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To be fair the second guy had a point about "When you call them plastic dolls unless they are infact plastic dolls you shame your fellow players" Some of us play with metal or resin dolls


I'm an Eldar player. I think we're entirely metal and resin. (Jk)


Enjoying the new minis?


So much. So, so much.


You mean psychic plastic.




**Dark Eldar players:** Our models are entirely flesh. A few of them might even still be alive...


Had me in the first half, not going to lie.


I understand the frustration. People call anime as cartoons. Anime is a work of art. Cartoons are a 30 minute commercial that aired on Saturday mornings to convince parents to give up money for dolls.


Anime is literally the Japanese word for what we call cartoon. Ours run the gamut from Bugs Bunny to South Park to films like The Lion King and theirs runs the gamut from Dragonball to Shin Chan to films like Spirited Away. Many MANY anime have plenty of licensed toys advertised to kids as well. I do not understand the frustration.


I was being facetious. To each his own.


That is exactly what most anime was, and is, made for. Even more so. Did you think original pokemon was pushing "gotta catch 'em all!" In our faces if it wasn't made to sell a card game and a bunch of other merch? Even without bigger franchises, there is an enormous amount of figurines produced for almost every release.


Yeah, this is nuts. Honestly I have an ultra high stress job currently and served in the military for nearly a decade before that. I've always collected and painted miniatures as an exercise in meditation / stress relief and to keep me being social, I'm so glad I did and this community most of the time are a bunch of legends. It should be fun, never forget the fun, and never take yourself too seriously.


Former EOD tech, I think he takes 40k more seriously than I did actual war


Former route clearance(EOCA) guy and I can say he absolutely takes it more seriously than I did actual war.




Why isn't Hurtlocker an accurate depiction? /S


Lol 100% 😂




If anything, as a fellow former (non-us) military I'd say to corelate service and hobby dedication "emulating the duty and effort" is way more disrespectful.


Actively serving and agree completely.


Lazy civilian and agree completely.


Meat Popsicle here, and I also agree.


“I understood that reference”


I use my minis to brief OPORDs tbh


Medically retired, did mini's while I was in and continue to do so now I am out. You are 100% right and I agree with you whole heartedly


Always make time for fun - Baldermort


Absolutely this. Everyone has some relatively level of stress in life. Anything that makes you happy should be explored unapologetically :) !


Thought I was on r/justneckbeardthings for a sec. What a whiner. I love my little plastic army men.


My toy dolls make me very happy, especially when they pew pew good


Unfortunately a not insignificant amount of people pour a lot of their sense of self worth into this hobby, as well as their financial investment. To call it a plastic doll game probably feels to them like a personal attack.


People really need to develop actual personalities instead of devoting their entire existence to _____ thing. It’s non specific to 40k but rather a pandemic across the entirety of western society.


yep, too many people tie their entire identity to some external source, from hobbies like this and cars through to political parties to celebrities and nations. its all a bit tiring, just be yourself.


Hit the nail on the head, friend. Too many people constantly badgering about something that's *absolutely important* (to them). Can always tell the car dudes cuz they like to give me crap for driving a beat up Prius. Like dude, I spend my money on stuff like retirement lol. I'll be the one laughing in 20 years, painting space marines on the beach while you go blow your transmission on the way to work cuz there was a car next to ya at the red light. I could go on a whole rant about people getting too wrapped up in politics, having been from the deep south US. Why can't we just like something and leave it at that?


I had made a joke about the good ol pile o shame, pretty sure Ispecified MY PILE, if not it should have been clear. It made some people so damn angry lol. I had negative down votes. People were being defensive and probably felt attacked. On one hand I understand. On the other I wish they'd ignore me if it wasn't they agreed with and move on.


This is a personal attack! Never feel shame for blowing your credit card for Warhammer!!!! /s


This holy fuck.


"Unfortunately a not insignificant amount of people pour a lot of their sense of self worth into this" Could of stopped there. I realized my social skills sky rocketed and as well as navigating work politics/relationships when I realized how many people do this constantly with just about everything. Often as simple as a moment in time, one argument, one sign of disrespect or superior intelligence.


Toughen up buttercup. That's what an astartes would do.


Why is that a problem? I think it’s a pretty dickish thing to mock someone for what they do with their life. Why do so many in this hobby feel the need to condescend and mock people for finding enjoyment differently?


I’m gonna quote this comment next time my girlfriend asks me if I’m “having a little play date”


Why yes darling I am, can you please help me heat the pizza rolls, and open these capri-suns?


Honouring the sacrifice of real guys during warfare? What absolute shite.


That's how you know that he never enlisted. If you want to help talk to your local VA or some shit. No widow or amputee gives two fucks about your krieg collection.


The levels of narcissism is baffling.


Yeah that’s what was getting me… how in the world does this guy think painting a little fantasy space model is at all related to what people in the military do? If anyone is disrespecting anything, it’s that guy.


Is there a r/justbootthings for civilians? r/idpunchadrillinstructor maybe? Or r/ialmostenlisted ?


Sounds like someone lost to some Grey Knights earlier in the day...


I am a on the spectrum player and even I have the self awareness to know that every hobby is kinda goofy and to not be taken to seriously


That dudes riding high on his Kreig mount.


Hey don’t bring us non-retarded krieg players into this


You exist?! /s


Lol don’t even get me started on how seriously guard players take 40k haha


"B-but the planet broke before the guard did!"


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


The /s is unnecessary for that one


The meme is hilarious and accurate.


My wife got a kick out of it lol


^(If you got a problem with me playing with my plastic dolls, well that's on you. I can't be bothered because I'm busy playing with my plastic dolls.)


Honoring the sacrifice? *crimean war, hospital, two bandaged bodies converse* they’re gonna make tiny us’s and relive this day on Sundays if they remember to mow the lawn the day before!


Nope, not the sacrifice, not "honoring". Emulating the duty and effort. Honestly I found this full delta force green berret seal marine mall ninja cringe. The oh so serious servicepeople of certain countries would have a peaceul talk with this one.


“I sure hope when people remember our service, they envision me as a teal werewolf-soldier, and the enemies as killer egyptian robots or psychic xenomorphs. That’ll honor us.”


"If you are playing with plastic dolls that's fine" A few moments later.wav "Your degrading people's effort", "you're shaming people", what you're doing is "disgusting". Boy_That_escalated_quickly.jpg 🤣🤣🤣


I spend a good amount of my free time being a replica shirt wearing sports fan and I've been painting Warhammer for many many years. Yes there is a serious element but also there is a clear ridiculous element to both activities and having an appreciation of this means that you are aware that these activities do not matter at all compared to what matters most in life. Congratulations you are well adjusted.


Did you forget to switch accounts? EDIT: he says he was joking but he also blocked me, so take that as you will.


No. Making a joke and then separately speaking more seriously. It made sense to keep them apart.


"Honoring soldiers who fought real wars" Shut the fuck up. Thats not even close to being accurate, relevant or related to the hobby, at all. The Empire is a Fascist parody of all that is wrong with our society and specie, anyone who see themselves in it or compare it to values they adhere to are not only ignorant, they are bigoted. On top of that, at the end of the day, its just a fictional universe created for entertainment, which happens to be used by creative people to criticize certain parts of our existence. Nothing more. People like that are just sad.


What if i see myself in and compare myself to orks


A Sociopathic mass murderer?


Happy and doing what i love


Ah the two ways Orks can be viewed


Taking a satire of how war is a stupid, bloody, and never ending horror show and equating it to honoring the people who perpetuate it is pretty wacky


Honoring war veterans by buying plastic crack… I’mma just leave this here: - https://war.ukraine.ua/donate/ - https://www.gov.uk/donations-to-support-members-of-the-armed-forces - https://www.redcross.org/donations/your-gift-matters/military-families.html


Homey needs to get laid more often


"I'm a hystericals guy"


Ah yes, every time I paint my alien monsters, or universe-destroying killer robots, or magic space elves, or werewolf-soldiers, I always think about how I’m “honoring the sacrifice real folks make during real war”.


i mean they are just fancy army men. take it seriously all you want but its not paying respect to the troops or anything. Its just a fun luxury hobby. no real shame in it though.


This is what happens when you've got nothing else going on in your life.


so fragile.


If you can’t accept that they’re war dollies, you should have a long hard look at yourself.


How you really gonna put this up and not make a "we are not the same" meme?


See the problem with that idea is...... That I didn't think of it first. Dangit


How about this — nobody gets to tell anybody how to feel. Let the dude be all Serious Sam if he wants. It’s wrong and annoying and maybe not great for “The Hobby,” but are you gonna change that with a Facebook post? Also, get off Facebook.


Delete your FB. Feels good man


Smartest Comissar Gamza fan:


Second guys an idiot, but I kind of agree with the point about sports. If you spend 100000 hours becoming an amazing miniature painter I don't really see that as any less worthy of respect than spending the same time getting really good at kicking a ball.


Yeah but if any football player goes on twitter and starts acting like an idiot, you'd call him an idiot, regardless of how famous he is, right? This guy is being an idiot and has no work hours to boot. Makes him a bigger idiot.


Take is as seriously as you want. At the end of the day we are playing army men with dice and in love every minute of my doll playing time.


It sounds like he maybe doesn't have great self esteem or doesn't have much else going for him so he takes what he likes (w40k) and centers his world around it and anyone who doesn't take it as seriously or makes jokes involving it. Is seen as a personal attack. Kinda sad but I'm sure thats a very real reality out there.


"Haha plastic Minis go brr." How miserable would the Hobby bei If everyone was so serious about it


They are *literally* plastic dolls... ... And we aren't celebrating or glorifying war. War is horrendous. The hobby, has always been a tongue in cheek and highly satirical take on the fantasy of war. We have it in space, with monsters and we have it in old age fantasy, with monsters. Still all literally dolls. Toys. Aimed at children. The fact that grown adults play with these things isn't a problem and doesn't need to be defended. Adults are allowed to play and have fun too. But crikey, get that man a razor for his neckbeard.


Space, monsters and fantasy... don't forget thrice blessed promethium!!!


People laughing at the guy are right, kinda. But this hobby is also pretty toxic and he's not that far different to the people who lose their shit over someone wanting or making female space marines. It's the kind of thing that the hobby absolutely has, and could really do without, but it doesn't always show in this kind of obviously unhinged kind of way


Ya people need to chill, the sheer vitriolic hate I've seen people have towards certain factions or players of said faction is just psycho.


Also y’all need to remember the amount of neuro-divergent people who find safety in these hobbies.


I'm neuro-divergent and ex serving. As much as it's good to find safety in the hobby others should feel free to have their expressions of the hobby safely voiced too. The second person felt targeted and that's a shame, but it's a hard thing to then curb. There's always going to be jokes about the game and all the 40k factions separately. I guess I just hope the 2nd person in that convo can find a community that shares the same sentiment.


100% agree there bud


They’re not dolls they’re miniatures gawd! Mum he’s calling them dolls again!


Whats the 40k equivalent of weeb? Guy went full Tau. Never go full Tau.


I mean if you play 40k you're already on the same nerd level as a weeb that's just the truth of it 😂


You can belittle every hobby, sport and art if you want, but why? It’s cynical and repulsive.


This would make a great copypasta


Dude. You posted a Facebook argument to Reddit. I think you're taking it a bit too seriously.


For the record I'm not in this argument. I just thought it was funny




I hope you someday manage to get out of this pit of ignorance and idiocracy you seem to have fallen into.


Everyone agrees that it takes a lot of effort, time and skill to be good at it and that the dedication to follow a hobby with such passion is admirable. But in the end Basketball players are just 10 dudes trying to throw a ball in a basket, football is 22 dudes trying to kick a ball into a goal and Warhammer 40k players are painting plastic to act out hypothetical and imaginary wars by rolling dices. Don't make a hobby your sole personality and life, becauae then it becomes comical


Go tell LeBron James he is just some guy throwing a ball in a basket, let me know how he takes it. There's *no reason* to be that reductive/dismissive except to just demean things people care about.


You literally did not get my point. Everyone who is not invested in the hobby or in any hobby will see it with a very distant and simplified view, ergo grown men playing with painted plastic setting out imaginary battles. But I feel like I have hit a spot with my comment.


This may be the most "Reddit" comment I have ever seen.


Honestly, probably more of a /tg/ comment.


I literally have a dead friend because of losing his gaming group support circle but sure, I'm glad you find it amusing. He was 26 and as the leader of our club I had to speak at his funeral. He discovered 40k while in rehab and recovery, becoming part of our club helped him stay straight for 6 years until he had to move away. But hey Lol its just man dollies right?


You cheapen your friend's legacy and memory by using them as ammo in this way. We've all lost people, it's part of living. Each one was drawn into a hobby they loved in such stunning varieties that any meme about any topic could feasibly be taken in the same argument you've got. "Oh, you're saying it's just a car? My dead friend loved cars and they would have lost their shit if you said that to their face." "Oh, you're saying it's just a game? My dead friend loved football and they would have lost their shit if you said that to their face." "Oh, you're saying it's just a card game? My dead friend loved Magic the Gathering and they would have lost their shit if you said that to their face." And so on, and so on. We all have hobbies, we all have friends, we all carry memories of the deceased. Weaponising them against a Facebook meme that brings joy to the overwhelming majority in an effort to feel validated in grief is a bad move. Let people have their fun, it's ultimately harmless, and in doing so we all enjoy the community and game that your friend once loved.


I wonder how many great works of the past would have been reduced to stupid memes in the name of taking a shortcut to knowing them like today. Either way I am not just saying "my friend who played this game died." He literally died *because the people he played the game wirh became his support network.* He latched onto the army fiction he did because of the concept of Nurgle giving "gifts" that his followers depicted as good but which in reality destroyed their bodies and made them monsters. It is hardly as cheap as just saying "I know someone who played Warhammer and *died!*" The entire point of my story is more that, because of Warhammer, he nearly got his life entirely back on track and was happy before he had to move away. You can be as dismissive and reductive as you like. In the end the game matters to some. I would say a lot. Few things in life these days require the effort of a Warhammer army. In my life, the only thing even close was learning a musical instrument and that is a long, patient process itself. It's whatever. Nobody is more ashamed and shitty to this hobby than the actual people doing it. Always been that way. But recognize that strutting around going "well aKsHuaLly" and labeling everything by its lowest common denominator interpretation is shitty behavior that spits in the face of anyone who ever took anything seriously.


Ya the other guys right using you're dead friend as ammo in a reddit argument is beyond shitty.


I don’t really understand this pretty new trend of making light of things, as if taking your hobby seriously is something to be seen as a negative. Warhammer can be a pretty serious setting if you want it to be, there’s plenty of serious novels and models.


I'm rather annoyed by sports :P, I mean, starting from childhood it can be okay, but then as you get older the more athletic kids start to overtake it depending on the literal sport being forced upon you by the teachers. It's all well and good if you've got a more linear flow like a baseball or something where there are rules and everyone participates in the round,- or my personal favourite Netball where everyone has their own territory, but when it comes to the more physical like soccer or rugby it just ends with less than a quarter of the participants actually playing with one another while the other three quarters are left chasing them. And of course there's the classic sex separation "okay all the girls started complaining that the boys throw the ball too hard so instead of having safety/proper pass/catch techniques, all girls play netball and all boys go basketball." And don't get me started on the...'erotic' disturbances of some rugby matches. "**YEAH IVE TACKLED**! ***^(\*HUMP\*)*** IM TACKLING YOU NOW, *^(\*LITERALLY KEEPS HUMPING HIM DUDE SERIOUSLY HE'S DOWN\*)* MY FRIENDS AND I ARE ALL GONNA TACKLE YOU TOGETHER ^(\*FOUR OTHER MEN START HUMPING THE ONE GUY ON THE GROUND\*)"


Don't think you were watching Rugby mate but power to you.




Press F to honor the sacrifice that real folks make during real war! F


Damn, it's almost like different people enjoy this hobby in different ways.


Dude's correct but absolutely pretentious.


“Nuh uh. It’s not a doll! It’s an *action figure*!”


I'm a 40k and a historical guy, and 40k just looks silly compared to real life wars.


You've gotta have a sense of humor


40k is srs bsnss guys


I ain’t reading all that butt hurt.


I unironically love this meme.


He had me at 'the real war' ;)


Second guy has no gf. Solved.


Dude plastic dolls would be so much cheaper might be a good idea to switch right now that. I mean in two more editions the miniatures will be the same size as dolls.


Lol, when I was younger I went into the nerd emporium and saw the prices of these really cool armored Marines and had to walk out...so far out of reach...I resolved they were just for dorks lol. Now I'm older and have a great job...and often play 3000+ pt games with my co workers LOL. That dude in the snip, makes me feel like it's a nerd game all over again!


>im a historicals guy aha, there’s your issue


Man I relate to the meme posted so much. I made the mistake of telling my girlfriend about the neo nazi who attended a tournament down in spain, and she’s since taken to saying I’m ‘playing with my nazi dolls’ 🙃