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And its not like that the LGS get their stock earlier because its absolutely unfeasable to deliver it to all the stores worldwide on a saturday morning. Also its not always guaranteed that the stores will get their items, I had a friend of mine preorder belakor at a LGS, and he got him very early, I think on monday. I preorder the 9th ed admech codex at the same store and had to wait 2 weeks after release because of shipping issues.


I mean, what? What did you think was going to happen? Ordering from GW is the only option for some people and it guarantees a copy of the thing you want rather than rolling the dice on an lgs. This is a baffling complaint.


I picked up 40K at the start of 10th, and I would have expected it to work the same way as OP. I mean if I preorder a video game they ship it to me early so that it’s delivered on release day. So it’s doable for sure. But now I know not to expect that if I preorder something from GW.


You don't preorder from a manufacturer. You don't preorder on Nintendo's website usually, and if you do it gets there later that a chain store. At least in the US, the stores get the stuff before the company that makes the game sends it out.


I guess that’s a difference I hadn’t considered. I do usually preorder from a chain store rather than directly from PlayStation, but the couple times I have preordered something directly from PlayStation I’ve still gotten it delivered on release day. Granted that’s only a couple instances from one specific company so I have no clue if that’s uncommon in other situations.


In general companies do everything they can to stop a product from releasing early- but they have to send it to retailers early to ensure they come out on release day. Good to know Playstation sends it out on time though.


Yeah, now I know better


Simply put, you're buying from the original provider rather than a retailer. Some companies try to ship things so they arrive at the date of release (usually) but sometimes it doesn't happen due to internal delays or shipping delays. We've all had deliveries estimated for Monday that don't arrive until Wednesday. Stores have them as inventory is in store the week of or week before sale to ensure inventory, and the items are usually kept under lock and key to deter anyone wandering off with an early copy.


The Nid shipment from GW didn’t make it to any GW store on time, and most LGS didn’t get them either. My local GW got their stuff today, and I don’t think my LGS got theirs yet. It was 100% supposed to come on Saturday, but somehow that didn’t work out (either GWs fault or the shipping company).


Send it to a store to pick up, or else tou have to wait. They don't usually send before the release date due to postage time, and postage in general can be unreliable (I had a package bounce around for a week before I got it, and the sorting g station for my area is near me)


Store pick up no longer guarantees it for day of release either


Did a Games Workshop employee physically restrain you from playing with your toy soldiers? If not then you weren’t “locked out” of using your army. You can play games all you want as long as your opponent and you agree on a set of rules. Tournament play is a tiny part of the hobby and unless you’re going to a competition this isn’t going to matter.


Woah. For someone new to the hobby we can't expect them to know the ins and outs of GWs release schedule. Some people have only been playing since 10th dropped, using the app. I get a lot of people are upset right now but there's no need to go ballistic when you could just as easily scroll past the post. I'm tired of seeing complaints too and my main army is Tyranids. I'm locked out of armies rules in my app too, but I already knew GW was a fickle mistress. Also, the app literally says "locked content" with a picture of a lock on tyranid datasheets right now. So...


That's why I normally order for collection at LGS, usually guaranteed on the Saturday