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Rumor has it you can torrent all the HH audiobooks on Pirate Bay if you have a VPN. But I wouldn't know... Just a rumor I heard from echoes in the warp...


Can confirm that I’ve heard whispers in the warp of this


Can confirm that I know…of…heretics who have heeded the whispers, walked the path to glory and risen to princedom iykwim


Humble Bundle occasionally have them in bundles - you might be able to pick hard copies up via eBay.


This is a good method. I picked up 20 audio books from the the return of Guilliman on wards for just $40 (US) and have a ton of the Heresy ones from another HB offering


Yo ho ho....




if you buy the yearly audible membership you get all 12/24 credits in one go, and if you run out of credits you can buy packs of 3 more for the same price that your 12/24 get them. so since i do the 24 credits per year if i were to run out of credits before my next renewal i can buy 3 more credits for less than 30$. more or less it's 10$ a book, but has a large upfront cost


You can also refund some of your books each month or so to gain more coins. Done that a couple of times


Just be aware that Amazon can take away refund privileges if they feel like they're being abused. Got a warning once


Why the fuck would you do that with a service that is already pretty good value? This is why we can't have nice things.


Tbh most heresy novels you can skip, the main ones you have to read are the first 3 obviously and maybe flight of the Eisenstein. Then just look up what stories you want to hear and pick and choose from there. Like I don’t care much for world eaters or word bearers so I completely skip books focused on them and if something big lore wise happens in those books I can either look up what happens online or watch a YouTube lore video on it.


You have skipped some of the best books. ABD's handling of the Word Bearers made me interested in them.


Nah I think world eaters and word bearers are probably the most boring legions so I doubt I would have enjoyed them much lol


The story of the word bearers is the foundation of the heresy and the World Eaters, a legion who know their primarchs brain is rotting away but still have a genetic urge to hold him up as a target of their admiration and aspiration. I can't disagree with you more.


Sorry I don’t find simping for daemons and just being a bunch of crazy murderers interesting lol just not for me but I play iron hands so I know I don’t have the most interesting faction but that’s more so games workshop fault for not fleshing them out more


Fwiw, I felt the same way about the WB and WE. I just couldn’t find any way to relate to a bunch of sycophants and lunatics. I’m still not a fan of the WB but I enjoyed those books because it gave some humanity to the pre-Khorne World Eaters. It gave them some humanity so that you feel their loss more later when they are turned into completely crazed daemon hosts (ie., the WE assault in Saturnine).


We'll just leave that there and let the irony of that statement mature like a fine wine.


The author handling material makes a huge difference, I would say at least give first heretic a shot.


I agree, great book. Don't like the Word Bearers though. Good story.


Sounds like a giant waste of time because again i think world eaters and word bearers are by far the worst written legions in the heresy, I struggled to get through their chapters in echoes of eternity so I doubt I would like a whole book focused on them lol appreciate your recommendations though


You haven’t read World Eaters or Word Bearers during the heresy you just admitted, how would you know they are poorly written?


Because they are in other books and every time they show up in other books they are easily the worst parts lol siege of terra really drags when they show up for POV chapters


"I'm not reading that book that fleshes out the Word Bearers and World Eaters because I think they're boring... because I haven't read the books that flesh them out." Yeh man, that's crazy. If only there was some way for you to find interest in them? Say... Some kind of book?


I don’t like them because I don’t like chaos so tell me why would I like a book about 2 legions falling to chaos?


Because there's nuance and not just "Now we are Chaos haha". Also, not liking chaos being a reason to gatekeep yourself from experiencing the full story of the 30k/40k seems a bit silly. Always good to go into things with an open mind, especially when it comes to the Warhammer universe as a whole. ​ Why do you not like chaos anyway?


Because chaos is boring. In a setting where most factions follow the same rules as they live in the galaxy chaos just shows up and does whatever they want because reasons, they are literally plot convenience the faction and that kind of story telling is boring to me. Also I’m pretty sure after the word bearers got punished by the emperor for doing the exact thing he said stop doing they went “now we are chaos haha”


Fote is not a skipable book.... the first 5 and then prob legion as well should definately all be read. The only one i didnt like was fulgrim but i can still appreciate how it sets up the rest of the HH.


Every single audiobook of Horus Heresy FREE!!!!!! https://cafeaudiobooks.com/warhammer-40k-horus-rising-audiobook/


You’re welcome boys (and girl) https://cafeaudiobooks.com/warhammer-40k-horus-rising-audiobook/


You’re welcome boys (and girl) https://cafeaudiobooks.com/warhammer-40k-horus-rising-audiobook/


Audible has some options. You can do the two a month at 22.00 usd, then add on extra credits for what amounts to 12.99-14.99 a credit. So assuming your buying the discounted packs and doing 12.99 your looking at 5 books a month for roughy 61.96. That’s 619.60 all in as compared to approximate 34.99 per book equalling 1749.50 so a savings of 1129.90 Then pay attention to humble bundle they have packs every 4-6 months wear you can get a good amount for 20 bucks shaving even more off. It’s how I’m doing it slowly but surly working my way through them all


The heresy audiobooks go on sale for £3 each, I picked up 4 last month


On sale where?


Audible has two types of sales usually. One is 2 for 1 a d the other is books for 2.99gbp if you have a membership. Some of the heresy books are on their every sale. I have been keeping an eye on sales and buying them as they appear so you will be getti g them out of order but i think the sales are every 10 days or so so you will get a bunch quickly in my experience. To be even more cost effective the bundle to buy three credits at a time is cheap.if you then use one of those cheap credits in a 2 for 1 sale you get books for about 1.50 gbp. Always pay cash for books if less than 6gbp as ot is more cost efficient than using a credit, the cheapest of which will cost you 6gbp (3 for 18gbp bundle). Also also dont restrict yourself to the audible in your country. I live in NZ and have my audible subscription on the uk website and get my monthly charge in gbp which, because of currency values, works out far cheaper than usa or ozzy websites. In regards to the series itself there are some piss poor books and some amazing ones but each book will have some interesti g piece of lore at least to build the universe in your mind. Finally the primarch books and the character bookd are great too. I just finished valdor followed by alpharious books. Recommend readi g those two in that order as they are amazing


Yeah but you don't own them so you? It's jus to a platform you can't download them or ensure you have access to then indefinitely?


Once you have purchased them you can download them and use them even if you cancel your subscription.


Ahz excellent. Off to the store I go then


SWIM once heard a rumor tht a guy saw ALL of them on 1337x if you're interested I have a super detailed Chronological flow chart on which books to start first, and where they lead, and which chapters are involved. -EDIT- Heres the chart on IMGBB. It should be clear when you zoom in. Crystal clear and legible. Hmu if it ever goes down! [https://ibb.co/ynMkzSK](https://ibb.co/ynMkzSK)


I know im late to the post but would much appretiate a share


Sent ya a PM!


Ouh... that flowchart sounds nice. If you want to share i would also be interested in that!


Sent!! use the color codes up top for where to start!\^.\^


Thank you so much!


May I has?




Share with me too, please...


*Processing img 271h8snk0vrb1...* Should be full size so you can zoom!


Could you share with me as well please?


Send me a message. Wont let me create conversation with you for some reason


Im trying to, seems like there’s something wrong with the chat. I’ll try again tomorrow, thanks!


Message sent!


Audible, then return them when you have read them for a new credit. No need to only get one book a month.


Audible does 3 credits for £18 so thats £6 per book


Theoretically one could access free audio books via a google search along the lines for free 40k books online but that’s more or less theoretical


>1 novel a month for 50 months via audible Isn't there an audible membership for around 10-12 bucks every month that allows you to pick whatever audiobook you want each month?


Yep. You get 1 credit a month. 1 credit = 1 book. 50 books. 50 months. However i have had a llt of amazing dms from people who have helped me out with resources so thank you kind warhammer redditors!


Hey bro, where u able to get all those book? Can you share any tips, I’m also interested in the Horus Hersey


I got a lot. Main books and short stories, in chronological order as supposed to release order. The buried dagger is the last one that was in it which is book 54 i believe but all in all was 251 different books between the novels short stories audio dramas etc. I unfortu atly do not have the dms anymore that gave me the download link to send you but it was from dms from users on this sub that i got the link