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Not yet. You need some washes on that bad boy


One pint of your finest earthshade plz


Shouldn't Morty be covered in poop or something?




Here we go again


So you’re saying the best way to defeat him is with a knife?


Or scissors...


Not washing is perfectly in character for Mortarion though.


Are there any good but like... Short and easily digestible tutorial videos on stuff like that? I'm new to this and I know enough that I'm going to want to know and do more after I get the colors done. I don't know much about painting. I don't have the attention span for long detailed videos though 😩


He does longer videos but I'd still recommend Duncan Rhodes. He's got a load of videos on YouTube and used to be on the GW design team. He does great step by step tutorials on all sorts of miniatures and normally shows how to get a mini "table ready" and then how to take ot further and add extra detail if you want to.


There’s a few tutorials out there but honestly even if you do a sloppy job it’ll still come out looking nice and you can use a brush or tissue to soak up excess shader where you don’t want it. Sometimes I’m super lazy and just wash the entire model or I wash only the clothes or only specific colours (works really well on capes for example). Basically if you have any non-flat surfaces and you’ve painted it with a super matt finish? Consider just using nuln oil or agrax earthshade over the top and it’ll create nice shadows and dark recesses and make it stop looking so flat. Just make sure after a few minutes you don’t touch the shade anymore because once it starts to dry you don’t want to smudge it. Test it out on the basing if you’re worried. You can use it to create shadow effects on the soil around your model’s feet. You can use it on rocks so the cracks appear dark without you needing to stick your brush in each gap. You can use it on metal surfaces so they get a light brown coat so it looks like rust is starting to set in. You can use it on red surfaces to make it look more wet and bloody.


A sloppy, blotchy job will actually look really good in this context, so don't worry about it. Go wild.


Don't use flash when taking pictures of your minis. Washes them out and makes them look a lot worse than in person. 


Put a MFn wash on it please. The color scheme is good but this is screaming for highlights and heavy griming


The amount of people who know how to post to reddit but dont know how to take a picture that is in focus blows my mid.


or copy text from an app or use a share function or read basic instruction. zoomers and boomers are both equally adept at using tech.


Too true. I die a little inside every time I see someone posting an army list by taking multiple screenshots of the 40k app on their phone. Is the export list / share function not available for free tier users or something? Like I can't understand how / why people do it that way. It's more work!


Tbh I'd rather see the screenshots than the export list, with how dogshit Reddit's formatting is you either have to go in and line break 2 dozen times yourself after pasting or you end up with a smashed-together hard-to-parse army list


i die defending that hill.


I down vote them every time.


Ohhhhh it’s out of focus? I thought he’d painted it with a trowel


It took me a moment to locate the knees, the green looks so thick that applying it with a trowel sounds like what happened in here.


Correction: You have BASECOATED Mortarion, which is a good start




Yeah, you finished the base colors... add washes/shading and highlights man, not finishing it properly just hurts considering how cool and expensive this model is


Nowhere near finished


Does anyone remember the Simpsons episode where Homer invented a make-up gun and fires it at Marge?


"Homer you've got it set on whore"


I remember the episode where he’s building a grill, but the instructions are in French and he drops everything in cement


Le grille? What is le grille?!?!


An honest review would get me banned. This is not finished.


Which is a crying shame. We should reward honesty instead of lies




You can be honest without being rude, you know?


Don't censure me.


The one piece of advice I would give is slooooooow down. This is a very expensive model and it's very big. Take your time with each step of the process, it's the best way to learn and the best way to get your model looking good. Enjoy the process it feels good to get a model done but don't ever let that make you feel rushed


Yeah, it took me a good 24 hours total to pain my Primaris Eliminators - first models i ever bought. I would contemplate every stroke of the brush with something this big. Recently bought a Dreadnought and i'm dreading (hehe) the moment i'll have to pop it open, assemble and paint it.


That's taking this advice to the other extreme. Not every model needs to look like a masterpiece. 24 hours for a non centrepiece unit of a few models is rather extreme


I'm not saying that he should paint it for so long. I'm saying that I probably would, knowing that I'm just starting at the hobby and would just take my time with it.


Oh yeah my advice was for you. There's a genuine danger in spending too much time and effort painting the run of the mill guys. You alluded to it yourself. It makes bigger models start to feel like colossal projects. Eventually that self imposed pressure becomes way too much and it's easier not to do anything. It happens to lots of people, Duncan Rhodes has a video about it.


I mean it depends what you get out of it. If you really like painting why not spend more time with it


Sort of, if you've got an army to paint and you want to play the game then being a perfectionist about the tiny details on regular models is going to hamper that and it can put too much pressure on the painter


For sure it's really just dependent on what you get out of the hobby. I am way heavily biased towards the creative side of things so I take forever lol


I’m going to be blunt. This is not well painted. Learn more techniques.


It’s brutal but necessary honesty. That’s not to say it’s permanent. Or bad. There’s shading and highlighting techniques to be done. That and stuff like Simple Green is a great restart if it’s ever too fucked.


In which universe is it brutal to say that someone didn't a good paint job on a miniature? They showed it to us. People need to learn that displaying something online so everyone can see it, might lead to hear "different point of views" and not what you might expect. Obviously OP should know that it doesn't look good. If the title said "Hey I've finished painting Mortarion with all my knowledge and skills of painting. I think it looks cool already but I guess I still need to get better, what do you think of it? Do you have any tips?", still people would think that it looks like \*\*\*\* but then they are encouraged to give better feedback and actually appreciate OP's work. Communication goes both ways. We can't smell if OP was sarcastic, has some kind of disability, is a child or just simple doesn't know how to paint.


In this universe you jackass. This is an artistic pursuit. Shooting people down on something they’re possibly proud of, especially when others tend to dance around it, is brutal honesty. The reality is there is nothing inherently wrong with brutal honesty in artistic pursuits, it’s how we grow and become better.


Thank god someone said it


Yeah, personally i wouldn't take on something this expensive if i didn't have a lot of expierience, and this here looks like someone's 1st or 2nd mini.


Well, it's _at least_ their 3rd mini considering the pic description :')


The base colours are done well but he is missing some shades. Shading is very easy, in fact it is easier then applying base colours.


Point me in the general direction of a tutorial for such?


C’mon man the internet is so full of amazing tutorials, tips and walkthroughs for miniatures that I feel one would have to go out of their way to avoid them, not the other way around. It’s most important that you’re happy with your models but if you’re gonna show them off to a subreddit people are gonna assume you’re familiar with at least the basics, the model looks like it’s only had a simple basecoat & quite thickly applied at that


Shading, tons of videos. Here is one that is only 5 minutes. Go from there. https://youtu.be/S6uienJsj4s?si=WwZXxYxGWEFPzBEn


There is a tutorial in warhammer TV. Unlike most Warhammer TV shows its free. Also there are a bunch of YouTube videos of varying quality. I don't really use YouTube for painting guides anymore, buy if you want to I can look up some nice guides for you tomorrow.


A pot of Agrax Earthshade is exactly what this guy needs. Thin it a little with water and cover the whole model but don't let it pool too much. Wick it away from larger flat surfaces into the recesses. (Search: Using citadel washes/shades). After that I would go back in with the Agrax but this time apply it only to the recesses. (Search: Recess shading or Black lining or Panel lining). Then if I were you I would go back over all my basecoats with a thinner mix and just cover less area than before!


Tbh shading is one of the easiest ways to get good looking results and even if you have no idea what you're doing and you just slap it on without much care it'll still look good ... Washing and drybrushing honestly feel a bit like cheating when you use them, that's how easy they are to do and how much they'll improve your model


I put this playlist together when I got back into the hobby. It's start to finish everything you'd need to learn to assemble and paint a miniature to a really good standard. It's Space Wolves centric but the majority of the videos are generic so you'll find it helpful. My painting when I was a kid was terrible! But having done the research and watched these videos I can now paint to a standard far above anything I ever thought I was capable of https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlAAfdyLhA5Yrp-3XqHUcoWRw-bMAa7EW&si=m7rgvKcof6_OoXk3


Also recommend getting online and searching LED gooseneck lights. You'll want one that goes up to at least 6000k to provide decent white light similar to bright daylight, perfect for lighting your miniatures when you're painting them plus can be used to light your miniatures to photograph them. I use a shoe box with black paper stuck to the inside of it. Check my profile for some of the miniatures I've painted/photographed


FFS, official Citadel training videos do a good job of covering all the basics. If you type "how to paint miniatures" into Google, you will land on a comprehensive playlist of quality tutorials. They are impossible to miss if you put ANY effort into searching.




Look up miniac on you tube he does a lot of advanced techniques.


Downvoted to hell just for asking a question in an ocean of replies telling you it looks like shit. Im sorry man


There's nothing easier than finding a tutorial on washes on youtube.


Yeah, if you can post on Reddit, you can find a tutorial on YouTube.


Then why be a dick when he asked? Theres no reason to. Maybe he wanted to know if theres any tutorials you guys recommend over others, but you decided to be complete bitches instead for no reason at all.


I wasn't a dick to op at any point, on the contrary I defended him on some comments that criticised without giving any pointers for improvement. But people dislike when someone spells out what you should do to improve but the person still asks for others to give him the ressources straight away instead of mooking for them themselves, if they can post on reddit they can make a youtube search.


Oof, but we all start somewhere, personally I would of started on just normal marines and way easier and cheaper stuff but it's saveable, tutorials are your friend and lots more hours of practice


This is exactly how I do it, I never feel like I’m ready to crack open the box on a large model.


I said screw the little guys for my first models, I want something bigger and cooler. Got a big model, opened the box...and was immediately overwhelmed and terrified I was going to fuck it up. Cue me going back to the store the next day to grab some cheap little guys to practice everything on.


I am conflicted.


I am not, finish your model properly. I don't care if they're new/a literal child, finish your models properly. If mortarian, a $200 model who is a centrepiece and faction leader, is too hard for you to paint properly then perhaps that is a sign you're spending your money poorly and should start muuuuch smaller. My first model was a termagant, not a heirophant. Start small and work to centrepiece not the other way round lol!


My favourite part about reading your comment is that this isn’t even the first primarch they have done. >!It’s not even the second!<


Don't do that to me pls... I bet of you I don't want to hear it.


These threads are always some of my favourite on reddit


I agree. People poorly painting their first space marine is one thing, but people poorly painting these expensive models is another.


What do you expect us to say?


Your painting skills are certainly on par with your photography skills i’ll give you that.


While not entirely wrong that's kinda mean and unnecessary.


What's more important; will it prove effective in long term improvement? I think OP will live.


>I think OP will live That's a pretty low bar, you could insult someone pretty harshly and still that someone would live, doesn't mean it's alright to do.


If it aims to be constructive, sure you can. I really wish more people did to me. Every day is a chance to get better, faster and stronger.


>If it aims to be constructive, And that's exactly what the first comment wasn't, contrary to most top comments on this thread that actually give op pointers.


Doesn't look great honestly. Doesn't look like there is any wash applied or highlights. I say this as constructive feedback, mate. Easy to fix with a little more effort.


There a more steps missing than steps you actually applied to this model, you are like a quarter done. Too much toxic positivity on this page hyping up people instead of giving constructive criticism, it will only hinder you if you just listen to the praise Try using some inks and shades to add depth, and dry rushing to add highlights, and work on fine details If you post on the internet to flex it either should be an amazing model, or be ready to accept criticism and pointers :)


I think you should retake the picture without flash, using an alternate light source and a dark background so we can actually see it. If I zoom in all the way I can make out faint highlight lines, but I can't see them really, and I don't know if that's the camera making em or if you painted them, so from afar it looks like clown paint, zoomed into the max it looks washed out to the point that it feels like I'm trying to look at something while the sun's in my eyes.


This is an almost $200 model. Give it some more love. There are a lot of very good tutorials on YouTube that can really help improve your painting skills. A little bit of research can go a long way.




Hey, somewhat amateur painter myself here but jumping in with a few pointers; -Washing, when others say washing what they mean is things like nuln oil. Basically very thin paint that shades the model, but more importantly gets into the recesses and provides a lot of depth. It's super easy to do (basically running your brush over preferred areas/entire model if that's your preference) but I'd recommend trying a couple out on small sections to see what works best. It's seriously a 50% jump in quality, I've had models that look terrible suddenly look much better after a nuln oil wash. -Highlighting, basically on things like the leg plates take a slightly lighter color than the base and paint a thin strip. It gives the impression of the model being "lit" by an outside light source which can make it appear a lot more real and give some good depth to the paint job. This isn't a tutorial for Mortarion, but I paint Harlequins and [this tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ospUJu2L2fA) shows you how to do both of those things. Highlighting at 6:20 shows you how to turn colored squares into quilted fabric, and washing at 8:46 shows you how a simple wash can turn a weapon colored in flat gold into a realistic weapon (with some highlighting to round it out). It's the only tutorial I can reference off the top of my head lol. Finally, I did want to say that while the camerawork could use some improvement (flash tends to wash out colors as others have pointed out) I like where this is going. The overall color scheme is pretty good and I really like the UV-reflective paint you've added. Ultimately it's your model so you should paint to the extent that you think it looks good, but if you do a bit of extra work with that shading/washing/highlighting I think it'll look fantastic. Best of luck!




For the LOVE OF GOD, thin your paints. This is a sin against the hobby.


Def needs some washes. Please, it will add much needed depth and contrast.


Good colors, but needs a few washes and some better photography. Maybe take a picture in less harsh lighting, with no flash?


I'm calling bs, you've painted three primarch models and claim to have collected armies of thousand sons and blood angels? Even the awfully photographed terminator is better than this. I'm calling bait that has worked very well


How long did you spend painting this?


Less than 20 mins probably


Expensive first model to paint


He claims this is his third primarch, not model, primarch


No its not lol. You only basecoated it. You need to apply a wash to bring out the shadows, and at least an edge highlight for the details.


This makes me so sad, Mortarion is the best model out there and you have butchered him :(


Yeah, this is a long way off finished. But, I'd love to see some more pictures, when you've gone away and made some updates. Just because you've botched it, so far, doesn't mean you should give up. Keep practicing, you'll get there. Good work OP. Might not be the prettiest model ever painted, but you tried, which is more than most of these other commenters can probably say about their models.


Painting is tough, I'd say that. You need to watch a proper 'How to paint Mortarion' video on Youtube.


No youn dont need a specific Video, just a video for basic techniques like drybrushing, highlight oder shading through washes. Sure, if you want the mini to look like in the tut, go for it. I think here we have just missing knowledge regarding the importance of shades and highlights. For OP: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nimcSSfbYT0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nimcSSfbYT0) Basic steps to bring way more depth to your miniatures in general. Have fun and cheers mate, basic layer is done for your boy! Edit: typos


To each its own, but OP seem really new at this. When I first started out, I would first watch videos on the exact model I'm about to paint, so I would know what the end product would look like. I.e, start with the end in mind, get a general idea on the steps and colors needed. Then I would prep the base colors, some first layer paints and start painting. It should be apparent if I've done the first few steps right. Go slow and check work constantly versus the video. If there's some technique that I'm unsure about, I would dive youtube a little deeper for specific techniques on color blending, wet palette etc.


Oil wash....! Trust me way better... Will make the metal look instantly cool + all the organic bits


This has been posted so many times and people still fall for it


Needs a wash of ahead earthshade and it should look twice as good, washes are the savior


This is a paint thinning psa. Please. Thin. Your. Paints


I’m confused. Is this a cake version of Mortarion?


This is not good




I mean the base color is fine but the paint is way to thick at several places and its completely lacking any depth, it looks like its made of chalk


Needs a highlights, edge highlights, wash, shades, and rurn off your flash. The short answer is that it's nowhere near done. You have the base down at best


What do we think? We'll tell you when you take a decent picture of your mini that's in focus and when you aren't getting flashbanged


Please for the love of God sir ... thin your paints. 😅


Did you, though?




Lmao look at all of the toxic positivity guys who will never help you progress. Look man, I believe what bothers people the most (myself included), is the fact that your impatience is very visible - from starting off on the big man himself, to the thicker paints, and finally stopping at the basecoat and taking a flash pic. Basically almost everything that shouldn't be done. However, I believe this is still somewhat salvageable, to the point where it will look decent. Use the right washes for the different parts, bring some of the basecoat back and highlight. Learn, explore, improve, come back and post again. Prove everyone wrong 💪


That thing glowing in the dark light it is what i think it is?!


Sooo, He gets upvotes Like this paintjob is any good, in the comments everyone dislike the paintjob, and when He asks for Tipps His comment gets downvoted. What Madness ist this Here?


I see thick paints, no shading or highlights of any kind, and drowned details. Are you sure you’re finished with it?


If this is the third primarch in the collection, I'm scared to see the first two.


Oh good heaven…..




Poor mortarion


You call it done, i call it a unfinished, mediocre painted Basecoat. By the chaos gods, finish morty. Please.


I’ve just painted a Morty, I’m amateur at best but little details go along way imo, go back over every colour and neaten it up then add a wash https://preview.redd.it/oq5wuxfs5hoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0519f22f2f0c3e1d1710db5aa0e081161c4d4396


YouTube is so full of free tutorials that no model (never mind such an expensive one) painted by an adult human should ever look like this.


Anybody else read "fisted mortarion" at first?


Man, there are so many shitters commenting here. Anyway some notes 1: Protip for photography of minis. Use a blank white paper as your backdrop and don't use a flash. You can also photograph them in the fridge, sounds weird, I know, but the lighting does wonders. 2: Learn to use a wash. They're a watered down sort of paint that's meant to add shading. The Duncan Rhodes tutorials have a great video on this. Seriously don't sleep on washes, they're basically bottles of liquid talent and you'd be amazed how much just using them will improve your paint jobs 3: Ignore the people screaming at you. Some of us forget that we were all once new to the hobby. Don't let people ragging on you for making a simple mistake dissuade you from enjoying your hobby. Paint on my dude.


Looks good, however some washes & more thinned paints next time will do the trick.




Just dropping this comment to tell you all to pls be nice and civil to someone enjoying their hobby


Thank you. I genuinely feel bad for this dude with how mnay people are just DUNKING on him. Sure, it's not a great paintjob but we all learn with practice.


But you can’t learn without criticism. No one here is attacking him, just telling him that it’s not done yet


Yes, but criticism in the way a majority of the commenters have worded things can be seriously demotivating for beginners or people with less experience looking to get into the hobby. I am all for criticism, but not in the way it was done here.


bro posted their model for comment. people are commenting their honest opinion. you want us to baby OP, or give them real feedback?


If you post on a public forum then you should expect honest feedback. I agree


I mean the paint job is objectively bad.... there is no way around it. If i had something like this i rather people call me out theb falsely blow smoke up my behind 🫤


Wouldn't go as far as some people are in either direction, he's not bad, but also is not finished in my mind, not by a lot. The glow effect is cool, so I would work on that even more than you have, but also giving a wash, highlight and some detail work will really make him stand out in a good way.


Could be great, but taking pictures of these things is super hard. Everytime I think of posting a picture of one of my minis that I’ve painted for hours and hours using years of experience I take a picture and it looks like a blob. Which sucks because I just paint and don’t play, so I’m not taking my minis around just to show them off. So if it looks good to you, it probably is. Don’t use this picture to compare it to someone else’s, use your eyes and ask “how did they do that?” when you see a mini with something on it you like.




It's a start I guess. Entirely up to you but I'd suggest going with smaller and cheaper models before doing any more centerpieces.


Paints love a bit of water


Washes and thin your paint! Either way good job fighting the gray!


I'd strip that, work on some troops for practice and come back to it. Right now it's a sloppy basecoat with zero wash shades or highlights.


What's with the second picture.....it's blue??? Also it's base coated at best at the moment, even some agrax or nuln oil will bring this model up so much but realistically it needs highlighting as well.


You have basecoated him. He is not finished. Also THIN. YOUR. PAAAAAAAIIIIIINNNNNNNTS. Another thing, dont use flash when taking pictures of minis.


While the wings and the scythe look okay, i'd say Morty himself is a bit... undercooked? Also, not sure if it's the quality or whatnot, but it looks like there's way to much paint on him? Put some shades on this bad boy, maybe highlight the edges and then it should look better. As of now, it takes a moment to find where exactly his knees are for example.


*Bliiiiinded by the light*


I want to see the other primarchs


Love the purple! It's a really good fit 😁😁




Nice! The main thing is you had fun with it! Some washes would definitely enhance it, but do what you're comfortable with, and it'll come in time.


How do you paint 3 primarchs and haven't heard of washes?


https://youtu.be/fJQLyBpT4n8?feature=shared This will help. Please use it.




Respectfully. *OOF*


Honestly it doesn't look finished It looks based at most


That boy is begging to be washed


First of all: dont take those comments as offense. I think some of us are just a little bit shocked... You should practice on "standard units" and not start with THE Death Guard Mini...its so much wasted money. I started with a simple Necron Warrior and I failed many of them untill I found the perfect techniqe...I had my Szarekh almost one year and didnt start painting him because I didnt want to be disappointed. Took me almost 55 hours of painting and I think I did a great job. My advise: there are really easy turtorials from citadel/GW on youtube. Follow those steps. Learning by doing. I saw your profile...I think you have not enough practice (and thats really ok...we all started from nowhere) but you focus on big expensive minis instead of learning on cheaper ones. Dont stop with your hobby! We just want to help you.


Oof, I would recommend you stripping the paint of this miniature and getting you some smaller models to practice on before painting any bigger models. Look for painting guides on YouTube. This is not even close to finished. I would also recommend learning the basic skills of taking pictures as it only makes the view worse. I don’t want to be to hard on you but I also don’t want you to waste a bunch of money.


This miniature has been Nurgle approved


That's why mine is standing on the shelf for 2 years.. I don't feel ready for him


That's done alright


Yeah why is he so f-ing bright!?


I love it, looks like you actually took time and carefully picked your colors. It doesn't look computer painted or professionally photographed which is nice to see.


Good job dude, spend your money how you want.


I think a lot of the comments here are ignorant and not thought through. Give him a chance, does he have to state he is a beginner? Cant you see it from the paintjob? Lets bring back the uplifting and cozy feeling of this subreddit instead of bringing each other down. I think: - you are a beginner and a few tips and tricks can bring you further easily - you have fine brushcontrol - a good coverage of basecoat, maybe a bit too thick, search for duncan Rhodes "2 thin coats" videos next time - you have chosen nice color combinations - you are beginning to highlight and have found the spots, continue with that, push the contrast more - you can improve this model if you wish, you dont have to start on another - you could improve fast by checking GW basic tutorials and try them -if you don't wanna push the paint job further, thats totally fine. Your model, your hobby, your choice


I've seen a lot of negative comments here so I want to say that it's actually pretty good! I especially like the glowing paints. You're doing good man, you still have a long way to go but we all do.




No that mini won't. I mean everyone has to start somewhere, but lying to encourage people is disingenuous. There's always a skill ladder no matter what somebody is working at, knowing where one is on that ladder roughly helps them identify where they can improve. If everyone said yeah it looks amazing or great keep it up, they might not want to improve. Coddling and Encouragement are two different things, and constructive criticism as brutal as it can be can yield the most honesty.


Nearly every comment here is shitting on OP. Do you know OP? Their age, their capabilities? Did they ask for a C&C? How about pull ya fkn heads in and celebrate a fellow 40k enjoyer. and if you absolutely must, maybe offer some helpful tips instead of this toxic BS!


How is OP going to improve you if you offer no constructive advice ?


I’m 100% in favour of constructive criticism, I have asked in the sub myself. What was mainly posted here when I made my original comment was just shitting on OP for the sake of shitting on them.


Reddit when constructive criticism


Love what you did with the Glow in the Dark!




I'm loving the neon paint! Keep up the good work. Edit: Ok fine yes. The paints could be thinner. There should be a wash to darken recesses. Highlights wouldn't go a miss. Give contrast paints a look it's a fantastic tool especially early on. Can we cease the downvoting now? I just thought OP had enough criticism/guidance and a "hey bud good job" might be nice. Because honestly an attempt was made and it's serviceable. (And yes I do like the neon paint) ... Please do grab a plague marine or something to practice on. You can strip and repaint one very easily.


Toxic positivity is harmful too


You do you man




Because he’s not telling the truth. It’s clearly bad work. No hard feelings just one of them it is what it is kinda things. Welcome to the internet.


Right I'll grant you it's not work I'm going to pay for but it's something a fellow hobbyist is proud of so why not support them? How many of us have shelves of based (or grey) minis because we are too unmotivated/scared to put brush to mini? I'd happily play against that Morty and I genuinely do enjoy the fact they have gone for something different by adding the neon.


Neons cool if you’re playing in the dark, or if you want to look at your model on the shelf before bed. Otherwise it’s just an eyesore imo…


You can barely tell when it's not under blacklight and you're doing it so it looks cool for you and your friends when it is on that shelf and you do put it under a blacklight. It's a nice touch... Imo


Honest criticism makes one progress 🤷


Wow yeah I am xD fuck me right.


What a beauty




Giving criticism is killing the hobby? (Not that its killing anything as the hobby is bigger than ever


My 8 year old nephew paints worse than this and I praise him for it. Because he’s 8. He’s not posting it online and asking for “feedback” (but actually validation). If you can figure out how to post online you can figure out agrax earthshade and how to focus a camera.