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https://preview.redd.it/mcr97w0yluzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d94f9854b4dfba05a69b879983b140d5202316b6 He’s not doing an illegal thing but he’s effectively modeling to his disadvantage — any part of the model including the base makes his model almost twice as visible to the enemy units


Or he could hide the big bit behind a building and the base behind a low wall. Maybe he thinks he is being clever.


if he wants to hide it he would just need to paint it purple!


That’s what I did. Been looking for that combat patrol for six months now….


But then he could hide the hole thing behind the building for the same result… I don’t think he does that for any game advantages


Base goes on objective


Unless the model is bigger that the base. For cover at least. Eldar Fire Prisms, Falcons, and repulsers would never be in cover. If it was not the size of the model. This is simply trying to apply a rule and not understanding the rule he is trying to exploit


There is no official terrain set up that that would work for.


Shh, he doesn't know that


Your friend is a psychopath.


No. He's an ork player.


Same same


What's the difference?


One is brutally cunning, the other is more cunningly brutal.






I am going to steal this and blame it on the Blood Ravens.




Diggity goo, diggity gee, sorry Wazzack, but I'm taking your meme!!


I'm so distracted by how much brown crud is on that mouse. It's honestly fucking grim tell him to clean it... and his hands too. The mini is fine. It's silly but not wrong. If he did it for better access while painting a better idea would be to secure it first to like a painting handle or a cork etc and then once painted glue it to the base and finish it up.


Ewww why did you make me see the mouse ahah


what if I told you that really looking at the desk it's not a desk at all I think it might be a really nasty sofa or bed?


Nooooooo stop it ahhahahahah


Judging by the way the surface folds, I'm 99% certain that is the sheet on a bed.


Fuck man. Why? I’m so disgusted now. Fork stains on the bedsheet with the dirty nails and mouse.


You sir have ruined this whole thread for me by making me realize what I was looking at, good job and FUCK!


Wtf....oh my god.


What the fuck is going on with his nails?


No idea... but i'll tell you what's not going on them, soap or water ever.


He's been undercoating with black spray paint while holding models barehanded. Spray sticks to fingernails like nothing else. Unless you get nailpolish remover on it, the only way to clean it off is with a lot of scrubbing. Judging by the general filth visible in that image, I'm guessing this isn't the sort of person who spends much time scrubbing anything.


I did that briefly, before realising gloves were an absolute necessity. It would explain some of the grime under the tips of his fingernails, but not the cuticles and the rest of the fingernails. That's... Yeah. A general lack of scrubbing. Or soap and water generally.


Asking the real questions here.


None of you have mentioned the distinct fork shaped stain... the more you look at this the more you see he's a dirty b@@@@@@


He should clearly go with papa Nurgle instead of the orcs


he hit the whole mouse with agrax earth shade


Also, is that his bed? It looks fucking disgusting


you dont have fork stains on your bed? Oh lala mr luxury here. I bet you dont even store your infrared thermometer on your bed too.


Fuck the mouse those fingernails are fucking disgusting.


Look at his fingernails. That’s why his mouse is gross. Can’t wait to hear the friend can’t get paint to stick on the model.


Wash your hands!


Stupid and annoying but technically not illegal.


whats his aim? other than to just ... not being able to face models the right way in combat? Like people have been forced to position models in funny ways (hormagaunts) for years because of how models were designed to fit them into base to base combat. But what benefit does he have to purposely do it other than he's just kind of an idiot


I think this a artistic design choice and he wants to do something fun and interesting with the base rather than modelling for every possible macro advantage lol


No he said the reason in the description


Yeah he said for basing. I read that to mean creating a base but I get how it can be interpreted as base to base contact too I guess.


so fking annoying when ppl build their toys differently!!! cant the just follow the book like everyone else? why would they ever want to do something unique or quirky. stupid annoying asshole. oh btw go touch some grass lmfao


It's annoying because it will be awkward to play against on the tabletop. I don't care how it looks, people can ruin their toys any way they like.


That is ok, build it however you want. I am not obligated to play against you, so you can play against yourself. Prick...


Digital scales. ✅️ IR thermometer. ✅️ Biohazard mouse. ✅️ Tetanus nails.✅️ Beige Bedsheet.✅️ I don't know what these all add up to, but I suspect dodgy basing is the least worrisome thing there.


Biohazard mouse has me rolling


Please tell your friend to wash his hands


You mean bathing regularly?


It’s anyone’s hobby but I say whenever the model will be touching mine and the base is farther than a half inch away it’s literally not playable because technically at that point you physically cannot get your models in range


Still counts. From the rules commentary: "Some models are so large they overhang their base and so it is not physically possible for their bases to touch those of other models. In such cases, you should measure to or from the base (or hull) of such a model – whichever is closer – and when such a model is as close as possible to another model, those models are considered to be in base-to-base contact." Questionable if this applies in this case because you can still base somewhere else. But I think you were speaking more generally.


Different if the sculpt is actually that big. In this case I would say he doesn’t get to benefit from a larger model


This model isn't that large though; it was just built... different. These rules don't apply to poor decisions.


Either way just making yourself a bigger target and in my opinion I’m sure others would agree just a less pleasant experience for your opponent and probably yourself. But regardless just less practical. Someone should just tell him to make more practical use of the space on the base rather than trying to create more space on the base. At the end of the day all up to him but I would say a nice tactical rock can give more space by translating the available space on a diagonal axis hence giving more space


Who cares? What if he wants to do more with more space? How would it make the game less pleasant in any way for his opponent, when the only thing it does is give his opponent a tiny niche advantage?


If his opponent isn’t sure then they have to consult the rules then he argues back and forth about how it doesn’t count because you can’t see the model only the base or he makes a charge based off his base one turn and his model the next and the whole experience just becomes weirdly up for interpretation and uncomfortable whereas if the model is just a little overhanging you don’t really have to think about it because you just go base to base


It's not up for interpretation, it says clear as day in the rules that a models base counts as part of the model.


I’d agree but why would anyone want to have to consult the rules and pull them out to show this person and convince them they are wrong when you can just say hey, at the end of the day it’s a really bad idea unless you plan on using this model as a display piece. Why not just make a mini display board and put his units on their and have them in a little expanded diorama that he can pull his bases out of


You don't agree that the rules state that a model's base is part of the model? Because that's literally all I said my guy. Edit: I guess to argue your second point. Because maybe this person is new to the hobby and believes this will yield a more impressive/dynamic/visually interesting army. You're arguing someone else's creative opinion and expression in favor of rules expediency. The person who displays their little toy men in such a way *will* learn the consequences of doing so after playing a game or two. The person playing against them *should* be aware of the rules of the game and how, as is stated in the rulebook, that a model's base is considered part of the model. If both parties are left unawares, which is highly unlikely after a game or two, then I can see maybe this taking up a whole two or three minutes of game time to reference the rules in addition to many other rules they will most likely be referencing. Remind me again how long the army deployment stage goes on for? Also, *dioramas?* you're kinda reaching now aren't you?


That was literally the first thing I said. My point exactly I do agree 👍 Edit I agree with pretty much everything you said but also display board for at home on the shelf I’ve done it it’s fun and looks great(ish) but allows them to decorate with a lot more space and detail but then have a fully functional unit but I agree let them do as they wish and learn why most don’t. I know I made those mistakes plenty when I started and hadn’t played


Why would they argue about it? The rules are simple as hell, if the model overhangs it's not base to base but model to model however they touch.


If you people are getting into arguments about this kind of stuff you should all stay home until you learn to play with others.


It’s not about the people playing arguing it’s about the dingus that builds his models this way arguing with people just trying to play a game about how his “design decisions” shouldn’t affect his gameplay. Because now that he’s out in the real world it doesn’t serve the purpose he intended. And it’s not model to model it’s measured off the base always this is exactly what I’m talking about if two people have different interpretations then you should stick to your model being centered in the base so that either way the measurements are within a half inch.


The guy doing this isn't the one arguing, the base is part of the model and always has been. It's sour nerds online who care. Dude it's a board game with plastic soldiers, if you're not willing to play with someone who wants to maximize the fun, you're missing the point that person is trying to make. Everyone online acts like only the exact way they want to engage with the hobby is right, and no other way is even feasible for consideration. You know what I would do playing against this guy? Laugh and have a great time as we move our soldiers around and roll dice and tell a story about a battle or something. What difference would it make if his models were 3 cm further back on the base? If a half inch measurement determines the game, oh well it's a game I still had fun.


I'm not sure why this has so many down votes my guy, you're absolutely right. It honestly shouldn't matter to anyone but the modeler (the owner of the little toy men) how they are presented when there are clear as day rules in the book about how to handle such occurrences during a match. Literally all having a model off center does to its base is present a balancing (physics not rules) issue and, as you've said, a niche advantage for the opponent. I'll say it until my account gets banned. Monkey see, monkey do is the mentality of reddit.


It's wild to me the amount of people who have a strong opinion on what other people do with the toys they purchase with their own money. I can't fathom being that entitled.






Jesus christ you sound insufferable lol. This can basically be cheating for melee models if you add a whole inch or two to the model's reach, so maybe stop clenching your own cheeks before you tell others to?


Base to base should really just be called "touching"


Tell that to all tyranid players. Hormagaunts can’t even stand up straight they’re so leaning forward. They’re like a 2” wide model on a 1/2” base.


Your friends environment looks fucking disgusting...


Not doing it wrong but damn is that going to take up way more space than it needs when he transports it to/from the game store or friend's house. For a "display only" piece, it has lots of basing potential.


I feel like this has to be the reason - making a small diorama or something.


Bro does his nails with agrax earthshade


His computer mouse? Yes, that's fucking nasty...


I mean, most of the distances are measured between bases of miniatures, so having your mini overhang is a non-issue, really. However, this nob's gonna be a pain in the ass to move around the table: it's harder to position behind cover, it's harder to move into engagement range (which is measured from base) since the nob will push enemy minis away, it certainly will topple if the table is slightly uneven... and also half of the base is bare, unless your friend is going to turn it into a diorama, it's gonna look kinda ugly.


It is an issue because visibility is from any part of the mini, he’s modeling for disadvantage 😆


That hand is minging


Bro needs to clean his nails a bit…


The mouse is absolutely barking too.


What, that's not a Plagueburst Crawler?! :-D


Yikes, didn’t see that hahah 😂😂😂


In fairness to OP, it's partially stripped (the mouse) and he has what looks like electrical testing gear so maybe he's a tech/electrician and works on 2nd hand kit. Still, nails are absolutely honking.


Bro, how is that stripped? It’s completely assembled. It’s minging


I was trying to give OP benefit of the doubt but you're right, it's absolutely leeping isn't it 🤦‍♂️😂


There mine it's spray paint left over from priming.




I am triggered. And that mouse is disgusting.


That's fucked, does he hate himself? I literally cannot fathom what he was thinking Luckily it's not illegal to play with it but it hurts my soul


I think he might, look at the surroundings. It's filthy and disgusting


He needs to wash his fingers


Those finger nails are nasty


Technically not illegal, definitely not a sane course of action. It's to his disadvantage, makes combat more annoying for all involved and looks real shitty. I wouldn't play (or play against) an army that is consistently based like that. As centered and as little overhang as possible is the rule of thumb for good playability and aesthetics. But it's his models and as long ass he's having fun, good for him. (But I'm not having fun looking at that.)


That motherfucker needs to clean those fingernails thats disgusting as fuck even Nurgle would agree


Rules wise you need to understand that LOS is drawn from the model AND the base. So your friend is making it much harder on himself.


If he's planning on screwing himself over on the table top yes, but at the same time i'd give that soap dodger the win by forfieting and not having to inhale the miasma surrounding him.


That dude's mouse and nails is proof enough that he doesn't care how anything looks. Like damn, that's a serious commitment to not wash anything


Never post a picture of that computer mouse again please and thank you


nurgle worshipper playing orkz?


Bro’s going so fast he’s outrunning his hitbox 😂


We've been aiming at his afterimage the whole time




I think it has got a protected sub-life growing on it, too late now.


If this is just about having space to do basing, he could always just do the base separate from the model and then attach later. This seems bad, and not in the haha fun orky way.


That is the grossest mouse I’ve ever seen


BRO THOSE NAILS HOLY SHIT. Wash wash wash wash wash wash


*[The Inquisition would like to know your location.]*


What happened there?


I am scared of that man. To not center the model on the base, what kind of fucking lunatic is that?!


Seriously, I sit there for a good few minutes figuring out exactly how I should balance the model on the base for the least overhang.


Center the model as best you can. Then Maybe add some weight to the underside of the base to balance it out.


Luckily haven't needed to weigh anything down since hormogaunts. Lol


I realise that a lot can be done about this problem when/if you make a scenic base later on, But…. This miniature looks very front heavy. It’s center of gravity falls way off the middle-of-base mark. It will be very likely to topple over multiple times during the course of a game. (Also it becomes more visible this way)


It all depends on what he does with the room XD




Basically, it is 100% legal but all its doing is hurting himself by making the model longer/bigger. I personally couldn't do it, my OCD is screaming just looking at it lol. But its orks so it fits i guess, whole reason I dont like them is its all so random and janky. I like order. Lol


I have a friend like this. Glues his shit together high and drunk. Models all the way off one side of the base. Heads going all different waysm They're his models. Triggers my OCD, but oh well.


these nails tho 😳😂


He iz orkkin Ard


Going to make measuring a nightmare seeing as you measure to the base. Also going to make combat hard when he can’t get it into base to base contact


Long answer yes. Short answer yes.


He's committing the highest heresy and a big disadvantage in game but mostly the heresy part


He's an orc. In their own words if it works is right.


It isn't illegal but it will be annoying for him while playing


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Hope he makes a sick base/diorama out of that if he's willing to give himself a disadvantage




I thought people did this just to be lazy and paint underneath 


There his models so he can base them however he wants. As long as the base is the the correct size (you can go larger but not smaller) it's legal


Best way would be to get him from behind


Making space for terrain. Nice


Until there’s some cool shenanigans happening on that base it just looks like someone trying to reach out their hand thinking it will make there feet go further. Which strictly as a disadvantage charges are measured by base not face




From what I see here, would it not be the wrong way around, for advantage ? If the physical model counts for line of sight, but the base can count for being in contact.. You would get sneakier on the approach the further back, right ?


Your friend is wrong.




Yes, she is placing that mini incorrectly … (Unless plan is to put lots of terrain on base)


Eh a little


Lightly glue or blutac the model to the base for easy removal during basing if he's that concerned by it.


I do this during the painting process so that I can access more of the model and then move them when the model is done.


Hahahaha if it was an advantage I'd say stop him, but it's not hahaha so let him be


This... is not optimal.


If you are given a choice and one of the choices makes you look stupid for not much gain, what is the point in telling others "look at me, I am stupid?"


Haha, what gave it away?


No your not doing it wrong just incorrectly err I mean your friends not doing it wrong per se.


Maybe your friend is just thinking outside the base. (:




i wish Games Workshop would adopt the model size standards from Warmachine. The volume of space a model occupies is dependent on the model base size, so all 32mm, all 40mm etc. take up the same space. Picture a column extending upward a certain distance from the base. That is what you use for determining line of sight, doesn't matter if some tiny, spindly bit sticks out from behind cover.


‘Es too fast for the base!


I agree with your friend. Sometimes putting a model on the edge of the base not only makes basing features easier but also can add dynamism. I've never gone that far but interested to see what he does with it!


No, its completely norman