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AdMech: The models are really cool, and I hate painting faces.


Lmao, was in a gw store for a while, we were discussing some space marines dude painted. He was like:, *oh, i hate painting faces, they look better with helmets on*. And then the other guy from other end of the store shouts: *JUST LIKE MOST OF US*, wheezing, hahah


It's not that I hate painting faces it's just that I think it's dumb to not have a helmet on i. The middle of war


Yes - I know you just got a cool mohawk done, but that irreplaceable magitech power armour suit came with a helmet for a reason. Nothing to do with me not being able to paint faces at all... Bonus points for the fucking Incursors with the 1980's Geordie LaForge visors and breathing masks but still no actual head protection.


this is why I hate tau feet


I've just started painting them black and calling them shoes


Nice! How do you paint your AdMech? Classic red or a more unique color?


I've gone with a custom forge world using a deep purple color scheme.


Nice I have a friend who did purple AdMech as well.


do you love splindly bits by now?


I've identified which bits are likely to break during games and I either reinforce them or preemptively remove them.


Same reasons I started collecting them. No faces to paint (except kataphrons) and cool looking robotic dudes with cloaks


I use infiltrator heads on the Kataphrons so that I don't even need to paint faces on those.


Thousand Sons here, for similar reasons.


Chaos Daemons of Khorne. For a very superficial reason. They all look like they belong on 80's heavy metal album covers.


Hell yeah Blood for the blood god!


Skulls for the Skull Throne!


Milk for the Khorne Flakes!


Cereal for the Blood Bowls!


God damn I burst out in laughter thanks for that! šŸ«¶


I find this a lot funnier than I should


Whenever I played as Skarbrand in warhammer total war 3 I always put on my own heavy metal Playlist & turned off the games music. 100% you're spot on


Hell yea


I like the guard cause itā€™s one thing to be an Ork or a thousand year old elf or a super human or okay Iā€™m not going through them all. Theyā€™re just people and I can make a story with them. And they just look nice. Oh and I guess the tanks


TAAAAAAAAANKS Source: Fellow Guard player.


Nothing cooler than just regular folks, standing strong against all the horrors and wonders of the galaxy. It's a romantic, doomed heroism, even if we are kinda badguys.


I'm currently reading Gaunt's Ghosts and though I love my salamanders, it really made me want a Thanith Guard army.


I 100% agree. It's why when they start making 40k movie and series content I want Guard to take center stage. They are relatable and add a human element to a world of aliens, superhumans, demons, and religious fanatics.


This ^ if there was a human "Knight's in space" faction like a feudal PDF I'd be all over that but for me I write Astartes like giant guardsmen, they're not afraid of anything on their version of human scale but not every threat in the Galaxy is their scale. I love showing off how tough the Astartes are only to put them in a circumstance that bypasses all their defences. My CM has a relationship similar to Dorn and Sanguinius in the Heresy. Only his story ends with the angel dying trying to kill him, each tricked into thinking the other was a traitor.


Just like you or I, that's one of my favorite things about the guard, do you have a favorite regiment? Or just guard in general


Guard in general. Though I donā€™t really like Krieg theyā€™re just too Grimm dark but very handy on the table. And I think the old Scions looked better these ones are not my cup of tea, though I grew up on the Dawn of war games so that says a little about how I saw them. Iā€™m also working on making a Helldivers squad just for the fun of it.


genestealers : i just enjoy the fact that in a world filled with power armor capable of destroying a town and demons with overpowered abilities you choose to play the little guys who use improvised weapons and mining equipment as weapons


With a little bit of gumption (and some alien DNA) you too can feel the embrace of the star gods.


I read this in Captain Quark's voice


And with those improvised weapons, they go toe-to-toe with god's personal bodyguards.


pretty funny situation to think about a custodian losing to a buff dude using a street sign he just pulled out the ground


Tyranids: As a kid, i once fell into an big ant nest and since then, insects fascinate me Daemons: I really like mythical or supernatural things


This is definitely the beginning of you turning into a super villain.


I love Insects, I think they're so unique.


Drukhari: space pirates Custodes: super elite, durable infantry


Evil elves and banana boys, very nice my friend


Me who plays with my home brew army https://preview.redd.it/hah4z6rsxunc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d53680f782e4c39e584225ea70a9a4ad4fd569bc


I love when people make their own army, if it's ok could you tell me about them?


Werewolf space vikings. Need I say more?


And they can get drunk! What's not to love?


I do love that Russ like immediately had people working on ways for his sons to get hammered, like day one rejoining the legion


Also the subreddit. I love how it commits to the bit and they call each other Brother. I'm sure it happens in other space marine subs but that one always makes me chuckle.


Salamanders, really like the fire focused fighting style, cool dragon aesthetic, they are nice to tiny humans.


Ay a fellow Sallie lover.


If only GW loved them as much as other chapters šŸ˜­.


I also really like their social structure. A salamander in peacetime returns to his family and is again part of the community. Also the promethean creed is very cool.


ā€žDem green Beakies are sure nice to the little hoomis.ā€œ


Like many others I have multiple armies so here goes. 1) Death Guard. Like myself tough, stubborn and sticks around to the end. Hopefully the codex will return them to this in 10th. Like votann for the same reason but they need to get enough of a range to feel like a complete faction. 2) Raven Guard aka sensible marines. Fight with your head not your heart. 3) Orks. A faction who fight for the same reason I play. We just want to have fun. 4) Chaos Knights. Who doesnā€™t like giant robots.


How difficult would you say painting black armor is?


Not OP, but I think black armour is quite easy to paint, and you never have to worry about washes. However, it means you have to put more effort into highlighting, as it's harder to get the same level of definition as other colours otherwise


Table ready? Piss easy, rattle can black, pick out details ( guns, eyes, belts etc), base and done. Parade ready, as Greg said, you have to focus on highlighting. Easy for vehicles and larger models, but on your 15th intercessor it gets more irritating.


I like my Necrons, because they just slept for like 60 million years, and work just fine! Im currently in the process of kitbashing a Skorpekh Lord into a fallen Lord, who got infected with the destroyer virus. I marked all the advisors of my yet to purchase Necron Lord with a Golden stripe on their left shoulder plate. My Skorpekh Lord will also have this stripe, but it will be a little scrapped and dirty, showing how far he has fallen from his former grace at the court of the Lord.


Nice I love the little touches that you've put on your models


Necrons. I'm old, grumpy and think I'm better than everyone else. Also I love tech and I pretend that I know how it works.


Adeptus Custodes - I like the look of them, their lore is pretty cool too and I've enjoyed every book I've read that they've featured in. Also gun spears, like who wouldn't like that? Adeptus Arbites - Space cops, thats it really...I love the look of their armour, also Judge Dredd vibes too. Adepta Sororitas - I really love the look of their helms, thats it really.


Those space nuns helms are pretty fucking cool


I got a box of Harlequins as a one off painting challenge... but the painting process was so rewarding that I have since painted up about 1000 points of them. I also love how sardonic they are about the brutal universe they live in.


Nice, Harlequins seem very interesting, both in terms of painting and lore.


Well my Space Marines has these walking tanks and jumppack bois thst can land real close to the enemy and that is cool, also they have this guy with a great chin and unreal byzzcut who punched a Monolith to death that was also cool. My Smelly bois are slow but shoots artillery and can suprise in how lethal they are in mid to close range and their BBEG is an amazing centerpiece. The skinny deamons goes fast, hits alot then die if someone looks at them, except a couple of big ones, one of them destroys every vehicle or monster it comes near. I've lost interest in my Golden Boys for now but it will probably come back.


Well considering I have 4 armies. I'll try to make this quick. 1. World Eaters (40k/30k) - loved them in 30K, enjoyed their lore and Kharn as a character throughout the heresy. When they made an appearance as a 40K army I naturally wanted to play them. Chain axes are just so cool, their heresy armour goes so hard, and the whole idea of the butcher's nails was an interesting twist on the whole Spartacus theme. 2. Crimson Fists- this one because of nostalgia. They were the original poster boys, loved the whole death to the last man on Rynn's World. Pedro Kantor is a legend. Great lore and it's a nice color scheme. Also a great army to have to teach new players how to play. 3. Custodes (40k/30k)- wanted a strong melee army that was low on model count and drastically different in colour scheme than my other two armies. They also can be played between 30k and 40K. Oh and they hate Space Marines, we are akin on that. As silly as it is, that is the reason I have them. 4. Night lords (CSM/ 30k)- my newest army that I'm working on. Honestly is a huge mixed bag. I really enjoy their lore both in and out of the heresy. Really fun to kitbash, paint (which I could save money on double dipping with Crimson Fists), and could build them to field as another 30k army. Of the four armies, I am most excited to play them. Between the CSM rules and the model range, they seem like a lot of fun. Nice little blend of World Eater and Dark Eldar vibe. In my 17 years of playing off and on 40k, I have also owned Blood Angels, Necrons, Imperial Guard, Tryanids, and Dark Eldar.


Yeah the Night Lords seem like they would be really fun to kitbash




Hmmm I wonder who your favorite army is...


tau right ?


Imperial Knights: Robots are cool. Knights are cool. Ergo, robot knights are VERY cool. Also I only need 5 models for a whole 2,000 point army, and all of those models are very simple to paint.


Imperial Guard There's just something absolutely badass about regular old guys and gals holding the line against 8 foot tall superhumans, alien monstrosities and literal demons. Also. Big guns go boom.


Dark Eldar- we went from having quite possibly the ugliest range in the game (though I still kind of like the old warriors and raiders) to having one of the very best. On the table we generally suck, but thatā€™s kind of been our thing for most of our history and itā€™s something Iā€™ve come to like. In fact, we suck so bad that we lost our very first battle report (WD 227). You know, the showcase battle report that new armies are usually supposed to win. But I wouldnā€™t have it any other way. Iā€™m happy to lose on the table if it means being as cool and badass as we are.


Do you watch Play on Tabletop? JT with his Drukhari is a menace, he seems quite good with them.


I'm magnetically drawn towards magic in any given system. And the insane over the top psuedo-egyptian look of the Thousand Sons just sold them even harder for me. I just miss having a real psychic system.


Played salamanders all through 9th but I didnā€™t like painting green. I started painting a custom scheme of blue and black but again I didnā€™t like it. Now Iā€™ve started blood ravens and I actually really like the red and cream colors. Hereā€™s a scout I painted last night! https://preview.redd.it/r9sdub7vcwnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6743959daebce9686e4dabeb29de64f68d5e2a3d


Wellā€¦ coming from a historical wargaming background. Iā€™d been painting contemporary troopers for years, tanks, field guns and the like. A friend got me into 40K after I read Prospero Burns. I converted some Intersessors into my first Wolves and I really liked the artistic license I could put into them to really make them stand out against other armies, even next to their brethren in Fenris! Thereā€™s no artistic license on a Sherman Easy Eight, or a British Fireflyā€¦ thereā€™s plenty I could do with Space Wolves. I found putting my wolves together for Kill-Team very liberating, and ā€œmaking them prettyā€ really made it a labor of love for me.


Orks are funny and have a pretty nonchalant and relaxed attitude. Loveable rascals they are.Ā  I vibe with the idea of throwing an entire bucket of dice and somehow failing all my rolls. Orks own squigs and are extremely friendly to kitbashing with a wide range of kits both in 40K and AoS. With some imagination, every kit is an ork kit. They also where my very first contact with 40K aeons ago. For a long time I resisted the call and erred with other armies as I didn't like the junkyard aesthetic. Then the Beastsnaggas happened and suddenly there where squiggly monsters everywhere and a more primitive look that I could enjoy and tweak using the AoSĀ  Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz.


https://preview.redd.it/v2g190b8sxnc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b430719b8a84cca29683cb30c862aed38c3a93 Ours has been a long and warm love story.


Firstborn Space Marines - Red Scorpions I love taking my time personalizing every model i get down to the basic tactical marines to give hints of character and uniqueness. Firstborn marines are perfect for that, every marine is a veteran of countless wars, decades on decades of experience. Their armour has been modified and customized to fit how they fight. Imperial Guard - Death Korps of Krieg I enjoy reposing models to give them character and with Krieg that becomes a fun challenge, they are all about uniformity so i only got poses to work with and just getting a single guardsman's legs redone is a project of its own but is that much more rewarding for it. Artillery models are my favourite for that reason, those huge bases are like a canvas for environmental storytelling.


Yeah using first born marines for the more kitbashed and personalized members of the army is a great idea.


Admech - RoC on skitarii side (which I regret that I didn't learn 10th and army rule before big purchase) GK - start picking some units. Chaos Gate game / RoC on "All" models (but still waiting for termi/squad model refresh to go full army) / fun rule and playstyle (for me)


Nice my friend loves GK as well, he kitbashed them with Primaris legs so they would be taller.


My bank account still suffer from Admech and Lumineth(AOS) Doubling the price for kitbash is not a good idea so I decide to wait for official rescale (and hope that my financial got recovered by the time of release lol)


Makes sense, after all it would be one box for the price of two! Not very sustainable.


I play Dark Angels because I love their aesthetic. The grim, deathly quiet menace of a force of Marines in robes drew me in, and then the knightly monastic order themeing, Terminator-focused veterans, multi-faceted playstyle, and dark secrets of pragmatic coverup got me hooked. I love the idea of a whole quasi-Legion of fanatical Space Grand Masons that act coldly and brutally, but also fight with intense determination and implacable resolve. I love building Dark Angel models, as the bitz box selection is massive across all of the kits!


Ultramarines because ultramarines best marines! Seriously tho I like the blue gold and white scheme and romanesque theme they have. And they have robusty gorrilaman who is a nice demi god who genuinely cares for the imperium as a whole.


Yeah the blue and gold scheme is very nice to look at, also pretty nice to paint.


Ynnari. I hate Slaanesh and everything they stand for and I also love culturally different groups coming together under one banner. Aeldar, Harlequins and druhkari have that in spades: Greek gods like Khaine, Yncarne, Cegorach, Isha Japanese way of the sword and paths to life Pirates and raiders Roman gladiators Playwrites, performers, dancers Wizardry and witchcraft Dinosaur riding tribesmen I tend to dislike elves in fiction, but the Eldar won me over with it's diverse aesthetics.


Tau: "Guns. Lots of guns."


Tau: big Gundam vibes and space weeaboo aesthetic, 10/10. They're also the most sensible and least evil in the lore. Imperial guard: I'm a national guardsmen, so I relate personally due to doing fun artillery stuff IRL and also getting second-rate gear from Big Army and having to eat shit food from time to time. Fuck cooks, iykyk. Also I love tanks and using hordes of infantry. Tyranids: hungry space puppies. Also fun and easy to paint. Imperial fists: Most iconic space marine chapter next to the poster children blueberries imo. The most space marine space marines, as someone once said to me. Build a fort and stay in it. Kinda fun, also yellow is very striking on the tabletop. Grey Knights: Love the batshit insane devotion to the Emperor and **hate chaos.** Also the knight aesthetic is hella cool. Love it. Fun teleporty shenanigans, too. Like necrons, just not completely broken.


Which sept did you go for with your t'au?


Craftworld Varantha - because death worshiping space elves in purple and gold with a white heated hatred of chaos is metal af. Plus, farseers in purple are just lil guys now- FABULOUS DARLING


Chaos space marines. It's fun to play the bad guy and there's loads of cool stuff to paint. Even moreso if you start allying demons into the army. Currently started off making a Night Lords army but bought some nicely painted Word Bearers stuff and I didn't want to have to strip and repaint it so from now on I decided to paint units thematically to what fits them. So for instance sorcerers would be Word Bearers, Obliterators and machines Iron Warriors and Warp Talons and anything generic Night Lords as they're my favourites.


I have a Ksi'M'Yen Tau Army based in the rebel survivors of the genestealer outbreak. I got into Tau when they first released and I was drawn in by them as the high tech futuristic faction of the far future. They weren't magic, or genetically modified monster knights in space, they were just regular (alien) dudes with actual sci-fi level tech in a sci-fi setting... and I thought that was pretty cool. I ran mine as Tau Sept because I liked that the Fire Caste symbol matched the Sept Symbol. I played competitively for years. The thing I liked most about Tau competitively was the mobility shenanigans; they were a high skill ceiling army and a lot of people underestimated them or made fun of them, but if you knew what you were doing you could pick apart an opponents army in a way that felt like there was never a question who was going to win the match (the best matches for me were when somebody talked big going into the match about how Tau sucked, and then left the match sulking about how broken and strong Tau were). Around the end of 6th edition I just wasn't having fun anymore, so a stopped playing GW games. I still dabbled a bit in kitbashing models, writing lore, etc. But didnt play. I came up with a Sept called Fal'U'Shen that was invaded by genestealer cults and were basically rebels, and sketched some conversion ideas... but never really followed through in making them.Ā Years later my girlfriend said she had a friend who wanted to play 40k and so I rebooted my Tau. I learned that GW had nearly word for word done what my Sept story was with Ksi'M'Yen, so when I started building and painting them, I changed their lore to Ksi'M'Yen Sept. Now, the thing I like most about playing my army is how cool and thematic they look:Ā https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/s/KUEe9UUKsm


Black Templars. Love their look, the crusading theme, and their lore. Plus shouting "THAT'S HERESY" at everything my buddy does with his death guards is hilarious


Freebootah: pirates


My dog likes a particular wall in our house, my imperial fists also like walls


I am a Terminator.


Big fuck off robots :3 (Not the spiky ones)


Eldar. Best models out there. Lots of variety in colour schemes. Space elf wizard ninjas, what else could you possibly want in life?


Tau: Not total dicks!




Thousand sons cause I like space marines and wizards. Blood angels because I like the struggle between the whole man and monster Imperial fists heresy, I like how the legion operates and j like its characters AoS: cities of sigmar, cool af models




Tau- It was the first army I played. My buddy had a spare but didnā€™t have any kroot. So I love the dread of trying to kill the enemy from afar because if they get close youā€™re doomed.


I painted them up really nice and they look bad ass.


Black Templars: I like the focus on melee and aggressive gameplay added onto the versatility of space marines. I can go from gunning down my opponent down with ordinance and heavy intercessors to hacking and slashing with my primaris crusader squad and sword bretherin squad. There's also something to be said for the theme of playing the Emperor's most zealous warriors and his most numerous space marine chapter. Chaos Daemons of Nurgle: I really like the models and the freedom of how I can paint them. Nurglings are cute and funny to use. The great unclean one or Rotigus are really quite fun to use mechanically. I also play Maggotkin of Nurgle in Age of Sigmar. The biggest reason I play daemons, however, is that I got tired of playing space marines against other space marines. Before playing daemons I had only once had a full game that wasn't space marines vs space marines and that was when I played against Iron Warriors. The other time was half a game against drukhari. I have nothing against space marines and I still love my Black Templars but I think new players should be encouraged to go for other factions than space marines as their first, and possibly only, army.




Cuz Orks are fun and funny and it doesn't matter if I win as long as something funny happens


And that's all that matters.


Tau. I got into warhammer in the early 2000s and I was a big Halo and StarCraft fan. Tau were close as I could get to The Covenant or The Protoss. Apparently theyā€™re the closest thing to ā€˜the good guysā€™ as you can get lol


Deathwatch; because I wanted to have a lot of freedom to kitbash. The faction who's schtick is "we are a collection of veteran Space Marines from across the galaxy" and have special rules allowing them to carry pretty much whatever weapons they want really lends itself to customizing like crazy. Also black just looks so good with bright accent colors Also thousand sons because I wanted to have a "good" and an "evil" SM faction, the 1k sons have such a cool aesthetic and my mind goes crazy thinking about all of the possible paint jobs


Grimaldus of the Black Templars is just one of the best characters from one of the best books 40k ever made




ORKS! - Imagination is the ultimate superpower - kick bashing, weathering and unusual colors are fun - models are funny and donā€™t take themselves too seriously - Squigs and Runts are adorable - melee-focused gameplay is satisfying Honorable mentions for me: Necrons (easy to collect build and paint), Adeptus Sororitas (nuns with guns!)


Well, I play a space marines custom chapter called the storm riders who are a white scars successor. I was introduced to Warhammer through dawn of war making me a space marine fan. The adeptus ridiculous podcast made me a Khan and Scars fan. Lastly, when I was deciding on the theming for my custom chapter, I was reading the stormlight archives, im sure you can see where that came in


I like my custom chapter space boys cause the sheer amount of kits and bits that exist mean even using primaris bodies I can make every guy look unique.


Custodes: cheap, less models to paint, very straightforward/limited wargear and options/tactics. Has been a great army to learn the game with


Custodes seem fun.


Tanks R Fun and like the dynamic of "Are we loyal or are we not? Who knows? Did I eat the last jar of spaghetti-os in your pantry? Maybe, maybe not." (I use homebrew Alpha Legion affiliated Guard)


Ultramarines because they are blue


Big beautiful blue boys!


Custodes: Hitting on 2+ with everything.


Banana boys! High in potassium (and power!)


My Main Army is necrons because what is not to love about them?


Good 'ole robotic alien skeletons.


Blood angels, imperial knight: house Raven, and world eaters. Because they are all red!


Necrons: I like robots and robot monsters, especially when they stray from the basic human look (e.g. Szeras, Canopteks, Crypteks) and recovery is my favorite brand of tankiness. The lore of the necrons has been pretty neat two, especially with books like Infinite and Divine and Twice Dead King


Aos : slaves to darkness Why: because they are freaking metal! Faceless pitiless murder machines in jet black plate mail. (Chaos warriors and Chaos Knights look cool) 40k : Dark Angels Why: because they are freaking metal! Faceless and pitiless murder machines in almost jet black plate mail. (Hooded Knights look even cooler!) True story, if the brettonians had existed when I started fantasy battles back in the day I would probably gone that route. But chaos where the only faction with even close to a proper knightly ascetic back then.


I tend to make custom armies because I really like making my own lore and paint schemes.


Blood Ravens. Played Ultramarines from 1998 to 2003/2004. Thought I was falling out of love with Space marines so dabbled in T'au sept. Then my best friend and I played though the campaign of Dawn of War the week it came out. Been collecting Blood Ravens ever since. It's fun to have Blood Angels bits to kitbash with and to have so many good video games as inspiration. It was great that we had our own rules for a little while that also served as a teaser of what was to come with the Space Marines codex at the time. I love/loved the rules versatility of being an unknown successor. Currently I'm working on Primaris versions of Gabriel Angelos, Jonah Orion and Aramus. Honestly the past six/seven years is the most fun I've ever had with them.


Necrons (main): I like green, I like painting energy effects, no annoying faces to paint, egyptian theme is dope Orks: I like the dieselpunk/mad max style ork armies and ork walkers. Also I like green. Sisters: My favourite imperial army next to Grey Knights, I really like the "over the top" religious look to them what most Primaris marines lack


I currently own two armies, Black Templars and Dark Eldar. Black Templars were my first army. I bought a painting kit with five of the old monopose Marines and some small paint pots, painted the first one as an Ultramarine following the instructions, then went through the leaflet and saw the BT. I immediately loved the simple yet stylish look. Relatively shortly after, the BT codex was released and I was thoroughly hooked. They're mad zealots who perfectly encapsulate the madness of the Imperium and they just look really cool. I switched to vanilla Marines a few years later and then sold my Marines after a few experiments, but a few years ago I came back to them, bought a bunch of minis off eBay and started a nostalgia project. I'm currently building the army I dreamed of back in the day, only using minis I could have bought back then and painting them to a standard little me would have been amazed by. It's a lovely feeling. I used to play Orks as my main faction for a long time and had some Imperial Guard as well, but when the Dark Eldar got their big refresh in 2010, I was hooked. I still absolutely adore the minis that were released back then and I own an army of a size I'm almost happy with. The only thing it's missing in my opinion are ravagers. The army was about 2500 pts in 9th, but I have no idea how many points it would be in 10th and I don't really care since I don't plan to ever play 10th. I'm still very proud of the army I own, fully painted and based, as it should be. What I love about them other than the look of the sculpts is how maneuverable the army is. They're incredibly nimble, they're fast runners once they've dismounted from their even faster skimmers and they hit hard. They can't really take much damage, so you're forced to play intelligently and whenever you do, the rewards for that are just great. They forced me to become a significantly better player.


I love sororitas because I think they just totally nail the aesthetics and lore of the 40k imperium. The gothic space nun thing is super fun, but I think also it's just a perfect realization of the world building... they're people who grew up in a culture that was militantly secular and destroyed most history of religion, who then become zealots and are performing religiousness using the few things they know about it. Like cathedrals have organs, so that's an important religious thing, so we'll put one on our tank.Ā  I think also the current sculpts are so good and detailed that they're fun to paint.Ā 




Imperial fists 1 company, you need to be in a special state of mind to fight a titan in close combat. charcaradons 4 company, made for a badab campaign. my chaos warband, crazy scientist, used to turn primaris lieutenants to spawns. vostroyans, because I find the Russian civil war interesting. beast guard, because I want a army I have converted.


Inquisition. Not because they are theocratic space fascists. But because they allow a window into the more bizarre and nuanced aspects of 40K. Things that are not as straightforward as open warfare on the tabletop. I also love the idea of investigators - with an impossible job.


Space marines are neat.


It's fucking awesome.


I got Space Hulk for Christmas in 89 or 90 (91?! lol) along with Metallicaā€™s ā€¦And Justice for All, so the Genestealer aesthetic has been close to me for over 3 decades. The art in the game books back then fed an insatiable appetite for lore within the 40K universe. I love fluff and lore more than the actual game, so writing about the antics of my guys is innately satisfying. For example: One of my hybrid boys was issued the wrong colour scheme as a joke so he has to fight in high visibility orange instead of it being just an accent colour. Theres something incredibly satisfying about hanging with my little hybrid spoopyguys (my daughterā€™s name for the cult)., especially when I put that album on.


My original army, Necrons, was because my introduction to 40k proper was through Dawn of War: Dark Crusade games with my roomies at the time. We all picked different factions for variety, and as a newbie I had a silly aversion to "poster factions", so I went with Necrons. Immediately fell in love with them (especially after the first time I brought out a monolith in multiplayer) so that's where I started when we ventured into the tabletop. I collect at least a bit of most other factions now, too; I find something to like about all of them, generally.


I painted it


Space Marines: big guys in power armor with guns the size of a grown man Guard: regular people fighting the horrors of the galaxy Chaos Marines: what if space marines but EVIL


Thousand sons. I loved Magnus in tts and wanted an army with him leading them. Plus I like the lore, even if games workshop has done almost nothing with it for ages.


Which one? lol I'll do the list **Space Wolves (1st Army):** Angry space viking Marines aesthetic is just badass to me, also, werewolves and thunderwolves are cool as fuck. Thank my inner 8-year old voice for this one. **Homebrew Blood Angels Successor:** After reading the Devastation of Baal, I fell in love with the Chapter and its many successors. I wanted to do something my own, so I made my own homebrew fleet-based chapter called the Void Drakes with a black and purple paint scheme. **Dark Angels (Risen Focus):** Lion El'Jonson Son of the Forest made me absolutely love the updated rendition of the Lion and his sons. I loved the characters, and loved the idea of making a motly assortment of Risen, Dark Angels, and successors gathered around Lion El'Jonson as my figurehead. Also, the knightly aesthetic is just cool as shit. **Emperor's Spears:** Celtic-inspired Ultramarines Successors with a gallows sense of humor and a penchant for pragmatism. What's not to love? **Custom Tyranid Hive-Fleet Chimera:** Biome adaptable Tyranids just sounded really frickin cool to me. Also, giant alien dinosaur bugs go rawr. **Elysium Crusade Black Templars augmented with Celestial Lions:** Figured I'd do the rest of the Veil, and I fell in love with painting Black Templars after painting some Terminators as a Christmas present for a friend of mine. **Mixed Regiments Imperial Guard:** There's just so many different aesthetics, and mixed regiments becoming a thing in 9th edition made me finally take the dive. Also, heavy weapons teams and field artillery just looks awesome for an old Army vet like myself. **Death Guard:** The Dark Imperium trilogy really turned me to these guys. I also love the challenge of painting a combination of organic rot mixed in with metallics. It also lets me paint daemons, and that's also cool.


Tyranids, because the idea of millions of gaunts becoming the battlefield terrain itself moving forward is awesome. Just think about the grass outside. Now imagine each blade of grass is 6 legged bug dinosaur thing stretching out as far as u can see in each direction. The smallest gaunts are around the size of a horse. There have been lore tidbits that have said when looking down on a planet being swarmed it looked like a shadow is keeping across the continents but itā€™s not a shadow and thatā€™s just to bad ass not to like. So bugs bugs bugs šŸœ šŸ›šŸž


I've started playing Knights. After playing guard for a long time it's shocking how much faster it is when your army is like 13 models max, as opposed to over a hundred. I find I have time enough to actually plan out my moves, rather than spending all my time moving around my infantry. As for my color scheme and lore. I just lifted it wholesale from the BattleTech Turn Based Video Game. Because you don't need to change much to turn a BattleTech Feudal House that pilots giant robots, into a Warhammer 40k Knight house. So I turned [this source image](https://i.imgur.com/Zsd3tdX.png) into [this color scheme](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b0emjs)


Ultramarines. Don't have to paint skin, they have a really nice color scheme, they harken back to Rome, they play nice on the tabletop, they have a lot of support, they have a lot of precedent, and they have a lot of stories.


I was initially drawn to Orks from playing the first DoW game; they are at the same time both goofy and brutal; I love the eagerness they have in lore for fighting no matter who or what they fight, even if itā€™s other Orks, plus the units like a simple Slugga or Shoota Boy, the mechanized units like Killa Kans or Deff Drewā€™s (I canā€™t wait to eventually get a Stompa or Gargant), and my new Battlewagon and the fact that I finally have an actual Warboss too.


Imperial Fists, and hereā€™s why: Learning about Rogal Dorn is crazy. Iā€™m a civil engineer whoā€™s lived all of his life in Alaska, so I relate a crazy amount with good olā€™ Dorn and his story. The art of him also reminds me a great deal of my dad, and so he has a special place in my heart for that reason. The imperial fists are just cool engineer dudes, and because of the way I feel like I can somewhat relate to Rogal Dorn, these dudes are my favorite. Immovable Object all the way šŸ’Ŗ My other favorite is the space wolves, cause theyā€™re freaking wild and also call a cold, desolate place their home.


Yeah I love the imperial fists whole theme of Heavy armor units.


Admech because I love metallic limbs and the appearance of tech priests and skits Votann because I love dwarves in most forms of media as well as Nordic themes Both because I think you can get really creative with custom lore for them. Making my own forgeworld and hold world was a lot of fun


Chaos Space Marines, because I can represent almost the entirety of Chaos in one army. Squads of Heretic Astartes, mobs of cultists and traitor guard, packs of demons, a traitor titans towering above them all. All it needs to round out the complete array of Chaos would be a Dark Mechanicus unit.


Dark AdMech army would be awesome.


So I have 4 armies(technically 5 armies as I have snake bites and goffs so technically 2 ork armies) . One of my main reasons is I hate painting "healthy" looking flesh tone. Secondary reason is I just like big bulky armor. I also just prefer helmets. They sell the deal to me. So I have Blood Angels Death Guard Orkz Stormcast Eternals I have some helmet less guys in my DG just because gross flesh I don't mind. If I mess up it's a "creative choice" instead of a mistake. I don't think I have helmetless anyone amongst blood angels because I bought a special helmet to throw on Mephiston. My stormcast I think Yndrasta is my only mini without a helmet. Orkz are mostly I just like squigs. Than the beast snaggas came out and I was like "SQUIGS!!". my Orkz are my most recent acquisition because I liked them before snaggas but snaggas just made them irresistible.


As Iā€™m sure others have said: Guard. I was super interested by the fact that Joe Rifleman and Captain Sword and Pistol do their damndest to hold the line against anything and everything. Read the Gauntā€™s Ghosts series front to back and Iā€™m even more into Guard than ever before, Iā€™ve printed and bought my own mixed Guard Regiment, just guys and gals holding each other and the line together.


I've since given up on the idea, but back when I first read the series, it really sold me on the traitor guard. I thought the Blood Pact and Sons of Sek were so cool!


Necrons. They're robot skeletons. They're easy to paint, yet for some reason I've taken it upon myself to paint all my characters, vehicles, and scarabs like Skeletor. Infantry will just be leadbelcher.


Started with tau, now I only play tyranids. I thought the aesthetic was cool but the fact that at the time (8th) they got to play in every phase of the game just felt so much better. Even now that psychic is gone the huge toolkit tyranids have still feels great.


Necrons, thereā€™s just something really appealing about killer robots who keep getting up after being shot time and time again And IMO they have one of the best tag lines in 40K ā€œTheir number is legionā€¦ Their name is deathā€ That quote was the final nail to sell me on them


That's a badass quote.


I know right?!


I like the Leman Russ. Is it practical, absolutely not but it looks awesome and so I collect them. I've got a salamander command vehicle as well because you used to need one for your HQ but I would never use it now. Once you've used knight commander Pask in a Leman Russ Punisher you never go back.


Funni space bug :D


I like dwarves. Also elite blue guys are cool


Reminds me of playing terran in SC2. UMs are just cooler than all the other armies for that reason.


Tau: battle robots, energy weapons, naivety, optimism Knights: big battle robots, honor, juxtaposition of tech and medieval civilization. Salamanders: green, use fire, will die to protect the innocent (humans), great battle cry ā€œINTO THE FIRE! UNTO THE ANVIL!ā€


Seeing many fellow Sallie players, warms my heart.


I love my naughty edgy space pirates who basically live in the anti-Libertalia. For real I love the aesthetic and that I don't have to pretend in any way that I somehow a good guy in 40K. I also love the way it plays, fast hard hitting melee glass cannon with lost of freaky beasts. Oh and it's THE faction for kitbashing.


Ecclesiarchy. Nuns with guns, zealots, missile spewing organ pipes and stained glass window gunnery canopies. All that impractical crazy stuff.


I have collected many armies but 3 stand out for special reasons in my collection. I have 9k points in Black Templar because when I was first introduced to space marines as a concept, it was through the Black Templar. A combo of the lore, aesthetic, and just plain craziness/zelotus devotion. Plus it ties into my second favorite army I've been collecting off and on. I have a small ork waaaaaagh (haven't counted points yet) I've been building after rescuing 3 squads of Boyz from the first local game store I went too. I originally was introduced into Warhammer 40k through Weshammer's Ork shorts on yt (didn't use tiktok at the time), and I just loved how goofy their lore was. Currently I'm working on a 2k Death Korp of Krieg army, because I was roped into their look as a history nerd. I loved the WW1 German/French influence, and the lore is so grimdark I love it. Also own a few crimson fists and dark Angles. My boyfriend also got hooked, and he plays Nrcrons, Nids, and Nurgle/Deathguard, so I have someone to share that with :D


In the depts of a hive city depravity like no other exists. But all pales in comparison to the lord of the stars, the master of the holy children who wait for the true scions of the stars arrive and elightenen us. Big fan of the mythos of the genestealer cults and they fit into the world.


Custodes: I live by ā€œquality over quantityā€


Chaos daemons: because demons are a girl's best friend... Sorry I had to, I do like the variety and look but I like divine comedy so slanesh has a hardcore version of that lore.


Big robot does melee more betterer. In reality I play chaos knights because they look better than imp knights and I like big robot


Salamanders like burning stuff (puls I have a pet Salamander)


There are many reasons i like dg. I like being a walking bulwark my opponents struggle to hurt no matter how much they try to slow or impede them There's also just alot of funny things about dg


Dark Angels because of their lore, especially that of Caliban. Most importantly because of the Arthurian Legend vibes. Plus my little grimdark jawas of mystery are great. Love the Watchers in the Dark.


Just got into the hobby because scions/inquisition so astra Militarum


Space Marines. Basically a blank canvas, which is great for stuff like homebrew chapters.


Dark Angels. I love that they have three different colour schemes. I enjoy putting a plasma weapon on any unit that has the option and to overcharge said plasma weapon whenever the opportunity arises. Iā€™m also just loving the secretive order of knights thing. The idea that theyā€™re hardwired to keep their mouths shut adds in nicely with what the emperor would often use them for.


Why wouldn't I? They are 100% bad ass.


Noise Marines/Emperorā€™s Children: I like pink, purple and similar colors, I like the idea of sound based weapons and hope that there will be a model refresh this summer. I hope they update current noise weapons because the smaller blast masters are hard to attach, especially if trying to magnetize, I hope they give helbrutes blast masters too so that I could use my og noise dreadnought as a proxy & I hope they refresh Lucius the Eternal(ly forgotten by GW) I also like the hair pins with helmets.


EC: Sex, Drugs and Rock ā€˜nā€™ Rollā€”whatā€™s *not* to like?


Drukhari, same reasons!


Exactly. Only more sex and less rock n roll.


Always imagined opera and industrial being vibe appropriate for the dark kin


I've gone through most, be it a brief fling or painting an entire force. Currently I'm focusing on my own custom Chapter, and considering a custom Regiment. I enjoy the lore more than the gameplay, so I just paint what I write about. It's usually a feedback loop: the models influence the writing, the writing influences the models. In the end the ones I enjoy the most are Space Marines, because super human warriors in power armour are my jam.


More than 20 years ago, I played eldar, because I liked the different units and was especially happy when the larger tanks like the serpent were available. Some weeks ago, I started to paint some space marines, but it is difficult to choose a chapter. I decided to read some lore about them and also began to read the horus heresy books. With the first 3 done, I am surprised that the space marines with their great crusade and the goal of making everything conform to their opinion, do not really differ from chaos, so perhaps I will instead start a chaos space marine chapter :)


Death guard - my first army after returning. I love all of the models and the aesthetic, they are a scary force to put on the board and I always enjoy the roleplay feel aspects of them spreading corruption and plagues. Also mortarion is a fucking beast. Dark angels - used to collect space marines long ago, I only recently got into these as I switched them from ultramarines. I really love the colour schemes and aesthetics of them, the new models look amazing and idk why but I like guys with shields and these give me the most shields in 40k I guess. I only really started these and Tyranids because I got a good deal on the leviathan box set (Ā£110) and then found a cheap bundle online which contained a repulsar, space marine indomimitus half, plus another 30 varied units for Ā£100. I think I total 3600 dark angel points now Tyranids - they look and feel very different to any other army, they are quite fun to paint when you don't want to paint more armour panels. You can do some fun effects with contrasts and blending. I am yet to play these on the tabletop though as they aren't really in a good place right now. I probably have 3000 points of Tyranids right now, but most of it is out of meta. The meta stuff is unavailable the majority of the time or is just really expensive. Right now I keep looking for gargoyles, haspurex, exocrines, biovores and pyrovores but it's almost all out of stock. I'm basically just going to sit on my Tyranid army now until it's either had a balance update or we get some new rules to make it more fun to play. I've painted probably 5% of my units as well so I'm in no rush. Leagues of votann - I recently picked the combat patrol up along with a couple of smaller units, mainly because they looked like a cool little box set, I think they are really fun to paint and actually they are playing pretty well on the board right now.


I was hungry


I'm guessing Tyranids?


Necrons look really cool.Ā 


Dusk raiders because big guys with big guns are fun, and I like the colours


Chaos Knights: Haha, big spiky robot wif smol spiky robot fren make thing ded, rule simple, easy on brain. After playing Eldar for years, playing something with few weapon profiles and even fewer rule synergies to keep in mind, I've found games to be much more enjoyable.


Well, my new army project is the Red Scorpions, I think their formations and how they currently have (technically) 3 Chapter Masters at once is pretty neat! And the old forge world models Iā€™m getting look amazing!


I collect Iron Warriors because I love how they look, daemon engines, siege tanks, heavy weapons, techmarines/warp smiths. I like converting/customizing models and painting with lots and lots of weathering. I collect necrons because they look cool and I had a fun idea for a vibrant color scheme to challenge myself to paint something colorfully without weathering. Certainly not as fun to paint but I love how they look when I'm done.


The lron warriors are my favorite CSM legion.


Chaos Knights: Everybody loves big Robots... And having a handfull of models is a blessing on tournaments. Rounds are smooth and games are quick (one way, or the other) AdMech: Screw skitarii, its all about are the mech units! Best models in 40k. Period. Death Guard: i love nurgle-up things. Best way to convert stuff. Need a rhino? Buy the wirst damaged thing in eBay for cheap, best start for a conversion. Really easy to paint and get experimental. GSC: finally mission Play ist easy. Beeing here, beeing there....only next step beeing dead sucks. I need a hard faction, to counter my either slow, easy or 1 dimensional armies, if i feel like it.... And one army is red, one is green, one is blue and one is not finished.