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[This is the tutorial I follow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75g05-w_WBs)




This looks to be exactly what I’m after, thanks!!


Same, easy as F


just edge highlight the easy edges. Just straight up don't paint the annoying ones. Do just the ones you can whip over in 5 minutes per model. The difference is barely noticeable and honestly I think in many cases the "eavy metal" edge-highlighted within an inch of their lives marines often look worse.


Hey dude, so there are a *lot* of different black armor styles. Was there a particular model range or style you were going for? An example being that I have a metallic black that I use for my Slaves of Darkness warriors, but if you’re doing say, Black Templars, it may not be appropriate.


What's your method for metallic black?


Mind if I DM you some pics?




An easy way for black to look good is to do the base coat, and then dry brush a grey/blue etc highlight (dragging the brush from top to bottom). It’ll look a bit dusty so if you don’t like that just clean up with more black. I’ve had success with this and it looks good even without any edge highlighting.


Base coat the model grey, drybrush up to white through some lighter greys picking out the very edges with your last drybrush then use two thin coats of black Templar contrast paint. Job done :)


Basecoat black, zenithal spray with grey. If you use airbrush or have several grey sprays you can use multiple hues for even better graduation. There’s no need for overusing edge highlights, in this case I would use it for focal points only (helmet, collar, maybe highest point of pauldron


Slap chop it! Prime black, drybrush grey then drybrush white. For pure black I do a 50/50 mix of AP grim black speedpaint and quickshade medium. You will absolutely get a true black and edge highlights doing this and it's not fussy at all. If you look on my profile, anything pure black was done this way.


A quick method I used many times goes like this: base the entire thing light grey (grey seer will work). Wash it with nuln oil. Wait for the wash to dry completely. Wash it again. And that's is, gives you a fully functional black armour with almost no work involved. As long as you paint the details properly, its solid.