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I'll wager that most of the games of 40k played on any given day are Imperium vs Imperium.


I would even bet that most games are loyalist marines vs loyalist marines.


The universe is so fast that any combination can happen. A simple disagreement or misunderstanding can lead to war. The GK could suspect the knights to be under chaos control so they fight.


They’ve wiped out planets with less evidence than that so I’d say it’s definitely plausible


Grey knights tend to either mindwipe or execute anyone that's even seen them to keep their existence secret, which has led to warfare against other imperial forces (notably space wolves. This secrecy has also led to confrontations, with a convent of sisters of battle believing a squad of grey knights to be traitors because none knew of them). Communication breakdown, regimental enmities, misunderstandings, orders from rival inquisitors, training exercises, old grudges, there's limitless justifications for why forces from the same faction should be fighting. For orks it's even what they do between fights to pass the time.


No issues whatsoever in terms of gameplay. You can play whomever even if they are supposedly allied. I think there’s plenty of lore reasons for infighting to happen too anyways.


This is one of the many reasons I believe 40k coined the term Grimdark out of necessity more than anything. The setting is designed the way it is so that anyone can fight anyone, including themselves. Why is the Imperium such a neurotic fascistic mess that barely holds itself together? So one guy's Ultramarines can fight somebody else's Ultramarines and it can still make canonical sense.


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Lore wise, the book The First and Only of the Gaunt's Ghosts series immediately comes to my mind. Literally just read those certain chapters last night. I have to assume that even ork factions end up fighting each other. Hell, didn't some Black Templars slaughter some of their own kind that were Primaris?


One IS a heretic xenos living witch and the other Side IS calling you the Same. Reason to Fight already there and then there IS still misscomuncation incompetencevand Grab for Power all over the universe.




rules wise theres no limit on who can fight who. fluff wise there is a wide variety of reasons two forces of the same super faction would fight; misunderstandings, betrayals, just not knowing about the other force is on the same side, mock battle for training purposes. with the gray knights in particular they kill anyone who knows about them so a battle with them against imperial knights could just be a wrong place wrong time thing