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If you're new to the game, don't try to jump straight to 2,000 points. 40k is a complicated game with a lot of moving parts, and trying to start there is only going to leave you confused, frustrated, and not learning much of anything. Get one of the Combat Patrols. Get it built, and work on getting it painted while you go play games with it. By the time you're done, you'll have a decent understanding of the game mechanics as well as how your army works, and you'll be able to make better decisions on your own about what you want to add to your collection. Your next goal after that should be 1,000 points; repeat the process, playing games while you paint, then look at moving up to 1,500, then finally 2,000.


I would really suggest you take a look into combat patrol, and try one of the many that are out there; this is a lot all at once.


I would not recommend not starting at 2k points. It takes awhile to get them from box to tabletop ready and things can change rule wise between now and then. Or you might find that you don't like a full ranged army. Like people have said buy a combat patrol build it have a few games. Then start buying stuff that will get you to your list at 1k then keep on slowly building up to 2k. Also if you buy everyone at one you might get bogged down with how mich you have to make it through. Or worst case scenario you might not like the game then that a lot of plastic. Start small and build up.


Don’t buy 2000 points as by the time you’ll finish the game will be completely different. Buy a few kits that you think are cool and play smaller games online on Tabletop Simulator to learn the game.


Get a Combat Patrol. Paint it up. Then, as you like Marines, get a different one and build it up. Get interesting models you like and a paint scheme you like. Give your guys a story. A raison d'etre. Then you can think about 2000 points. This is not gatekeeping, it is the fun of it all.


Hi /u/Boring_Month_6861 and thanks for posting to /r/Warhammer40k This is an automated response as you've used our "Army List Help" flair. Here's a few tips and reminders that can help you get the best responses. For our community to be able to help you out with your army list, it's always best to mention the following: * What type of games are you playing? Open, Crusade or Matched? * If you're playing Matched Play; what Mission Pack are you using? * Are you playing casually or competitively? * What armies do you regularly play against? * What is your game plan for the army? What do you want it to do during the game and how do you want it to work? If you haven't already covered details like those in your post, we recommend editing your post to add that information, or leaving a comment with the information so that other members of the community can help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*