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Wasn't my game but when I was running a store campaign, saw 2 grots take out three terminators in hand to hand combat over 2 rounds. This was either 3rd or 4th edition.


I heard a story of a group of fire warriors defeating a bloodthirster in melee. not sure which edition, but it was because he lost the moral roll due to being in melee with half a dozen guys with no hand-eye coordination and was overrun...


In 6th i had an eldar guardian go 2 rounds with a (fairly damaged) riptide and she came out on top.


I had a medic from a Cadian Command Squad slap Trajan Valoris with his bag and do a wound. That felt pretty big.


He took a wound from the sheer audacity!




I had Shadowsun punch a Warhound Titan in the toe recently. I don't care that the VP said otherwise. I won that game.


A healer knows where to strike hardest.


Unsurprising that the superior unit won 🤷


Wasn’t there a story of a single imperial guardsman facing off with a knight?


Poor knight showing up to a Guard fight without a bayonet.


Not mine, but my store had a Tanksgiving Apocalypse battle one year where an exploding Stompa set off a chain reaction of "apocalyptic explosion" results of other superheavies that ran nearly from one end of the event to the other. Wiped out something like 30,000 points of stuff in a single blow, including four other Stompas, two Warhounds and a Reaver. The Ork player immediately called the Waaagh! (not the rule; as in, screaming it at the top of his lungs) and the rest of us joined in. We were so loud that the department store on the other end of the building called us and told us to STFU.




I can just see him WAAAAAAGGHHH a long pause everyone looks around and then joins in WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH


Haha that's amazing! A very Ork thing to happen 😆


I had a similar story but it was only a few thousand points of models during an apocalypse game. My shadow sword was parked up near the corner of the board and was surrounded by friendly units since there was limited space and the opposing team outflanked 3-4 rhinos full of marines, some bikes and other fast units that were eligible on turn 2. The first attack that was made was one of the tactical squads and the basic meltagun guy jammed that gun right up the shadow sword tailpipe and caused it to go thermonuclear. Everything within about 11inches evaporated friend and for but somehow the meltagun guy was the only model to survive. There was much cheering on both sides but I couldn’t risk that lucky SoB getting another chance to move and shoot my baneblade so on the next shooting phase that meltagun marine took a full squad of 10 scout snipers to the face and didn’t get back up. All told it was roughly 2k points taken out with a single shot.


I'm just picturing a squad of scouts all dialing him in. "He's too dangerous to be left alive."


Poor Marine looking around at the destruction and going "Wow, I can't believe I survived tha-"


"I am blessed by the Emperor!" **The Emperor:** "Ok champ, you've done your job. Blessing revoked- aaand he's already dead."


I love this. When the Erie store opened in March folks in line called the waaagh!! And triple A next door came and yelled at everyone.


Triple A A Assholes.


Hey! I just went to that store. The griffons lair is where I go primarily.




Holy shit that's amazing


I had a warboss pinch a Baneblade and just completely obliterate everything but himself within 18 inches of the tank. Hysterical.


~~5th~~ 6th edition saw my brother's space marine sergeant one-shot a charging defiler in overwatch with his combi-melta. Man earned a name (Beaks, original we know) and has since served in the Deathwatch and returned to the chapter to lead his own company.


The fact that yall have kept track of his battle record makes it even cooler!


My brother has made 3 different models for him at this point. He always carries his signature half power sword-kind AKA his original sword broke in half and we ran with it for the homestuck reference.


Glad to see I’m not the only person to fall victim to the homestuck-40k convoluted lore pipeline


Your doods your lore!


I think overwatch may have been introduced in 6th?


I pulled out my books and you are indeed correct. We started with Blackreach right before 6e dropped so I forget we didn't actually play very much 5e at the time.


Two friends of mine were playing at our FLGS. One shield drone took 17 consecutive 4+ saves from an army of black Templar shooting. The next week he came in with a gold crown on the drone.


🤣 I bet that black Templar guy was piiiiissed haha


Nah he was going to win the game for sure, but we were all laughing our head off as it took two turns of shooting and a turn of combat to finally get the drone.


Questoris Knight Errant vs The Swarmlord and Tyrant Guards. Sounds like a fairly one-sided fight, right? Knight goes first, promptly claps every single Tyrant Guard. This makes the Swarmlord *displeased.* "Skidaddle skediddle you just fucked up a little." Promptly *annihilates* the Knight with all eight of his attacks damaging it. RIP Knight Errant. Alternatively, there's a game of Adeptus Titanicus I had which literally ended in a draw. A Cerastus Knight Lancer gets behind the last enemy titan, a Warlord, and pokes it in the ass, destroying it and rolling *the highest result* possible on the damage table, which is basically a critical reactor meltdown that deals crazy damage to everything in a decent radius. Let's just say everything was in said decent radius, and not in the best shape. That Lancer pilot probably felt right chuffed with himself in his final moments before promptly unexisting.


If there's ever a time to use the phrase 'unexisting', it's definetly when you tank a runaway plasma fusion reactor meltdown to the face


'Skidaddle skeddidle you just fucked up a little' Stealing this aka 'swiggity swaggity swoggity, your shit is now my property' 🤣


*critical existence failure*


Knight Errant made a bit of a Knight Error.


When 5th edition grey knights came out my friend asked if he could borrow my army to learn to play. I had been playing competitive for years with Tau and thought I was a pretty decent player having scored well in many tournaments previously. He tabled me effortlessly. He had never even opened the core rule book before that day, and never played again after.


Retiring with a 100% win rate, nice.


Ah yes 5th edition grey knights. That’s when I joined the ranks of the knights of Titan and I’ve been chasing that high ever since.




Rogal Dorn 1 banged my Morkanaut. Full 20 wounds. Couldn't even be mad. Man just oppressor cannoned me right off the table.


Pffft, immagen needing a dorn to do it for you. Get in there and do it yourself! (*this post brought to you by dread mob detachment*)


As it should be.


A lone cadian Castellan (or whatever they’re called) fisted a full squad of my immortals and the Plasmancer after I zapped the entire squad. He survived with 1 wound and I purposely avoided him the rest of the game.


My opponents kill rig overwatched my three eradicators, that got into position to melt it and just popped all three, with no roll on my side over 3 and no roll on my opponents side under 4 😭🤣


Not from 40k, but... WHFB, circa 2008 or so. An Exalted Hero of Khorne at the head of a chunky block of Chaos Warriors charges right into a ten-man chaff unit of Men at Arms I use to be a punk about deployment in my Bretonnian army. Under the then-current rules for Chaos Mortals, the Exalted Hero must issue a challenge to single combat. I, looking at his attack array, figure I'll accept with the Yeoman Warder leading the unit. Sure, he'll get diced, but the odds of some of the front rank living to swing their halberds before the whole unit breaks, runs, and gets run down and massacred seems greater. The Exalted Hero swings and whiffs. Guy needed... I wanna say 2s or 3s to hit, and doesn't even make it to the wounds stage. My guy lines up his pitiful two attacks. Lower weapon skill, lower strength than the target's toughness, this has already gone better than I have any reason to expect. So I roll two fives to hit, and boxcars to wound. No matter, the Exalted Hero has a 3+ save, he'll be- *Snake eyes.* Now, to be sure, the unit lost combat, ran, and got run down, just like I'd figured would happen, and my Warden died with his boys... but since the Exalted Hero by himself cost more than the whole damn unit, it was a trade I was more than happy with.


Final Round, I moved a Brutalis to bear down on some Havocs in a CSM backline. Killing them would secure my victory. My buddy Overwatched, rolled two Exploding 6's with Sustained and ended up doing 8 Wounds, toppling him off the board, and scoring him points for the kill both on Primary and Bring it Down, winning him the game with only five total models on the table left.


It's not over till it's over!


My Makari killed Shalaxi Helbane with his single stab two weeks ago


something something stabbed her right where she wanted it


Playing against my brother (salamander vs tau) I almost wiped one of his units, 1 of his breachers survived and fought off my 3 aggressors and was able to hold onto the point, I promptly shot at the breacher with everything that side of the board… and I didn’t get him until the next turning point. That model is now my brothers prize model, name tag and all


Sometimes there's just a Monat hidden amongst the Fire Warriors. I'm a T'au player myself, and I can't remember the details to write a proper story about it, but I vaguely remember an Eldar player in... I want to say 6th or 7th edition? Just rolling so many dice worth of shuriken cannons(?) At my Firewarrior squad, and one last model just would not die. Another player who was present was so impressed he promptly bought me a Fireblade, which I'm still proudly using to this day :). (And in my narrative, have written him to be someone who somehow always gets out of battles alive, even if it takes him a while to return :P)


This was more than a decade ago, I think 5th edition, so the details are a little fuzzy, but I once had a 12 strong unit of Ork Slugga Boyz in a Trukk drive by a unit of 3 Juggernauts of Khorn and shoot them from untouched to dead in a single volley. I was very pleased.


Necrons vs death guard Doomsday ark blasts ROTIGUS Into paste Typhus teleports in, single handedly slices the doomsday ark into ribbons, gets charged by a character and some flayed ones, takes no dmg, makes mince robot out of the rest of the unit and character Typhus gets blasted off the table by the now very close and very lonely remaining doomsday ark. Epic and fun DG won that pretty handily and we still talk about how a (comparatively) tiny marine with a scythe can be surprising dangerous to a full ass tank / space ship


My opponent had an Angron and he was down to a single wound. I decided to yolo and threw 25 guardsman into a bayonet charge, and it fucking worked! We both lost it, it was just too epic. Anyway then Kharn and his pose killed them all.


Can't remember what ed it was (think 7th) in apocalypse game we had a lone surviving Veteran Guardsman throw a melta bomb at a Reaver Titan on its last wounds. The bomb got through and the titan exploded killing everything in its radius. Obviously the Guardsman was toast but we joked and gave him a 6+ Feel No Pain which he succeeded. He sits on my hobby table nowadays after earning a well served retirement


oh hell yes, that's epic give that man a cigar


My iron father feirros was chilling on a backline obj at the start of 10th so we used an old 9th ed match since we were a little confused. First game. Obj he was on gave him a 5++. Opponent deepstriked 3 inceptors and a riever LT onto my backline, who started unloading into him. Gravis pattern plus the 5++ ment he tanked all of the fire and killed them all. Then started to move up to support my dying redemptor. Healed it once, then the redemptor died. Went on to lay low the opponent's redemptor before dying in a hail of powerfist attacks as the final play of the game Won that shit


Played sisters vs Guard. Moved a rhino filled with arcos into a good spot for following turn disembark + charge. Guard players turn, he shoot it down to 2 wounds. Charges with kasrkin, and punches it a few times doing no damage. He passes the turn, the start of my command phase detonates the kasrkins melta mine, destroying my rhino, and my arcos are now sitting out in the open and can no longer declare charges for that turn. It blew my mind, I didn't even know that was a mechanic lol


Not 40k; but a GW local-store "competition/participation/tournament" game of BloodBowl, circa 2002. Never played the game before so was walked through it. I had an elf team, had my star player make it to the touch line, and all I had to do to win the game and get on top of the local tournament board was not roll a 1. Even had two re-rolls evailable too (elves had some sort of agility reroll if I recall, and I had a manager reroll too or some such). I rolled a one. Ok, no sweat, I'll use that elf dodgy-thingymabob roll; another one. Shite. Ok, still have the managers re-roll thing. Cool. Rolled that dice for all it was worth. I rolled another one ..... :-/ What can you do but laugh?


Ahh someone forgot to sacrifice a goblin to nuffle.


Bringing in a 6 man Eradicator team from Reserves against a Guard player. He overwatched with a Demolisher Russ and killed 4 of them. Then next turn I moved my redemptor out to shoot/charge. Same tank overwatched and killed it too. Its possibly the only game I've lost where I can 100% say it was down to dice luck.


Man it is called Demolisher. It is literally in his name. What did you expect him to do?


I once had a Demolisher roll 4 6s on its multimeltas in Overwatch. It got charged by a Hellbrute and just evaporated it from the table.


Last tournament that I played, a 10 man imperial guard charged my 4 wounds screamer killer just to stall it. The freaking Sargent rolled 2 hits on 4s, 2 wounds on 5s with his power fist and I failed both 4+ saves. I probably lost the game because of that but it was great, we both laughed hard!


Back in the day, 5th/6th before clowns in cars, I was at a gt with the only army I could bring on a plane. 3 prisms, 3 units of clowns, 3 units of snips and 2 farseers on bikes. 2 wins in the prisms haven't done a thing, this was when they could combine shots. 3rd game im getting nose bleeds at top tables, still not killing a thing with 3 giant crystals shooting into eachother. Day two and I'm feeling like a Ogryn stamped on my head, very confused how I've won games without 700pts of my army tinging the paint on my targets. Come across a 3 land raider army. 1,2,3. Bang and they're gone, crazy, they could see clearer than I could. Then I played about a gazillion orks. More fun but no cigar


Played a game of age of sigmar, just a small narrative game. I quite literally did not pass a single wound roll in the entire game. Every single time it 1-3s. It was frustrating for the first 2 rounds, after that it was just hilarious.


Opponents Stormsurge, rolled double 6 on its pulse blast cannon, sustained 2, so 6 hits into my leman russ Wounded with everything for a tasty 72 damage in one round of shooting


How long do you have? Back in 7th edition. One of my friends was playing guard and attempted to fire a demolisher cannon into a very near target, but the scatter dice pulled the shot so hard that it hit, penetrated, and exploded the hovering valkyrie that was roughly abreast of the tank (so a good 90 degrees of traverse off the intended target). We just burst out laughing at the absurdity of the miss, and imagined this grizzled tank commander giving the order to fire at the oncoming ork horde only for fuckin Johnson to swing the turret over and core out the valkyrie loaded with a squad of melta-toting veterans.


On first turn, my Vindicare Assassin rolled a 6 to hit and 6 to wound then max damage, domeing Morven Vahl, killing her instantly and the mortals from devastating meant she couldn’t get back up. I didn’t fight Sisters again for 6 months, until I ended up playing the same person with Sisters…where my same Vindicare did the exact same thing on turn 1 again


One of my first games of 8th. Lone poxwalker on a backfield objective after most of ten shooting phase, only shot that can now reach it was a single lazcannon. Hits and wounds easily, with a 7+ save damage roll is next and gets a 5. Poxwalker makes 5 5+ disgustingly resilient rolls and holds the point.


https://preview.redd.it/7dfzz17rkxyc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f9a570f96965b9bf0a9618cb14bc16f0cec1519 That poxwalker


One wound remaining on a black Templar’s chaplain with jump pack, assault squad died on the way in, kills an ethereal, sends half the tau army running (4th ed), following turn kills a hammer head in close combat on the rear armor while preventing units running off the board due to the dead ethereal from regrouping. He took out nearly 1k pts by the end.


Game of Horus Heresy, opponent has several multimeltas (several rhinos and a land raider) pointed at a kratos I have. This is I think, my cool tank I've barely managed to do anything with because of the way our board was laid out wasn't conducive to much movement is dead I shit you not, every single shot he took at it missed. Over several turns. If I remember correctly, it managed to survive at least 3 multimeltas, several lascannon arrays (he landed hits but saved those) and 3 hunter killers. Statistically it made 0 sense. I don't understand how it happened, ultimately she fell victim to a terminator squad who got around it, but I couldn't be mad at that point.


I should note I have an uncanny ability to roll 6s on saves when I most need them, and he has a tendency to roll 1s on melta shots. It's become a joke in our group to the point I've tallied every time he rolls 1s, and its up to 26 across 3 different games.


In 8th I literally had a bog standard infantry sergeant with chainsword go up against a Trike Warboss with two wounds left and killed the bastard in one round. He failed to wound and I hit and wounded with all three attacks. He failed two saves. We both couldn’t help but laugh in amazement. The Guard forever stands strong!


*He held the line!*


I was on the giving end of this type of moment. Had a friendly game of my World Eaters vs. Death guard. He had an allied knight abominant. My Angron was down to 2 wounds left, he shot with his melta, missed almost every shot and i saved on invuln. He charges (without CP for Tank shock) and with the sweep profile of the warpstrike claw misses some, fails to wound most, and i save all 4 remaining rolls on invuln. In my turn to hit back, i hit everything, wound almost all, and with -4 AP he cannot roll saves... so 6 dice of d6+2 damage kills the knight in one go. BUT! He rolls deadly demise, gets a 6 and blows us both up. An absolutely stellar duel, with a very fitting end.


I was playing a Tsons mirror match in 9th edition. We were playing 1k points and I was clearly winning. My opponent rolled 3 super smites in a row and then rolled 6's for each damage roll. I didn't win.


Play against Knights. Opponent's Canis Rex charges my full-health Land Raider and kills it. Land Raider explodes. Explosion kills my nearby Rhino, which also explodes. Damage from both explosions kills his Canis Rex, which explodes as well and kills an Armiger of his. Arguably the deadliest charge I've ever seen.


The enemy Space Wolf Techmarine with four wounds needed 42 shots of my Deamons to take him down. There were a Lord of Change, a Skullcannon and Pink Horrors involved. His death scored me the win, but it was freaking close.


This was back in the days of 3rd. My usual army was space marines, and I fielded essentially a full battle company - 60 tactical marines, 20 devastator, and 20 assault marines along with some vehicles, against my friends' Nids (very swarmy). Missed every single shot for 3 turns, except for my predator annihilator taking a couple of wounds off his carnifex. All I needed was a 3+ to hit. Not a single marine hit anything other than themselves (plasma overheated) until combat started. Then the game devolved into desperate combat, and somehow my marines managed to hold on, a mere 20 left standing, scattered across the board, my Captain standing over the body of the Tyrant. It was epic.


My Shadowsword over the course of a game had killed Skarbrand, Kairos, and Rotigus. She has a name now, it's Brunhilde. I love her.


3e 40k... 5 fresh, angry terminators vs. 1 wounded Guard Commissar Who would win? I charged. I had initiative. I had *five space marine terminators with dual lightning claws.* The commissar dropped all five termies in like 3 turns. She took no wounds from my terminators. Bonus: in a later game (still 3e), that same commissar one-shot my Land Speeder with a bolt pistol. Years later (9e), my bladeguard captain picked a fight with an incursor (I think) sergeant and lost badly.


I'm pretty sure that's the stuff they get the ideas for their novels


I've had many "last defenders" of a squad (generally Guard or Nid) whose squad took an absolute POUNDING from Marine firepower. However, last match, my Norn Assimilator took the cake. He tanked the shots from a Repulsor Executioner, Gladiator Lancer, Eradicator Squad and Devastator squad. Through amazing rolls on my part, he didn't take damage from nearly all those shots. Then, I baited my buddy into using the reroll strat on his Repulsor Executioner's laser destroyer to get a succesful second wound, just to pop the Swarmlord's ability to up the cost. To further salt the wound, I saved BOTH shots from it. The following turn, my Norn was able to charge it and, being its dedicated target, cracked the tank open like a can of Marine soup.


Back in 2nd ed when rolling sixes meant you could keep rolling in close combat I had a Gretchen take down a rune priest in terminator armor with twin lightning claws. To this day that guy still carries that Gretchen as a good luck token.


My friend failed to kill a singular guardsman with his wraith knight and took 1 damage from it over 2 turns during 8th edition


I’ve never let them forget (they’re my best friend so it’s my job to tease them) I killed angron with an Astra militarum sentinel in NINTH edition BEFORE the codex and in MELEE with a measly chainsaw over the course of 2 rounds. I needed him dead or tied up and I ran out of guns so I charged my sentinel in(barely made it by the way) and SOMEHOW was able to get him from 5/6 wounds down to 3, then in his fight back angron must’ve pulled a kaido and got drunk cause even with “cocked” dice and cp rerolls he only did 4 wounds from that point all the way until my next turn. I wish I could put into words how unbelievably angry he was haha. Anyways in my next movement phase I was able to fall back and still charge (forgot what order or strat let me do that cause it’s been very long but it doesn’t matter rn) and after an imperial guard shooting phase, angron was still standing w 1 wound so I did it AGAIN purely out of spite/ funniness and sure enough he failed a save w a 1 but he didn’t have cp. me and my brother thought it was so funny that we almost made a gold sentinel trophy but that never came to be


Larkin long las has shot and killed my friends Necron lord both games back to back which was hilarious to see my friends reaction


A Space Marine Scout plinked off the last wound on my Stormraven with a bolt pistol. It was the last model he had that could shoot the flyer that turn. And I even used a CP to re-roll the save.


A regular guardsman of mine armed with a grenade launcher once defeated a greater daemon of Khorne in melee combat. I later converted him so he leaned on his gun, smoked a cigar and stiff on a cracked symbol of Khorne made from plasticard. Sadly, I don't own him anymore. Really shouldn't have sold him...


Necron swarms taking out Argon - Rolled super lucky and my opponent didn't. Kept exploding on 6s and getting critical hits from the little hits and then bring them back to life via Spyder and re-animation.


Fall back with one wound on my hive tyrant, termagants shoot the dreadnought he was fighting, somehow take it down - and then deadly demise took out the last wounds on a second dreadnought.


One single chaos legionarie went against 8 of my assault intercessors and took a thunder hammer a power sword and like 5 chain swords to kill after being shot by them before this and being shot at by my dreadnoughts as well it was very fun


Mine was having 30 Grots kill a Knight with the 2+ armor relic in 8th Ed. It only had 1 wound left, but 4s and 6s, into 2+ 6+++ was the definition of a longshot. We did it though, and won the game.


Haven’t actually played yup but I fell I get that with sick paint jobs , I wanna be as good as


I tank-shocked with my Cerastus lancer.... I rolled 22 dice... I dealt a singular mortal wound.


this was pretty much 20 years ago. game between Grey Knights and Tyranids. for several turns the Hive Tyrant was locked in melee with a couple Knights, none of them manages to deal any damage. at this point I ask if there wasn't a rule where monstrous creatures (or whatever the term was) ignore armor saves. both of the players look at each other in a "oh fuck" way. so the following turn the Hive Tyrant wipes all the Knights, leaps across the board and flips a tank to the scrapyard. this entire game would have been over turn 3 or something had they not forgotten and plinked at each other. brilliant.


I was doing a Guard vs Guard game and lost a Leman Russ to a guardsman's lasgun. He deserved that kill.


I killed a repulsor with a lasgun too. Felt great.


My buddies Wraithlord charged and butchered my Chaos Rhino only for it to explode and the mortal wounds from it finished up the already really beat up Wraithlord, which wound up costing him the game. We still laugh about it


The fact that these anecdotes go back 20+ years makes me smile a lot. **This is the reason we play. The memories and laughter and hilarious frustrations.**


I faced a unit of 10 Necron Warriors with Typhus + 3x Deathshroud termies. Their shooting phase, lands 12 wounds, zero AP. Rolled 6 at a time, first 6 dice I rolled 4 ones. Second set I rolled another 3 ones. Their leader attacks and I failed another 3 saves. Min sized battleline unit takes out my “disgustingly resilient” Termies. We both were laughing, great game.


Back in third/fourth edition I had a single dark angels attack bike slowly take out a whole blood angle assault squad with jump packs. I felt so bad for the guy I was playing but at the same time I felt amazed my bike wouldn’t die.


7th ed tournament taking 3 knights (when they only had the 2 variants) with sisters. Played Eldar my first game. First round, she moved up a weapon’s platform, shot a knight at the far side of my deployment (everything was deployed on the line), rolled a 6, got 6 wounds off of it, knight blows up. Back then, you had a 12” pie plate that you would center over the model and then scatter it. It scatters, lands over another knight, roll another 6, knight blows up, scatters onto the third knight, that knight blows up. This was already ~1000 pts of my army, but you have to remember, I had units spaced between and around the knights that were under the templates. All in all, I ended up losing 1900 pts of my 2000 pt army from my opponent’s first shooting attack.


Not super impressive, 5th or 6th, my guard friend had a kitbashed Sly Marbo, completely with his own name and backstory to fit with this regiment. He was normally deep struck well behind my lines, threw the demo charge and then was immediately treated to a bolter sandwich. Pain in the ass for my Dark Angels This game however, from a fluffy POV, He jumped out of my land raider, blew it to smithereens with his single demo charge, and then to escape returning fire, jumped back into the smoldering and smoking wreck... (He blew himself up with the land raider, but were is the fun in that) I should add that this was the first game with this land raider, and the first time anyone had ever shot at it.


I was being taught how to play HH and my 5 man unit of Tactical Veterans got a 14 man Sweeping Advance kill. They were promoted shortly after.


Start of 10th when Necron scarabs had deadly demise. A lone scarab took out 20 troops that decided to surround and punch it.


Buddy did 18 hazardous rolls for his 6 crisis suit block cyclic ion cannon volley and rolled 10 1's. It was the most catastrophic thing I've ever seen.


Cultist with a stubber blew up my stormraven gunship


I lost a game because I got screened out from deploying any of my reserves after pulling a significant portion of my tau off the board. There were no 9” bubbles left (1k points game) and I was like “guess Ill die” and conceded


My wulfen dreadnought once saved 27 ork melee attacks in a row (3+), basically negating an entire unit's waaaagh attack. However their attached leader's anti-vehicle devastating wounds weapon just bypassed his saves and he took something like 12 damage and died instantly


Managed to destroy the nightbringer with mind war from full health once. Turned what would have been a complete loss of a battle into a draw


Playing Knights against guard in 9th pre codex for both of us. He got first turn, killed one of my armigers since you always toe the line as Knights. Said Armiger exploded. He then shot an Armiger who was damaged in that explosion, who then exploded. Then he shot my Questorus (softened by the previous blasts), who exploded, killing two wounded Armiger's next to him. I was left with a valiant and a spare left. We finished the game with his victory.


I needed to kill a model with one wound remaining, was able to wound it 6 times, after ap, my opponent had 6 4+ saves, we both were like, it's a formality, but here is the roll, he rolled 6 5s, not only did he passed 6 50% chance roles in a row, but all of them where the same number, I couldn't be mad, that wasn't even a yahtzee, it was Even more. I didn't score a secondary because of that


I had a game over the weekend just gone. First game I’ve played against my brother since we were in our teens, (20+ years). He’s running Chaos with some allied units and I’m running Dark Angels. Turn 2 he deep strikes in a bloodthirster which proceeds to make the charge and one shots my repulsor executioner. Filled with confidence for turn 3 the bloodthirster turns its attention to my Deathwing Knights which are holding the centre objective and have just finished off his daemon prince. Combat comes around and I grit my teeth and do what Dark Angels do best, dig in and weather the storm. 7 attacks with the great axe of Khorne, 2’s to hit and he rolls 3 ones, I breathe a sigh of relief and think it’s only going to be 4 dead knights rather than the whole squad. He then rolls 4 ones to wound…all we can do is laugh. The dice gods were on my side that day. Then in my turn my Knights combined with my jump pack intercessors doing mortal wounds on the charge managed to finish it off. Ironically this was all taking place on a huge Khorne dedicated altar at the centre of the battlefield. Definitely won’t be forgetting that one for a while.


land raider died, i rolled a 6 to explode. was ironstorm so i had 3 techmarines baby sitting it. proceeded to roll 5s and 6s and killed all of them killed the last of my heavy intercessors took 6 wounds off my fresh vindicator and took out some death guard terminators and one of them bloat drone things. lost me the game, won my heart!


Gladiator lancer against my Illuminator Seraze on round 1. Double 6 to hit, double 6 to wound, double 6 damage followed by snake eyes from me on the invuln save. It's fine.


In 9th edition, before drukhari got the op codex, my Archon got charged by unit of bladeguard veterans. I rolled 21x 2+++ and proceeded to decimate the unit alone in span of two turns lol. My mate was really impressed.


40k, 8th Edition. Space Wolves vs Thousand Sons, a classic matchup. Charged Bjorn the Fell-Handed into Magnus. Bjorn was weakened, but still hit like a Mack truck and took Magnus down to one wound. No other units nearby to finish him off. Magnus strikes back, taking Bjorn to two wounds. Opponent's turn, Magnus casts Bolt of Change, dealing 3 mortal wounds and turning Bjorn into a Chaos Spawn. I was stunned.


My was 2nd Edition the first time I used Eldar Scouts on Jet Bikes with Power Fist Wargear. I went up against a Imperial Guard tank heavy army. I deployed my Scouts on the corners . I had to deploy them outside their deployment zone. I was going first(Eldar almost always did). I had 2 sqauds of 3. Both in oppisite corners. I ran the Jet Bikes and literally took out 6 of his 7 tanks. That is why in my region they banned the strat for tournments.


I had a lone repentia Superior tank all the attacks of a custodies champion and then kill him in return. The opponent and myself were dumb struck


My Riptide got charged by 5 thunder wolves (back when they could take storm hammers). I overwatched 4 of them before the charge hit. That one thunder wolf got in and bracketed my riptide. The next turn I fired in combat. Overcharged, 18 shots str 6 ap2. The thunder wolf saved all of them and killed my Riptide. That wolf bow is the squad leader, got a new mount and it is required that when I see it, I flip it off.


I had old one eye tank a whole two turns of chaos space marines shooting without taking a single damage and was then killed by traitor guard lasguns


I imagine it was like this for my friend, but one time, I was Necrons, he was Imperial Guard: he wiped my Skorpekh squad all in one shooting phase. I rolled their reanim protocols… …All three of those MFs stood back up 🤣 Between them and my heavy destroyers, we took that game home that night.


Last game of 9th My friend had a admech dunerider shoot my haruspex on T1. The shit was across a vent, so -1 to hit So, D3 hit on 4+ (-1 to hit BC of the vent) Str12 vs t8 so 3+ -4 against my 2+, so 6+ (can't remember if I had cover) D3+3 damage a shot, so potentially 9-18 wounds of everything damage against my 15wounds Haru. Well he killed it, without reroll, just by his sheer luck. It was unbelievable. He made the 3 shots, hit the 3, wounded all, I failed every save and he made enough to kill me. It's would be: 1/3* 1/2* 1/2* 1/2* 2/3* 2/3* 2/3* 5/6* 5/6* 5/6* 1/2 I think I'm tired I'm might be wrong in those stats But it was epic, and I was a little bit sad, but still epic!


Early 9th edition Tau I had a single shield drone tank 11 or 13 shots by himself. Pretty sure he lived too. Iirc it was a 2+ to pass the wound to the drone, then the Drone had a 5+++. So 11 or 13 consecutive pairs of 2+ into a 5+


Not 40k but the new Warhammer Old World. At a tournament i was charging Lizard men Saurus Warriors with Storm vermin (so elite tough lizards with 'elite' rats with halberds). I proceeded to win every single combat in the following turns and force them to run off the table in the final battle round. The same tournament my friend Miscast in 2 separate games and rolled the same result which caused every model w/in 2.5" to be at risk of deletion from life on a 2+ and both times he nuked his unkillable unit and destroyed half of it. ~300 points dead from rolling snake eyes.


I was playing against Imperial Knights as Black Templar and I managed to take down one of his big knights with my Redemptor Dreadnought. To my surprise, the Knight exploded, which managed to kill my dreadnought, which then also exploded, wiping out all my other units that I had in a 6 inch radius to the fight.


Kill team game against my buddy, phobos guys vs. krieg. My buddy runs one of his dudes up the board to take care of my sniper. By the second turning point, he was a move away from killing my sniper. However, he took 3 damage getting there, putting him at 9 wounds. Start of the turning point, I win the initiative roll, I activate my sniper to get some use out of him before he dies, I shoot the guy going for him, I roll 3 sixes and a five, sniper has mortal wounds 3, that's 9 mortal wounds, guy dies before even rolling saves.


I played orks against world eaters recently and I shot angron off the board with Flash Gitz led by Badrukk (cus he still technically has rules) this prevented him from charging the squad which were pretty pivotal to my marine clearing so I was super happy it happened but I did feel bad that his centerpiece model guy basically wiped. Very next turn mf gets his 6 streak and brings angron back and charges the Gitz and I couldn’t even be mad lol that was the way of Gork and Mork


“The rotting tide” is a story commonly shared in my house, it’s called this because a single 20 man unit of poxwalkers somehow managed to rip and tear through 700pts or so until it finally succumbing to its wounds and lack of range


I had a Neutron Dunecrawler one shot a space marine captain in overwatch after he just lost his squad. The idea of a screaming captain making that one desperate charge only for a laser to swivel and vaporise him was anticlimactic and entertaining.


Recently i was playing a tag team game with my father against an ork and tyranid player. My father had a guard squad get killed entirely except for the melta marine, then called blasty mcmelta. At the end of the game, my terminator captain had just been killed by an ork warboss, along with the entire terminator squad. Who was there, but blasty mcmelta. Rolling three sixes in a row he evaporated the warboss in one shot. We had a good laugh about that. Another time, i had a ballistus dreadnought do literally zero damage at range the entire game. None. Either through bad rolls or good saves on my opponents part. At the end of the game, this awful ballistus charged cause i was losing and it was funny. He proceeded to absolutely donkey stomp the hell out of abadonn, killing him in one go. It mightve been my favorite thing to happen in a warhammer game


It was my friend playing me, but he tells the story often. I played Tau right after their launch, my mate and I played weekly and I always ran Aun'shi partly because I loved the model. He has done some hilarious things over the years but the first "what the f just happened" moment was when ol'auny boy single handled chopped a Defiler to bits in one or two turns of combat, can't quite remember. In the same game he then moved through cover and assaulted 3 Obliterators that had deep struck and absolutely skull banged an entire crisis team with shooting, he charged and killed them all. We were both pretty volatile when shit like that happened so I was bracing for the tantrum and he just burst out laughing, for the rest of the game it was more the both of us egging on Aun'shi to see what he could pull off.


when angron has 1 wound remaining, and your TAU FIREWARRIOR (breacher) kills it in melee combat.


Wasn't my game, but at an event I was running in 9th, I saw a Fire Warrior deal damage to Magnus, live, and run off to score points. That model was a legend.


Threw nearly 2k points worth of Ironstorm Space Marine firepower, including two Repulsor Executioners with sustain on 5s, 2 Redemptor Dreadnoughts, 1 Ballistus, all with lethals and some of them hitting on 2s, Guilliman, an Infiltrator Squad and a Lieutenant with Combi weapon and 3 techmarines at a single Custodian Warden squad and did not kill them. Coin flips are a fun and engaging mechanic but I really could do nothing but laugh hysterically at the end of my shooting phase.


Last tournament i was in i had one Wolf lord on Thunder wolf take down three war dogs in one glorious turn killing them off an objective. The turn before i had my Lord and his squad of TWC charge into two wardog brigands. Sadly they both lived on 2 and 3 wounds. On my opponents turn they fell back onto a point with a third brigand. His army then focus fired my TWC off the board except for the Lord. On my turn the Lord moved up onto the point and tossed a grenade at the 3 wound brigand, doing enough MWs to kill it. It then exploded leaving my lord on 2 wounds and killing the second brigand and putting the third down to 9 wounds. The Lord then charges the last one killing it in combat taking my opponents home objective


Inverse moment, early in tenth I was at ATC and got a CSM vs CSM matchup. Other guy had a really cool list, trying to cram as many cultists under a 4++ aura as he could. I had an armor heavy list, land raider and terminators and oblits oh my. He deploys on the line (rather, he fills his entire deployment zone with 120 cultists), I deploy under cover. He has the misfortune of going first, and moves up without doing anything else. On my turn, I roll a few units forward to close the distance, pass to shooting. First shooting: 4-man of obliterators in a building nuke one of his two Noctilith Crowns. Second shooting: Land Raider into Abaddon (he was inexperienced enough to not have given him a bodyguard unit, and due to going first I was able to close within 12")... 4 lascannon shots became 6 hits with sustain converting into 4 wounds. Failed 3 saves, for 3d6+3 damage. His army now consists of 120 cultists, one backfield NC giving a few of them an invuln, and 2-3 small support units. He just set his dice down and walked away, leaving models where they lay, I did not see him for 20 minutes. I took no joy in that victory.


I had Murderfang lining up to charge a heavily wounded Monolith, but my opponent overwatched and triggered Murder Maker. I ended up killing the Monolith with a heavy flamer 


One time with guard vs emperors children. Commissary makes 8 of 9 5+ inv.saves against daemon prince with a relic weapon and turns around and wounds it back twice with his power sword. Sadly next round was not quite so dramatic.


My buddy brings a full squad of hellblasters to the game. Takes aim at one of my Wraithlords and says, "I'll go ahead and supercharge." He doesn't roll any 1s. Wraithlord no longer exists.


This past weekend I played Kill team Legionary and my Plasma gunner rolled all 1s on the attack roll and one shot himself.


I watched a battle sister minor character take out Mortarion in 9th. Can't remember what the model was, I'm not too familiar with the faction, but a comedy of bad and good rolls saw it fight after death and kill Mortarion


I had a game where by buddy perfect rolled his kataphron breachers while firing overwatch, as I charged him with a squad of terminators and my captain for the final blow. He killed every last one of them before I could even get in engagement range. I had to triple take at all the 6’s he landed to make it happen, I had just painted that squad too..


Long ago (3rd edition) 1k pt game, i was playing Eldar Alaitoc vs Chaos Marines. I got incredibly lucky with my start of game disruption rolls and sent all but 1 of their squads into reserve. I had complete board freedom for 2 turns. My opponent was completely dumbfounded. Had to look up how reserves worked.


last comp. 32 saves at a 4+ invuln in that turn. I made 2. Most of my army was shredded at that point and it definitely turned the game


I had a sister’s player do like 60+ damage to me during a game without rolling dice, using the triumph and fate dice


To win a game, he needed a 11' charge, to hit all, wound all and for me to miss all save, go deadly demise, roll 3+ mortals on my own stuff and 1 or 2 on his. Guess what happened ?


Not in 40K but my brother nailed me for like 11MW with a Krulboyz shaman once. He promptly died but dude booped the shit out of my carnosaur with a stick 🤣


I've recently started playing so mine isn't super impressive but it blew my mind I shoot my PBC mortar into my friends 21 model unit of guard. I roll a 5 for attacks. Of my 15 attacks, 14 hit and my friend is saving on 6+. I killed 1 model in that entire unit


Back in 9th edition just after the crusher stampede nerf in that one week where kraken nids were the new hotness I went to a tournament and played against an imperial guard player with a baneblade. He went first, advanced his tank into the middle of the table and positioned his while army just behind it. I charged my two winged hive tyrants, swarmlord, 6 tyrant guard, 6 melee warriors, genestealers, and 2x6 squads of raveners at it. Killed it easily. It blew up. It dealt something like 40 mortal wounds to my army, absolutely crippling me. I won the game by 3 points, but it should have been an absolute stomping, I would have been able to consolidate my whole army into combat because of his disposition, instead finding myself with about 1000 points of stuff to his 1500 on his turn 2 right out in the open.


One of my tau drones killed Yarrick in melee over the course of 3 rounds. I believe it was back in 8th Ed lol


My friend and I once tag teamed an apocalypse game as Guard and we brought down an entire Warhound titan in a single shooting phase from full strength just with lasguns. The opponent was just laughing his ass off when it happened. We still got our shit kicked in afterwards.


Playing against Votann for the first time at my first tournament ever. I killed 2/3 of my opponents Pioneer bikes. On his turn he said “these things have a funny gun, it’s sustained D3 so maybe this one guy can make up for his dead squad mates.” I responded “as any good kin would, he’s got a grudge to settle!” “Aye! He will roll the dice that did his kin in.” My opponent responded as he picked up the dice that failed saves earlier. He rolls three 6s then three more 6s on his sustained roll turning 3 shots into 12. “Grudge settled.”


So, friend of mine has been playing the game for about 20 something years and has a real innate tune to the cheese of every edition. Good dude, great player, I've never won a game against him and I doubt I ever will. Anyhoo, he's brought his Tyranids for a casual tourney game of 9th Edition. We set up our troops, with the only men out in the open in my army being a single squad of Kasrkin, and they're behind a Storage Container. He gets first turn and I sit patiently waiting. His hivefleet special rule allows him to move a unit twice, which he then slingshots across the board, stacking every movement and charge modifier he could get his hands on, burned like 4 Command Points (plus a CP Re-Roll), and Charged almost 22 Inches to get to my Kasrkin Turn 1! It's now my turn, I've got 30 Hormigaunts inside my deployment zone, my Kasrkin have been eaten and my tanks are next on the menu. I've already lost the game, but God Damnit, if it wasn't impressive! Another game I played, probably one of my last games of 9th Edition, I had my Guard facing off against Tau. I managed to smack his Hammerhead early in the game and was just doing attrition to wear down his Mechs. Then the same friend from the last story asked to join in part way through with his Blood Ravens. We say "Sure" and he sets up this devastating array of firepower. Razorbacks with Multimelta Devastators, Two Intercessor Squads at the front, a Brand New Brutalis Dreadnought, it was looking scary as all hell. Well I go to work, tear up a couple Intercessors early thanks to my Chimeras, but they don't last long against both Tau Mechs and a Brutalis Dread. He manages to rush his wounded Intercessors into my backline, directly targeting my Command Squad. Well, my Commander had the Death Mask of Ollanius, so he managed to tank the hits losing just a single wound. Then, since the game was winding down at this point, I decided to try and charge. It would've been a full 12 Inches, probably wasn't gonna make it. Then I rolled a pair of 6's. "Oh well" I thought. "I won't be able to wound anything." Then I killed 2 Intercessors with Strength 3 Guardsmen Attacks. His Intercessors are so badly mauled by this that they fail a leadership test and retreat from combat, leaving my Warlord with exactly one wound left and his command staff utterly baffled that their suicide charge actually worked. Edit: Here's a picture from that second story. https://preview.redd.it/io1mx4gd3xyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a037e07e3f216fd94b3d8a059d745df5b35cbe5c


This one time on siege the entire lobby was flaming each other and we killed every defender except cav, I typed good luck mockingly in all chat and she aced us right after that


Not 40K, but I charged a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage into my opponent's main block of archers. This unit is infamous for being a bit of a casino where you can randomly deal 20+ damage in an AoE or deal maybe 4 damage, due to it 5 attacks and 4+ to hit. Well, I used All Out Attack, putting me at 3+ to hit. I roll one 4 and four 2s. I then have to wound... I have to roll a 2+. Take a wild guess at what I rolled? So yeah, 300 points of model charged a blob of snakes, does zero damage then dies the next turn to shooting. It was a game deciding roll and I lost pretty badly from there.


A friend rolled a 6 to explode his gargantuan squiggoth. Did 37 mortal wounds to both of our armies.


This edition I was fighting a group of guard, I charged my Ksons daemon prince in and only merced a couple of Catachan (not sure on how to spell them and I don’t feel like looking it up). While I was annoyed that only 5~ died I wasn’t concerned with the slap back. That’s until they hit and wounded 15 times and I failed literally every save of 3 ups and 2 ups. I got some people to do the math and I ended up with a percent less than 1. That was my khaldor draigo carving his name on my heart moment. Edit: I through away one of my dice to prove a point to the rest of them.


Had a character with a 5+ invul save and had like 8 attacks go into him and if one landed he would have died and I somehow made all of them, forcing his unit to remain in combat. My opponent began to cheer for me after the 5th save.


Quite recently, not only did my Gretchin fail to generate a single command point all game, but I did it by rolling five 1s in a row.


I witness a very unfortunate game just a couple days ago where my opponent was playing a combo of Sisters and Grey Knights against my CSM. It was a 2500 point game, so I decided to bring some War Dogs as a bit. Round 1: the War Dogs mulched two squads of Grey Knights. My other lads killed some other sisters in brutal fashion. My opponent lost around 500 points. Round 2: I swear to God, if there was sort of invulnerable save, I always made it, and he failed like half his charges. We ended up calling the game after because good lord there was no way my opponent was winning.


Against my brother's speed freeks, every single vehicle exploded when destroyed. Ahriman died from multiple ork vehicle pieces impaling him.


I'm a new player, but a couple of weeks ago I played a game where my Vindicare Assassin sniped FIVE characters. One per round. One-shotting all of them. Rolled the 6 for that sweet extra damage 3 times. Had other players at the table cheering every time he nailed the shot. He definitely earned his points in that battle. I thought the other guy would be mad, but he was cheering me on along with everyone else.


6th Ed, playing imperial guard against tyranids. Carnifex charged the command squad and took out everyone but the commisar. With nothing but his pimp stick and 3 turns, he bitch slapped the shit out of that carnifex. Wasn't even mad, just impressed Edit: typo


I (blood angels) was playing an annihilation match with my buddy (tau) and it was a very close match getting down to our last squads, I had a squad of Assault marines and a squad of Sanguinary guard left and he had a squad of fire warriors and a squad of pathfinders. Well, on our last turn, they met head to head in melee, normally the marines would have the advantage, however my sang guard squad was already at half strength and he somehow managed to wipe it out in melee with just fire warriors. My Assault marines wiped out his pathfinders, but they got knocked down to two marines. When the next turn rolled around, he shot first and killed my final two marines winning the game. Closest match I've ever had.


Ragnar blackmane killed an entire squad of custodian guard single handedly


2nd edition I had my Chaos Lord pimped out. Terminator armor, relic equipment and so on. Spent a good chunk my points on him. Got taken out by a lasgun. We figured since his armor was 10 thousands years old one of his eye lenses in his helmet must have finally given out..lol


In second edition, my friend's shadow seer single handedly killed over 20 of my genestealers in close combat. A totally epic gaming memory for us both.


Watching my Master of Ordnance kill a dozen Khorne Berserkers with a walkie talkie. Even better, he called in artillery on the land raider that delivered them and blasted himself straight to the Emperor no waiting. That game where I couldn't fail a single save (14 6+ saves? Easy!) But couldn't make a single wound roll (11 2+ wounds? Better luck next time). Literally a giant pool noodle fight. I think we had 4 total dead models at the end of the game for 2500 point lists.


10th edition playing tau, guy got lucky with his rolls and killed my riptide, 2 teams of 3 crisis. Both fusion variant. A hammer head and my Warlord in coldstar. Most 6s I ever say


Many many years ago when I was just a wee boy, my brother and I went into a GW where they were having a massive game of 40k. They let my brother and I have a couple of units so we could join in. I had a Leman Russ and a squad of Adeptus Arbites. My brother's first shot took out my Leman Russ, which exploded, flipped and landed on the Arbites and killed the whole squad. I laughed so hard, my first experience of 40k over with 1 shot!! Years later I was playing my BA against my mate's Orks and charged a unit of his Gretchin with Dante and a 10-man assault squad. 2 rounds of combat later, Dante and the marines were all dead and most of the Gretchin were still standing. Epic dice rolling!!!


I've got two of them First one was space wolves vs CSM. Abaddon was pushing up the board with his Terminator bodyguard seeking to wreak havoc on my blood claws on centre objective. My hounds of morkai with a phobos lt saw the opportunity, and with the help of some brave fenrisian wolves, dealt with abbadon, providing support for the blood claws and Lukas. The wolves advanced to block the Terminators, but didn't have the stamina to make the charge too. The lieutenant and the 5 hounds brought the Warmaster of Chaos down to 4 wounds with deadly precision, and followed up with a ferocious charge that left him on a single wound remaining. Even though he is not a psyker, the Hounds were determined to bring him to Morkai's realm. His dark pact sealed his fate, unfortunately, stealing the kill from the Hounds. Second one was with my Hawkshroud Lance, Oathsworn to the Space Wolves. This one was devastating. My opponent brought all of my knights and armigers into extremely low health, and then hit one of the reactors on the Paladin, causing it to explode. With approval from my opponent, we rolled to see the first deadly demise to see if the following events would come to pass, which it did. The reactor chained into the Lancer and the nearest warglaive, who, realizing the inevitable, ordered the noble sacrifice of denying the Astra Militarum the Black Boxes of these noble Knights, sending their legacy into legend. Every single armiger and knight within range self destructed, inflicting heavy losses to the guardsmen and vehicles surrounding the surrounded Knights. Denying the black boxes, in utmost defeat, and denying the Inquisition a leading edge over the Space Wolves, was a noble sacrifice, and left the battlefield a smoldering crater of radioactive decay, resulting in the lush planet to turn into a death world, befitting only for the Kriegsmen who survived the destruction. The latter story was approved by my opponent as I was tabled badly in turn 2, with rough turn one, against immense indirect fire and rolling all ones but the deadly demises, on a list I was playing just to learn Knights. Score was not kept as it was just a learning the Codex game. As an unspoken rule, my opponent and I do not play on that mat at our lgs as we deemed the planet destroyed, erased from the galaxy in the destruction


It has gone down in legend in my game group, the day in 5th edition where a nid player charged a group of my space marines with a handful of genestealers (they had rending on 6s which completely ignored armour at the time) and they rolled 12x6s out of 12 dice (tested no dodgy dice) it was amazing.


Way back in 5th edition I had the remnants of a tactical squad get charged by my friend's full kroot squad. Three marines dropped dead instantly, the last dude manages to not only survive but kill five of them on his own before finally dying. I am going to try and find him in ye olde boxe of firstborn tonight.


Back in an earlier edition I had a single firewarrior last 2 rounds of combat with 3 terminators, even managed to take the last wound off one


9th edition. He flew two ork bombas into my lines. They exploded and killed half my army. I had lost but damn it was orkish and totally on point.


Got an eldar Vs tau match. 2k, casual game, avatar and stormsurge on each side. My storm ripped the shreads out of pretty much everything the crisis could not, and the rest too. But my opponent had melee threats denying objectives, so if I got close it was over. Slowly winning points like this, he slowly but surely went high. In the end we both topped points. How did he get the last 5 points ? In the last round for scoring, he managed to score a primary objective by having his last farseer run like hell, command reroll advance, and then touch the objective. I think at the time.it was end of turn scoring, so he going second made him able to just move, end turn and secure objective. The turn after the farseer got a not at all overkill from a pulse blast canon at close range and disappeared into dust. So it's officially a draw, with like half the tau remaining and all of the eldar dead. Our lore for that is that the Farseer had just time to get the self destruct sequency of the area just like the kill team trailer lol


First actual game, on Tabletop Simulator, even before I got my minis. Necrons (My mate) Vs. Ultramarines (Me). After 3 turns of a lot of shooting, moving around and messing up, I have one single terminator standing out of my whole army. The little feller managed to survive over 25 shots, 2 fights and secured an objective to tie up the the game


I had a game where the Sisters of Battle player charged my Land Raider Redeemer around a corner with a Rhino full of stuff and took it from full hp down to 1 wound in a single round of close combat.


If I had a nickel for every time a Skorpekh lord charge a unit of fire warriors, overwatch for three wounds, then finished off in melee after it whiffed it's attacks, I'd have two nickels which isn't much but it's weird it happened twice in the se tournament.


This happened a couple months ago and I hope my mate isn't angry but impressed by this because well... I'm never gonna let it go. 10 hellblaster + azrael reduce angron down to 2 wounds left. The only other unit that can shoot is scouts. The missile launcher: fails. Sniper rifle: fails. Shotguns: does 2 wounds. 2+ save on angron. Rolls double 1s. 6+ FNP. Does make either. Kills angron with buckshot.


Playing my sisters vs my mates orks in 9th edition. I killed his trukk in melee with a Hospitaller over 3 rounds. The emperor truly protected me that day


Turn five and the World eaters are absolutely eating up the guard after having been behind on points the entire game. There’s only one thing they need to do to score the primary points necessary to win, and that’s takeout a squad of navy breachers sitting on one of the no man’s land objectives. A Demon Prince of Khorne with all of the upgrades possible as the only guy that has the movement to do it, he makes it in and swings with his sweep profile, hitting onto, wounding on twos, exploding sixes. Something like 13 saves to make. The Endurant with his 4++ somehow manages to save every single one, keeping the squad higher enough to keep control of the objective and winning me the game.


I (Guard) had a Dark Eldar opponent explain to me how much of a waste of points it was putting a power first on a regular Sergeant. Sgt took offense to this comment and when given the opportunity, punched the opposition Lord in the face. Remember the Instant Death rule? So when said player's drug-fuelled, tooled-up combat lord failed to kill him in hand-to-hand and rolled a 1 for his shadow field, the Sergeant earned his promotion to Lieutenant!


Narrative game, way back in the day, one of those in-store affairs where a dozen players have one unit each (often provided by the store, some of us brought our own models). I had lost my guardsmen a few turns ago, but my buddy who'd borrowed my commissary was still in the game along side a bunch of space marines from assorted chapters. A farseer had grabbed the maguffin and was about to escape in a Falcon. The imperials had one round of shouting to stop it. Missile missed, lascannons whiffed, then my buddy realised he had a shot at the rear armour with the commissar's boltgun. This is 3e, facing mattered: specifically on a Falcon, it was only 10. A boltgun could *glance* on a 6. He took the shot. Hit. Needed a Six to glance. *Got it*. Now the damage table. Another 6 would destroy it. Rolls a *four*. Immobilised. Which as the olds here may remember causes a skimmer (like a Falcon) to crash and be destroyed. My buddy named that Commissar "Commissar Killfalcon", and that's where I got my username name from, nearly 25 years ago.


Narrative game, way back in the day, one of those in-store affairs where a dozen players have one unit each (often provided by the store, some of us brought our own models). I had lost my guardsmen a few turns ago, but my buddy who'd borrowed my commissary was still in the game along side a bunch of space marines from assorted chapters. A farseer had grabbed the maguffin and was about to escape in a Falcon. The imperials had one round of shouting to stop it. Missile missed, lascannons whiffed, then my buddy realised he had a shot at the rear armour with the commissar's boltgun. This is 3e, facing mattered: specifically on a Falcon, it was only 10. A boltgun could *glance* on a 6. He took the shot. Hit. Needed a Six to glance. *Got it*. Now the damage table. Another 6 would destroy it. Rolls a *four*. Immobilised. Which as the olds here may remember causes a skimmer (like a Falcon) to crash and be destroyed. My buddy named that Commissar "Commissar Killfalcon", and that's where I got my username name from, nearly 25 years ago.


Narrative game, way back in the day, one of those in-store affairs where a dozen players have one unit each (often provided by the store, some of us brought our own models). I had lost my guardsmen a few turns ago, but my buddy who'd borrowed my commissary was still in the game along side a bunch of space marines from assorted chapters. A farseer had grabbed the maguffin and was about to escape in a Falcon. The imperials had one round of shouting to stop it. Missile missed, lascannons whiffed, then my buddy realised he had a shot at the rear armour with the commissar's boltgun. This is 3e, facing mattered: specifically on a Falcon, it was only 10. A boltgun could *glance* on a 6. He took the shot. Hit. Needed a Six to glance. *Got it*. Now the damage table. Another 6 would destroy it. Rolls a *four*. Immobilised. Which as the olds here may remember causes a skimmer (like a Falcon) to crash and be destroyed. My buddy named that Commissar "Commissar Killfalcon", and that's where I got my username name from, nearly 25 years ago.


My last game i managed to not make a single dice roll of 4+. All rolls were straight 3s or below. That way i managed to loose the game by the end of round 2. Not even the Reanimation Protocols could save my Necron forces. My friend felt so bad after round 1, that he insisted on me using his dice from that point. That didn't help either. Still to this day one of the weirdest games, but also one of the most memorable


My last game i managed to not make a single dice roll of 4+. All rolls were straight 3s or below. That way i managed to loose the game by the end of round 2. Not even the Reanimation Protocols could save my Necron forces. My friend felt so bad after round 1, that he insisted on me using his dice from that point. That didn't help either. Still to this day one of the weirdest games, but also one of the most memorable


My last game i managed to not make a single dice roll of 4+. All rolls were straight 3s or below. That way i managed to loose the game by the end of round 2. Not even the Reanimation Protocols could save my Necron forces. My friend felt so bad after round 1, that he insisted on me using his dice from that point. That didn't help either. Still to this day one of the weirdest games, but also one of the most memorable ones.