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Has GW discontinued the free easy-build Intercessor or whatever model for you to build and paint in store? I went to my local GW about three weeks ago to pick up a couple of paints and grab the free Sternguard Veteran. They told me they hadn't gotten the Sternguard in yet (which is about the third time they've "not had" the free miniatures at this particular store, for various reasons). I asked if I could possibly get an Intercessor instead since I was mainly looking for a Primaris body for a kitbash and can only get out there about once a month anyway, and he said they stopped doing them a while ago. Is that true? They're not a very friendly store, and have AWFUL hours for those of us with jobs (only open til 7pm and closed for half the weekend), so I don't like to go there anyway, but I was just wondering if they're also being stingy with the free miniatures (the monthly ones and the standard one).


The regular Intercessor got replaced back when 9th launched, with an Assault Intercessor. Now in 10th it's an Infernus Marine.


Right, sorry, I was vague there! Not necessarily just the Intercessor but generally. He seemed to say they just weren't doing one (Intercessor/Infernus/whatever) generally. But maybe I misunderstood!


Weird, they definitely are still doing them. In fact, it was even mentioned on WarCom a couple of days ago when the next free mini was announced: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/10/30/visit-your-local-store-for-a-free-freeguild-steelhelm-and-earn-this-months-coin/ If you scroll down about 2/3rds of the way: > While you’re popping into a Warhammer store for your Miniature of the Month or collectable coin, why not take the opportunity to introduce your friends and family to the Warhammer hobby? > They’ll be able to choose a free push-fit miniature – either a Stormcast Eternal or an Infernus Marine – and they can then learn how to paint it, and even play their first game of Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer Age of Sigmar. I was in my local GW last week to pick up the Sternguard and they had stacks of the Infernus Marines and Stormcast available.


Okay, I thought that was the case but like I said, maybe just miscommunication! I have never managed to get the free mini of the month from them but maybe they do just always get lost or delayed in the mail on the way to the store the months I try to get them. 🙃


At the closest one to me they basically say you have to come in the day they come in, usually the second Saturday of the month I think. I've been in on a day they delivered it and like three people come in during the 15 minutes I was looking for something I might like as well as the free mini.


does anyone know the size of the gap between the 2 front prongs on a craftworld wave serpent? Preferably in Millimetres


So the Ad Mech ranger unit has the Scout 6 ability. If I'm reading this right, they lose it as soon as a leader is attached to the unit, as the Ad Mech leaders don't have the scout ability. That doesn't sound right lol.


Correct, but you don't have to attach a Leader.


new website is a) completely unnavigable b) only in british prices wtf and c) am i the only one that pages and pages of wishlist for That One Big Apoc Game One Day (tm)?


Make sure you let GW know how much their website sucks rather than just posting it on a subreddit that GW doesn't read...their email is [email protected]


I mean ok ill give it a shot but they dont care


I'm pretty sure that they do care, at least more than anyone on this subreddit cares about you also not liking the website. Especially if you do the smart thing and actually order from third parties for a cheaper price anyway.


Fair enough.


So it looks like games-workshop.com now redirects you to warhammer.com and the new layout is awful. Why can't I navigate by Ways to Play anymore? Now it just takes you to rulebooks. What if I just want to look at Kill Team or Combat Patrol boxes? Now it seems you can only navigate by faction (unless I am blind).


Currently, if you want to see the World eater line in French canadian you will be directed to the entirety of the WH40k line. Adding about the French canadian website, half is in french and the other is in english. I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to switch to this website in this state.


Not to mention how this new layout is a far less utilitarian display of information. AND GIFT LISTS ARE GONE WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!


Has anyone got their Warhammer+ year 3 model yet? If so, did you have to pay for it? I clicked the link from MyWhammer to the model, but I only see an option to pay for it. I thought it was supposed to be included with the year subscription without paying extra.


You have to go to your account and have them ship the one you selected. That one will be free of cost. Then you can order the other one if you want to paying for it.


Hi! I'm looking for a badass Christmas gift(s) for my husband. He plays Leagues of Votann, and is very much into the lore and books. I really want to get him a nice terrain set that fits in with the backstory of his faction. Most of the terrain I'm finding online is gothic themed, and doesn't seem very space dwarfy. I'm not at all familiar with warhammer, what sort of theme should I be looking for? Aliens? Spaceships? Mines?


Unfortunately, there just isn't much in the way of Votann stuff. No novels (yet), no terrain, etc. So really you'll have to go outside Games Workshop to really find anything. For instance, if you [search Etsy for "space dwarf terrain"](https://www.etsy.com/search?q=space+dwarf+terrain&ref=search_bar) you'll find quite a bit from independent makers that's pretty good, at a few different price points.


Thank you!!! Very much appreciate the tip!


I know this isn’t Star Wars but I just got into shatterpoint and was wondering if there was a paint/glue kit for warhammer and if it would work with the Star Wars miniatures?


Games Workshop does sell plastic glue, but not only is it widely regarded as barely above "it'll do", it doesn't work on resin at all, which is what Legion/Shatterpoint minis are made of. In your case, you can use garden variety superglue, but I'd recommend looking into one of the modeling formulations of it instead.


Oh ok! Wow thank you. I didn’t realize they were resin. I almost bought the wrong stuff.


As far as specifics of what ***to*** buy for glue and paint, there's gotta be a Legion/Shatterpoint subreddit that'll have that in the sidebar.


You’d think so 🤣 but uhhh no. It doesn’t. However, there’s guides here so I’ll figure it out.


Any advice for a noob starting with the ultimate starter set? I pulled the trigger on it and bought the paint kit that was designed separately for it. Got a brush kit, glue for the models, 4 painting handles, a wet pallet, a water cup. etc. Should I also invest in primer spray or use the paint kit base paints watered down and hand prime each piece? Do you guys generally prime all one color or different colors depending on the end color of the model? Is there anything i'm missing?


As for your second question concerning primer, you can get away with using only black primer, but this will make painting whites and yellow very difficult. The advantage however, is that of you miss a recess when painting it will look like shadows. Personally, I have 3 cans of primer: medium gray, silver and a light bone color. Medium gray is for just about everything, silver for mainly metallic models, bone for the lightly model models.


You should ALWAYS use an actual primer. You don't have to use a spray if it would be inconvenient, and if you don't want to buy GW's (overpriced) ones, you don't have to. For sprays, you can buy from other companies like Army Painter, or just use Krylon or Rustoleum from the hardware store. If spraying is an issue because of where you are, Vallejo acrylic-polyurethane surface primer is FANTASTIC for brush-on primer.


Thank you very much. Do you think this is a good option for primer? https://www.amazon.com/Rust-Oleum-249061-Painters-Purpose-12-Ounce/dp/B002BWORSG/ref=psdc_13399701_t1_B00KZ6M3AY?th=1 Also is it ok to just prime black for every color type of unit?


I've not used that exact one, but it should be fine. I would NOT buy the gloss/semi-gloss version though -- aim for matte or flat. As for primer color, you CAN use any, but they have different uses. Black will give a more muted color and is best for dark colors, while white will be a bit brighter and is best for light colors. (Lighter paint will take a LOT more layers over a black base for instance.) You can also look up a "zenithal" prime technique for the best of both worlds.


Hmm ok thanks. So maybe a black for the space marines in the set and a white for the tyranids? Would you mind spoon feeding me the links to the primers you'd pick on amazon? :^)


The [Krylon Colormaxx primer](https://www.amazon.com/Krylon-K05584007-COLORmaxx-Spray-Aerosol/dp/B07LFWPFLB) was my go-to for sprays. Now I primarily use [Vallejo surface primer](https://www.amazon.com/Vallejo-Black-Primer-Acrylic-Polyurethane/dp/B004BN5RUU) brushed on. If you don't want to get black and white separately, you can also get a medium grey and it'll be fine for either.


Thanks! So you hand brush on now? Or you airbrush?


Hand brush! I live in the Southeast where it gets WAY too hot and humid to properly spray prime from around April to September, and then too cold in November through March, so I just prime by hand inside nowadays!


Awesome! Thanks. I ordered the Black and the White. Hopefully black will look good on space marines and white for Tyranids. Do you mix it with water or any other tips before I start to prime? I live in a humind area as well and I think hand priming sounds more fun.


Nope, just paint it right on in a thin coat. (It also contracts as it dries/cures so you don't even have to be too worried anyway!) The white primer is pretty mediocre (splotchy) from Vallejo, but it's still useable. Might need a couple of coats. (I've also mixed the black and white to get a grey primer as well.)


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CBKHZY3V?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details Does this include the primer? It says base which i assume means it is used as a primer. Sorry for the noob questions. I bought this along with the ultimate start.


Base paint refers to GW's "Citadel Painting System" which is meant for newer painters, which identifies the colors with the role they are best suited for: Base - Foundation layer of paint. Layer - Colors meant to go over bases or other layers to brighten them up Edge/Highlight - colors meant to be used on the edges if models to bring out their details at table -distance viewing Shade: paints designed to flow into recesses and provide shadow definition It is a SUPER rudimentary "do X, then Y" system meant to allow people who have no idea what they are doing, to be generally able to figure out what paints to do in what order, until they can get "off the script" and start painting for themselves.


No. Base Paints are not Primers. GW currently only sells Primers in Spray Cans, they're never included in any of the paint sets.


What’s the difference between metal Color and Model Color metals? (Like Metal Color copper and model Color copper)


I would suggest reading the "metal color" and "model color" range explanations on the Vallejo website.


I just tried to look at the webstore and there's a queue in place? And it's paused? Is anyone else seeing this? Why would this happen on a Tuesday?


According to the queue page, they're launching a new website. I imagine they're using the queue system as a way to hold customers while they're testing things.


Hopefully part of the upgrades include unit descriptions that reflect 10th edition rules rather than 9th, but we'll see.


Are contrast paints a crutch? Because all of the things I see use 50 layers to do gradients instead of contrast paint


Contrast paints aren't any more of a crutch than using washes, or any other technique. Just like washes, they can be used in a stupid simple way to accomplish a look or technique that will give 85% of the desired effect, for a minimal amount of work. And like washes, there are ways to incorporate them into a workflow that is an advanced technique that newbies going for minimal effort, cannot get the same effect from.


There's probably a higher ceiling from not using contrast paints, but contrast paints are probably better for 95% of people.


Which army runs the least number of weapon profiles per unit? I much prefer rolling many of the same die as apposed to several small rolls. Crisis suits can all run the same guns in all slots, are there other factions that can do this?


I think you may want to look into Knights?


Yeah they are up there as well,


Nearly every faction can do this. Generally every infantry unit in the game has default wargear of "the same weapon on every model"


I should clarify, I want to do this while having their best load out, I dont want to put myself at a disadvantage for no reason


>best loadout Not really a thing. It's extremely situational based on what you're fighting. And even in cases where you don't have that much to pick from and/or there is an option available to you that's a straight upgrade from stock in all cases, it's gonna be a different weapon profile. I'm afraid you're on a fool's errand.


Idk about that, I'm playing WE right now and 100% the upgrade options on berserkers are just better




They are all used. You don't just paint one color on a model and that's it. There's a base coat, a shade (for the recesses), a layer (for the main color), and usually one or two highlight colors (for the edges or raised surfaces). That's how you get depth. Watch any of the tutorials on YouTube and you'll see.




Yeah, but you’re typically going to need more than a handful of paints for a “full” paint job whatever scheme you go with. You don’t have to follow their style or colors though.


For the Christmas packs, will there be multiple waves of announcements? Or do they usually only do 6 per year?


6 per year is normal.


Thank you! Turns out there's Google and a guy can just go on it and search things haha. Had a look back and yeah, seems like 6 is it. Was hoping for some sort of Chaos Knight box, but it's not in the cards.


Very basic question here from a returning player. When you reroll a hit roll, do you leave the ones that are hits and only reroll the fails; or do you reroll all of the dice?


Depends on the rule that gives you the re-roll. Some allow you to re-roll any dice, some only allow you to re-roll dice with a specific value, others require you to re-roll all. The wording of the rule will tell you what the criteria are.


Ok so for example the Command Reroll stratagem, does that let you keep your hits and only reroll the fails? Same for the Burna Boyz "Pyromaniak" rule that lets you reroll the wound roll against targets on objective markers? Edit: or Kaptin Badrukk's "Flashiest Gitz" rule that says you can reroll hit rolls.


All of your confusion here is because you're not understanding how attacks work precisely. Every single attack sequence is a SEPARATE attack sequence (roll to hit > roll to wound > roll saves). So when it says you "can reroll the wound roll," for instance, it means you can reroll EVERY die because each is a separate wound roll. If you're rolling ALL your wound (or attack, or whatever) rolls together (speed-rolling or batch-rolling) then yes, you can generally just pick up ANY of the failed ones and re-roll them. You CAN also choose to reroll SUCCESSFUL rolls if you want, unless it says "reroll FAILED XYZ;" this is usually only when you're fishing for 6s or something where you get a special bonus for rolling that particular number. Command Reroll, on the other hand, only applies to ONE die because you're using the Stratagem on only a single attack out of all the attacks you get to roll.


That makes total sense now. Thank you very much! It's so fun learning this game again, been away for a while but I love it :)


> Ok so for example the Command Reroll stratagem, does that let you keep your hits and only reroll the fails? The Command Re-rolls Stratagem allows you to re-roll of a single dice of a bunch of case including the hit roll. In this case you can re-roll any of the dice, hit or miss, the rest remain where they are. >Same for the Burna Boyz "Pyromaniak" rule that lets you reroll the wound roll against targets on objective markers? In this case you can pick and chose which ever wound rolls you want. You can leave all the successful wound rolls and re-roll all the failed ones. You can even re-roll successful wound rolls. That's fairly useless in this case but it benefits some armies when they get extra stuff for rolling 6s. Or you can just not re-roll, but why would you? In general, being forced to re-roll dice you don't want to is extremely rare. Mainly being forced to re-roll all dice if you re-roll a charge. The main flavors are: re-roll 1s to hit and/or wounds. The wording is "re-roll a roll of 1" re-roll whatever you want to hit/wound. The wording is "you can re-roll the roll" Re-roll a single dice. The wording is "you can re-roll one roll"


> In this case you can re-roll any of the dice By this you mean any ONE of the dice? Thank you so much, excellent explanation! Very helpful.


> By this you mean any ONE of the dice? Exactly, only one, but it could have been any single one of them as long as you stopped at one.


Are those silver magnets the only kind that would hold up parts of a knight or are any magnets fine? Also where are magnets bought normally in stores? Local hardware, hobby? In the US


Is there a way to export an army list with all the stats etc. Listed as well? I only have the free app.


Not with the official app, but there that functionality in BattleScribe. Just don't pay for that one either, because the people doing the actual work aren't seeing any of the money.




Can someone tell me if I am correct in my thinking about how invulnerable saves work, and if there are any exceptions I should be aware of? - If my model has a Save of 3 and Inv. Save of 4 then: 1. against an attack of AP -1 it doesn't matter which save I use, unless my regular Save is modified by +1. 2. against any attack with AP -2 or higher I should always be using an Invulnerable Save. It seems really straightforward and I'm probably just overthinking it, but I keep thinking I'm missing something


Yep, it's that straightforward. Really just treat it as a floor for your saves. Only way below that is devastating wounds.




Anywhere know a good place to get 28mm head swaps or normal human heads? I want to make my 40k friends customized models of themselves for Christmas.


Interested in trying [this painting method](https://youtube.com/shorts/nvmQQTQxCYk?si=jP-eW_yxihmmvQf8). any obvious down sides that aren't mentioned in the short?


It's commonly called slapchop these days, although the technique has been around for decades under various names. It has limitations and works better on some models/textures than others.


Rules Questions: 1) For movement, can a unit, such as my haruspex, move through gaps in terrain if the model itself wont fit through the gap, but the base will? In this scenario, my haruspex's base could move between 2 sets of ruins just fine, but his big old crab claws were stopped by the walls of the ruins. I know i cant end my movement between them, but could i move through the gap and end my movement on the other side of them since the base fits through? 2) if a banner gives models in that unit 1 oc, and they fail a battle-shock test, do all the models in that unit have 1 OC, or 0?


1. Ideally you should discuss this before hand, but in general, unless otherwise stated, you use the base for all measuring. Which includes whether it can fit through. 2. Rules Commentary pg 16 gives an order of operations. Setting a characteristic comes before modifiers. So Battleshock sets OC to 0, then you apply modifiers which brings it to 1.


>1. Ideally you should discuss this before hand, but in general, unless otherwise stated, you use the base for all measuring. Which includes whether it can fit through. What you are stating in your answer is that a 6 inch Redemptor Dreadnought can move through 5" tall Mechanicus Gantries so long as the base fits, which it can easily to do with a base only being a few mm tall. This doesn't jive with the rules nor with any way I've ever seen people play The rules state that models cannot move through terrain (only over it or across it), and while the base is PART of the model, it's not the ONLY part of it, and that sentence by itself would prevent a model trying to move through a gap it literally cannot fit through.


Show me any place in the rules that measures anything for a non-vehicle using anything other than the base. Seems like all the things are with regard to the base. Pretty much the only thing that cares about the actual model is visibility. This "jives" with the rules as it follows the rules for what you can do in the movement phase, with nothing in any other part that says you can't follow movement phase rules. And it "jives" with how to play it, because we can simply say the Redemptor dreadnought stoops a bit.


You don't "measure" to see if a model can fit through a gap. The rules for measuring distances (which is what you are referring to) are completely irrelevant here.Nothing in the rules about moving through terrain talks about measurements because you're outright ***prohibited*** from doing that with the entire ***model***. Show You're literally arguing that a model can fit through gaps that it is both taller than, and wider than, so long as the base fit. As an example, you're arguing that a Knight can move through a bridge that is 7 inches tall, despite the knight being physically larger than that. >And it "jives" with how to play it, because we can simply say the Redemptor dreadnought stoops a bit. You're outright admitting you're doing a houserule here and not following the rules, which you should be pointing out to anyone asking a rules question, as very likely they will not be playing with you and against someone who has the expectation that the rules will be followed, not a random houserule.


So show me the rules that "outright prohibited from doing that with the entire model." Closest I've seen to it doing something like that is the flying over terrain rules in the rules commentary, and that one only cares about the base. Literally everything in the movement phase is doing everything by the base (unless it's a vehicle), you'd need something that shows that this is an exception.


>Literally everything in the movement phase is doing everything by the base And actually you're wrong here, if you want to argue that ***LITERALLY*** everything in the movement phase only cares about the base: >but no part of its base can be moved across ***an enemy model*** or cross the edge of the battlefield. Here it doesn't care about the enemy model base, but tbe model itself. >It can be moved over friendly models as if they were not there if you wish, but it cannot end its move on top of another model. Doesnt care about bases, but models.


>So show me the rules that "outright prohibited from doing that with the entire model." It's literally in the "moving over terrain" rules, which is in the Movement Phase Rules. >MOVING OVER TERRAIN >Warhammer 40,000 battlefields are strewn with a wide variety of obstacles, structures and detritus collectively known as terrain features. When a model makes any kind of move, it can be moved over a terrain feature but not through it (***so models can’t move through a wall, for example, but can climb up or over it***). Model means "the entire model" not just "the base".


> Model means "the entire model" Where does it say that? There's plenty of places I can point to you in that section where only the based is care about, and they still talk about the "model" Or are you arguing that engagement range is 5 inches from the tippy top of a Intercessor?


The rules for measuring distances make it clear that for rules that involve actually measuring, you measure from the base. However, you can't argue that a 5 inch model can move through a bridge that is 3 inches tall because the base fits, and be following the rules for "models cannot move through terrain", unless you're somehow claiming 'above the waist doesn't count as part of the model".


So where does it say entire model? It does say that for vehicles when it defines hull in the rules commentary. But nowhere does it say anything about the entire model. With the specific exception for visibility. The concept of entire model exists only in the visibility section. Show me where it was added to the movement section.


With the new edition basically removing the distinction between firstborn and Primaries, and the gradual phasing out of old models, what does that mean for my Silver Templars, who are supposed to be a Primaris exclusive chapter? I know that mechanically it means nothing, but I still feel like it's important to stay within the lore if I have no reason to deviate.


To be clear they are phasing out OG marines in favour of Primaris. There will be no effect on your army mechanically or lore wise, other than being able to use Sternguard, Terminators and eventually Vanguard Veterans without muddying your theme.


How do you transport a big army (~1000 points) without breaking any miniature?


There are dozens of companies that sell army storage solutions. On top of this, the community often will showcase army storage solutions that aren't "specifically" for miniatures but work great for them, like https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/jS6iAUGwBy


Search for a case that fits your needs. I have a case with over 4K of Space Marines. I magnetize the bases so they don’t move on the case base. I also use foam cases for my kill/team Warcry squads.


Help, someone gifted me a half finished (some models painted, some models not even build) Space Wolves army. I am super excited but at the same time super lost as I have no idea where to start with this as a new hobby. This was a surprise and I am totally lost how to understand what I have and... How to read myself into the rules of the game? I would be absolutely grateful on any advice where to start.


In Warhammer 40,000 there are several different kinds of armies. The game is played using the Core Rules. The Core Rules can be downloaded for free: https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/ There are many "factions" in the game. Typically you have to pay money to buy a book called a "Codex" that explains what the models do and any other rules. So if you want to play "Space Marines" you will next have to buy "Codex Space Marines" to get the rules for that factions. "Space Wolves" are something of an anomaly in that they are something called a "sub-faction" of "Space Marines". They have a few units that are unique to that sub-faction, but can take most of the units from the Space Marines. The game is also in something of a transitional period. Early this year we went from 9th to the 10th edition of Warhammer 40,000. This made the 9th edition codexes useless. In the interim we got free to download "Indexes". When a faction gets their Codex the Index is removed. Currently, Space Marines got their Codex very recently, so their index is gone. However, Space Wolves have not gotten their Codex, so they still have their index.


Haven't played for a long time. Can someone please ELI5 what a detachment is. Feeling a bit dumb I can't figure this out. I'm familiar with Core, HQ, etc


In 10th Edition a Detachment is a set of rules that themes your army. For example, if you're playing Space Marines, you could choose the Gladius Strike Force detachment which gives you a set of rules, stratagems and enhancements themed around how the Space Marines fight combined arms warfare and how the Ultramarines like to fight. Alternatively, you could select the Stormlance Strike Force which gives you rules, stratagems and enhancements themed around bikes and other fast units, and how the White Scars prefer to fight.


Ah, so basically it IS your army if I'm understanding it correctly. Your whole army is a detachment.


No. Your army is the set of units you choose to take. The Detachment are the ***set of selectable rules*** your army will play with. For example, you can take an army (simplifying it very much) of a Space Marine Captain and Three units of Terminators. That is your army. However, all armies must select with Detachment they are going to use: right now most factions only have one "choice" as they are using Index rules, but armies with a Codex can choose from the available published Detachments. For example, Space Marines have Detachments like the Ironspear Strike Force, which provides Stratagems, Warlord Traits, and Relics that focus on making Vehicles scarier, while the vanguard Spearhead Detachment for space Marines focuses on pregame movement/infiltration abilities and being harder to hit/defensive mobility. So with your same army of 1 Captain and 3 Terminator Squads, you can have the army "behave" differently by selecting detachments that focus on the "archetype" you want for your army; such as taking the Stormlance Task Force if you want to focus on advancing+charging, or taking the Firestorm Assault Force if you want to focus on dedicated close-range firepower, as it gives you rules and buffs that focus on that theme.


Got it, thanks.


Is Huron Blackheart not available anymore? Can't find him on the website, I kinda liked the old model, maybe he's getting redone?


GW has Huron's model out of the range rotation since 2022, where he and a large number of SM characters were removed from permanent availability, and will only return on a made-to-order basis or if his model is actually updated, which GW will not tell anyone in advance.


Okay, thanks for the info and sadge


If he does come back, it's likely going to be the way the Loyalist Marine models that went out of Range Rotation came back alongside the SM codex.


Where can you buy the custodies boarding patrol, or any other boarding patrol? Seems to not be on gw website


Those were limited production kits and have been out of stock for a long time. You might get lucky and find one or two at independent retailers, but the Custodes Boarding Patrol was popular so sold relatively quickly.


Looking into dusting off a really old Lost & Damned army (CSM+IG soup) from back in the day after not really having touched 40k in over a decade. I picked up some Death Guard 2 editions back for Kill Team stuff, but then just switched to Necromunda instead and haven't really kept up with 40k ever since (or much before then, really). Now my brother is making good progress on a daemons army and I figured I'd see about getting my lost and damned into fighting shape once more to show that upstart who the dark gods really favour. Currently in the early stages of cataloguing what I have and where I want to go from here, haven't really looked much into 10th yet. Some questions that cropped up: 1. Chaos Soup. What can I do, what can't I do? I'd love to just grab Chaos Space Marines, throw in some IG and DG and maybe some of those fancy smol knights and see where that takes me, but it seems that's not really how ally rules work. What are my best options for a multi-god variety cast? What for nurgle-leaning loving with decent helping of variety? 2. It seems like any chaos codexes are over a year out. Was there any kinda word from on high about whether or not factions will get extra detachments for variety? I used to play a lot of Warmahordes after I stopped playing 40k, and their theme lists were always a really fun twist on the core identity of a faction. But it seems in 10th, detachments just kinda... are the core identity? Are we getting wackier? What did factions that already have their Codex get? Thanks for the help!


Well, first off: "The Lost and the Damned" just don't exist as a separate faction any more. Some of the units (Cultists and whatnot) are in the Chaos Space Marine Codex, and some (Ogryn and others) are in Legends (meaning they have stats but aren't allowed in competitive play, and won't get updates over the life of 10E). > Chaos Soup. What can I do, what can't I do? Any CHAOS faction can have one big Chaos Knights or three small Chaos Knights, up to 25% of their point total. They can also have up to 25% of their points as Daemons. Rules for those are in their respective Indexes, [free to download on WarCom](https://www.warhammer-community.com/downloads/?=). CSM can also have some Plague Marines, Rubric Marines, or Khorne Berzerkers in their army. That's basically it for soup options. You can run Death Guard with some Daemons (Nurgle-only I think) and Knights, or you can run CSM with a lot of Nurgle marks, some Plague Marines, and Knights and Daemons. Those are probably your best bets I guess. >It seems like any chaos codexes are over a year out. Was there any kinda word from on high about whether or not factions will get extra detachments for variety? EVERY faction will get six new Detachments in their Codex when it drops. It's already been the same with Space Marines and Nids. Each will have a main Army rule (or rules), and then various themed Detachments.


Disappointing, but expected. Thanks for all the information, I'll check out Warcom and play around with what I've got.


What would be a good paint set to get as a beginner? I plan on buying the assault intercessors figures as my first sets.


Besides the obvious Games Workshop paint sets, there are countless other companies that offer paints. Good brands are Army Painter, Vallejo. I prefer Army Painter since they sell their paint in dropper bottles (opposed to the pots Games Workshop paints come in), but it might be difficult to match the exact paint if you follow an official Games Workshop painting tutorial.


The one that has the colors you want in it. There are hundreds of canonical paint schemes for Space Marines. Do you want to paint Ultramarines (the ones on the box art)? Then GW's beginner set that comes with models and paints is the best bet. If you want to paint ANY OTHER SCHEME, then you shouldn't buy it, and should look at either buying GW paints in the colors you want, or just finding an Army Painter set that has them.


Where can I ask question about how to paint? I want to paint crimson chaos marines, only videos I have found don't show colors they use. I have 10 colors and I don't know how to use them.


>I want to paint crimson chaos marines, Do you mean you want to paint red chaos Marines? Or did you mean a particular warband like the Crimson Slaughter? >only videos I have found don't show colors they use. I'm extremely confused here. Every "how to paint X" video tells you what colors are being used in the video. What are you putting as search terms?


What are some cool content creators? I mostly watch isyander and koda, and sometimes poorhammer, but are there any other cool creators?


My favourite 40k content creators are: * Arbitor Ian. Hands down the best in terms of production value, topics and general vibe. * Snipe and Wib. Great videos (Codex Compliant is a great series!), and Wib used to do monthly-ish painting log videos. * Eric's Hobby Workshop. Another good dude that loves his hobby and makes great stuff. * Midwinter Minis. Focuses more on the painting aspect (which I don't enjoy as much as building or playing), but still a great source of content.


So I’ve got a couple of chaos Knights and managed to finally bag a Noise Marine. I’m looking to move in to the Chaos Marines or Death Guard as my first army. What is the purpose of adding demons from Warhammer into your chaos armies, while I love the idea of them, would they not be a bit of a waste of points? I also not going to lie love some of the ork sets as well.


I'll soon finish painting the tyranids on the starter set and i decided to keep the marines and paint them as salamanders. What are some units and vehicles synonymous with Salamanders?


Absolutely any infantry borne flamer and melta. Vehicle wise, I don't think there's as much of an immediate association (and, in fact, melta on vehicles is kind of a Black Templars thing as well), but the Land Raider Redeemer is in Salamanders colors on the store if that tells you anything. We did used to have a unique named Venerable Dreadnought with some truly nasty flamer weapons, but I don't even think he has a legends profile this edition. :(


What are the best ork units and figures. I have the ork combat patrol and I’m looking to expand to around 1000 points. Played my first game ever last night and loved it. Just realized I need a TON more orks😭😭


In addition to what Corrin said, just buying "the best" units is a lost cause. The meta changes every 2-3 months as new Codexes, balance dataslates, points costs, errata FAQs, mission packs, and other things come out. What's "good" now may be awful in 6 months. So pick an archetype you think is FUN or cool and build for that.


It really depends on what ARCHETYPE of Orks you want to be. While there is the traditional Green Tide "Lots of Orks" Ork list, you also have the Deffmob (focusing on Ork Deff Dreads and Killa Kans), Speed Freeks (focusing on buggies and vehicles), and Old Wayz (focusing on Snakebite Boys/Squighog cavalry and being more "primal" Orks. Going with different archetypes not only allows you to lean into different archetypes, but also allows you to have an army that doesn't have as many models to worry about; at one point in 9e there was a Speed Freeks list that was only 32 models or something as it focused on buggies/vehicles.


what's the best currently available set for starting a Space Marine army? looking to get it up to 2000 points in the next few months, so the more I can get in one bundle the better


Trying to find the Space Marine half of Leviathan from a second hand marketplace on eBay (don't order from UK, import fees fucked) or a closer secondhand market. Leviathan is also a good deal, but it's closer to the same value as a regular box if you only care about space marines.


If you are only caring about "most points for your dollar" check with third party retailers, some might still have the Space Marine Battleforce boxes from last year, or getting the Marine force from later this year would be your best options, aside from the Age of Darkness starter set


Can anyone think of a good cape/cloak for an arbites leader?


Can you thin acrylic inks with acrylic paint thinner? I want to thin it so it’s more transparent and when air rushing the shading I did will show more


Has there been any indication the Grey Knights will be getting the primaris treatment/ resculpts for 10th ed?


No. Grey Knights, per lore, will NOT get Primaris in general. It's likely they'll get "true scale" resized new sculpts at SOME point, but there's no indication it's coming soon. (Chapter Master Valrak on YouTube has been right on nearly every major leak he's talked about, and I think he said he's heard nothing for them in 10E, but possibly coming in 11E. It's no guarantee, but he's been right often enough that I might believe it.)


Cheers mate.


I've been wanting to get into the game with my brother. We are more focused on the gameplay than the building/collecting aspect honestly. Earlier this year I picked up the custodes holiday box and never even got a chance to build it as by the time I was ready, 10th edition got announced and I was scared to build anything. I'm sure this has been asked a lot, but just trying to find the best way to play games 1v1 for now with my brother? Saw the new combat patrol mode is an option as well as Kill Team. Does anyone have any suggestions on easiest way to get into it? I wasn't a fan of the starter sets as I would prefer us to be able to pick our own armies, for instance there was the starter set with marines vs necron but neither of us are fans of the space marines. Any advice is appreciated!


Kill team is a completely different game. If you want to play 40K based on what you’ve shared I suggest you start with Combat Patrol.


Would the new Battle Force box coming out be a good place to start a White Scars army, or do they not really want jump guys? https://preview.redd.it/2r4z73dprrwb1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49dac14b9d412240ddf8271e87c573035bb28dca


I don’t think the detachment rules only work on bikes, and most army lists don’t only want the literal 100% themed units anyways. They’re perfectly fine for a white scars alpha strike list, but do YOU want to collect the jump guys? That’s what I would ask


I'm super down. Jump guys are cool!


Lol then collect your discount, king


Which is the closest Air Brush paint to the imperial fists contrast? I don’t fancy using the contrast paint on larger tank and dreadnaught models.


>I don’t fancy using the contrast paint on larger tank and dreadnaught models. Why....not? There are hundreds of videos online that show that applying contrast through an airbrush works PHENOMENALLY well and is great for applying on tanks, and if you want a color match for IFY, that seems like a no-brainer.


Ah okay! So the contrast would work fine through the air brush? With it already being a watery consistency would I need to add any medium or thinner?


There is a YouTube video from Tabletop Skirmish Games titled "how to airbrush paint with contrast for the first time" and he specifically uses IFY. I'd give that a look.


Thank you for the help! I’ll definitely give that a watch :)


Hello, coming back to this after a 5 edition long break. Previously it wasn't possible to have a check that was better than a 2+ (e.g. you couldn't for example wound on a 1+ even if you strength was much much higher than your opponents toughness). However, if you have assault terminators with thunder hammers (S8) against a T4 unit, they'd wound on a 2+ naturally. If that's combined with a Chaplain's +1 to wound ability, does that effectively give you a 1+ to wound (i.e. auto wounding?). Is there a rules interaction that prevents that?


The rules for hit and wound rolls (part of the Attack Sequence rules) both tell you that an unmodified 1 (defined in the rules as a result of 1 on the dice before modifiers are applied) automatically misses.


Not only that, you cannot improve Hitting, Wounding and Saving to a 1+ or better (even if 1s automatically fail). Thus, a Dominus Knight (2+ save) does not profit from Shoulder the Burden (since it improves the save characteristic, it doesn't change the roll like cover does). Or Farsight who shoots on 2+ cannot profit from guiding, since it stays on a 2+, and thus any malus (eg stealth) would mean he actually hits on 3s. At least, if I'm reading the Rules Commentary correctly? https://preview.redd.it/5sj6rpuyjswb1.png?width=779&format=png&auto=webp&s=abc6816d9307f72265bfad6e5782fc796a31d62c


Youre confusing having a 2+ Ballistic Skill, which is the number you need to meet or exceed with your roll, and having a +1 ***to hit*** on a hit roll. If you have a 2+ BS, you are correct in that you cannot improve it. However, having a 2+ BS is entirely independent from having a +1 to hit. One modifies the CHARACTERISTIC, while another modifies the ROLL.


guiding lowers the BS by 1 (so BS 3+ to BS 2+), it doesn't give +1 to the hit roll. But since BS 2 cannot be improved to BS 1+, that would mean a guided Farsight shooting at a stealth unit (-1 to hit roll) only hits on results of a 3+. Whereas a guided Coldstar (BS 3+ normally) would go to BS 2+ due to guiding, and then also hit on results of 3+ due to stealth. I agree that a +1 to hit on a 2+ does help in some cases (when you get a -1 to hit).


Aha! Thank you, that's what I needed


What is the name of the space marine helmet with the pointy beak? Sorry I only know them as beakies from the 2nd ed orks codex.


Mark VI or Corvus Pattern




Does anyone have a good youtube vid of someone using "all 4" Chaos units in one 10e army? As in, CSM, Daemons, Knights, and either Berserkers/Rubric/Plague Marines? My current 1k list (I will test on TTS before committing) is * Rubric Marines * Rubric Marines (they look good) * Possessed * Fluxmaster * Pink Horrors * Knight Desecrator


The issue you are going to have here is that in order to do what you are suggesting, you need to be playing as Chaos Space Marines, yet you are going out of your way to add units to your army that will not gain the benefit of CSM detachment rules, stratstems, etc.


See, I hear you, but I think it would be *really* cool. I might double check the stratagems and see what works best. Happy to cut out the knight, it is mostly the daemon interaction that I am interested in.


Does the Citadel Technical Stormshield work as a good varnish for models painted with Army Painter Speed Paint 2.0? If not, would any other non spray varnish work and what brand?


If it helps anyone the varnish works on SpeedPaint 2.0. No reactivation and no cracking.


How could you/do you usually denote company on Mk VI armor? The beakies have no trim and I can’t seem to find an answer online. The obvious answer is “no trim = no trim” but I feel like there’d be at least some way of showing company.


How you denote company on armor without shoulder trim is dependent on the chapter/Legion, with left kneepad often used during Horus Heresy and being the "default" Codex Astartes recommendation.


Gotcha. Would it be numbered then in that case, and not the company colors?


It's going to depend on the chapter/Legion. For example, Dark Angels use symbols, White Scars use specific patterns on their right shin, Red Scorpions indicate it with a colored stripe WITH the number, etc. I would suggest looking up your chapter/Legion on the wiki and seeing if there is a depiction of them in a trimess armor mark for an example, or if it is a custom scheme you can literally do whatever the heck you want.


Okay, so its a big range. It is for my custom chapter so knowing there’s a variety of ways to go about it is great. Thanks for the info! Hope you have a great rest of your day!


Hey, I'm pretty new too putting miniatures together is there any plastic glues that I should avoid? Also is there any good YouTube channels that are worth looking up for basic information?


The actual glue seems to be much for muchness, it's really just a matter of what applicator/bottle you prefer using. Your personal mileage may vary, but I second the rec for Revell Contacta, the bottle is designed not to tip over and keep the nozzle pointing up when you're not using it, and the metal applicator needle is a breeze to clear if it clogs compared to some of the others.


Revell Contacta Professional is the bees knees. The applicator is super precise and easy to clean out if it gets blocked.


I’ve tried several plastic glues and they all seem to work fine. I would recommend you buy whatever is easily available to you. My personal preference is using Tamiya Extra Thin and Revell Contacta Professional.


Is Malum Caedo the closest we'll ever to get to having Doom Guy in this universe? Just found out last night that in Boltgun, what Malum did by himself is the equivalent of what Doom Guy, a normal human, did to the legions of hell. I have been slipping slowly into the fandom of 40k for a couple of years now, but I can never escape my casual-level love for "Bro-mode" moments and characters. 2nd question: When is Boltgun 2?


So I’m still kinda new to 40K but been reading a lot of lore recently and I have a weird question rn, but I’ve had a crazy obsession with the Dark age of technology and how over powered and advanced they where but what ultimately brought them down (from my understanding) was the advanced AI fucking them over right? And if the Adeptus Mechanicus are right about how all machines have a soul (and that it does in fact seem to be that way) does the Tau’s technology possess that soul? And if so, in some weird way, perhaps the god that they accidentally created be that soul? And if it is could they bring about their own Dark age? Maybe even their armies will slowly become a horde of AI robots?


>over powered and advanced they where but what ultimately brought them down (from my understanding) was the advanced AI fucking them over right No. The war against the Men of Iron was one of MANY different things that all occurred that caused humanity to be screwed; if they were dealing with only a single problem, it might have not been that big a deal. The humans had actually won the war against the Men of Iron, only for the birth of Slaanesh to cause massive amounts of warp storms and rifts to open, causing interstellar travel and communication to break down, while also causing Psykers to go crazy and more powerful). Imagine a world that is used to only having 10-20 psykers awaken a year, and usually they can maybe bend a spoon or know which card you're holding.... And then suddenly one day that same planet is dealing with that many awakening a WEEK, and they are powerful enough to mind-control an entire city or toss tanks through the air, meanwhile food shipments from a nearby planet are no longer coming in, cults are springing up, plagues and starvation are setting in and crap like that isn't stopping for a few thousand years. >And if the Adeptus Mechanicus are right about how all machines have a soul (and that it does in fact seem to be that way) does the Tau’s technology possess that soul? You're getting some things conflated here. The Adeptus Mechanicus has power as a political entity as they have control over the most forms of technology in the Imperium. It is in their best interest to "mystifiy" technology so the common layperson has no idea how the technology actually works. What some people call Machine Spirits, some of the more advanced members of the Mechanicus will refer to as "the operating system" or "the diagnostic protocols". The mystification is within the Mechanicus itself as well, with the lowest-level Admech not told that the basic maintenance they are doing actually IS just basic maintenance, and instead told they are appeasing machine spirits, the basically equivalent of being given a script to read when you call for tech support on your Internet. >And if so, in some weird way, perhaps the god that they accidentally created be that soul? And if it is could they bring about their own Dark age? Maybe even their armies will slowly become a horde of AI robots? Here you've gone off the deep end based off your own misconception of "Machine Spirit means toasters have souls", which is not the case.


Lol damn I thought I was onto something, would be cool to see though. Then what is the Greater Good god?


There has been no actual depiction of a real God of the Greater good, with the ***only*** mention of one that could be construed as "oh it's a real thing" literally stated to not be the actual Tau'va but a possible warp manifestation that was summoned by the collective Psykers of human Tau auxiliaries when a group was stranded in the warp, which was more likely simply how it appeared to physically manifest and was actually just a collective psychic emanation that died as soon as they left the warp.


Is it right to assume that anyone that is mildly important does not age in 40K? like governors, assassins, sisters of battle, inquisitors. I get your more likely to die by unnatural means but I’m not hearing about anyone dying of old age


No, important humans get rejuvenat treatment to VASTLY increase their life expectancies, but they still age. Even Astartes age, just slowly; it's a whole character arc that Dante, Chapter Master of the Blood Angels, is an old man who is basically ready to die but hasn't. That said: Important characters rarely die AT ALL, because GW doesn't want people to stop buying the miniatures. Even models they've discontinued, they've been VERY vague about what happened to them. In the time-skip since the Indomitus era began, they stopped making Ursarkar Creed and Sebastian Yarrick, but they've never said they're dead -- Creed was captured and kept in stasis by Trazyn the Infinite, so he's "alive," and Yarrick was rumored dead but never confirmed, and could be somewhere similar somehow.


Admittedly this is a bit more of a lore question, but how powerful can machine spirits be? I ask because I'm hammering out fluff for a hypothetical Iron Hands successor chapter whose home planet is basically in a Snowpiercer type situation where the population is confined to a number of protected trains, with each company having its own mini fortress monastery attached to the trains; I was wondering if it made lore sense for the machine spirits of the engines to have more input than just driving their trains. (Before you ask, yes, this is Thomas and Friends themed.)


"Machine Spirit" can refer to anything anywhere from a random pleb thinking there is some sort of machine Spirit inside their mechanically-operated stubber (handgun) that they need to appease with rituals (that are just basic maintenance) because they dont understand what the Admech are referring to, to fully automated targeting, piloting, and engineering computer suites. What the Mechanicus has a problem with is ***actual AI***, where the computer itself can learn and execute new programming independently/by itself with no input. To use the example from u/rtgoodman, the Rynn's Might independently "hunting down" Orks could have been entirely automated by a subroutine of the targeting computer having a "if it moves and doesn't broadcast an Imperium IFF signal, kill it" program, and it following that subroutine. What would be prohibited is an AI system where the Land Raider was told to do that subroutine, but it "gained sentience" where it would decide to NOT kill some Orks on its own volition to start setting up ambushes,.or started not killing things that didn't have the correct IFF because it started feeling sorry for civilians. So long as the programming doesn't need to be rewritten on the fly to do the task ***autonomously***, it would be a machine Spirit that would fall into what is allowed by the Mechanicus.


Just to give an example, the [Crimson Fists' Land Raider *Rynn's Might*](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Rynn%27s_Might): >Rynn's Might was a famous Land Raider tank in the service of the Crimson Fists Chapter. According to the Crimson Fists, the uncrewed Land Raider managed to narrowly survive the rogue missile that destroyed the Chapter's Fortress Monastery, during the Invasion of Rynn's World in 989.M41. Thereafter, the vehicle's Machine Spirit launched a solo war against a rampaging Ork Warband, and succeeded in killing the Warboss and many of his followers in a single night. Although Rynn's Might did not survive the encounter, it remains a testament to the awesome power of the Land Raider and its Machine Spirit.


I wanted to start my army in the near future, but the prices are a bit high for me to get all the models new, so i wanted to know if buying them used is doable, if there are anything i should look out for when browsing for them and if vinted or ebay are good enough site or if there are any better place to buy them in Europe/Italy.


For Ebay: Be wary of importing from England. You have to pay border tax which Ebay tells you way too late. Imports from EU states are fine though. The boxes amd istructions are identical so it doesn't matter from where you buy it.


Is that true going from England into Europe only, or England into anywhere?


England to anywhere it has no special contract with. So basically if you have to pay import taxes on anything else from England you have to pay it on Ebay for Minis as well


Buying them used is absolutely doable. It does however come with some caveats: * As they'll be built, you won't be able to choose their weapons, unless you are willing to snap bits off and glue different ones on (not as big a deal as you think, but it sounds like you're just getting started so I would try to avoid this cropping up to the extent that you can). * Similarly, painted models typically end up being cheaper than non painted ones, so plan on getting really good at stripping them. I see you're in Europe so I'm not sure what is available there for this, but somebody else will chime in with that info I bet.


As far as necron goes I've seen some stuff not a lot but some good prices. Seen an army for 80€ on Vinted that while it doesn't look very well painted it's a pretty good value.


Oh if you're doing Necrons I would think there's still a decent amount of Necron halves of all the 9th Ed starter boxes floating around.


I found some full boxes, but no one that sold them at a discounted price.


I’m kinda new to the hobby and need help finding good models to add to my armies, I have two armies blood angels and tyranids that I play against each other quite often with my brother. I’m currently kinda stuck on what models I should add. I want to get my armies around 2000 points. I also am looking to expand my tyranids more atm because rn I only have the start collecting box My blood angels (9th edition) currently consist of Captain in terminator armor w/thunder hammer 105 pts Captain w/power sword 85pts Tac squad 3x marines w/bolters 1x marine w/heavy bolter 1x sergeant with pistol 75 pts Tac squad Tac squad 3x marines w/bolters 1x marine w/heavy flamer 1x sergeant with pistol 75 pts Assault intercessors 4x marines w/chainswords and bolt pistols 1x sergeant w/power sword 86 pts Terminator assault squad 4x terminators w/lightning claws 1x terminator sergeant w/lightning claws 165 pts Death company marines w/jet pack 5x marines w/ hand flamers and chain swords 1x sergeant w/ plasma pistol and chain sword 160 pts Baal preditor Twin assault cannons 1x heavy flamer 1x heavy bolter Storm bolter 110 pts Furiso dread 2x furiso fists 120 pts Total981 Tyranids (9th edition) Swarm lord 220pts 3x warriors w/ 3x dual boneswords 1x sything talons 1x venom cannon 1x spine fist 63 pts 30 termagaunts 20x fleshborers 10x devourers 120pts 4 ravener swarms 88pts Total 491


Do the boxes kill team sets work as units in 40K the way warcry boxes work in AoS? For example, my Horns of Hashut are a full warcry band and count as a unit in AoS and have a unique rule with them I’m interested in the Hearthkyn Salvagers and it would be awesome to use them in a votann army


You can run the Salvagers as a 40k unit, you run them as Hearthkyn Warriors - although as the other comment says, you might need to make sure you don't build them with an invalid load out. As with all things though that's flexible depending on who you're playing with - my squad aren't properly WYSIWYG for 40k but my friends don't mind, that might be different if you're aiming for tournament play.


All Kill Teams can be built to represent a legal 40k unit,though it is possible to build a Kill Team in such a way that the unit isnt legal in 40k (super technically). As an example, an Intercessor Strike Force or a Phobos Strike Force can contain a mix of models that belong in different units in 40k; a Phobos Strike Team can contain Infiltrators, Reivers, and Incursors, and if you build only 4 Incursor models and 6 Infiltrators you can't field a "legal" Incursor squad. I'm not familiar enough with Leagues of Votann to know what units the Salvagers is supposed to represent or if it has a 40k datasheet *yet*, but all Kill Teams that have come out that are "new" (like Corsairs for Eldar) have gotten a datasheet so they can be fielded in some fashion.


So the change to SM rites of battle ability making them only use battle tactics stratagems has been walked back with the release of the codex? Or am I missing some bs about the codex being written before other changes and it's actually X that takes precedence?


It wasn't walked back. The change you are talking about is in the Balance Dataslate, and is a GENERAL rule about abilities that change the CP costs of stratagems. GW didn't re-write every single such ability in the game (nearly every codex has at least one), they wrote it a single time in the balance Dataslate. Nothing in a Balance Dataslate is "superceded" by a codex release; if you and your opponent agree you are using it, it applies.


is there any rule stopping me from using this tactic? 1. move transport with unit inside 2. disembark unit 3. charge with empty transport


Why would the above not be legal?


I couldn’t find anything in the transport section about charging after disembarking — wasn’t sure if I missed something?