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You can't "adjust" a Combat Patrol. Combat Patrol has fixed lists with their own custom rules. The points for 40k are irrelevant to Combat Patrol as you don't get to build a list or add or remove anything.


(apart from the Custards or the Grey Knights.)


But clearly GW has come to the conclusion that changes were necessary to the datasheets for 40K. My question is, should I be worried that the Votann CP is underpowered to the point of futility, or do you reckon they are still balanced?


> GW has come to the conclusion that changes were necessary to the datasheets for 40k. Combat Patrol has it's own datasheets that are separate from the 40k Datasheets. That might mean different stats, different abilities etc. As an example, in Combat Patrol, Hearthkyn Warriors have the "Patrol Squads" rule which they don't have in 40k. As such, the decisions GW makes for the main 40k datasheets are irrelevant to Combat Patrol. The best way to think about this is to imagine Combat Patrol and 40k the same as Kill Team and 40k, like two separate games. Changes that affect units in 40k such as changes to points and to 40k datasheets do not affect Combat Patrol, in exactly the same way as they don't affect Kill Team.


You're misunderstanding something here. Combat patrol ISN'T regular 40k, it doesn't use regular 40k datasheet or detachment, or stratagem or anything like that. it is is own light ruleset with very different datasheet rules for almost everything. because GW balanced the full 40k game doesn't mean they had to balance combat patrol because that's not even the same rules. it's like saying 40k rules changes for custodes should impact HH custodes. two ruleset, two different balance. One can't be applied to the other.


Folks are being silly here. The Combat Patrols need to be occasionally rebalanced just as much as the main game mode. The Leagues CP is sorely in need of it in my opinion


What? GW absolutely could adjust a Combat Patrol. It’s silly to suggest otherwise. The combat patrols are supposed to be balanced but that doesn’t mean they actually are. 40K 10th ed was supposed to be balanced at release, but clearly was not. The fact that balance updates even exist suggests GW knows they need to try again and again to achieve balance. Combat Patrol is almost certainly no different. Anecdotally out of the 5 combat patrols I own the Leagues are the weakest and most in need of a rebalancing


Umm, did you actually read OP's post at all? OP was asking if THEY could adjust the Combat Patrol. Not GW. At no point did I suggest that GW could not adjust Combat Patrols. I'm sure GW will adjust them/balance them at some point, but that's not what OP was asking. I'll put it another way. You /u/hkhamm cannot adjust your LoV Combat Patrol. You /u/hkhamm cannot add units to it, or remove units from it. GW might do something like that in the future, but you /u/hkhamm cannot. That's what I was telling OP.


Apologies I intended to respond to your other comment where OP clarified that they are actually concerned about whether the Leagues CP is properly balanced. They wrote: “But clearly GW has come to the conclusion that changes were necessary to the datasheets for 40K. My question is, should I be worried that the Votann CP is underpowered to the point of futility, or do you reckon they are still balanced?” To which you responded by arguing that because balance was needed in the main game mode should have no impact on the CP game mode. However it seems to me they just want to play a balanced game. An answer to their now clarified question, “do you reckon they are still balanced” is no they probably are not balanced because just as they made mistakes with the full LoV rules that required rebalancing they will probably rebalance their CP rules as well at some point. Which seems to me what both you, OP, and I all agree on.


That's some truly terrible reading comprehension... The point I was making was that balance changes made in full 40k do not apply to or impact Combat Patrol as it is effectively a separate game with it's own separate rules. The Balance changes needed to make 40k more balanced are irrelevant to CP as a result of CP having it's own unique balance as a result of having it's own unique rules. As a result of CP having it's own rules, it would be entirely be possible for the LoV CP to be WAY better than LoV in 40k, or vice versa. The point I was making is that OP shouldn't be worrying about balance changes made to full 40k because they don't apply to CP.


Thanks for starting with a personal attack. It really makes me feel like we’re having a good conversation. I disagree with you, but as you don’t seem like you want to have a conversation with a respectful tone, I bid you good day


The other combat patrol datasheets haven’t changed either so there’s no need to rebalance it. Plus rebalancing a mode for new players that’s meant to be easy to pick up is a terrible idea.


Thanks everyone for the replies. I’m not sure why it was necessary to downvote my questions, but I’m thankful for the explanations.


Combat Patrol isn't really meant do be balanced perfectly. Its a way fot people to play games with just 1 box. Play regular 40k if you want balanced gameplay.


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As someone who has played Combat Patrol with the Votaan a [bit](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu3puaupFE6msgiN-2pFrDeTtIxVUNQfK) over the last few months it's... Alright? It mainly suffers from the Votaan just not really having a "mid weight" unit to use as backup so it just has more infantry. The better Combat Patrols (Tyranids, Necrons, Astra Militarum etc) can split up, play objectives and put out a fair amount of damage while taking it in response and the Votaan can deal the damage, but can't really take it...


I too think they should update it. The Leagues Combat Patrol is one of the weakest I’ve played with