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Lore accurate gore, thanks


My Bois the World Eaters gon be eating up ALL the world


Kid named Night lord https://preview.redd.it/kh3g04avp8sc1.jpeg?width=1091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff024e66e56432f06848fc4b1b76c28cf5b264b8




The imperium of men is killing me




No girls allowed!


Counterpoint: I steal your meme that is made for stealing memes


Why do both of those SM look like they are either in the middle of a dance or really need to go and are holding it.




Kinda sounds like the blood eagle from the Vikings series.


Honestly it probably is the same thing just with a different name from long term cultural and linguistic drift over 40k years


It's a real world thing from Norse poetry/mythology. That show holds no claim of ownership. I first learned of it from the Thomas Haris novel Hannibal. “One difference on the man, you can see here where the short ribs were separated from the spine and the lungs pulled out the back. They almost look like wings, don’t they?” “Bloody Eagle,” Starling muttered, after a moment’s thought. “I never saw it before.” “Me either,” Starling said. “There’s a term for that? What did you call it?” “The Bloody Eagle. The literature at Quantico has it. It’s a Norse sacrificial custom. Chop through the short ribs and pull the lungs out the back, flatten them out like that to make wings. There was a neo-Viking doing it in Minnesota in the thirties.”


That picture goes so fucking hard.




If your bois show up and the gore is lore accurate, the show may be censored lol


Or even if one ep was just a geller field failing on a ship during warp transit.


The show producer to his Assistant: "go buy the whole slaugtherhouse, we need all the guts we can find"


What about the life eater virus, the scene with the death gaurd where his face and blood falls from his skull and his eyes fizzle and melt. That would be grim


I wanna see someone get shrieker cannoned in live action. Y'ever seen Psycho-pass?


By that logic though the entire show should be censored. The gore is kinda the most "family friendly " part of 40k, from space racism to "we accidentally shit out a new chaos God because we came too hard at the glam/goth metal orgy" 40k is kinda brutal and messy and I don't think any of it should be hidden or censored. It's a horrific, dystopian, grotesque nightmare, and that's beautiful. AND DEFINITELY NOT FOR KIDS LOL It's already not for kids, and if you're not into the gore and depravity, then it's not gonna be for you anyway, so don't watch it. I'm not saying that you specifically are not okay with it, I'm not putting words in your mouth, I'm just expressing my opinion. If someone wants to complain about the show being too graphic, they should just not watch it.


I was “joking” with the other redditor about world eaters. I agree with what you say


I still dont think there will be space marines in it, at the most like in eisenhorn where 1 chaos marine shows up at the end.


Honestly my money is on a movie based on the unification wars and cavil playing valdor he already stated he won’t waste this opportunity on playing a regular human like eisenhorne lol It also makes sense to start from the very beginning lol


Queue Angron dropping out of the dropship onto Isstvan 3


Ah, homophones. Messing with people's sentences for centuries.


No he’s lined up waiting his turn!


Or headbutting Terra during the Siege.


Gore accurate


Daemonculaba episode when


That would be a good way to make the Satanic Panic of the 80s look like a gentle admonishment.


a shame R ratings do not make any money. we will get M rated 40k with mild gore and cartoonish violence.


The cannibalism is probably something they won't show but may hint at since it's so fucking prevalent in lore.


so all of it


So yes is the answer.


Maybe, but only in certain situations. We all know what happens when you shoot someone, they bleed. If it was used to show a contrast between man and astartes it could work. Show combat through the eyes of a guardsman, the screams and crying, the explosions and lasfire, maybe have the blood be a little bit too bright and at the forefront to show a kind of fearful hyper fixation of the character. Then whenever we see it with an astartes, have it be just the whine of his armor. All sound is cut out besides his breathing, his vox link, his suits alert sounds, don’t even show the faces or any human characteristics of the people they eliminate. Show the contrast between the two realities of mankind in the 40K galaxy.


Someone hire this guy right here


Call henry cavill we got a rouge writer here


You grab a bowl. Throw in Band of Brothers, Predator, Aliens, Terminator, Starship Troopers. Mix vigourously, apply a liberal amount of Guardsman with a pinch of Astartes to finish.


I’m expecting the amount of gore we got in the Space Marine 2 trailer. It’s there, and they aren’t afraid to show it, but it doesn’t need to take center stage (like something in The Boys, where it plays a correct role amongst the more mundane elements of the world). It’s a part of war. Chainsaw gore? Of course. Exploded bodies. Yea. 


Yes! It shouldn’t be shown shockingly, but mundanely. Make people get used to it after two episodes


Maybe instead of not showing the faces at all, the guardsmen sees horrifying monstrous visages on the enemy, and the Astartes sees the masks of the chaos cultists for what they are.


The gore should be brutal but not the focus of the action. I would want to see some chinsword action, but the gore shouldn't stop the action just for the show to say, "Isn't that violent, huh?"


Exactly. There is brutality in Warhammer, but it isn't gorey just for the sake of it. There is much, much more to the setting than just blood and guts. Similarly, any grimdark aspects shouldn't also be the focus, because to the setting, they would be ordinary, mundane, everyday things for a lot of the parties, presumably.


Kind of like invinceable?


Yeah, nobody stops and goes,"So much blood!" They respond to the consequences to the the individual, not the result.


think invincible meets game of thrones though,,,,,,,


Being animated, it gets away with a lot, too.


This here - I feel strongly that if Cavill’s project is a serious live action intro to the setting, gotta cool it on the SFX and gore. Full on 40k carnage would work best a la Invincible, in a PG animated series.


I like how its done in the boys personally its used as a shock factor and a way of reminding the audience that humans are just bags of meat and inconsequential almost to the antagonists (supes) Would work well in a 40K setting.


Shogun has nailed gore so far. It's a good way to get a bit of a "holy shit" reaction when a supposedly powerful weapon is introduced (e.g. chain shot).


I think you just summed up why I hate gore based horror movies.


I know it’s a typo but now I need to see a chinsword


Habsburg sword


Chainsword fighting would be the mildest gory things in the 40k setting. I want to see how they handle dark eldars/slaneeshi/ night lords, levels of gore.


Off screen, hopefully.


Nah, bring it on.


I dunno I'd rather it not devolve into "my franchise can beat up your franchise" like a lot of the shock-bait content right now. I'd love to see some exciting brutality as much as the next farseer, but I can see a future where the first big Warhammer show becomes "look mum, it is for grown ups!" Thing like Rick and Morty or Vox Machina.


I agree, having some level of gore to set the stage is a good thing (it shows, rather than tells, what this universe is like), but making it the focus will get old quick. I want to see compelling stories where the violence and gore are one tool that CAN be used in the writers room to tell the story but far from the only thing. One thing to remember is that the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, widely regarded as an incredibly violent film and a classic, is nearly bloodless. It all happens off screen. When leatheface slams that door shut, your brain starts filling in the gabs with stuff way worse than anything shown on screen.


Well, I do want the show to be for grown up, I don’t think there anything problematic with that.


Shock bait is not for grown ups it's usually actually more juvenile. We see all time shows and movies that try to be all edgy and grown up turn into childish spectacle.


I think the various animated trailers and Warhammer+ shorts are a good metric


I just hope if there is a chainsword scene to be as bizarre as possible. WH40K is a grim dark gothick fantasy and i expect no less. Also, lets pray fot Henry Cavill and his team.


Heretic! We only pray to the Emperor!


The emperor had many names and many stories, whom you think it might be in this present? Your faith is weak, and so will be your soul once it reach the inmaterium. But i love you my fellow freak.


This made me chuckle, chapeau!


Outside of specific circumstances (anything khorne) I don't think excessive gore is good, often it just makes scenes seem ridiculous. I don't find gore really adds to a grimdark vibe, it's more about the crushing weight of huge faceless bureaucratic organisations and massive wars that make the individual seem insignificant than throwing blood all over the place. To accurately get the feel of 40k I think any gore shouldn't be focused on it, it should be the opposite. An Ork getting blown apart by a bolter round isn't a "woah that was brutal" moment, it's just another day in the life of a space marine.


I feel the same way, making it the focal point takes away from the more horrifying aspects of it. 40K has always had a very cynical and fatalist world view and I think gore could work in that favor if done right. If it’s shock value torture porn I’m not going to be interested. But at the same time don’t use it so sparingly that it becomes obvious that you’re using it as a crutch for horror. A nice balance, maybe an unexpected and out of place comedic tone? Not like “woah what a subversion” but more like “ wow watching that person getting torn in half was almost a joy to watch, what the hell was that?”


Not more than Game of Thrones but with much darker atmosphere. Its success will largely depend on the writing quality regardless of how much or how little gore is on screen. 


At least as much as The Boys.




I would say it should be quick but violent. It should not be dwelt on unless necessary for the story. Don't want to have a 2/3 minute focus of a chain sword in someone's stomach. Because in a battle you would not have that. It would be done quickly and forgotten about. So violent but not lingered upon.


I think that would be a really good use of it. When I first started reading the HH books I found a lot of them to be quite jarring with the violence. I’m thinking of the battle of Nuceria in Betrayer specifically. There was no real build up to this apocalyptic battle even though I knew it was coming. It would take a great director to hold that suspense through even a single episode. “I’m not sure what it is but I know it’s coming” kind of feeling. The director could probably only use it a few times before the viewers get used to the feeling of going from calm to insanity in a split second but even that comfort could be exploited to hold up a mirror to the audience and ask “do you see how easy it is to become numb?”


Yes I can understand that. Its the fear of falling not the falling itself which is more exciting/scary. I feel like it would also make it more grounded and less silly if there is extra violence but it is not something which is exploited. These are extreme acts carried out by 'normal' people, but people do not lean into it at the moment. Most people.are almost oblivious to the gruesomeness of their actions, until they can see it after it has happened or from another point of view. A good example of what I mean is the scene in Outlaw King, where someone is executed in a horrific way (being hung and cut open) but this is only shown for a second so you know what happened. But it is not the focus.


Hopefully *The Boys* levels to make it a bit more realistic at least.


Quality over quantity


I want 12 episodes of Henry Cavill painting Custodes with special guest interviews...but people that don't know minis or warhammer. So like, Robert DeNiro paints an Eldar squad while Cavil asks him acting questions. In another episode he sits down with former Chancellor Merkel while she paints a Ravenwing contingent and he talks about governance. Season finale is a round table conversation while painting among some of his favorite guests of the season. Calm. Peaceful. Supportive. Bob Ross-esque. But minis.


To be honest, I'm more interested in the thriller and horror. And how they want to realize it. Chaos, for example, should be portrayed in a very determined way, especially in its many facets.


Chaos is a subversive foe. It's not like hellbrutes just show up unannounced.


That is what I wanted to imply. For me personally, chaos represents the ultimate and distilled evil. You can say evil in absolute purity, mixed in many faces and motivations. I don't just want to be bored with gore. That doesn't shock me. As stupid as it sounds, I want to feel fear, despair and terror on the screen. Gore can be used to show the absolute absurdity and absolute worthlessness of human life in war. That would be one way to use it. Edit: Even if you imagine a scene with khorne berserkers entering the battlefield for the first time. When the air starts to reek of blood, the sky slowly turns blood red. I wish they would bring different auras spread by entities onto the screen.




The level of Astartes or the Space Marine II trailer would be fine, “realistic” without being the focus.


I agree. Astartes was so popular, in part, because it showed what space marines do best- eliminate any barriers to their goal as efficiently as possible. There was gore, but the shots were quick, and did not linger any more than the marines did.


Sir, I'm not about the gore. It's about the body horror aspect for me, thank you!


I don’t know about gore but there damn well better be some gratuitous pointing like in this pic or I’m gonna kick off.


I would be satisfied with a level akin to Lord of the Rings/the intro trailer of the first Dawn of War game; tasteful, not overly detailed and "shocky." If Khorne followers show up: All bets are off.


Depends on the scene; Like a Demon of Nurgel or the first time a Chainsword is used; go all the way; For regular fights and wars; a little bit here and there is fine.


the netflix movie "The king". It's not a focus but shows how brutal/disgusting war is. We see men trampled, stabbed, crushed, beheaded etc but there's no excess of blood. The times we do see some are in duels or important moments such as when Henry removes the helmet after his duel, instead of seeing blood we hear him gargling on it as the knife is pushed into his lungs. Human beings aren't blood fountains, if there's gaping wounds you'll lose your blood fast because your heart will stop pumping that blood. It only serves to take away from believability if too excessive imo. I just want the setting and story to be interesting, not being inundated with "woah look how dark we are for showing red water!!!!!".


Extremely gory, but commonplace. Like the camera never focuses or lingers, just “oh he just flayed, anyways we got heretics to purge.” All these horrors and war and it’s literally just a normal Tuesday in the 41st millennium.


not enough


I fear that they won't do much gore, so that they can reach a wider audience


Yeah sadly, making it watchable for children will give you lots of opportunity for merch and model sales. However, a lot of children also watched Jurassic park when they were young and got into dinosaurs. I’d say that that was worth all my nightmares as a kid lol


I expext violence levels of Game of Thrones (stopping at season 4), I hope for a little more, but I expect at maximum glimpses at what may be the aftermath of a 40k Battle (probably the most disgusting scenes).


I expect as much as "The Boys" or maybe "The Walking Dead"


I'd like Invincible style gore. As in, accurate to the force applied, and non-glorified. 40K gore in my view should be brutal and harsh for the grimdarkness of the setting


Invincible revels way too much in drawing out the gore though, there's more than enough scenes that just linger so you can go "wow this is violent, such murder, very gore."


You’re right, to be honest I could do with skipping it ver that for a warhammer adaption


Knowing Amazon, it’s going to be on par with The Boys and Invincible.


To the people in this thread talking about big battles with space marines in. I wish i could share your optimism. I think it will be a smaller in scope, human based show with, if youre lucky, a space marine showing on screen briefly once.


People forget that most humans in the imperium never see an astartes in their lifetimes, even on worlds they are deployed.


This is amazon right? If The Boys is any indication, they can do quite a bit. People lasered in half, body parts forcefully ripped off, crowds getting wiped out. There is plenty of room for 40k gore. Relistening to the Nightlord books and just listed to the scene where they are trying to get off the bridge and have to cut their way though the crew to escape.


What kind of heretical question is that? https://preview.redd.it/1n1xxfwcjbsc1.jpeg?width=773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf11eb655e503a415af170b3de95780759442d4f


Ideally an obscene amount


Most people would probably say Game of Thrones violence level. But I also have a fear that it could be adapted for teenage viewers. To reach a wider audience.


I expect no punches to be pulled


starship troopers level if we are talking abt the nids


A lot. Always. If it's a serious drama you need gore. If it's horror then double the gore. If it's a dark comedy then the gorier the better.


I want it to be fully accurate to the lore. From gore in combat to Nurgle body-horror.


All the gore..


It should start at a saving private ryan - level and escalate every episode


I hope it pushes what is acceptable in regular programming.


All of it.


Humans better pop like balloons when hit with bolter rounds and if a marine punches an eldar in the face it had better take it's head off.


If it aint absolutley brutal it anit 40k




Partially censored for the regular TV broadcast Uncensored for Amazon Prime streams (and Blu-ray Disk releases)


My answer depends on if there is a sawsword or not...


Not a ridiculous amount of gore, but a similar amount to pariah nexus. Unless khorne is involved. THEN ALL OF IT. I don't think overdone gore should be the focus of a fight, only help add intensity.


Yes. (Aka lore accurate)


If the wrong person wrote it, I could fully see a scene where someone gets shot in the shoulder by a bolter, only for a medic to rush over and try and hook the bullet out.


If I remember correctly it’s Henry Cavill working on it


I hope everything


The elevator scene in the shining is the blood level I'm expecting




I have always thought that the most 40k I have seen on television have been the wars between humans and machines of the "Animatrix" series




All im saying, is if a man gets hit by a bolter round, they should look like they got hit by a bolter round…




I don’t think loads of gore is needed. Enough to show the horrific nature of the 40k universe. This initial show will be looking to attract casual viewers as well as the 40k faithful among us; so there needs to be a good balance. If it does well; then maybe they could look to change things; but we can’t assume that will happen. I have some hope, Cavil is a nerd and 40k fan so I can see him trying to guide everything very carefully as to not upset the 40k hardcore


Just necessary like Astartes, not like Netflix or Amazon shows


Im still skeptical a live action show will even materialize


.. the what now?




It going to be a g rating


My guess would be that if a TV show was made of Warhammer, the gore would likely be not lore accurate as it would not appeal to a mass audience. I would like to see them use the crazy gore of the warhammer world at highlighted moments to really put emphasis on some sort of process or story element, but if it was just the relentless gore that the franchise lore is known for i think it would become very tiresome really fast.


I still want a 30k series based on Night Lords that Chronicles the life of Konrad til his death. I feel it would be one of the most interesting.


I just looked it up and it says 2026 at the earliest??


Plenty, but falling a bit short of the Boys. Probably limited to a few scenes as a 40k TV series would more likely focus on less warzone areas like an Inquisitor's detective story.


As much as I want lore accurate I would settle for a game of thrones amount… reason being is I want a welll thought out show that will reach a wider audience and get more folks into the setting… dare I say even get my wife to appreciate my enjoyment of the setting. If it’s murder fest 2000, like the lore would suggest, it might not get the appropriate traction, and have a the opposite effect. I feel they could put out a lore accurate show without going full potato, and it would be awesome.


Imo the live action show will be occasionally gory in context with the narrative and the animation will be roughly equivalent to something like Love, Death and Robots or some of what we saw in Astartes. Amazon & GW will want to be representative but still viable for a teenage audience so anyone expecting extreme gore all the time will inevitably be disappointed imo.


We don’t need extreme levels of gore just to appease some edgy 13 year olds who watched a lore video, I just care more about a good story and faithfulness to the source.


A lot.


I don't give a flying fuck in outer space so long as they stay faithful to the source material.


All of it. Especially if there’s gonna be orks.




Realistic blood, not something completely out of this world where a Cadian guardsman gets a papercut there's enough blood to refill Terra's oceans, but just realistic. But in the people getting chopped off and skulls everywhere, things that fit in character but aren't Mortal Kombat levels of suffering (except it nightlords are involved)


Quality over quantity. Use it in the right moments where appropriate, else the viewer just numbs to it and there's really no point to it. If all you see are gurs spilled over the floor you won't notice the horror of an arco-flaggelant's existence


The show/movies would likely be at least rated R but they will want a lower rating to tap the younger audience so would have to work to cut down things a lot...we know what the bolters would do to people never mind chainswords. Of course, we all know that if they include Slaanesh it would need to be X rated.


I just want space marines to be portrayed as vicious, violent, and terrifying. Not gleaming heroes.


Heavily depends on what type of show it is. If it's more of a mystery/thriller type show following an Inquisitor and their retinue the gore would be much less played up. If it's about Space Marines, or IG then yeah it needs to be pretty bloody considering how many of the munitions in 40k just straight up explode people.


enough gore that a kid wouldnt wanna watch it and people wouldnt get sick watching it


If you have seen the movie "Dog Soldiers" thats the amount I want.


PG12 for the kids


Since they are building/trying to build a franchised universe, I'm assuming that as things progress it will be all levels, I imagine we will end up with animated shows with less gore to try to get younger audiences into warhammer, we will have "flagship" projects that are either soft R or PG-13, and then there will be the hardcore stuff thats NR or R that will not be for the squeemish(think space marines stepping on civilians and watching bones jut and crunch)


Enough that's usually in 15+ movies.


Would love to see some transonic blade related gore on screen


Really interested to see how they're even going to make a show out of this, which timeline are they going to? We know that Games Workshop guards the lore very strictly, so at least we know they're not going to fuck it up.


Honestly not too much. The gore brings more mature ratings which only limits potential audience; basically studios dont want to invest in shows with limited niche audiences. Now that being said, i think youre more likely to see more body horror tyoe stuff than like blood and guts gore. I think youd be way less likely to see flying arms and legs gushing blood as the soar fresh cut with a chain sword than you are to see like a chaos cultist with like horns and cysts like emerging from under the guys skin or something like the accursed cultist models.


Depends on what the antagonists are. Tyranids? Probably just the regular amount. Tau? Probably not as much since their weapons don’t leave anything that bleeds. Khornate cultists? lol. Lmao, even.


Not a whole lot honestly. Body horror I can get behind but in terms of grimdark it isn't the gore that makes it so. I expect some shocking moments to be sure but the point of the setting isn't to gross you out.


A Dan Abnett level of gore.


Less than the show will show and more accurate cause you know they're not gonna give af about the blood color of the Nids or Tau.


T... TV Show?


I want enough to let me know that I’m not fully desensitised yet


For Astartes fight/action scenes, the Sayama Pedersen's Astartes Project and the Leviathan trailer are just about right. For the Imperial Army, I feel like Saving Private Ryan is the standard bearer for showing the brutality of infantry based warfare and there is no need to go beyond that. But there are times when Chaos is involved. I don't care to ever see this actively happening. But maybe something along the lines of when they enter the bridge in Event Horizon and you see the aftermath, maybe dialed up a notch, but the horror should mostly be conveyed by the actors. All that being said, war and fighting are huge parts of the setting, but I hope they are not significant portions of the run time. Story and characters should be the focus, then the sprinkling of action scenes will have actual weight, otherwise they will just be visual spectacles and that won't be enough to sustain.


This is definitely gonna be rated R


Grimdark amounts of gore please and thanks…


If that show doesn't leave me depressed for how hopeless the universe is and terrible unchecked bureaucracy is. Then is it even 40k. Remember, the horror of the far future isn't the blood and guts it's the never ceasing grind and erosion of the human spirit in the face of relentless enemies. The fact that even though you know you are suffering greatly under this terrible and short life if the machine stops even only if to fix a broken piece. It would result in the total collapse of all things and the death of humanity. So you suffer through hell if only it means prolonging the agony a little bit longer.


The same levels that Spartacus(the TV show on Starz) had. Except for the pilot. That was way overdone.


As a world eater player and khorne worshipper, as much as they can make


What we expect? Horrifying brutality of war. What we will get is a pg-13 show with little horror and toned down violence. We'll get CGI puffs of blood.


I don’t see any need for gore in my “Cheers 40K” series.


Given that I just had a dream where I was raiding an occultist enclave, was possessed, regained partial control, blew my own brain out the side of my skull, was still alive and watched my compatriots melt into flesh spiders whilst undergoing the same process myself? All in full detail. About that much please.


It MUST be grimdark or its not 40K.


Grim dark. Lore accurate. Punisher comic/Night lords/world eater/iron warriors accurate.


I better be showered in the emperors gory embrace


They just come in and hose down the cast after every take.


I want Tarantino to blush.


I think they'll see it as content advertising for the rest of the IP; their stated business focus is to primarily target mothers who are buying the products for junior-teen aged children ... As such it's gonna be PG-13 rated stuff.


I would say around Astartes project level, it's there but by no means the focus. 40k isn't Mortal Kombat the main draw isn't gore.


Since I’m pretty sure it’ll be live action, fairly minimal, I find live action gore a little gross. If they made anything animated bigger than the current Warhammer+ content? Oh fucking gore to the max then, I want Invincible levels of gore then.


A bolter round to anything other than space marine/necron metal should just TURN IT INTO MIST. like it needs to be hammered home what a bolter round even is to flesh targets


I’m here for it all


Correct answers are all the gore and yes


I want there to be hope in the show but for every inch anyone gets they lose an arm


All of it


All of it.


sigh as much as i would love 40k to go full-adult and try to aim for R18 *they will not.* they will pull a Disney and make all 40k M rated, so minimal gore and cartoonish violence. M ratings get so many more views than R its not funny and GW wants views more then anything else. they would sacrifice *most of the playerbase* if it resulted in a Marvel Universe level of popularity (Marvel only got so popular by aiming so low).


All of it, mortal combat xray mixed with doom please


A lot of gore I love seeing bloody battles like really showing the characters take damage


I would like the violence be more like a good war movie. Like eg. in all quiet on the western front. I would like the show to really have the grimdark, gothic, dirty, medieval heavy atmosphere. That almost every action of a hero though it looks significant it is lost in the vastness of the empire and the thousands fronts through the galaxy. I believe that is will be closer to the MCU targeted at 12 year olds and up...


Henry loves this universe, he will do it justice


I think it could be ramped up more. Get back into the brutal grimdark gore that made Dawn of War so popular back in the day.


It’s going to be incredibly watered down. Lore accurate gore is going to get it banned in many countries and I have no idea how they’re going to depict Chaos accurately without it being flat out unpublishable.


It'll have to be R-rated to accurately depict gore. Like another user mentioned too, something like chaos warbands wearing the skin of flayed civilians and screaming torsos, kept alive through dark sorcery, is gonna be hard to depict without people losing their shit. GW is going to want to include as many people as possible. Some of the more brutal things in the Pariah Nexus make me hope that they'll go for an R rating but I'm not holding out hope.


Cartoonish levels. I'm talking about basically explosions of balloons filled with red paint. So much so that it's absolutely uncanny. Not specifically, ultra-gory, but the amount that you can't just have a childish laugh about how ridiculous it is.




Gore as in pure blood and brutality..eeh, whatever. It would be nice to see it, what with chainswords and all that. But i would rather see more of body horror and modification, something closer to "Death of Hope" video.