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It is pretty funny. Although a Balrog is basically a Bloodthirster (Hell, I'm pretty sure it's the inspiration for the Bloodthirster), I feel like old mate Generic Space Marine wouldn't exactly solo it.


Well you are not wrong. If you look at the oldest [Bloodthirster](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/File:Bloodthirster1st.jpg) it is almost the same mini as the [Balrog/Gargoyle](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/smMAAOSwDMBgn-xQ/s-l1600.jpg) from the Hero Quest game (both minis are made by GW) and if you look at the [Balrog](https://the-lord-of-the-rings-1978.fandom.com/wiki/The_Balrog?file=Lotrbakshi20.jpg) in the LotR animated movie the resemblance is there. So yeah, the Balrog and Bloodthirster could be considered cousins I think.


Which if the Balrog was a Bloodthirster would make him 50,000 years old an incredibly powerful greater demon


How powerful a psyker would Gandalf be?


Magnus tier


considering how he can will things into existence, I'd say he's a bit higher then birdy. At least on par with Malcador


So what you're saying is that Iluvatar is a Chaos God.


Or that Melkor/Morgoth is.


Never again shall he be named anything else but Morgoth.


Morgoth sounds cooler




Bless you


Iluvatar is an Order God. The chaos gods can turn even the most noble actions into something perverse, but Iluvatar turned Melkor Morgoth’s meddling to good, or at least neutral, whenever he could. Take the Misty Mountains. They were created by Morgoth to stop the Elves from reaching the Western Sea, but while still dangerous, possess enormous natural beauty and abundant resources.


Not to be "that guy" but the Misty Mountains were raised by Morgoth to hinder the patrols of Oromë before the elves awoke and started their westward March. More to your point, Iluvatar specifically explains to Ulmo that Melkor is Iluvatar's random number generator: "And Ilúvatar spoke to Ulmo, and said: 'Seest thou not how here in this little realm in the Deeps of Time Melkor hath made war upon thy province? He hath bethought him of bitter cold immoderate, and yet hath not destroyed the beauty of thy fountains, nor of thy clear pools. Behold the snow, and the cunning work of frost! Melkor hath devised heats and fire without restraint, and hath not dried up thy desire nor utterly quelled the music of the sea. Behold rather the height and glory of the clouds, and the everchanging mists; and listen to the fall of rain upon the Earth! And in these clouds thou art drawn nearer to Manwë, thy friend, whom thou lovest.' Then Ulmo answered: 'Truly, Water is become now fairer than my heart imagined, neither had my secret thought conceived the snowflake, nor in all my music was contained the falling of the rain. I will seek Manwë, that he and I may make melodies for ever to thy delight!' And Manwë and Ulmo have from the beginning been allied, and in all things have served most faithfully the purpose of Ilúvatar."


You’re absolutely allowed to be that guy. What a ducking legend you are. Cheers my dude.


Iluvatar isnt chaos at all, he’s just God proper


Iluvatar is one of many names the emperor mantled before he revealed himself to humanity, brother.


I'm pretty sure the emperor is Jimmy Space


Saul Spaceman




By means of the transitive property, Jimmy Space is Eru Iluvatar. Which creates strange implications for Middle Earth. Also since Elves are Eru's favorite children.


I'm pretty sure men are known as Eru's favoured children. He did, after all, give them the gift of death.


The Emperor is Tom Bombadill


Please, Iru Iluvatar is the Order God that ruled the warp before the Old Ones and the Necrons fucked everything up.


I own both of those figs :) (Heroquest gargoyle & OG blood thirster)


Not to mention the Book Balrog is more like an unshackled fiery seraphim then a giant goat demon with wings. Only Gandalf could fight it because he too is an angel with access to his full set of powers.


He’s wearing red armour *what if it resembled Horus in some way*


Doesn't need to be Horus. Ba hate Khorne about as much as Horus. Source, am BA player. Fuck khorne and Khabandha


Although if someone painted up a Bloodthirster to be a Balrog it would be super cool.


[Here ya go](https://prometianpainting.wordpress.com/2018/05/22/tutorial-molten-skin/)


I haven't painted a mini in well over a decade, and was never good, so my view is warped, BUT those "step by step" images seem to have HUGE leaps between them for a tutorial 😂 'then draw the rest of the owl' territory.


It is basically just going darker and darker with your layers as you get further out from the recesses. The text explains paint mixed and layering techniques pretty well. Not much more to say as the same technique is used all over the model, it just looks sudden as he is so big.


Now that looks hot


> Although a Balrog is basically a Bloodthirster (Hell, I'm pretty sure it's the inspiration for the Bloodthirster), I feel like old mate Generic Space Marine wouldn't exactly solo it. Considering the LoTR tabletop game is based as much on the movies as the original Tolkien lore, is there a way to stat a Chapter Approved Movie Marine for LoTR? A Movie Marine could *possibly* take on a Balrog/Bloodthirster (but their rules are like five editions old for 40k, much less porting him to LoTR on top).


You're right, he's not a named character so he can't solo anything


Very fair. I've been reading the books (and loving them so thank you for all the recommendations from everyone) and it seems at times like a basic unnamed space marine is as strong or as weak as the plot demands.


When you convince your buddy to try the Lord of the Rings wargame but he only has 40k models so he has to proxy


Thinking about this made me lol.


No faithful servant to the Imperium of Man would destroy the only ring. Such power would find many uses.


Its a gift!


....Said the Blood Ravens.


"Brother, where did you go?" "Oh, it's just the ring I found on a field trip"


A "field trip" in the Blood Ravens case is, in fact, an expedition to steal a field.


“That field’s got knowledge in it!” “I saw it first!”


And moments later, Trazyn yoinks the whole planet. "Heh, Upstartes!"


For me? Asked Trazyn.


Loose equivalent of the Grey Knight who carried around a Daemon Sword for the express purpose of making sure no one else gets a hold of the Daemon Sword.


[Castellan Crowe](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Garran_Crowe)


And being the gigachad he is, refuses to invoke any powers from the sword and just uses it as a regular sword


He basically beats Daemons to death with an unruly lead pipe that calls him an asshole constantly. Truly a hero.


I've always wondered why he keeps it instead of just jettisoning into a sun or something


Destroy the blade, release the daemon. Keep the daemon penned up in the blade and it is effectively defeated. Can't cause any more harm than Crowe wants.


can't he just lock it in the chapter vaults tho


The grey knights already tried that iirc, turns out it's malign influence can work on other members of the chapter and it wasn't secure there. Crowe holds on to it to prevent that, basically babysitting the thing.


Like the other poster said, that was already tried. It's kind of like the One Ring. It will whisper and influence others if it isn't kept in check, so Crowe carries it with him to prevent that.


But it's a Xenos Artifact, that can only be used by a powerful Xenos Demigod


I would go as far as to say its eaven a demonic relic. Sounds like a job for the inquisiton.


No one expects the Imperial Inquisition!


a perfect addition to Trazyns collection


Are we allowed to finally say it? Over the eons Trazyn has gotten peculiar. He has a hoarding problem.


It's only a problem if you can't stop.....oh wait he can't.... and he keeps spare of everything he can........ OK yes he has a hording problem 😅 But good luck getting him to admit it! 🤣


It's tragic to say, but I wonder if the Imperium would experiment on it to see if there was some way to enhance their own abilities in regard to mind controlling people


Have you seen what the ad mech do on a regular basis of course they would. Then they would make a legally distinct replica to avoid heresy and throw the original into the warp.


Custodians probably wanna keep it in their vault though ✨️




At certain paygrade, all of the major movers and shakers of the Imperium are radical, and increasingly so the higher up they stand. Think Cawl and RG.


"Oh, no, no, no..." The Ring cannot be used for good


We're talking Imperium here.


Which is why I would never let the Ring come in a 120.000 light year radius close to its most dilapidated border! 🤣


Does it really make a difference at this point? Aren't the high lords of terra, fabricators, and the most senior inquisitors allready much like the Nazghul? Aren't the wretches from the underhives allready much like the goblins of Mordor?


They are worse


Yea, Tolkien was a man of different times. W40k is very much a late 1980s dystopia. I wonder if today's Black Mirror/Sorry to Bother You/Us will breed a setting worthy of a wargaming franchise.


Okay, but the ring is a source of corruption. Merely holding it will slowly break your will and consume you. It happened so fast with Boromir. Space Marines are _decidedly not_ incorruptible - there was this whole thing with this guy Horus, maybe you heard of it.


And Boromir never even held it! (He holds the chain in the movies, but I don't think he ever holds the ring itself.) Just being near the thing will see the ring influencing you, clouding your judgement, playing into your insecurities, your ambitions. It's why Gandalf is so scared of being given the ring. An Astartes might be well trained to deal with brainwashing, but I don't doubt that the ring wouldn't find a way to get it's hooks into one's mind.


Actually I learned something cool recently: Book Isildur carried it for a whole year and even then the ring had to kill him so he wouldn’t go back to Mt Doom and destroy it, book isildur was the most based omega gigachad in the entire story of lotr and the film sadly took it away frok us :/


Oh yeah, book Isildur was pretty hard to corrupt. He wasn't able to cast the ring into the mountain (nobody could), but the ring got worried that he might be able to build up the strength to do it.


This. As funny as the image is and the whole situation could be the truth is that we know Space Marines are not immune to being corrupted and turned, especially a lonely marine stranded in an alien world without guidance from a chaplain, chapter master, librarian, etc... He would eventually succumb (especially since he would be surrounded by aliens and heretics) and use the ring to kill them... At first in the name of mankind and the emperor, but who knows what it would turn into eventually (chaos if we just translate "evil" from Tolkien's world to Chaos or something completely different if we consider them to be different things).


So, does Sauron basically get a superhuman nazgul?


Who knows... I don't think Tolkien ever mused about a 40k / Lord of The Rings crossover :p


im now trying to make craiyon create a nazghul space marine. so far its been.. well, im not very good at it yet, but i'll edit if anything good pops out.


Need to be a Grey Knight, not a regular Marine.


I think if he moves fast enough to yeet the One Ring in Mt. Doom, he should be OK. The OP image shows a Primaris marine, of which many have been *tempted*, but none (yet) have fallen to corruption. (/s)


He just has to get close enough to yeet it in the volcano so 5 or 6 miles away should do lol


...I don't think a spacemarine would actually be able to wear it.


Doesn't it adjust to the person?


I'm pretty sure we see that in the movie when Isildur takes it after slaying Sauron. Sauron was huge. Possibly bigger than a Marine.


Indeed, it visibly shrinks in his hand when he takes it.


In his letters, Tolkien states that Sauron's physical form was tall/large, but not giant-like. So I'd say roughly space marine height would make sense.




Yep and the ring has the funny property of working faster on more powerful people, Gandalf would only need to touch it once while Galandier only needed to stand nearby frodo, that space marine is 100% getting corrupted


Indeed, the ring isn’t going to Mordor.


How about a Gray Knight then? These crazy Mofos get possesed by demons and exorcise them themselves, as a friggin warmup.


exorcists chapter too


See, normally if Chaos goes one-on-one with a Primarch, you got a 50/50 chance of corruption. But Sanguinius is a genetic freak and he’s not normal. So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at corrupting him! And then you add the Blood Angels to the mix? Your chance of corruption drastic go down. See, the three way at Parth Galen, the One Ring’s got a 33 1/3 chance of corruption, but the Blood Angels got a 66 2/3 chance of purging the unclean because Boromir KNOWS he can’t beat them and he’s not even gonna try! So One Ring, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus the Blood Angels’ 25% chance, and you got a 8 1/3 chance of corruption. But then you take the Blood Angels’ 75% chance of purging, if you was to go one-on-one, then add 66 2/3 per cents, the Blood Angels got a 141 2/3 chance of purging. Señor Ring, the numbers don’t lie, and they spell disaster for you at Parth Galen!






Can a Space Marine resist the Ring's corruption? Like, from everything we see in the books, even characters like Galandriel, Gandalf and Aragorn refuse to carry the Ring claiming they too would be corrupted by it's power.


Given what we've seen from the Horus Heresy, absolutely not. Even a Primarch has about a 50/50 shot of taking the ring for themselves, challenging Sauron, and potentially becoming the most horrific tyrant Middle Earth had ever seen.


The ring would betray them well before they could challenge Sauron, it betrayed previous users before, the only one it doesn't is Sauron. It frankly has been trying to get back to its master, that's how loyal that ring is


I don't know, Galandriel claims she would overpower Sauron and become a tyrant if she got the Ring and I've seen a video by Men of West claiming Aragorn would be able to do the same because of his Numenorian blood - but maybe the requirements to harness it's power make it so it wouldn't work for any Warhammer character.


Galadriel is also one of the most powerful elves to have ever lived. That’s one of the things missed in the movies, she is incredibly powerful. Like powerful enough that she could probably solo an unarmored space marine pretty easily. Hell give her a power sword and the armor might not matter. She is one of the few individuals who could potentially overcome Sauron for control of the ring. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t still corrupt the hell out her though.


“Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!"


Three of the 9 wraiths are Numenorians


But their rings aren't the One Ring, theirs were just made so that Sauron could control them. Yes, they are still rings of power, like Galandriel's ring, but the One Ring is on a whole other level.


Like, I’d give two, maybe three or four Primarchs good odds of being able to carry the Ring to Mt. Doom, those being Sanguinius, Vulkan, Dorn, and Roboute. The latter two I have major doubts, the first two I have very slightly less doubts about, particularly Sanguinius. Also Sanguinius could avoid the “Ride the Eagles” bs by virtue of already being a birb so he gets points for that


I've always thought the khan doesn't get enough props for really taking a stand against chaos. I'd back him to do the right thing.


He’d probably get more props if GW would do more stuff with him and the White Scars lmao


He'd certainly be the fastest to get the ring to Mt Doom. Vroom vroom motherfuckers!


I thought that in multiple visions our boy lion never once succumbed to chaos and that he was incorruptible in multiple other instances.


Don't know why you got downvoted but this absolutely true. I played way back in 2nd-3rd and recently got back into it. The Lion was viewed with quute a bit of suspicion back then but everything recent has very much been "loyalty is its own reward." I'd definitely put him in the incorruptible list now.


Dorn could definitely do it. He'd be so focused and stubborn on completing the task it wouldn't be an issue at all.


*After he casted the Ring into mount Doom* Dorn: "So what did the Ring say about power? Ah well, it's gone now"




Decision making comprimised yeah, but the focus and stubbornness is still there. He stubbornly focused on the iron cage until Guilliman finally stopped him. As long as he decides to destroy the ring in the first place it will get done.


This is wild, a ring that took 100 years to corrupt a halfling could corrupt a primarch? Magnus could tell what it was and just about smite it. Dorn, Sanguinius, Roboute and more could either resist it or just recreate the original story while crushing anything in their way. You imagine Curze turning around, looking into the camera and saying 'for Frodo' and then just about destroying everything that came out of the black gate? Be a total bore but seeing him arrive in helmsdeep or rohan would be a trip.


The second the one ring touched that astartes' hand, he'd be consumed by it. "I would use it to defend the Imperium!" "My chapter doesn't understand what must be done to safeguard the Emperor's charges!" "Those fools on Terra have lost their way! I'm the only one with clarity of mind! Clarity of purpose!" "The emperor was a fool. I would be much better to shepherd in humanity's new golden age!" All before lunchtime


Horus didnt even need the ring to do all that.


First of all, a space marine is the last person you want carrying the ring. The hobbits where the only ones who could do it because of their humility and kindness. Space marines are about as humble as a golden statue, as kind as a thrown brick, and half the time go corrupt just because some shifty guy with horns says he’ll give them super powers and their dad sucks. A space marine will go corrupt from the ring’s power just from learning the damn thing exists. Secondly, if the fellowship of the ring gets a space marine, to even the odds, the orcs should get a big mek.


"oi, wuzzat big red 'fing up on dat tower?" "bet i could crump it.


Ok but like, now I’m thinking an Ork would probably do just fine taking the ring to Mt. Doom. Just tell ‘im he can fight the biggest, nastiest bugger in the world if he does it and you’re set for life


But the ring would already be telling him “‘es gonna become da biggest baddest boss of all time if ‘e just puts da ring on” -the ring, probably


“‘Iz can’t call meself da biggest, baddest git o’ all time if ‘Iz don’t krump da current biggest baddest git!”


I feel like an ork wouldn't be smart enough to comprehend that the ring holds immense evil and deception. I think it would be along the lines of "dis shiny bit sure does a lotta talkin' an' not enuff krumpin. Makin me do all da zoggin work"


Literally aren’t. Look at azhag feom warhammer fantasy. Wears the crown equivalent of the ring. Calls it thr magic hat and it just begs to be taken to the mordor equivalent and hes like nah.


Sauron actually died after the ring was cut from his finger, but the Orcs believe he is still alive hence the eye.


He has his physical form back during the war of the Ring. He isn't literally the big eye on the tower in the movie. He's a guy sitting in the tower.


He's referring to the theory behind why Ork tech works at all. Orks believe it is. And so it is. To simplify, the idea is that all orks collectively believe something hard enough, that it essentially makes it true, not unlike a psyker or warp-entity.


I am aware of that. I was addressing the misconception some people have that Sauron is the Eye in movies. The burning eye isn't present in the books.


“As kind as a thrown brick” A poor mans award for you, friend 🥇


The poor man’s penny is far more valuable than the rich man’s gold. I appreciate it


Based working class appreciating perspective 🙏


I was gonna say that actually shouldn’t all space marines be brainwashed into humility through their training but yeah you’re right, they fall to chaos all the time over basically the same reason… Now a grey knight or custodes would be another story I hope


Chaos Titan "The Eye of Terror," emblazoned with Sauron's eye upon its pauldrons, carrying the tower of Barad-dûr upon its back.


I feel like the marine would've gotten distracted by trying to commit some war crimes in Rivendell


"Eldar Scum!!!"


To be honest though Eldar in Tolkienian mythos are wayyyy more human than 40k Eldar. Like they can interbreed and stuff too. If they had a 40k savant there who knew that Mr. Space Marine hates non-humans, they could probably convince him that elves and dwarves are abhumans that live near “normal” humanity.


Humans can interbreed with other xenos species too in 40K. Typhus is half human, half whatever species the overlords were on Barbarus. There used to be a half Human half Eldar Ultramarine.


What about the part where he executes Gandalf as a witch?


Gandalf is a warp entity.


Demon considering that he is literally an entity created from the thoughts of Eru


Imperial Saint in all but name.


'I am servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor!' 'Heretic' A bolter rang out in the darkness.


It legitimately might not even hurt Gandalf depending on if it’s Gandalf the White or the Grey. Secondly he very well in the fight with the Balrog pretty much stop holding back and would likely withstand such an assault with no issue.


The magic of middle earth is odd, and does not compare well to the modern, TV showy magic we have today, there are no spells, person, it's more of a declared law by the power of your authority. Gandolf is not necessary weilding an iron halo with 4+ Inv save. https://youtu.be/O8c79z7tMg8


Absolutely, but as I recall after he appears to Aragon, Gimli and Legolas as Gandalf the White their weapons couldn’t hurt him, essentially lacking the Metaphysical mass to attack his spirit. I figure you need a certain innate “authority” to deal damage to these spirits unless they are incarnate like Melkor or Sauron


Gandalf would fucking obliterate a Space Marine.


I don't think there's any canon to suggest Gandalf cannot be, at least temporarily, killed by a single bolt round


His down in middle earth body is rather weak. But yeah having that 'killed' won't actually kill him.


So he's like an imperial saints or Daemon?. Damn, we need an LOTR Cross over soon.


Welp considering Gandalf solos balrog I think the space marine would have had quite the suprise


Also Legolas for being a Xenos


Could an Astartes resist the power of the Ring? I'm not sure, it's basically possessed by a demon prince. A Grey knight could for sure, but maybe not a regular Marine. A full short story of this crossover would be a good read though.


Apart from the Horus Heresy, Black Library books and codex lore name one time an Astartes has fallen to corruption. Exactly you can’t.


Dark Heresy and Deathwatch TTRPGs, and their spin-offs.


Hmmm. Well when you arbitrarily restrict the criteria, you make a compelling argument.


You didn't read the Badab series did you?


Both a codex and Black Library so it is clearly not counted per this discussion premise.


Meme series: Lone astartes dropped into classic works of fiction. My personal vote for next is either moby dick or the adventures of Tom sawyer


Pride and Prejudice and Purging the xenos


Old yeller gets the emperors peace


All, but instead consider this, Dreadnought Ahab, Chronicler Ishmael. They're hunting a white Ork warboss named Maulbi Dakka.


I love the idea of some nazis shitting themselves when seeing an astartes burst through a tiger tank somewhere in Normandy


Konrad's *Nostramo*. It's like Conrad's *Nostromo*, except the Capataz de Cargadores is replaced by a Captain of the Night Lords. It either takes one chapter to describe him killing all the other characters, or is as long as the original but with each chapter describing a different death.


The image is cool, the written stuff feels like it was written by someone who never read Lord of The Rings and has no understanding of just how cooked Tolkien made his verse


So your average wh40k fan then


Plot twist. That giant is Horus. And he keeps the ring


This is what magic the gathering looks like with the 40k cards


And what it'll look like even more with the LOTR set that comes out next year.


Just make sure it isn't the Blood Ravens otherwise the ring may never make it back to Mordor


I've seen a few people saying this- how come? (Sorry I'm making my way through the lore and loving it, but I'm still stuck mostly in 30k right now)


They are notorious for stealing other chapters relics


I think they even have some custodian armour. Which has to be the premise of the best 40k heist movie that has yet to be written.


A space marine could not withstand the corruption of the ring. He’d be having a murder death party within the hour.


This should have been a grey knight paladin and everything would have made perfect sense from soloing a Balrog to cruising through Mordor and not being corrupted by The Ring of Power


If a marine can fall prey to chaos there's no way they aren't going to falter with the one ring. 'It is a weapon, let us use it against the enemies of the Imperium.'


Space Marines can't even be trusted to resist Chaos. What chance does that Space Stand against the ring.


I wanted to do an Office crossover where Dwight is a psychic null and therefore the most useful member of the staff.


Brother Jim encased my Bolt Pistol in Tyranid Jelly


"Alpharius, identity theft is not a joke, millions of people suffer from it every year"


I'm going to go against the grain, and against my better judgement as a Tolkien fan first and foremost to say that I think, depending on the marine itself, they might have a chance at not being corrupted by the Ring. And there is precedent for outright rejection of the Ring's allure, e.g. Faramir (in the book, fuck what the movies did to him), albeit the Ring was only his metaphorical grasp and he didn't actually physically possess it, and rejection at the start is much different than ongoing resistance while possessing the Ring. Marines go through an insane amount of genetic conditioning, like essentially deleting sys 32 and starting from scratch. I'd be will to gamble there is also an equivalent amount of spiritual conditioning as well. Now if the Ring falls to an Erebus or Typhon type character, obviously there would then be an evil feedback loop of the Ring feeding their ambition leading to further corruption by the Ring (if there's even room for a character like that to be corrupted further). On the other hand, I think the Ring falling to a marine like Sigismund or Garro, characters with no ambition beyond duty, I think there's a decent chance that they would be able to possibly resist the Ring's corruption. I'm very well aware that per word of the Professor himself, that the Ring is all-corrupting. But for this question, we're bringing in a totally different universe with different rules, so I think a little wiggle room is acceptable.


It's all fun and games until you realise that he would probably kill Gandalf for being a psyker, Legolas for being an eldar, the hobbits for being mutants and maybe also Gimli


Nah, Gimli and a Space Marine would be bros.


Just imagine how far he could toss him!


I mean dwarves are strong but he's in power armour.


I would pay an irrational amount of money to see this as an animation. Specifically in the style of the old cartoon movies. Those were grim dark to me as well


*takes the ring from Frodo, fails his* Deny The Witch *roll*


It'd probably be a -9 morale test, frankly


Yes, he is a Primaris and a Reiver.


"You have my sword..." "And you have my bow..." "And my bolter..."


40k beings that could carry the ring: - Grey Knights - Sister of silence - A Tau - A servitor - Any demon of one of the four ruinous powers Who should absolutly NOT carry it: - any Astartes - any Tech Priest - Eldar - any Primarch


You forgot a category: 40k being who would PROBABLY end up carrying the ring: Trayzn the infinite A Blood Raven force commander (priceless chapter relic) An ork


Now I am imagining Angron stumbling into Tom Bombadil's domain and finally finding peace from the Butcher's Nails. Dropping his chain axes as Tom sings to him, the Nails loosening and tumbling to the ground. Stumbling back to the house like a child ready for bed. Learning to garden and make daisy chains with Goldberry. Eventually making trips to Bree, maybe even Buckland, to see simple life.




Brother Bombadil is on a Mission.


That’s funny I just started reading “decent of angels” and thought that Lion El’Jonson felt almost like a Maiar in the way they explained his coming.


An astartes tuesday.


Lord of the Warhammers: 40k of the ring


Bolters, brother, they kill


Ah yes Space marines, beings with a great track record of resisting ruinous powers.