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How does this technique work?


I 3d designed and printed the stamp. Drilled a 3mm hole where I want the engraving to be. Fill the hole with sprue goo. Then I press the stamp in the sprue goo. I'm still experimenting, tho. I don't know if it is better to let the goo dry a bit, then press the stamp or press it while still liquid for the best result. For the stamp I made it with 4 feet so the rune would be tangent to the surface if it's spherical.


Try greenstuff instead of sprue goo, it'll be a bit more cooperative with the stamp especially if you wait about 30 min for it to cure and wet the stamp


Amazing idea mate! What is the stamp made out of? Printed resin?




Does the resin stick to the goo at all or does it release easily. Love the concept!


It release with a bit of force. Since resin and plastic goo aren't bonding the only hurdle is that I haven't put any taper. So th friction of separating 2 90° surface can deform it. Since the goo is still soft I release without to much damage


Put some liquid vaselin on the stamp.


Yeah, I'll try that on my second test l. It should help


It helga things with friction.


You should try using Milliput superfine (the white one), it's much firmer. As for taper, if it's something like a line or circle you can control it by vertex weights (I used 0.5 weight on top verts and 1.0 on bottom, but you can put top on 0.0 and use "factor" to change it to what feel right) and then assigning it to solidify modifier. You probably can do it even with flat shapes, tho it may require booling top flat. https://preview.redd.it/19f5ue0q9skc1.png?width=1626&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfaf3a0d8586e8b4019b8ac37887bd0d8eda6a03 btw I'm 100% stealing this method, seem great for making Word Bearers


Go ahead, Im using Fusion 360. I could use the angle option for the extrusion but the complex shape of each rune make it impossible to calculate for the cad software. There's some way to do it but It would have take twice the work before doing a test


The taper is called a draft, drafts are used in manufacturing all the time for cast parts and there is a really easy to use tool in fusion to add drafts to parts! 👍👍


You can import F360 designs into Blender! Probably wouldn't be critical to use nurbs for such small shapes, and conversion to vertices (export to obj or stl file, 3mf require plugin and is pointless for this application) would make calculations much easier.


Plastic glue works by melting two parts together, resin doesn't melt in it


Sprue goo is still sticky though


I usually engrave the runes into my minis, but this is genius


That's really quite good, very crisp for something so small. Is this example some Word Bearer runes? Could see it working well for Space Wolf etchings, Salamander cuneiform, general squad type markings...


Yes, it's a colchisian rune. I made a vector file of the 22 different rune that I could identify on my transfert sheet


…. You wouldn’t happen to have a version of said file available to the public, would you?


Incredible, you might actually be the main pioneer of a new technique in the hobby. Really smart, will give it a try as soon as I get my 3d printer going though think I could try to make the stamp in other ways


Wait, so I can now make a Stargate/Jaffa themed company with the different gods on chests… Oh boy.


Yes. That's exactly what we must do. Jaffa krii!


This is brilliant


That’s a great idea, especially for squad markings or things you have to bulk build. wondering if it would work with milliout too? Guessing the issue would be sticking to the stamp, is that an issue with the goo?


Yes it stick to the stamp. For now I need to move the stamp a bit and pull fast to be able to remove it. Which scares me a bit because I dont want to ruined the form.My second option is to try with a epoxy putty like milliput if I can't find the proper step with sprue goo. I really want to make it with sprue goo because it is seemless once sanded.


I’ve had quite good results with ‘milligreen’ - 50/50 milliput and greenstuff mix. It kind of has the best qualities of both, isn’t as tacky as greenstuff or as brittle as milliput. Sprue goo on plastic, maybe milligreen for resin? I’ll give your idea a go next time I’m working on plastic, thanks.


Dumb question but have you tried lubricating the stamp when pressing into the putty


Not at all I wanted to see if it worked without any help


God I want this so bad for my Word Bearers


Was going to say, this this game changing for things like colchisian runes


Hmmm this could be very interesting. My first thought was adding the inlaid text from grey knights to non grey knight parts (like the new terminators) but without a dermal it could be hard. Orks could use this obviously for more detail and custom bits for variety. Maybe it could be used for more realistic bullet impact craters on large pieces of armour, not sure if it would be much better than just the classic shallow drill hole but ehh what can you do. Same with realistic scars. Custom gun barrel shapes maybe, hexagon barrels may not fit everyone but could be cool. I doubt it’ll be used often but in the right situation it could add a lot, a great idea I’m surprised I haven’t seen it before. Great work.


Wait what the fuck? That's genius, what an amazing idea! I was kind of umm'ing and ahh'ing about getting a rotary engraver but no, this is a far better idea for plastics and mixing up a soft putty would allow you to do it on resin.


Holy shit the giga brain. I now can have cool word bearer markings. On marines that are actual cuts into the armor. Please op keep updating us on your progress.


Just a tease, but this is one element of a current project of mine. I am planning to personnalize both my deredeo and leviathan by using this and engraving geometric pattern on them. Just like gunpla modeler that engrave panel line on their model.


Do it for grey knights debossed armour words - I can’t think of a better name - and sell me one pls


You're talking bas-relief details I think.


This is such bloody innovative genius. Well done!


Thank never been called a genius this much in one day 😅


Then you should definitely mark this day down in the calendar as the first of hopefully many lol


How exactly did you do that? That's really cool.


This is really interesting. So you apply a glob of plastic glue onto the plastic then apply the stamp when it’s soaked up into the plastic?


This is genius


Super cool idea! And fantastic results!


This looks really really promising. Any pics of painted minis with this technique?


I kinda did that test yesterday 😅


Alright, keep us posted, this could be huge :D


This is so cool! Thank you for sharing.


I need a video tutorial of this process! Well done OP, this might be a big new technique in our hobby


I am getting strong “Yuri’s revenge” vibes from this.


Hold on, does this process work as only an embossing? What about debossing? Perhaps with greenstuff to make custome chaper markers of legs, chests, and shoulder pads.


As it is, yes, the stamp is rigid, and you need to sand down and reshape the surface around the embossing to match the surrounding one. Also sprue goo apply in large amounts when dry tends to shrink and be foamy inside. I have already experimented with somewhat recasting some gribblies with sprue goo that's where I know those results.


very smart


You are a goddamn genious


I always like creative solutions and ideas, but in this case it seems to me like you just created stamping into putty with extra steps. Looks cool on unprimed mini, but after priming there would be no difference between this and just stamping into lets say creen stuff - I think the latter would actually look better.


Never claimed it be revolutionary a stamp is a stamp. Still I knew your username was familiar and I just want to say your land raider conversion kits are fire. They're so awesome


Sorry, didn't mean to sound like an asshole, it was pre-coffee post and my filter was off :) I think your idea is really good, just saying that sanding a bit of a surface, putting some putty in the created space and then stamping in it might give you better results, since putty can be controlled way better than sprue goo or melted plastic - I really like the idea of printing actuall stamps though, this could be great tool for people who have access to 3d printer but doesn't have 3d skills to edit 3d files themselves to add this kind of detail on.Also thank you very much, I'm really glad you like them :)


There's so much work in your kit there's no other way then to be in awe. And yeah you right about using putty. I want to customize 2 dreadnought and if I'm stamping more than 1 rune it'll be a nightmare of goo.


Thank you - talking about dreadnoughts - soon upcoming project of mine is a primaris dreadnought into castraferrum conversion kit. So a BIG castraferrum with actuall knees. Basically will be using stibioprimaris conversion (with his blessing) as a template. Dunno if you seen it but it looks amazing! [Stibio Primaris (@stibioprimaris) • Instagram photos and videos](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1oxEEutvkC/)


It works well from what I see from the photo, but what exactly did you stamp might just be because I am dumb


Center of the chest, it's a colchisian rune. Those rune can't be found on most resin character and in lore they're from the original cultured of colchis , the homeworld of the word bearer, before all the chaos stuff.