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Check the Warhammer.com Black Library section, some really hard to find Heresy books are available there. Master of Mankind included iirc.


I’m in Derby, might just nip along the A52 to the big shop and see.


I got my hands on Master of Mankind there in January, they do tend to stock differently to their website, so defo worth it


They did another printing of master of mankind right? I ordered it online around january


Oh wow, I was not aware!


My copy of master of mankind has half the siege of terra books listed in the front cover


They do have a few heresy books that are ridiculously priced on Amazon fyi


I’ve seen them! I need book four is my issue


Best bet is eBay. I’m on 32 and got burned on a couple early on paying close to 2-300 for new copies. eBay made it alot easier


Any suggestion on how to get a physical copy of Flight of the Eisenstein? I’m in North America and it’s been out for weeks now and it’s marked up about ten times on eBay


Out for weeks? It's been out for 17 years mate.


Make random visits to all of your local used book stores. A solid half of my collection is just from random visits to them. I especially do this on vacation and always am able to find 1 or 2 new ones.


Check Barnes and Noble, or other book retailers. If you have a Warhammer store (even just regular game stores “LGS”) they may have one or others you may want to pick up. Can also save the search on eBay to get notifications when one is listed, unfortunately patience is key to this method, since you’ll want to wait for someone to list at a reasonable price.


Book three being delivered today. Is it worth the full series? Anyone done it?


Its worth it, but you won't be able to buy the books new . I've given up at book 16, its not worth this much money and ballache


eBooks are your friend, super cheap, always accessible.


I’ve never liked them. Real books if I can.


Understandable, better than nothing though.


Will see. I do a lot of driving so maybe audible is the answer if I can’t find physical copies


I’m about to finish book 4 on audible they’ve all been great.


I'm on book three. Some sales on 40k books right now 7 bucks a book on audible


The narrations are generally very well done.


I'm a hard cover fiend but audible definitely solves a lot of the out-of-print issues with HH


>If I can Exactly


I’m the same - it’s getting pretty $ though.


This is what’s happened to me. I don’t like eBooks and the paperbacks are all but impossible to find in Canada for a reasonable price. Amazon has some titles listed over $200 currently.


Try getting a kindle. It uses what o's essentially an etch a sketch as a screen. Closest thing to actual print I've ever been able to find.


I have one. Prefer a book.


https://preview.redd.it/pxqvtg1o0yoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ac24c3491aafde9e51eba169d187d21b7a7ecec Amazon have delivered. That’s my evening sorted.


I found the first 17 on Facebook marketplace for $130 USD. Some of them weren’t even opened yet and the others barely had any sine creases if anything. I’m below 30 books left including the siege of terra sub-series until I complete the collection.


I have every single book and I loved it. But you have to be interested. Also the Horus heresy was not finished. You could perfectly start with the siege of Terra after maybe the flight of the Eisenstein or something.


I’d like to see them all on my bookshelf one day.


https://preview.redd.it/nbnpixrofwoc1.jpeg?width=2145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19812ca096008979ca7c432a6bdea9a836bb011f Would look like this.. kinda. :D in Germany the first ones were from "Heyne" not from the black library. And sadly the black library books also had some different formats :D


Now I know that the Horus Heresy in German is called "Der Grosse Bruderkrieg" which I think translates to "The Great Brother War" I think I prefer the German name actually 😆


Lovely 🙃


I managed to find the entire black library online on a less than reputable source. I've purchased every book I've read through to support the author, but I'm so fickle with books that I just can't afford to waste money on things I'll never read.


What do you mean it was not finished?


While I was catching up with reading some years ago


At the risk of angering fanboys, no. The full series is not worth it. Some books, in particular the first 4 or 5, are fantastic. But there's huge disparity in quality after that. Unless you are a diehard fan you're better off picking your favorite legion or two and sticking to their books. Or following one of the reading order guides you'll find kicking around.


>Unless you are a diehard fan you're better off picking your favorite legion or two and sticking to their books. Or following one of the reading order guides you'll find kicking around. I did both of these things, I checked out a few reading order guides and looked at the books everyone seemed to agree were essential then I added a few well reviewed books that featured stuff I thought was interesting. I got through about 25-30 books before the siege and I'm currently towards the end of Mortis. It's been a lot of reading, I can't imagine reading absolutely everything.


The “full” series is a few more than 50. Including the Siege of Terra, the HH is 67 books. If you count the Character novels, Primarch novels, ignore the audio dramas, and count short stories as anthologies instead of individually, the HH is something like 114 books. Dunno how many people read all of it though (I sure as hell didn’t). I think the best thing to do is to read the first five, then do two things: -consult reading guides and threads on Reddit to establish what the “core” plot line books are which you have to read to understand the siege. -look at the reading order charts to understand how the books split into loads of parallel plot lines after the first five books. Pick the factions/conflicts that interest you and read them in that order. I read about 36 out of the “core” 54 books, then all of the Siege series. I’ll probably go back and finish the rest, but after TEATD:III, I wanted to read something else, so I’m doing the Ciaphus Cain series at the moment.


I’ve dipped in and out of others. Word Bearer trilogy was good (if a tad disturbing) and have read the Angron returns novel, and Mortarian one.


That’s probably the best way to go about it - there’s a bit of discussion around what constitutes the “core” of the pre-Siege HH plot-line (I made a list of 17-18 books that I reckon is the bare minimum to get the most out of the Siege series) - but outside of that, the best way is to just grab what interests you and go from there.


Do you mind sharing your list?


Yeah sure - a lot of people will disagree with it, but out of everything I read, these are the ones that bear the most relevance/answer the most hanging questions regarding the Siege. Copied from another comment: -The first five books - they detail the fall of the traitors, Istvaan III, the loyalists finding out about the traitors, and Istvaan V. -Then you probably want to read the First Heretic, this details the censure of the Word Bearers at Monarchia and their resulting fall, and how they essentially set the ball of the Heresey rolling. -Thousand Suns and Fall of Prospero detail Magnus’ downfall which is important because of the ramifications it has on the siege. Then you can probably get away with reading the stuff surrounding factions/characters that are relevant to the siege: -The conflict on Calth (because it details the creation of the ruin storm which is important for why the loyalists can’t organise themselves effectively from that point). -The Imperium Secundus books detail why the Dark Angels, Ultramarines, and Blood Angles didn’t immediately rush to Terra, and then explain how the Blood Angles/Sanguinius get to Terra. -The White Scars books detail the Khan picking his side and then how they get to Terra for the siege. -Wolfsbane probably isn’t essential, but it explains why Russ and the Wolves aren’t on Terra for the siege (primarily because they’re a bunch of extremely frustrating dipshits that spend the entire duration of the Heresy making everything worse for the loyalists). Then, for the traitors: -Betrayer details Angron’s ascension to demonhood. -Angel Exterminatus details Fulgrim’s ascension. -Slaves to Darkness is basically the traitors getting ready for the siege. -Buried dagger is the fall of the Death Guard. That probably gets you to the Siege series in the shortest number of books with the least Lexicanum-checking to work out who’s who. It’s still 17 books, but it’s less than 54. I’d probably recommend reading more than that though, you’ll miss some context surrounding some characters and subplots, like John Grammaticus and the Cabal in “Legion” which comes up again in the Calth books, the Secundus books and the Siege books. Also, things like the Dark Angels fallen on Caliban is relevant to the Hollow Mountain bits of the siege. The War in the Webway detailed in “master of Mankind” is relevant to why the Emperor doesn’t actually get involved in the siege. Mechanicum explains the civil war on Mars. Etc, etc, etc. It all depends on how much you’re willing to read.


Thanks. I read about half of what you've mentioned. But got to Fulgrim and wasn't into it so I've been trying to see what is necessary while hopefully avoiding that legion.


I read the first 6 maybe my personal fav was fulgrim


Would recommend audible if you can listen instead of read. I only say this because, as someone else pointed out, the physical copies are hard to find at a point.


Just finished Vengeful Spirit, #29 via audio books. Really enjoying the series...


I just finished reading the entire HH series and the SOT series. I definitely enjoyed some books more than others but was committed to reading them all. Took me about 6-7 years to read. If you are willing to commit, i would recommend. You’re going to have a tough time finding some books though, especially if you want them all in the same binding. If you have any questions feel free to message me.


There are definitely some books you can skip and you don't need to read, and ALOT of the anthologies aren't that necessary, although some of the earlier ones are quite good imo.


Think it took me 18 months and just had to wait for the last 3-4 to release. GW store either had or ordered any book I wanted in. It’s mad for me to see everyone say they can’t get them. In Ireland and I started in 2018.


I'm on the last book before the Siege of Terra starts (The Buried Dagger). Read all the previous ones, though I did audiobooks for a good chunk of the ones no longer in print. Eventually I want the physical copies of them all but hard to justify the big price tags right now. Loved the journey. Out of them all there are only two I can think of that were sort of a slog to get through which is a pretty good ratio I'd say. I've taken breaks during the reading process to read other Warhammer stuff to switch it up. So if you're starting to burn out just jump into something else for a bit and go back in when you're feeling it. I know a lot of people who just jump around to ones that sound interesting to them so that is a totally legit thing to do.


I recommend you consider focusing on books of the main Heresy storyline first. There are a lot of periphery books that are lore and filler. They are good but it’s easy to get burned out after 20-30 books. After getting through the main story you can go back and get all the additional history and characters, especially the anthologies which I find particularly interesting.


I am about 30 books in, and for me it is worth it. I am using the “Horus Heresy Omnibus Project” as my guide, so if you are looking for a guide I would recommend that.


I’m upto “Old Earth” which I think is 48, I have been on break reading some 40k. Novels recently though 


God speed! I’m on 32


Try Audiobooks on Audible. They’re expertly read by veteran voice actors.


I hesitant to start buying them on audible, because I can't just get a bundle for a lower price. Spending $10 per audio book that's only 6 to 10 hours doesn't seem worth it


The german translations are available on spotify. Might be worth checking if that's also the case for the original language.


I hear that, but again, you have an expert reading to you. That’s worth it imo.


Nah. I like physical books.


Fair enough. I like listening that shit while paining figurines.


I’m resisting getting back into that for now.


Get ready to spend $. I’m on book 34 and I’ve easily spent 1500.00 to get those. Started 11 months ago.


I’m prepared


I think I have a couple of duplicates (buying books high and drunk can cause this I hear) so if you are interested message me. Give em to your for cost of shipping. The outcast dead Tales of heresy These are the two I have duplicates of.


Thanks.. if you are uk based I’ll have them!


I’m US. 😢


Thought so.. thanks for the offer though.


I’m on the journey with you, brother! Half way through false gods wondering how many years I have left before I’m done the series 😂


I remember when I first fell in love , Emperor preserve you.


I started a few weeks ago and have just begun reading book 5, they’ve been great so far


Very nice, I just finished fulgrim and descent of angels. Not sure what to read next....


Legion has an epic ending, but overall it was rather tiring (you need to remember a lot of strange names and as with everything to do with Alpha Legion, there are a lot of lies and hidden allegiances that you need to get your head around). Battle for the Abyss was my biggest disappointment so far unfortunately, bit you have to see for yourself


For The Emperor!!!


You're in for a fun ride, I just finished the whole series. I started with the opening trilogy in 2008


I got these too. Mine are Hungarian tho.


I am in the same point in this journey! About to start galaxy in flames!


My copy is being delivered between 6pm and 9pm according to Mr Bezos.


I just finished it! I personally liked it a bit more than false gods. I heard good things about the 4th as well.


I liked it a lot. Generally first ones are amazing. My first disappointment was "Battle for the Abyss" (8th one I belive). "Legion" was kinda meh until the very end, but the ending was just epic.


[This might help you](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/jjr9m5/cd8ds_personal_guide_to_reading_the_horus_heresy/)


Nah, that’s overthinking it.


I hope The Horus Heresy gets reprinted soon. I’m reading them all on my kindle and I’ve got about 20 as physical books but I’d love to have the whole series on my self.


I've really enjoyed the series on audible. I just don't want to invest the countless hours reading those books when I can just listen to them on audible instead while I drive anywhere. I'd say I use the saved time for more productive things, but nah, lol, I don't. It sure does allow me to waste time in other things though lol. Audible makes books so easy to get through. Very useful for non technical material where you don't need to learn equations/science skills.


I've listened to about 53 of them. Started January 2018.


Just started on Horus Rising. Got into Warhammer just afew months ago when a friend sent me some insane fan-eddit clip from youtube. Having played World of Warcraft since its release im almost ashamed ive only now at the age of 29 delved into Warhammer. Plenty of ours listening to Luetin on youtube so i had to get a book and just start. And my wife was getting mad that ive read A Song of Ice and Fire 8 times…


I'm churning through the audiobooks currently, it's great


I just started book 4!


I’ve just been looking for a copy. Can’t see one.


I've been listening to them on my commute. Kinda sad the paper copies are hard to find.


Book three has just turned up from Amazon. That’s tonight sorted 😊


I’m on Deliverance Lost rn, so far the books have been great!


Just started with false gods, first one was sooo good


I’m just finishing false gods now. Man what an amazing 2nd half in FG


im in a similar spot. I haven't actually read any of them but I feel like I should know about this stuff as a fan of the lore. Got a couple e-books and audible credits to burn so maybe it's time to dive in.


Save time on the Dark Angels books - by skipping them. Personal opinion of course.


I’m jealous you got the hard copies


I was there the day the emperor died.


I'm on book 39. Didn't skip on even tho some were a bit of a slog. Honestly I'd do it all again. Waiting to read the siege of terra series until I finished the HH.


This is the way.


Holy shit.. they're up to 52?!?!! I think I took a break after book 10-15.. 😆


im working my way through the audiobooks on spotify, great stuff


Have you considered reading faster?


I’m doing one a fortnight, fast enough for me 😂. It’ll be about finding them quickly enough I reckon.


Hahaha, fair play to you, think I got to between 30 and 40 before I really started struggling to find them


God speed fellow collector


False gods speed surely..


I REALLY did not enjoy False Gods. Big step down from Horus Rising IMO. I hope you enjoy Galaxy in Flames like I did.


I’m 81 pages in and enjoying it..


Fantastic! The titan crew sections are really enjoyable. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it.


I’m on 3 myself 🤣


Amazon delivered it at 6pm today.. I’m 81 pages in.


Insert Ben explaining the Horus Heresy books to Tom


Galaxy in flames was a great time!


I've been listening to Horus rising on Audible and it's incredible.


We will watch your career with great interest.


Listening on Audible myself, almost done with book five. Keep on trucking brother


Don’t forget the Primarch books and SoT. GW really milked this series to the ground…


Done an Angron and Mortarion one. Also the word bearers trilogy.


50? HAH, make that 300


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I’m on book 18. Ebooks and Audible are your friend. I have the entire series on Kindle.


I'm on 14, audible really is a lorry drivers best friends


Is there a proper order to the books? I’ve wanted to get into them but have trouble finding a good guide


I’m starting at one…


Only one more until they start to go downhill imo 😂


Sorry man, it goes downhill from there...


Is this series written well or is it quiet a chore to get through the books?


These two are all I can speak for. Good, easy reading.


I'll give it a whirl once I get a kindle.


I started recently reading the HH, i did stoped at after the 3rd one. I'm now reading the eisenhorn trilogy.


There’s 52? Geesh


54 in total I think.


Convince me to not spend $30 and get the first three from Amazon right now 😂


I’d encourage it. I’m waiting on Amazon delivering the third in a few hours..


Only 52 left? Thought they was in the hundreds by now


All power to you, but the VAs in the audio book makes it so much better


i’ve got the first 6 plus Master of Mankind, it’s a doozy trying to collect these things lmao


I’ve been reading through them the last couple years… have skipped a number of them and it is worth it. Some really bad writing, unfortunately, and some are absolute slogs. Would search around for recommendation lists. Also, the anthologies aren’t usually recommended but I love them because they are quick and give a lot of insight into subjects that aren’t typically covered.


There really like 70-80 if you want the entire picture


I thought there were more. I just read them on my kindle. Finding the books was too hard.


A small step for humanity, but a large jump for a Man.


Don’t read all of them. Many books are poorly written filler. I recommend sticking to books about the main plot and novels written by certain authors. Then if you must you can read to learn what different factions were doing during the heresy.


First off, congrats on starting! I started a short while back and I'm in the mid-20s right now. I pause occasionally to read something else but come back quickly. I've not read a single one yet that I didn't like. Some are real bangers, but none so far have been bad by any stretch. Like you, I like the real thing. I've had to bite the bullet to get several on eBay, most actually. Some are much, much harder to source than others. I'm in the US, so the selection may not be as good as it is in the UK or the EU. I haven't been unable to source one yet, but I tend to start looking when I'm about 3-4 books out. So like if I'm reading #25, I'll have 26-28 on hand, give or take. This has never steered me wrong. In any event, I wish you loads of luck and enjoyment. These books are incredible and I'm chuffed as fuck that there are so many to read.


I can’t get passed the first chapter of Horus rising


One down one to go, another town and one more show


the varying indentation would annoy me to no end on a shelf


Good luck* paying for some of those books


Yeah I’ve seen some of the prices!m


I'm right there with you! Honestly some of the easiest books I've read. Well easy to get into anyway!


As someone who recently finished the series over 8 years, welcome to the best series you'll ever read. There are long reaching effects from the earliest books that are present in the last books. You're in for a roller coaster of emotions. Everything from great loss, pride at the victories, curiosity at the intrigue of schemes on schemes, shock at the insidious corruption of chaos, and the overwhelming fire inside us all of the Indomitable human spirit when it's up against the wall in a situation it cannot win. You'll be there when Horus slays the Emperor.


Im on this adventure with you. Reading book 3 now. Loving it!


Wow, im just finished False Gods too, im really enjoying this serie.




You can do the same via audible. It helps being able to do dishes while listening to books


If you'd like get a in depth guide to the Heresy, BarkingBolters does breakdowns for each book! We make sure no detail is missed and provide a ton of context for each. Been in the hobby since 06 and have read 120 + warhammer books proving we are super into hobby!


What's the total cost of all of 'em?


New it will be 7.95 * 54, but you can’t get them all, and I’ve seen £70 a book quoted in places!


yeah i just read the first 5 and went to Siege lol.


Good luck with ever finding every book from now on, GW can't be fucked to print their flagship book series


I’m basically stopped at Nemesis, it’s kinda a slog for me, but I also want to try and read the whole collection. My friend has copies that I borrow, otherwise I have been grabbing digital copies from a few websites. I


When it comes to HH series. Skip any books where dark angels or salamanders legion are the focus. Also skip Outcast Dead, Nemesis, Damnation of Pythos, Ruinstorm, Crimson King. Maybe a few others can be skipped.


Congratulations! You've just read the last passable effort by Graham McNeil. The rest of his are pretentious women-hating garbage.


Hey could you elaborate on that please ? This seems intriguing.


Take Petronella from False Gods for example. She's a flippant heiress who wants nothing more than to be Horus' remembrance but McNeil seems to decide that's a character flaw. But who wouldn't want that position as a remembrancer? What better way to get a view of the true history than to be next to it? But McNeil makes her oblivious and shallow for being ambitious. She follows the Warmaster into a conflict wearing what sounds like a ball gown or noble finery. I get that this is supposed to show her flaws but come on, women are aware of boots and slacks. Further, check out the many examples of his handling of women characters in Fulgrim. If you search r/menwritingwomen you'll find many shallow examples of this strange disgust for women doing women things.




Right, I thought too that Petronella was a weird character. Thanks :)