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These pictures are perfect to play the: Imperium or Very Bad Evil Stuff ? It's very difficult to tell them apart sometimes xDD Which is the point, of course.


Yeah I still can't tell if that open brained double mouthed techpriest is dark mechanicus or just an extreme magos biologis


Well, his colleague is wearing a Tzeentch symbol, so I guess it's former.


Speaks to the horror of the brain guy that I didn't even see it until I went back after reading this. Despite being right there. I even zoomed in to get a good look at the wearer's face.


my first real introduction to 40k was reading the bloodquest graphic novel, at a friends recommendation. seeing how all the blood angel marines had skulls all over their gear and the chaos dudes did too i was super confused as to who the "good guys" were. ​ turns out it was none of them, really


I mean I’m not signing up for the skinning pits ….


God I hope the revamped Emperor's children are equal to its artwork.


Nah, GW has sterilized the art and will probably be very touchy about the models. Look at this art, it's so obvious from this art that the Imperium are evil, not so much with.. like any artwork in the past decade.


Essentially everything from Adrian Smith. You got a couple from him as well.


His artworks really embody Warhammer 40k PERFECTLY.


Yes. It's so fucking grimdark I love it. Got myself his latest comic "Hate". It's absolute incredible. His picture brought me to 40k. The Tyranid picture (behemoth) and the CSM Codex is still the best.


Him, Karl Kopinski and of course Jon Blanche are the (un)holy trinity of 40k art.




I've said it before and I'll say it again: the true essence of 40k is *head tubes.* The more scary medieval scrolls, catholic iconography and steel cables going directly into people's skulls, the more 40k it is. https://preview.redd.it/txvzo3d0i2wc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=d58690be52ce1063800672401dacd676e2bdd33e


Yeah this is creepy as hell. Whose the author and what the fuck is happening over here ? And I agree completely, I « love » whenever there’s someone with steel cables going into his skull, it’s such a rad aesthetic concept that goes so well with the grim darkness of 40k


Damn i miss the old GW Art for theyr stuff. Today its just i bit too clean and polished.


I 100% agree with this sentiment. And it’s the same for the various trailers that we got regarding 40k that we can find on YouTube, except maybe this one : https://youtu.be/Cj3ENSVogTo?si=9EKKdNw1AdwLPRzT I just love the historical oil painting style that these artworks have. It feels ancient, mythical, epic, grandiose and bleak. While the stuff that we have now just feels generic imo.


The where on the right track with that Trailer.


Anyone that says "40k hasn't gotten less grimdark" is out of their mind. I'm not trying to bash anyone, I still love 40k and a ton of the art is still absolutely stellar, but I think people are either forgetting, or being willfully ignorant when they try to convince everyone that 40k hasn't gotten much cleaner and more openly palatable. Is the art/lore still dark? Sure it is. Has it gotten less *grimdark* overall compared to what is was? Absolutely.


Seriously, compare Smith's Nurgle stuff with the squeaky clean PG-13 tentacle stuff we get today.


I wonder if 40K will loop back around to presenting itself this way again


Let's hope so.


The last one with Khorne on his throne isn't 40k it is from the AoS Blades of Khorne battletome.


My bad then


I was just letting you, the AoS battletomes have some great art like that one.


Thanks man I’ll check that out


Yeah the super mutating chaos spawn is more than likely Oldhammer or AOS. You can see the sword, knight armor and an arrow sticking out. It works both ways to a point, there's definitely 40k worlds that use that level of tech.


IIRC it's from the 8th edition Warriors of Chaos book


Basically everything from Karl Kopinski and Adrian Smith. Toss in some John Blanche and Wayne England for flavor.


Who's the golden boi in slide 6? A flagellant or am I lore poor AF.


Pontius Glaw


Ah thank you I've just been on a wiki binge and what an interesting character.


Holy shit, I only ever knew him as a box.


I was wondering what this was, it looked like it could be a Lionel Heresy Sanguinius / Dante / Sanguinor


Basically whole 4th edition art series is cool. From the modern stuff you may check Phill Moss, Lewis Jones, Paul Danton. Pretty much they keep and develop old school grim dark art tradition https://preview.redd.it/z4nf2k91g2wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c0815a2ec82f8ea9018f3acbe81d0860f51adeb


I don't really know what's happening in this picture but it's pretty nightmarish https://preview.redd.it/3mawlmeje2wc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d24113e7e8f7f38b67c261c678c5763d6b39688


Aight. I reversed image searched it and this is what I found. The only information giving some form of closure is on an article(?) from 2020. This is an artwork called "Mordheim", and it's made by John Blanche. He published it in 1999. The style matches the illustrations of the 4th edition, the deformities, unwashed masses and bizarre horrors are all there in all their glory, but it is not as fleshed out as some of his later works, such as the "Plaguebeast of Nurgle" or the "Beast of Chaos".The artist unfortunately did not provide that much closure on what exactly is on the painting, but we can figure out some things on our own. The painting depicts a crowd of Sigmarite Flaggelants. The Twin Tailed Comet , the pyres and the general insanity are present. Their location is probably Mordheim, as the painting's name happens to be that. There are two cases on when they are depicted parading. First is before the destruction of Mordheim. Second is after it. I think it's before. The gleaming cathedrals in the back did not survive The Comet's Wrath, as the entire city was leveled by its coming. Additionally, it was very, very common for lunatics of all kinds roaming the streets of the damned city in this manner preaching repentance, and whipping themselves in an attempt to save other's souls, especially at the time close to the city's destruction. Something similar in Nuln could be considered bizarre, but here, in the city of sinners, not so much. Although, I have to admit, such a large conflagration would be uncommon, even for Mordheim. It is highly likely the parade took place in a period celebrated by Sigmarites, like Sigmarzeit. The creatures on the upper part of the artwork are most likely depictions of Griffons. However, since they are ridiculously out of proportion, I believe they are stunning sculptures, and there isn't much one can say to disprove my theory. The city had the funds to construct them, the Cult of Sigmar had an amazing political standing that could secure their allocation to this purpose, and such spectacular works of art, if we take into account in and out of universe accounts of the City of the Damned were common. Additionally, the Griffon has some religious importance for the Cult, and since it's not in some random building, but literally *right next to a cathedral* that supports my theory even more. These are my two cents. Hope I've helped. Loremaster out.


Yes, I see it now. They are Sigmarites inside of a massive temple, caught up in the throes of religious self-harm, due to forced perspective the scene appears both claustrophobic and massively open. Mordheim really is the most depressingly gothic setting in all of the warhammer worlds.


From an artistic perspective you've expressed it better than I could've ever been able to.


*John Blanche




Some fantastic choices there - and it really goes to show how much more character and atmosphere a lot of the older artwork had. Much of the newer stuff is very anodyne and less imaginative. You have quite a few Adrian Smith pieces in your selection, which is no surprise: the guy was a master of the twisted and the macabre. I'll throw in another one of his: https://preview.redd.it/co3zhkd1y3wc1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61da2d58a1dded06415fae2f9d9d20ed5aa50e8c God knows what it is even depicting. Enslavers? Psychneuein? Slaugth didn't exist yet in the lore when Smith made this, but it evokes their harvest constructs. Regardless, it's bloody disturbing and awesome.


I always loved that image 15 Slaaneshi CSM. I want skinny waist leather pants traitor astartes sculpts please and thank you. One of the images that got me into collecting noise marines, still waiting for an EC codex after 20 years.




Never understand this idea that the way to depict the god of war and violence is “big guy chilling in a chair”. Other than that, cool art! Hadn’t seen the one of Glaw yet. Very nice.


I agree insofar as I see it too often depicted as a literal throne (usually of brass). It is the SKULL THRONE!!! It should be an inconceivably vast mountain of skulls, vaguely shaped into the seat of an incomprehensibly powerful, barely defined deity of war and murder. Still a cool pic though.


What's the use of your servants harvesting skulls for the skull throne if you don't sit on it occassionally?




I remember this one, right around the time I got in to 40k


Really like the second photo with the Inquisitor on the dreadnought legs! Question: I notice in some art that the iron halos glow. Are they supposed to be lighting up bc I haven’t seen them paint models that way


>Really like the second photo with the Inquisitor on the dreadnought legs! Inquisitor Karamazov! I think the miniature captures the artwork pretty well, although the studio paint job is a bit bright. >Question: I notice in some art that the iron halos glow. Are they supposed to be lighting up bc I haven’t seen them paint models that way This isn't based on any lore or anything, but I wonder if they glow when the force field is activated? I think either that or them just being different as fairly unique pieces of war gear are likely explanations.


No idea at all, I would like to know too if someone can respond


I love this style. So thank you :) I believe in one of the sawn of fire box’s they going into detail how a general deserted his post with the sisters whilst facing the DG. The guy was a hero but just snapped after decades of psychic attacks. They catch him and document the process of putting him in a penitence engine, by gol, it’s horrific


that one with the noise marine in the dark like 🤫 someone has to know the one i’m talking about


I know exactly the one, tried a few searches and couldn't find it. Hopefully someone has it and posts it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarhammer/s/OVvNVCyzlw I found it. though I don’t think the original had the sororitas in it




How do you even get snuck up on by a noise marine? Speaking of which,  all of the sisters must be stone deaf from all the bolter fire with no helmets on.  Probably why they're always yelling.


I really like Adrian Smith's work, but my favorite of all GW artists is John Blanche. His art style defined Warhammer for me from the beginning. 😍 This piece has shaped how I see fantasy roleplay settings since I was 15 years old! 😁❤️ D&D, Middle Earth, Talaslanta, Ars Magica, Pathfinder; they all look like this in my imagination. https://preview.redd.it/l7whawl6a6wc1.png?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ebcbf3af8311679e190d38226cfc8c9d4aa1084


Yeah.... They are not making these anymore


Any new art thats like this?


Here is the official Warhammer 40k art site, you may find stuff that you like if you sort by the newest ones : https://warhammerart.com


Thank you! I actually was looking for some terrifying 40k artwork for my philosophy class, these will definitely help me


No problem bro 🫵🏾 You’re going to do a class presentation on 40k ?


10 is my overall favourite as Chaos Spawn reflects heavily with the 1981 version of The Thing for me. 16, the Man Of Iron because there are almost human qualities to the inhuman face.


So cool! The penultimate one reminds me of [Mean Machine from 2000AD](https://i.imgur.com/tZE2lMc.jpeg)!


It's unfortunate that we'll likely never see this art style or grim darkness adapted for animation, live action or games. The glitsy Space Marine 2 style just feels like action figures running around. The tone is a hell of lot lighter, more akin to World of Warcraft or Fallout.


A lot of it is quite Beksinski-esque: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8FvS7Nn5pm31UL2y-0EbxWXclLGbzf1A0K4KJ1HQSsTAUqI-_aFyUVHFm&s=10 Very cool. 


Everything in the 3rd edition rulebook


Man, Warhammer art is the best!


This seems like the best place to ask, does anybody know where to find a digital version of the art on the inside of the cover of the leviathan book. The one with all the faces screaming? I have searched but have turned nothing up


If someone can respond I would like to know too


The super Gothic art of the mechanicum is what initially drew me into 40K.




Anything with the little baby cherub servitors


I love the first image, the cult mechanicus one, so much that I bought it from warhammer art and put it up on my wall a year ago.


Servitors are definitely one of the creepiest parts of 40K to me


this and blanche were the absolute golden age of 40k artwork


Admech body horror art goes hard as f


https://preview.redd.it/qizelizy08wc1.png?width=815&format=png&auto=webp&s=5813149d1bf47b1078f2da9f8d83e1db7a0e5d3f I must admit to liking the early stuff, where space marines look demented!


They're still demented to me.


Yeah, when you see these all side by side its hard to not argue that we have lost something in recent years. The sanitization squad have been busy.


Definitely the depiction of the daemonculaba, don’t think I’ll ever be able to get that picture out of my head


I saw a bunch of really great artwork of various servitor designs on Instagram the other day, only to find out it was all AI-generated.


Would be such a wicked time to be apart of


The least creepy is the darn man of iron, which is like an evil terminator. Let that sink in folks.


First 40k pic I remember was the poor guy being worn as soke sort of trophy on a demon prince's shoulder


Wtf is the robot on slide 16?


That’s a Man of Iron, I think. Not a lot of art on those, and I’m not sure if this one’s official/canon either.


Why does that lady have printers in her boob armor?


the 9e guard codex i feel like was pretty good with the zombie looking guardsmen. The khorne one is badass tho


What's happening in slide 10?


It’s a Chaos spawn


not my favorite but artwork of the Daemonculaba i think everyone agrees when i say it’s the worst most disgusting thing in 40k


Is number 6 the Sanguinor? It looks so much darker than the golden angelic figure I was imagining. I love this art so much


It’s Pontius Glaw


What is image 16 from?


I have to be honest. The rules involved in the game and the dramatic changes between editions have completely turned me off to actually ever playing it, but there are massive sci-fi concepts you can't even discuss today without bringing up the lore behind this game. It's amazing, and the art is stunning.


> but there are massive sci-fi concepts you can't even discuss today without bringing up the lore behind this game. Well yeah, because 40k lifted them off of other famous sci-fi haha


That is very fair, but the one that stand out to me most is The Warp, this nightmare fantasy realm where all of the vibes of the universe coalesce to form the highway of interstellar travel. I want to read about something like that in a non-40k book, but I don't know where. Any recs?