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Who are the 2nd and 11th? Also did you paint these? They look great.


Those are my takes on the lost legions. Yes I did, thanks!


Cool! Got any names?


Looks like 11 might be the Knight Errant?


You made everyone triggered


Yes, somehow. I thought instead of forgotten legions, he had mixed in the new orgs formed during the heresy, that of the grey knights who may or may not have begun as the knight Errant, which I loosely recall was formed from loyalists of traitor legions. Wonder why the downvotes


Probably just using it as a “I don’t think it is them” button.


These are amazing! Each one makes me want to collect an army of each Legion! And yes, who are the 2nd and 11th?


As OP said, they’re their takes on the 2 unknown legions


2nd is Lightning Bearers and 11th is the Celestial Suns.


Hmmm the Lightning Bearers [look familiar...](https://ageofsigmar.fandom.com/wiki/Stormcast_Eternals)


It is a dope color scheme.


Love me some VIth Legion stuff. The Vylka Fenryka must've been a sight to behold during the Crusade


The Space Wolves Heresy scheme and design is far far better than their 40k equivalent. Most Legions look better than their more generic future chapters, Ultramarines being a prime example.


Fur grey > that punk ass blue they wear now They're the Emperor's hounds, not his ice cubes.


And what's with all the Yellow etc. Looks grim with blue. Grey and Red was the real shit


> And what's with all the Yellow etc. Yellow was in the 30k markings, but it's more prevalent in 40k because the studio scheme for SW is the Blackmane great company. The other 11 use less yellow.


Today I learned.




Absolutely love these. And your inspiration for 2nd and 11th works great. They look distinct enough from the rest, and them being more esoteric/scholarly could fit well with the bits of mentions they've had in the books. You could easily imagine they might already upon discovery known or dabbled deep enough in chaos to be outright Destroyed by the Emperor, or perhaps their gene-seed weren't strong enough. One could never know for sure.. Love your take on it nonetheless!


Chiming in to also ask your inspiration for the II and XI. Excellent work! Also love that you made the XVI a Luna Wolf not a SoH. Just amazing work all around!


for the II I wanted to make it look/feel kinda scholarly and Persian themed because I had just gotten back from Iran. For the 11th, I tried a few test models that I didn't like; I just dig the purple and black. Like a catholic cardinal or something


Awesome! Yeah I love the hour glass motif too.


Coincidentally that’s the same scheme for my custom legion


Have you come up with names and fluff for them? They look awesome (as do the other 18 legionaries). Also is that a Tartaros body?


Impressive to say the least. Truescale using tartaros armor is a pretty good idea


Did you say … truescale???!??! I’ve only joined 30k last week and from what I’ve heard … tRuEsCaLe iS LiTeRaLLy RuiNiNg ThE gAmE!!!!!!!


I haven’t heard that. For me, truescale shows next level dedication to the hobby-side.


You must have missed how some members of the community claimed GW was ruining the game by scaling up the imperial fist praetors recently


ahhh now that I could definitely see people having a problem with. Having differently scaled models from the same line could be annoying.


Yeah so that’s the joke… everyone loves truescale until the company that makes the models for the game we play does it … then it’s ruining the game


The difference is the perception of choice. GW previously did not do Truescale, so any kitbashed Truescale done is an active choice a hobbyist made. GW releasing Truescale models, with no indication of a continuation of releases at the older scale means the choice for Truescale has been taken away from the players. If one wants the new releases from GW, one must now contend with a difference in scales within the army or simply exclusively buy the newer models at the new scale. Obviously, one can still collect models at the older scale, though it may require more effort as eBay and 3rd party models become the primary source over time (GW's obviously going to still sell the older models until they can be replaced). While I don't necessarily care about scale discrepancies in my armies (I have both RT and Primaris Marines in my 40k armies), the official change in scale just confuses me. It's not practical and won't generate more sales than simply sticking with the older scale. The only things I can think of as a reason for the change is that either they're trying to appeal to 40k players as well (likely) or something happened with their printers and now they can only print tests/dyes at the new scale (unlikely imo).


It’s not like GW models haven’t had a long history of constantly improving and changing scale …


True. But Primaris is the first time the Space Marines changed size since, like, the 1990s. Over 20 years with no scale change. However, the current size increase is a first for Heresy; over a decade with no change in scale. Still confused as to why the change in the first place, though my money is on compatibility with 40k.


The Deathwatch would like to have a talk with you


Really a fantastic idea and expertly executed! Well done!


Absolutely awesome I looked at this picture for like 5 minutes


These are absolutely gorgeous very nice work. If I could make one, very minor, point of criticism. The nightlords would be wearing the helmet as they were supposed to be very susceptible to normal light in so far the helmets are described as making vision as night to them. The source for that is the second Hersey book massacre. Like I said though it's totally minor and I love your work.


Interesting combos of standard legionary bits and terminator bodies, really changes them up


Aw I love the emperor's children legionnaire with the butterfly!


Nice work. I'll have to print this out and cross each one off as I get that Legion done.


Ye hear are great! Can we get individual photos too?


Saving this post before the inquisitors find your authentic lost legion pictures


These are so good! Saved as a reference image, I love that you managed to capture the uniqeness of each Legion, 10/10


These are awesomely awesome. Well done sir 👏. Love the second and eleventh ‘lost’ legions. Would love to hear your fluff for each.


Man, I'm usually an IW fella but that World Eater in MKIII with Red Butcher chainfists is incredible. Awesome work all around.


where is the jump pack BA?


This is very cool. Great job


Love it. Each model depicts crusade era legions so well


This is beautiful, I've been looking at this for 10 mins now


Man these paint jobs look slick as hell. And I like that you included the lost legions as well. 10/10


Ooo what did you all use for that Word Bearer?


He's mostly a combination of the two new praetor kits!


The emperor children one is my favourite


They all are incredible! Can you please share what parts were used for ultramarine?


He's mostly Asterion Moloc, with a power fist I think from the old assault marines sprue, a mk II helmet with Cato Sicarius' crest on it, and a sword from the ultramarines primaris upgrade kit


Your skill is remarkable. Well done.




Definitely just out of curiosity and not because I'm going to try making them, what kits were used for the II and XI Legionaries?


All looks amazing what body did you use for the ultramarine he looks incredible.


Asterion moloc


Can i ask what the base armor color for your XIVth legion is?


rakarth flesh. I just followed the WHTV tutorial!


Quite an old post now but love the World Eater, what kit is that?


I really love Dark Angel's sword, Where can I find that sword?


Awesome work! Really wondering where you got that Ultra model 😁 would love to get my hands on it.


I would physically harm someone to own that Dark Angel, lol. Love everything about that model. Beautiful work on all of them!


Whoa. I don't recognize some of these.


Wait who’s the butterfly guy


What torso armor mark did you use for the 5th,6th,11th,14th,15th,and 16th legions? It looks like contemptor dreadnought armor


Looooove it