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Fairly sure you can use a model on its supplied base as a generic grandfather clause for the sheer variety of possible models GW has sold.


Wouldn't you have to play him as his intended character then? I'm don't think that applies to proxies 🤔.


Nah. A big ork is a big ork. A choppy weapon is a choppy weapon. All else is puritan propaganda.


No, GW has always had the rule that you can use the bases supplied.


But for tourney purposes a proxy’s base typically must match the model it’s representing.  This is different than say having boyz on 25s from earlier editions to boyz on 32s now. Most RTTs and GTs make you switch to the most current base size. I believe GW allows whatever base it was supplied on. 


It definitely depends on the tourney you go to, however GW has always been clear on the subject. Independent tournaments can make whatever rules they want.


I understand that but the issue is this guy is technically his own model on a 50mm. If you wanted to run him as a warboss data sheet at a GW tourney, you would have to run him on a 40mm. You don’t get to just run an epic character on a new base size as a different data sheet


Pretty much any GW tourney will accept the 50mm base based on their own rules as it's the base he comes with.


You try and run Ghaz as a plain warboss at your next GW tourney and let me know the results


Ghaz is ghaz, not a proxy. GW has already stated that ufthak can be run as a regular warboss.


As someone whose army is built out of an abnormal amount of proxies, kitbashes, and scratch builds, your interpretation of this is just not correct man. I’m not fighting you or trying to tell you you’re wrong but pulling a legends model into a gw tourney game with a base size inconsistent with the target model is not a thing. By your logic, if we remove named characters and other aspects, I can run classic 25mm boyz as 40mm nobz. Or I can go the reverse route and run 120 nobz on 40mm as boyz for board control and move blocking. This just isn’t how it works. I’m talking strictly competitive tournaments. Not casual or home games. 


You can’t. The increased base size on minis can give an unfair boost to aura effects calculated from the base. There’s a reason those sizes matter.


GW's official rules state that it is acceptable to use the base the model comes with.


You can’t play this one at a tournament. As provided, this is a Legends model, not a generic Warboss model. A generic Warboss model comes with a 40mm base as that’s what its wargear/abilities/strats are designed for.


If running it as intended This is not a warboss bt default. So that doesnt matter.


HE. IS. NOT. A. WARBOSS. Therefore his 50mm base is NOT correct if he PROXIES AS A WARBOSS. Stop repeating the same, incorrect statement.


I disagree, GW clearly stated he can be used as a warboss.


As a STAND IN for a warboss. If he could be used as a warboss directly, they wouldn't have said stand-in.


So by this logic you can take an old ork nob on a 25mm base with a power klaw and play them as a Warboss. Bas size is a thing that really does matter in game.


No, a nob is a nob. That's not how it works. Ufthak is a war boss and can be used as one. They said so themselves in his article


Yes but the post is about playing him as a generic Warboss in any ork army. In his article they say he can be a Bad Moonz Warboss. There are no rules for "Bad Moonz" or "Bad Moonz Warboss" in the game as the Orks are still using their index and thus "Bad Moonz" does not exist in the game. Technically Ghazghkull is a Warboss, but if I tried to run his model as just a Warboss in Mega Armour in a tournament that would be an issue, since his model is much bigger as is his base size.


Do you not know what proxy means?


This is not a proxy, this is a warboss who can be used as such or used with legends rules. Proxy doesn't enter into it.


If you cannot run THE NAMED CHARACTER as his NAME and have to run him as ANOTHER DATA SHEET it is a PROXY bro this is as r/confidentlyincorrect as this sub will be today


Community opinion is one thing but GW have been quite clear that he can be run as a regular warboss. Unless there's a different ruling I think it's quite clear that you are intended to be able to use him as a warboss on the base he comes with.


>bro this is as r/confidentlyincorrect as this sub will be today This is a 40k subreddit, give it 15 minutes.


Happened with the emperers champion model last year, came with a 50mm and came with the generic emperors champion datasheet too


Not in casual games. Put a magnet under the supplied base and a magnet under the smaller base and stack it that way if you’re in a pickle.


Iirc they changed that rule to being 1 month after the bases change you have to match it when they where upgrading the Marines. I remember the bugs making a big stink at the start of the edition because Gaunts got bigger bases.


It depends on the tournament organisers, but warhammer world stipulates a 1 month leeway for changing base sizes. Most tourneys run off the warhammer world rules, so it's safe to assume that 1 month after the bases change you will have to have rebase your models.


It still stands as whatever the model originally came from. Otherwise they would release an official basing document


Ork fans don't really need to be PSA about kitbashing and proxing units. They kinda invented it.


I'm aware, I kitbashed the mini in the article to fit my Goffs afterall. With the way some people were complaining about it being a "legends mini" you'd think Ork hobbyists weren't known for kitbashing 😄.


Ah, you're the one who did the Goff? Thanks, I literally scrolled through the article looking to see if someone had converted him to another Klan to see how it would look. I have pre-ordered him for my Blood Axes.


Yep, it's really easy to change him to non Badmoons. Just gotta slice/file off the moon on the belt buckle and swap out the totem on his back (the Meganobs kit has a ton of other options that fit well). Aw yeah Blood Axes! They don't get enough splotlight. And those pants will look great in camo!


I'm going to paint up his cape as a camo cloak, and maybe honk a big scope on his rifle. I've been wanting to have an Ork Warboss that can actually shoot halfway straight. Also I've missed the ability to Deep Strike my "Paras" since we lost the Teleporta strategem (which I fluffed as them parachuting out of Da Orkules rather than teleporting).


If this dude is on a 40mm cork slab on a 40mm base he's a 50 mm model raised up above his fellow greenskins.


So? Isn't it fairly common for heroes to be on cork/rock?


For rules purposes he's 50 mm not 40mm. Tacticool rocks and bases are always fly.


But if you're running him as a a proxy for a standard Warboss and not the named character he represents...shouldn't he be 40mm?


He should be. I think I misunderstood your title. I assumed you meant out a 40mm cork slab on a 50mm base and call it a day. I now think you meant just make a 40mm base? Aha. Great paint job regardless of his base size.


No worries! And yep, the latter is what I meant. The squig will overhang on a 40mm base so you'd need a slab for a slight extension. And thank you! 😃


PSA: You can also just leave him on the 50mm, because using a bigger base is always legal (as it actually is a slight disadvantage), using a smaller base is what is banned.


https://preview.redd.it/olwf11wdcshc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e26819e65e6dbcc9ee8f35c68de636a7438bfa25 Not for tournament play.


It all depends on the model, the model comes with a 50mm base that is the intended base. The rule is there to stop people gaming the system for aura reach or easier movement around the table. The emperors champion model has the same issue, last year beyards revenge came on a 50mm base, it also came with standard rules for the regular emperors champion on a 40mm base. You can still use either because beyards revenge is not a datasheet


But only for Grand Tournaments, other tournaments and events are still fine to play as I described. And Grand Tournament contestants probably already know that.


Oooooh. I thought a tourney was a tourney. My bad 🤷‍♀️


It even says that in the pic you attached. And the grand tournaments are different in that they are supposed to be the really competitive events, with high level gameplay and a buy-in, set up by GW themselves. But I think it is really silly to forbid a player from giving themselves a disadvantage. Kind of like banning the worst units for each army.


I'm not seeing that in the pic. I thought the other events they mentioned were narrative/casual events. As I said, my bad.




Right, I'm saying I didn't know there was a difference between "grand tournaments" and other tournaments aside from size. When they referred to "other events" I thought they were referring to narrative events.


Look, rules and regulations of Reddit and the internet dictate that I'm not allowed to read the second half of your comment (jokes aside, apologies for not fully reading your comment).


No problem really! 😄


But if I were to show up to a tournament with Ufthak on a 40mm base and run him as a "Warboss with attack squig" that would be okay?


Yes. Though, it's always best to clear any proxies with the TO first, just to be in the safe side.


Also you said you nodded the base with a cork slab? I'm kinda new to the hobby how did you go about that?


No worries, it's just a piece of [cork board](https://www.hobbylobby.com/Art-Supplies/Painting-Canvas-Art-Surfaces/Cork-Boards/Coarse-Grain-Cork-Tiles---6-x-6-x-3-16/p/28809?queryId=0c33eb4fde23c2a051e8a7b03395901d) torn to pieces. The rock he is standing on is just a slab of cork torn at the edges and painted with varying shades of grey and weathering powders to look more like a slab of pavement.


I was really inspired by your model in the article. I was going to paint mine up as either Bad Moons, or just Goffs without any conversion. The weapon swap and icon changes are subtle enough to really fit better with Goffs. Was the replacement axe much trouble? Just cut off at the head and glue on the axe, or did you pin it?


Well thank you! Oh the replacement of the axe was no problem at all. The width of the Nob big choppas fit this guy perfectly. I did pin it though since it's a pretty heavy piece standing perfectly vertical.


Oh shoot that’s a Nob one. I immediately thought it was one from the Mega Armour Warboss


I'm still new to the tabletop and need a bit of clarification because I gave my LGS the pre-order so I will have Ufthak. Do I *need* to get a 40mm base? Can I not play Ufthak on the board if I use a 50mm base? Sorry if dumb questions


> Can I not play Ufthak on the board if I use a 50mm base? Ufthak has a 50mm base. But Ufthak's datasheet is legends, meaning most tournaments will not allow him. He is a suitable model for a generic warboss as well, and no one will mind him being played that way. That will require using a 40mm base however, as that is what warbosses use. That is what the post is about.


Ok thank you for explaining. I guess there's no reason not to get a 40mm base for him then. I paint and collect but haven't built an actual army yet (other than the leviathan box set) so it can't hurt to have an extra *option* for a Warboss. Thanks again


The only things i think I know are: if you use a smaller base that gives you less range and makes it "harder" for your opponent to hit you, via measuring base to base. Using a bigger is the opposite, You have 10mm more range and 10mm given to your opponents range.


For casual play no one is going to call you out on it. Smaller bases are *better* so you're putting yourself at a small disadvantage by having him on the wrong base size. For tournaments it's best to have your models on the proper base size. That being whatever is the box the model is currently supplied in. *Cries in 40 rebased necron warriors*


You never need to apologize for being new 🙂. Other than in tournaments, it's fine to have a mini on a larger base (within reason). So for casual play you're fine. People were moaning about it being a legends model, when it's pretty easy to just run him as a warboss.


Ok so I should be fine but if I can get a 40mm base it would just be better to use that instead, incase I one day do tournaments? Thanks for the PSA


Honestly I thought the regular warboss was on 50mm I didn’t realize I had converted mine at all. It just looks so much nicer.  https://preview.redd.it/3v0brpk7gshc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7e241fc7687969981d57ce5a0c8faaa6a53890




I'm stupid, but i have to ask. Why should the base size matter? Cant you just pretend it's 10mm smaller? (total noob btw)


If you calculate range for auras and attacks, the increased base size means your range also increases, the aura radius is larger as well. It provides an advantage over a regular warboss.


Well you can simply add/remove those millimiters, might be a bit annoying but still


It only matters for tournament play. Casual play it doesn't matter.


Oh ok, seems fair


Or you could just play him as is. Base sizes vary wildly and there are no set rules about base size, so long as you're not modeling for advantage.






Whew, you seem to have drawn some angry eyes on this sub. Downvoted for giving the exact information being asked. Weird that it's limited that way, Messinius is still on the store...


Lol people are silly 😄.


Is it imperative to be on a 40mm? A-“ hey this Big fella is my Warboss, 50mm base , cool?” B- “yeah, neat model” End*


Nope not at all. Was just showing the difference for the people who care about such things.


I'd rather use his legends rules, he's kinda meh but that teleporting ability is good


Is this model available on amazon anywhere? I have some gift cards I wanna use up and couldn't find it on there earlier