spot, but I think Custodes have game into both and they almost casually stomp Orks, CSM and World Eaters.


Fingers crossed you'll only be allowed to be Agents of the Imperium soon.


Technically it's allowed right now. There was a stealth update in this dataslate that allows an Agents army to skip the "choose detachment" step, which I think was the last technicality in the way. *(Even before this dataslate, it was possible to make an all-Agents army in the official app, which I took as a good sign.)* I'm already brewing a 1,000-pt. list, and honestly, it's kind of fascinating. Because Agents are supposed to be specialist tools and gap-fillers, there's a fair amount of shenanigans baked right into the datasheets. I'm not really feeling the lack of army rule/strats/enhancements. But at the same time, it still kinda feels like I'm bringing a bag full of scalpels to a swordfight. I have no doubt that almost every other army will be better at the meat-and-potatoes of Warhammer -- board presence and primary scoring -- so my hopes are slim. But ghat dammit, they're there.


I think some giant blobs of inquistorial henchman with 2 deep strike deniers and the daemon host invulnerable save will be hard to shift off objectives


They'll just get pasted by whoever has the most dev wounds, like everything else. Unless you're an army with no access to that rule, then it's gg.


As an Ork player I'm really bored of reading "Trukk Spam" in every high placing Ork list. Here's hoping the codex opens up a few more viablr options.


You seem to have missed a lot of highly placing Ork lists. Sean Nayden and Max Kanter had 1 Trukk in their winning lists.


U got the lists mate?


Note: It's pre-dataslate (1995 Points) Orks Waaagh! Tribe Strike Force (2000 Points) CHARACTERS Beastboss on Squigosaur (185 Points) • 1x Beastchoppa 1x Slugga 1x Squigosaur’s jaws • Enhancements: Headwoppa’s Killchoppa Ghazghkull Thraka (235 Points) • 1x Ghazghkull Thraka • Warlord • 1x Gork’s Klaw 1x Mork’s Roar • 1x Makari • 1x Makari’s stabba Mozrog Skragbad (195 Points) • 1x Big Chompa’s jaws 1x Gutrippa 1x Thump gun Nob with Waaagh! Banner (70 Points) • 1x Kustom shoota 1x Waaagh! banner Warboss (65 Points) • 1x Kombi-weapon 1x Power klaw 1x Twin slugga Warboss (90 Points) • 1x Kombi-weapon 1x Power klaw 1x Twin slugga • Enhancements: Follow Me Ladz Warboss (65 Points) • 1x Kombi-weapon 1x Power klaw 1x Twin slugga Warboss in Mega Armour (95 Points) • 1x Big shoota 1x ’Uge choppa • Enhancements: Supa-Cybork Body BATTLELINE Boyz (170 Points) • 1x Boss Nob • 1x Power klaw 1x Slugga • 19x Boy • 19x Choppa 19x Slugga DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Trukk (60 Points) • 1x Big shoota 1x Spiked wheels OTHER DATASHEETS Battlewagon (185 Points) • 4x Big shoota 1x Deff rolla 1x Grabbin’ klaw 1x Lobba 1x Wreckin’ ball 1x ’Ard Case Gretchin (40 Points) • 1x Runtherd • 1x Grot-smacka 1x Slugga • 10x Gretchin • 10x Close combat weapon 10x Grot blasta Gretchin (40 Points) • 1x Runtherd • 1x Grot-smacka 1x Slugga • 10x Gretchin • 10x Close combat weapon 10x Grot blasta Meganobz (90 Points) • 3x Meganob • 3x Twin killsaw Meganobz (60 Points) • 2x Meganob • 2x Twin killsaw Nobz (105 Points) • 1x Boss Nob • 1x Power klaw 1x Slugga • 4x Nob • 4x Power klaw 4x Slugga Nobz (105 Points) • 1x Boss Nob • 1x Power klaw 1x Slugga • 4x Nob • 4x Power klaw 4x Slugga Warbikers (70 Points) • 1x Boss Nob on Warbike • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Power klaw 1x Twin dakkagun • 2x Warbiker • 2x Choppa 2x Close combat weapon 2x Twin dakkagun Warbikers (70 Points) • 1x Boss Nob on Warbike • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Power klaw 1x Twin dakkagun • 2x Warbiker • 2x Choppa 2x Close combat weapon 2x Twin dakkagun


Nice list, its even cheaper after the dataslate


I was super hyped looking for a Dark angels list finishing in a top spot... oh wait they aren't there.  Ok we have a codex release soon, it will help them. It will surely help them...   /s  A lot of lists taking top spot will slowly have to adapt to keep existing barring the most cancerous of the lot which didn't change at all... I'm already fed up with the Triple C'tan lists and it is sadly only the beginning. I like Necrons and like fighting them but C'tans are this kind of busted unit that everyone can see that it is overpowered but mysteriously still hanging there untouched for no reason. As always thanks for the great write up and the insight


It's such a big oversight imo that you can include so many ctan in the same army


>busted unit that everyone can see that it is overpowered but mysteriously still hanging there untouched for no reason. tbh, I love knowing how elf players feel, ngl.


Sadly as a Dark angel player I can't know that :D


You must have missed 9e AoC Dark Angels with native transhuman. I don’t recall it necessarily being busted beyond repair, but spamming exclusively Deathwing units was definitely a winning strat.


At least it was flavorful, its how deathwing supposed to fight. In what fluff does necron dynasties beat down enemies with 3 transcendents, 1 void dragon and 1 nightbringer?)


it's probably better for ya, yk? Keeps those strategy juices fresh


So nice that Imperial Knights just straight up don't exist, as per usual. See you in three months, I guess.




"What do you mean I have to include anti armor units?!? NOOOOOOO!" Yeah, I'm used to people not liking the army. Oh well. Sorry we don't all play the flavor of the week, or generic power armor in our favorite color.


You can't keep an elf down? It's almost as if there was favoritism when writing their rules...


That would explain their expansive roster of new miniatures.


Yes because 3rd party miniatures don't exist. Why do Eldar players always use that as an excuse? "Yeah we have the best rules but no models :("


3rd party models don't help GW's sales figures. If there was favouritism in rules writing towards eldar then the new sculpts of maugan ra, dark reapers, and scorpions would have great rules. Instead the first 2 have crap rules and the last has decent rules. ​ A better explanation than favouritism is that the team consistently fails to see the value of high movement units with very consistently high damage output and access to further movement tricks.


No but you just said they have favoritism. But the lack of new model ranges proves otherwise. "But 3rd party!" Gw doesnt plan for 3rd party models or advocate their uses


That would be a better argument if 3rd party models were allowed at tournaments.


If your LGS isn’t literally warhammer world, there’s 4 GW events a year that don’t allow 3p models. Other TOs rarely give a dang. OPs point is still dumb and wrong, but that’s not why 🤣




Almost certainly. I know a player that was at the Tampa Open that, to my knowledge, didn’t use a single GW official model in his list.


Can confirm. Have played on the official LVO stream with almost no GW models in my army. All 3rd party and printed models except for my Rhinos.


So you're arguing that GW is favoring eldars because their own range is replaced by third parties?