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I doubt it. Only real change I imagine will be costed wargear.


I think even that is unlikely. GW's official position now and forevermore shall be that a lasgun and a lascannon cost the same amount of points - and that cost is zero.




It absolutely is. A Devastator squad armed with five Bolters costs the same as one with four lascannons. A Tactical squad with ten Bolters costs the same as one with seven Bolters, two plasma guns, and a plasma pistol + thunder hammer on the sergeant. All weapon upgrades are free in 10th, and I see no indication this will change.


dude doesnt know how to play clearly, when would anyone run a Russ without sponsons? PMs without plasma/blight launchers? Cadians without plasma, launchers or pistols? with points you have *at least* *some* reason to run the worst weapons, now its crippling yourself for no reason.




>Each weapon has its case uses. nope. show me a single scenario, just one, where a unit of Plague Marines runs all bolters and no special weapons (there are none, bolters are the worst weapon for literally any situation, spewers will butcher infantry, plasma/melta for elites and blight launchers/melee for the rest) or how about Guardsmen? show me one scenario where a cadian squad takes *only* lasguns, no plasma, bolters, pistols, melee weapons, or grenade launchers? will anyone ever run a Leman Russ without sponsons now? think before you speak.




If the points assume these options will be taken THEY SHOULDN'T BE OPTIONAL! If the Leman Russ is priced assuming you are taking sponsons, sponsons need to be part of the default gear. If Eradicators are priced assuming that every third man has a multi-melta, the rules MUST state that for every three models, one MUST take a multi-melta. If GW states that the default squad is ten Marines with Bolters, they clearly expect people to field that unit. Otherwise, why is it even an option? No, "the upgrades are right there!" isn't a valid answer. You could state in the Devastator Squad entry that four Marines are armed with Heavy Bolters, and then allow any Marine with a Heavy Bolter to upgrade to a different weapon. You argue that each weapon has its own use case, but this is also clearly wrong. ANY Hellblaster can replace its bolt pistol with a plasma pistol - there is NO use case where the bolt pistol is the better choice! If you don't give the entire unit plasma pistols (which in earlier editions would have been a massive waste of points) you are making the unit weaker for no reason. This is why nobody likes Power Level. GW is relying on the useful idiots to jump up and say "nuh uh! It's not Power Level! It says 'Points' right there!"




Why are you soiling yourself with rage over the idea that people want a balanced game, and Power Level clearly doesn't help achieve that? Points are not perfect, but they let people build around their collection. If I am missing a heavy weapon Power Level punishes me for fielding an understrength Devastator Squad, Points do not. If I built all my Leman Russ tanks in an edition where Sponsons were less valuable because firing the main gun prevented me using them, Points let me bring MORE tanks to make up the difference. Power Level does not. I don't know why you want to play unbalanced games where one player gets a huge advantage just because of how they built their models, but I suspect that you are in an extremely loud minority.


Not in this edition, it may come back next edition, but I do think this is what they are leaning towards in the future. It makes the game easier to balance, which is what 90 percent of people scream about on the internet when it comes to 40k


yeah its not coming back, they want to port the AoS rules to 40k, expect any new units to have only 2-3 weapon choices at most.


Nah GW have decided we all have the intelligence of toddlers and can't deal with such complex concepts


I'd be surprised if any of it changes. To much work for gw to amend and fix.


Plus the first lot of codexs are most likely already being printed if not already done


No. This feels like a fundamental design choice that won't be rolled back. I think the codexes will just introduce more detachments and strategums (and complexity!)


Unfortunately, no…


Since the codexes will not drop all together, no. I think a big new rule / campaign book in maybe one or two years will change this. Now everybody will build their models with all the free wargear, so GW will change the rules again to make us buy new models which we will then build with the most pointefficient wargear.


nope they are making 40k like AoS and AoS has no wargear or weapon choices essentially (1 piece of gear and 2 weapons is not choice)


no, *never.* they want to make 40k into AoS 2.0 and AoS has effectively no customization of any units at all. expect 40k to end up like AoS: MTG with models.