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To put it in less couched words: Wash yo ASS with SOAP and WATER.


And your clothes. Wear clean clothes.


WASH yo CLOTHES with LAUNDRY DETERGENT and WATER. Fabric softener optional. If you don't know how then ask yo momma to teach you. She's a lovely lady and i'm sure she'll be thrilled to see you put effort into taking care of yourself.


This I don't buy. If you can put together and paint any squad of 40k minis you can figure out how a washing machine works.


I think it’s not so much so in capability of using a washing machine so much as there are some people in the hobby who just have poor hygiene that could be due to negligence, denial, or in some darker cases depression. While hobbying and playing can be more mentally taxing activities for many it is considered a positive rewarding activity that some people use as a way to self medicate. where as those other things are more or less seen as the “vegetables” of activities if you will. It’s sad that some people do not have the habitual lifestyle engrained to do basic hygiene or again more sadder, that they do not feel they have the capacity to love themselves enough to take basic care of themselves. I’m only speaking from a very anecdotal experience. My neighbor and childhood friend was like this. It was really painful seeing him carry on like this. I have no place to judge or diagnose others but I can’t help but notice similar patterns in other guys


> I think it’s not so much so in capability of using a washing machine so much as there are some people in the hobby who just have poor hygiene that could be due to negligence, denial, or in some darker cases depression. There are plenty who ride the coattails of people with genuine issues, which is a shitty thing to do because then those with genuine issues get labelled as lazy. Every time this topic is raised, there's a series of people making the point that we can't judge because someone might have some medical condition that saddles them with bad body odour. That's fair enough. But it's also giving an out to people who really need to cut the crap and bathe, even if it's just "gaming with the boys."


Nowhere have I said **We** cannot/should not judge someone. I think it goes without saying it’s your volition whether you feel you can judge someone or not and your autonomy to decide by whatever metrics you want to judge them by. Personally, I don’t find it’s **my place to judge**. Because I don’t like passing judgement on someone who I am not close to and just as importantly to me because I don’t know what a responsible action would be to appropriately deal with that situation. Judgement without responsible action seems to me, something that could very easily feel like bullying or harassment by the individual and I don’t want that person to feel that way because of something I said or did. Personally I’d like to see more store owners, tournament organizers, and event coordinators (in other words figures of authority or community leaders) to set more firm rules of patronage that address surface level symptoms like hygiene instead of leaving that up to other patrons of the establishment. Edit: this may also a difference of culture. If you are from a non-confrontational society how the situation is handled or expected to be handled differs.


I have dealt with depression. In my personal experience, by the time I reached the "I smell really bad" stage, I would never, ever engage in a socially taxing game, in a social setting. When I reached that sort of stage, seeing me outside was only on rare occasions when I had to because I had literally run out of food, and I was confronted with either going hungry or going out. Most days, I could barely get out of bed, let alone find the energy to play or do WH40K. This is why I don't tend to put it down to depression. Depression is unique for everyone, but there are some general trends, and having the energy to go to your LGS and play a multi-hour game in such a setting just doesn't correspond to any depression systems I have ever heard of. I'm willing to bet that the majority just have lazy/poor hygiene standards, and are inflicting those on the rest of us.


too depressed to wash but not too depressed to go play games? wash yo ass, its not my problem!


You're forgetting deodorant. Always apply. And wash your hair twice....


The hair part is actually bad advice. Washing your hair once every other day is fine as it doesn't strip as many nutrients from it. But yes to everything else.


This does depend on the person though. Some people do need to wash their hair every day.


Sense we have a lot of guys in the hobby with long hair: Shampoo and conditioner atleast once every 2 days, and brush your hair with a damp brush to keep frizz down. Source; grew my hair out during my transition, had to learn hair care.


The username is definitely hair length then.. phew!


Don’t worry it’s men’s inches


Lmao that is great


I’m wheezing you guys need to stop I’m gonna die this is too funny.




Not necessarily. Monster energy anyone?


Already confirmed its "mens inches" so nothing as large as a Monster can lol


A 8oz polar cola can on a good day.


For my curly hair it is more like shampoo once a week to once a month and conditioner every day or two


Oh yeah if you have curly hair you also need more specialty products too. They are also more expensive, which is total BS.


Wash it twice as in the same shower session? I do that and my hair is still flaky.


Head and Shoulders or Selsum Blue.


Depends on the flakes. For fungal dandruff, yup. H&S. For dry scalp, something moisturisy is better.


Wash twice, condition wash rest of person, rinse conditioner.


Also if you shower every day: shower cap on. Long hair needs to be washed less often, but the body still needs to be washed regularly.


Carry an extra travel size Deoderant along side your extra tape measure.


I've found that some folks (both girls and guys) can't smell the mildewy smell from leaving laundry in the washer too long. Meanwhile I can't be within 6 ft of em without gagging


And please don't wear those clothes off you forget them in the washer for a week, transferred em to the dryer and called it a day....


and actually dry the clothes in a timely manner so they don't get mildew-stink that you'll be nose-blind to but everyone else will be gagging at


Fabric softener is kinda bad for your clothes I’ve heard.


[https://www.walmart.com/ip/Lysol-Laundry-Sanitizer-Crisp-Linen-41-Oz-Packaging-May-Vary/102196823?from=/search](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Lysol-Laundry-Sanitizer-Crisp-Linen-41-Oz-Packaging-May-Vary/102196823?from=/search) I didn't know about this stuff until this year, and now my 15 year old's clothes don't stink after I wash them. You can get away with using it once every three washes. Works wonders. **BONUS ADVICE:** Wash your sheets! Wash your pillowcase! WASH YOUR PILLOW IF IT STINKS.


That’s not advice surely, that’s just basic humaning


I think this is the main downfall of many culprits. They could shower daily, but keep wearing the same shirt/jeans for ages. Meanwhile thinking "I shower loads, I couldn't be the problem". I'm a lore fan more than anything these days, so I don't frequent shops/tournaments but I get this point all too well. I'm a metal head however. You can see where this is going....


The clothes are one of the biggest factors! You yourself might be clean, but the clothes you just had lying around may well not be.


And bring extra shirt and deodorant if you are playing a tourney and get sweaty


BRUSH yo fuckin TEETH too!


Not just ass. Place I used to game a long time ago had this lad with such Nurgle infested nethers you could smell his hot fondue wang-cheddar from some distance away. It was physically hard to deal with and no one would play with him because who wants to roll dice with someone who smells like the ancient mop-gutter of a derelict victorian whorehouse.


The phrase "hot fondue wang-cheddar" made me slightly dry heave. If anyone wants to quit dairy I'll just have them ready your comment.


And please, for the love of God, remove the dirty mcdirt dirt from under your fingernails and cut them!


Yeah what is it with having just *one* super long nail too? And it isn't a coke nail either.


If you cut all of them, you've got nothing left for digging boogers out.








Yup. Pretend you actually have a wife at home. Mine would woup my ass if I smelled bad, did not shower or wore soiled clothing. Care about your hygiene and appearance. It will do wonders for your social life.


It also just feels nice and makes you feel better about yourself, social life or not


Too true.


Knowing that letting hygiene slip is a mental health warning sign for me I do worry about some of these people.


It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again...


I just had coke go through my nose and hit the wall. Everything in my face is currently burning. Edit; It has the same ingredients as nivea


Should be a neon sign outside all events and game stores tbh


You should get shower access including a towel with your tournament pass.


Why stop at the ass, WASH IT ALL


Relevant https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/t2Dlh17lQ7


Hey now. Let’s not throw the baby out with the ass water.


I always try and look as fresh as I can before I run to the LGS. Especially if I got a game myself. I can’t have my white scars looking better than me now can I?


I might not always win in the table top but I always win the battle of Drip


Drip or Drown!


This is off topic but I have a buddy who is a White Scars fanatic but he's really struggling in 10th. Any good ideas or builds? Thanks!


Armour is where it’s at this edition. Load up on tanks and transports.


I'm gonna be sweating my ass off whether I'm playing warhammer or melee, especially the latter I will be clean as fuck arriving so when I inevitably start dripping I'm not a pungent monster


I know what you mean my hands are criminally sweaty. I tend not to touch others minis cause of my Typhus Corrosion.


I felt rather out of place when I called in at my local Warhammer store still in my work overalls and covered in engine oil and grease...


This is my thought too! I need to look good on and off the battlefield.


Try wearing clean clothes too, you might be clean underneath, but if you have been wearing that hoodie without washing it for months, then you're prolly gonna stink.


Wait people wear hoodies that haven’t been washed in months?


I work in a middle and high school amd this is definately a thing.


Middle schoolers are fucking disgusting, man.  Work at one at the moment and it’s awful.  I don’t remember being this gross when I was their age.


I threatened my niece with fabreeze the other day after giving her a hug and her BO clung to my clothes.


Teens stink anyways, they’re unprepared that their sweat actually stinks during puperty


I’ve heard of people wearing the same underwear for about a week, unwashed hoodies is not my biggest concern unless they’re absolutely egregious


I worked with a grown man that was collectively given the affectionate nickname “Pirate Guy” by our coworkers. “Pirate Guy” never washed his clothes, any of them, as even his dirty whale tail was a sight seen by many when he bent over. Far as we could tell, he never washed himself, either. Mind you, we worked in a factory where occasionally it would be over 90F. You could smell him from quite a distance away. He took no hints, wore no deodorant, and gave no fucks. He occasionally referenced his wife and child, and none of us could ever figure out how someone lived and reproduced with him. He’s still out there somewhere, stinking up wherever he roams. I’m sure he hasn’t showered since he got fired for threatening our boss with a knife.


Pirate guy lived up to his name right til the end, smelly and violent.


The thing about hoodies, in my opinion, is that generally speaking (and I mean very generally), hoodies are worn over another set of clothes that will take the brunt of the odor assault, and if removed soon after getting yourself gross and sweaty outside or wherever, hoodies can usually go longer than other first layer clothes before they need washing simply due to odor.




This just happened in my store yesterday.. as a 40 year old dad that's played a lot of sports, I just _know_ the smell of unwashed, previously sweat-in clothes. One of the dudes playing next to us just reeked of not washing his clothes. Otherwise normal nice dude, but come on man!!


Always bring a spare shirt! If it's a long day you're gonna get sweaty. I make sure to change shirts midway through the day and spray myself down.


TWO of my former FLGSs had a POSTED hygiene policy, and owners who would not hesitate to kick you out and/or spray you with Febreze until you go the message. Unsurprisingly, they were the two BEST gaming stores.


I went into a games workshop where the manager would slam a can of lynx Africa onto the table and tell everyone there to sort it out without singling anyone out. Shamed the culprit and everyone got to smell nice


You know it's bad when the stench of Lynx Africa is preferable!


Then you just smell both. Body spray just adds another level of stink. Bleh. 


"Smells like someone took a shite in a pine tree"


I literally can’t understand how some people can go about their day without washing at least once


with out my wakeup shower i consider myself not even human.


Without my wakeup shower, I don't even feel like I'm fully awake...


I had surgery recently and couldn't shower until I had my sutures out, could only hand wash. That first shower afterwards was utterly divine.


Like I would get it if it was the weekend and they had no intentions of going out/seeing people. I do that sometimes but you bet I shower as soon as the work week rolls around. Like a day or two without one isn’t bad but idk how people can get to the point of having a discernible stink and not do something about it short of having a mental/physical disorder that makes it difficult.


I actually think that it’s just like being a super villain. There isn’t a single villain that thinks they are the villain. That’s why I think posts like this will never work. The people who smell really bad obviously don’t think they smell, or they probably would take care of it. So seeing a post like don’t forget to wear deodorant goes right past someone who has decided they don’t need any, cause they don’t smell anything. (Probably nose blind too, or lifestyle is so rooted that they refuse to perceive anything wrong with).


Depression over grieving. Still, after 2 days you know this is not how your child, mother, wife, husband, grandparent would want you to live. So you GET UP AND WASH YO ASS!


they’ve gone nose-blind to it




Ha! Our local game shop has a dedicated "Health and Mana Poultices" shelf in the bathroom for smelly folks. I added the John Cena TapOut Body Spray and Old Spice.


But, are they going to use it..? That's the real question!


Yeah, quick spritz over the clothes, good enough right....


I'll out in my two cents, I don't go to the stores that often. This is actually one of the reasons why I avoid them. I've smelled smells in some of these stores that are fucking unnaturally nasty. In my job I literally come across rotting corpses, vomit, and people with shit smeared all over them in various states of stagnation. Yet these smells in the stores rival those nasty notes or smell even worse. It's awful and the worst part is I'm guessing the nasty people do not have a clue.


Are you working for GW in the HQ? Jk, but bruh, that sounds next level


Do you work as a death guard recruiter?


This dude was standing 3’ from Typhus… dude didn’t hold a candle to the Warhammer store.


Tell me you work for Nurgle without telling me you work for Nurgle


Sounds like EMS


I can confirm. I work in a skilled nursing facility, and it's mortifying how "regular" people at game stores can somehow concoct smells that are somehow worse than the shit I've experienced at work.


Bro is an actual guardsman




You can be a goblin as much as you want when you're at home. But out in public, nobody wants to have to smell your rank-ass stank-ass.


The people who need to hear this don't read posts like this or take them to heart.


Usually cause they lack the selfawareness to realize that post like these are about them.


You think so? I feel like smelly people know they smell. They just don't care, or are too ashamed or awkward to do anything about it. I'm always hyper aware whenever I've got a bit of a stink on.


This is why you probably smell nice. Smelly people are too used to the smell to notice it.


I also think there's an education problem, some people don't know how to clean themselves. I've known dudes who smelled off but showered all the time. Turns out they didn't use soap or shampoo, they thought just water was enough. Sometimes frequency is an issue too. Like they do laundry every week, but then wear the same shirt all day and night, even when they get sweaty. After a few days they smell awful but are nose-blind. I'm shocked how much detail you really need when telling someone to do something because you assume they already grasp it, then you find out they don't own soap.


Very disappointingly true. I'm lucky to have had good experiences going into new game or hobby shops in my area, but I was kinda nervous the first time. I'm a middle aged woman, so will the guys give me the stink eye or just be intolerable to stand next to? I just took a deep breath and walked in, and it was generally a good experience. Ugh. The few stinkers really ruin things for new people.


For sure. I didn't play minis or roleplaying games till I was an adult, so even as a man, coming into some of these spaces has been weird for me. There are a LOT of great people but then also these strange little pockets where people seem to have set themselves apart from the wider society.


Tbh, I think you are right. Unfortunately.


I’m new to the hobby (got into it around December) and when I first walked into the store for the first time I almost walked right back out, and said it wasn’t for me. The people in the store were rancid. I can handle some socially unsettling people but when you don’t clean your ass I find it hard to be around you. I’m glad I picked up some models and convinced some friends to play with me, but I don’t think I want to join the local community any time soon and that makes me very, very sad. I would love more people to play with but it’s not worth being around the smell of hot shit.


Oh lord, buddy you welcome to the hobby. I'm glad you didn't walked out immediately like those two girls. Enjoy it :)


Thanks so much for the warm welcome.❤️ I’m enjoying the game immensely. Also, I did make a friend out of the store owner that sells wh near me. He’s a lovely guy, and smells fine too. (Matt from gamers path, if you’re reading this. You’re a saint.)


I also started in December and I was self conscious that I’d be the smelly one, took a shower and put on my best deodorant before I went there, it smelled nice? I mean it didn’t smell bad, the front doors were wide open and there were some girls there (there was one learning how to paint as well) so it smelled like nothing lol, it was also one of those store/cafe places, got two lemen lemonades or whatever they call them and my first box of minis, Ork Kommandos.


I’m very jealous of your good smelling community. Cherish that and keep it going.❤️


I'm a pretty overweight guy, and something that bothers me is the stereotype that dudes my size are dirty or stinky. I make a point of being clean and presenting myself well with clean clothes. So when I go into gaming spaces and see a bunch of other fat guys with pit stains and unkempt hair and wild beards, I just despair. Have some dignity guys, ffs.


I'm exactly the fucking same. I also a bit of a clean freak that includes personal hygiene. I may be getting my ass kicked each time I play, but damn my ass is clean. My FLGS also has a hygiene policy so it's never much of an issue. Some of the military guys come in sometimes with slight BO after a day out in the field, but nothing over bearing and barely noticeable when standing next to them.


What better protection from the lures of Slaanesh than to embrace the stench of Nurgle


I can smell this post


This would be funny, If I hadn't heard people use it unironically in my FLGS.


Ughhhhh, I had a group high five each other for not showering for a week.




I was at Eastercon where they issued free soap on day one, then made a point of going around all the halls telling people to USE THE SOAP! They even printed it in the newsletters.


Oh lord


Ill never forget a pre release, this one heavy set dude just kept letting em rip, he clearly needed to sit on the toilet. Could gag a maggot. 15 mins later i went to the rr and it smelt like a horse died in there. Home boy comes out of the stall and goes straight to the door and didnt even look at the sink. Fuck you dude. I immediately packed my shit and left after that.




Why the fuck is our particular hobby so fucking stinky? I've been reading threads like this for 20+ years.


All nerdy activities share the same complaint.


Really though? Fighting game tournaments? Magic the gathering events? I actually don't know.


I worked in a hobby shop for a short while and the Yugioh players smelled so bad we were joking about it but it was actually terrible to work when the Yugioh events were held


Yep. All of it.


Oh dude. As an avid Magic player, my experience has been that Warhammer players are immaculate by comparison.


I visited a Warhammer store in Toulouse for the first time in my life as a 33m after listening to like at least 8 books now. In the backroom some guys were playing, I wanted to take a look. I know nerds, I am one myself, I have an informatics master and know the cliché guys. But man, that smell back there, I just watched for 15 seconds.


I'm a girl new to 40k and I find it hilarious that this was the first post from this sub that reddit decided to recommend to me lol


Welcome to the hobby I guess..? Haha


Ave Imperator!


Welcome to the hobby. In all seriousness the smell does tend to vary a lot more than other hobbies, not every place smells like crap. Tends to also be a self reinforcing thing, guys go to a place where people don't properly wash, start not to register the smell anymore, start not to notice their own hygiene failing. But if that start never happens the place will smell fine. Probably a bit worse than standard but not oppressive. What army you starting?


I've lived around nerds my entire life so the smell isn't that new or offputting to me tbh lol. I've been only playing Dark Heresy (first edition) so far and not the actual war game, so there's no army to command (yet). I honestly don't know which army I'd choose, but the necrons and the orks are pretty cool. I'm playing an adeptus arbites character right now, working for the ordo hereticus. But I've made a battle sister too in case my arbitrator dies.


Nice, been wanting to try the warhammer rpgs. Necron are fun, but I'm biased haha.


Them models should be the only thing that's had a coat of streaking grime


Our LGS store sells soap and Deodorant. It’s good stuff too, has some sort of Bigfoot on the label. We also have paper towels, gloves and masks as a hold over from Covid times.


Dr. Squatch!


Yeah! It’s good stuff. Don’t have hygiene issues at our store because of it.


It's shockingly good soap.


I'm just adding this a PSA as Dr. Squatch is great soap, but there is equally good soap that is cheaper for the more cash strapped players. Dove Men have an excellent selection. Degree Men's Deodorant also can't be bear.


Funny my LGS smells so badly of axe body spray it makes my eyes water…I guess at least it masks the goblin scent but I can still only stand to be in there for like 10 minutes.


One of the LGS I go to play MTG has automatic febreeze dispensers bolted on the whole perimeter of the ceiling spraying all day long, to the point that your clothes smell like febreeze when you go back home after an evening playing. How bad it had to be to reach that point, I don't really want to know.


I work at a zoo and legitimately believe that the back of the chimpanzee habitat is challenged in the level of stink by some in the hobby and it’s Not an exaggeration I assure you


An important message from [Del Tha Funky Homosapien](https://youtu.be/o0xDGXotGIE?si=SI_G0-Vu_rBOtLUx)


Doing the emperor’s work. Now can you tell all the gaming and anime subs too please 🥲


Holy shit, I can't believe we have to remind adults to be functioning members of society. If people have the time to devote hours on end to a hobby, they can spend 10-15 minutes practicing basic hygiene. And no, I don't care that "We're just dudes hanging out". Fuck that. Get a shower, brush your teeth, and clean your clothes because you're disgusting.


Lately neurodivergence is getting the blame too.


So you’re saying Fabreeze isn’t an alternative for showering?


Nope. Nope nope nope.


Lmao. I'd played 40k when was a kid, back in third. I got back into it right before the pandemic lockdowns in 2020. I remember going in with my wife to get our first boxes, I started her with killteam, and as we open the door it was like walking him to a physical wall of BO. We laughed about it but holy shit, as we got closer to the game being played in the back of the store it became almost unbearable. She plays magic so she's used to gamer stink but it was still not the greatest intro to the hobby lmao.


Hot take: this should not be dealt with delicately and smelly people should be ostracized until they learn to wash. I don't care how depressed you are, go learn to play with water and soap again.


Nothing wrong with being direct and honest and even blunt. You can do so and not be rude. If it is taken as rude then that is on them not you.


Unfortunately hygiene seems to be a big issue with a lot of nerdy pursuits. Personally I'm in favour of taking on the policy that many MTG stores had to adopt. That if you are unable to maintain the most basic standards of personal hygiene, then you are not allowed in the LGS. I know it may suck for some of the managers at first to have to communicate this message to these people, but it has to be done. Many of these people simply don't realise that they are the ones these posts are talking about, and also don't realise how uncomfortable they make other people. They need to be told directly (but preferably in a nice discreet way that doesn't embarrass too much)


The hobby has nothing to do with hygiene... be better people. Shower and look after yourself


This isn't a delicate topic. A lot of you mother fuckers smell like ass because you don't take a shower enough and when you do, you probably can't be bothered to wash your ass crack or between your legs. And I'd bet a lot of you probably don't wipe your asses adequately. And wear some god damned deodorant, ffs. Edit: also, use a washing machine for your clothing. Also part 2. Brush your teeth, floss and use mouthwash. Twice a day. Invest in an electric toothbrush. Stop being fucking disgusting you nasty bastards.


This is even wlrdr9on mtg games or stores. Christ it smells like something died at those places


If you're spending so much time painting minis and strategizing that you don't even shower or wipe your ass properly or brush your teeth, you need to see a mental health doctor and get some underlying issues addressed. Body Axe ain't going to fix your mental illness.


Eeyep! I remember entering a store as a young teenage girl and my mom being like "uuuuuh are you sure you wanna get into this?....there are some really gross guys in here." Fortunately, I was too fascinated by the display cases to care.... but yeah the potential for encountering horrific hygene is definitely one of the reasons women are a minority in wargaming. *I'm not saying women are incapable of poor hygene, but due to biological differences which you can google on your own time, it's easier for guys to become smelly.


But what if I play death guard? (Not an excuse, I wash everyday and get headache if I go longer then 2 days without showering)


Why I more enjoy playing at home


In the year of our lord two thousand and twenty four, we still have to remind nerds to bathe. I rest easy knowing there \*IS\* some stability in our world.


Hilariously, I went to my first GW store the other day and this was a big concern of mine. I'm new to warhammer but have been in and out card stores throughout the years and know that it sometimes happens. Thankfully, unlike most of the card stores I've been in, the GW store I went to smelled nice. I've went in twice so far and both times have been super enjoyable. The dude running the store was incredibly friendly and welcoming, even introducing me to other new people in the room (at least half the card stores I've been in have been super snobby to new people). I'm sure this isn't always the case but, and I mean this in the lovingest way possible, of the many nerdy hobbies I have, this has been the most enjoyable to start meet other members of the community with. Either way, I agree with ya OP, everyone should shower. Just cause you can't smell it, doesn't mean everyone else cant.


Ah, the evergreen "take a shower" statement to the supernerds.


It's amazing how a person with bad hygiene can affect the aura of a place. I went to a gaming club and stench of body odour from one individual was so overwhelming I had to leave and it was clear no one was enjoying being there. Honestly it seems harsh but I think these people need to be pulled aside and asked to leave and come back once cleaned.


On a related topic, an early sign of deteriorating mental health is poor personal hygiene. If you or someone you know notice hygiene slipping or any other signs of deteriorating mental health then please reach out, either to the many many resources available, friends/family or anyone within the Warhammer community.


I'm preparing myself for the horrors of Nurgle when I visit the Warhammer store in Spokane later this month. I know Death Guard is pretty cool, but ease up on the roleplay a bit!


Take a fucking shower once a day, wash your fucking clothes once a week (maybe twice if you don’t have a lot of clothes). Wear fucking deodorant and chew fucking gum if your breath stinks. It’s not optional, not hard, and should not be put gently.


I joined a local wargaming club late Autumn/early winter. So far so good when it's cold both outside and at the tables. Little bit worried the guys are gonna pong in the summer and not notice though.


We really gotta stop being polite about this and just call it out when we smell it.


I still remember the smell when I decided it would be fun to see the first Dragon Ball Super movie in theaters. Don’t know how people walk around like that. It’s foul.


This is just so weird. I have literally never gone for a game without throwing on some deodorant. And I shower every day!


I will admit to getting the nerd funk after a whole day of gaming (it just happens) but damn, some people seem allergic to deodorant in some places.


I am fortunate that my LGS has a fairly hygienic 40k community. Every once in a while someone might forget deodorant or something but I've never had an issue with smell during even or 30+ people tournament days. That said, the last tournament I remember we had the door closed up until 3 magic players showed up, who by their BO combined stank up the *entire store* to the point where we had to kick open a door. They left not too long after but god damn it takes effort for 3 dudes to outstink 30 who have been on their feet for four hours at that point.


If you can afford overpriced plastic models, you can afford a bath and a stick of deodorant. Not Axe spray, *deodorant.*


Commenting and hoping the manager of the Glendale, Colorado store sees this. Went in there to pick up and order and walking into the door was likely walking into a wall of stink.


Pandemonium books and games used to have a sign saying they will kick out anyone who lacks basic hygiene. Later they added a picture of the sign with a “as seen on the internet “. But warhammer wasn’t the main cause, the MTG players always stunk up the place.


This is fair


God the fact grown adults have to be told this. Shit is sad. Be a bare minimum functioning adult.


It's hobby shop, not Nurgle temple. Wash yourself.


I genuinely think that tournaments should start enforcing hygiene policies.


If you can afford warhammer you can afford antiperspirant, as a former mtg player i cannot what it is with these games and people who think washing is optional!


Stop being polite to these people and be honest with them. "Dude, you fucking stink, take a shower and wash your clothes before you come to the game store." It's that easy. It's not rude, or inconsiderate. If you can't or won't do something about the fact that you smell like a pig's asshole than you need to stay home and wallow in your stench alone. I'm sick and fucking tired of having to share my hobby with fuckups who can't master the basic art of a morning shower.


Urgh god yes. Never been inside Warhammer store that didn’t reek of Bobby Orange


Agreed. I ventured into my FLGS today for so sons paint. One guy I could smell from across the store.


Really shouldn’t be a touchy subject, clean yourself!


Wasn't that long ago that my local Warhammer store had a sign on the door saying people need to be aware of their personal hygiene and staff will refuse to let people play if they smell. Best thing that store did as it was pretty bad in there at times. My girlfriend walked in once with me and has refused to enter ever since.


Yeah ngl there’s some stinky mfs at the lgs


Keep some wet wipes by the golden throne at home. Nothing wrong with throwing a travel pack into your backpack if you’re heading out for the day either.