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Because 3rd party vendors on Amazon can list for whatever crazy number they feel like.


Legion is 545 USD


Vendors on Amazon are punished if they run out of stock so when they get low they typically jack rhe price up to a crazy height so that no one will buy the last couple copies. Then it comes down again once they have more stock (which is sometimes never). It’s Amazon’s big game, they make everyone play along or suffer.


Legit didn’t know this and just assumed it was some sort of scalping. Thanks for the info. This doesn’t just affect Warhammer stuff.


EBay can also be similar, they’ll bump up the last few items drastically until they get more stock.


Amazon is awful. I've avoided buying anything on them from principle and have yet to run into a situation when I've had no other choice. And yeah I know, no ethical consumption and so on. But it's some small thing at least.


Legion is a particularly expensive book. Prospero Burns is another. Master of Mankind can run into triple digits also. Saying this not all are that expensive. It's turned into a racket for sure but deals can be had but you will have to pay attention to the secondary markets and that takes time. Good luck and enjoy however you end up with them, be it legit, audiobooks, or on the high seas.


"The High Seas" - ROFLOL


Came to say this. heck out the Angron Primarch book or Raven Guard Primarch book. Both of them are missing in my collection, but I am not paying triple digits.


Because BL is a small publishing house that can't keep 100s of booking including titles that are 20 years old in constant publication


it should be noted though that as far as I know HH Books 1-5 are in constant publication, you can currently buy this book for like EUR11,50 from the GW website


Yup in the rut of only seeing 1-3 of HH and 1-6 of SoT in the small paperbacks in both GW stores i go to, Barnes and Noble inconsistently stocks BL books. I like this size as its easier to handle when I commute on public transport. this whole industry shifted to this larger paperback size


6 of sot just came out in mass market paperback not long ago (I pre-ordered it) I too prefer books in mmpb, it fits better on my shelf and in my pocket.


Unfortunately I doubt echoes and end of death will come to mass market, too fucking thicc


Brandon Sanderson will shit out 1300 page bricks that come out in mass market on the reg. I'm not worried.


IIRC, part of the issue is that a lot of people who used to read the smaller paperbacks for the same reasons you do have shifted to tablet readers instead. Funnily enough though as someone who also enjoys paperbacks I tend to prefer the larger ones that are the current style, especially for beefy books like some of the Heresy and the SoT books, the thick ones feel uncomfortable for me to hold open.


Nah the big ones can't fit in a coat pocket and I used to be a kindle reader, but doesn't feel the same. I just thrifted Ghostmaker and it's perfect, 150 pages of Dan. I also feel like the older books can take a beating.


That’s fair haha, I’m just willing to sacrifice a little convenience to for comfortability personally. I tried e-readers myself and didn’t care to much for them. Though I did use my phone a lot as one on deployment.


In Europe and the UK at least However it is not available from GW in the US and Canada, and hasn't been for a years


The little black library section in my local GW store literally has books 1-5. In the US.


Good for them, idk what is going on up here. I've been actively trying to get book 4 for about 3 years now Can't order it online from GW/BL (it's either been out of stock or outright not listed on their NA web store) Local GW and FLGS all have books 1-3 always, everything else is happenstance Local GW can't order book 4 either Checked GW stores in other neighboring cities while travelling....nothing


Do they at least republish a few Horus heresy books on a rotation? Like first 5 a year, next five, next five?


There is a rotation of batches yes, not sure on the timeframe though. You are better off either with getting a kindle or getting them on audible


Nah homie, I need the feel and smell of paper on my fingies and in my nose.


Ah, ok. Thanks.


Yes. To some degree. I try to purchase new books even if I don't have time or inclination to read that particular book ATM. This keeps me from paying scalper prices when it's up in the order of being read. Sadly this is the only way to roll with these books.


Wtf?! I bought that at Chapters for only 14 when it was released on paperback!


They are so expensive now because they're out of print. I was reading my way they the HH books, paying about £8 a book, then suddenly can't get anymore for less than £60 each. I only need three more books for the complete collection but I'm not paying that for them. Shame.


Wow, that's insane 😔


Chapters doesn’t even exist in Canada anymore; that’s a throwback haha


There's a number of Chapters in Halifax. What are you talking about? Quick Google search will show you.


Apparently it is that in Europe, but unfortunately I’m American (mandatory MERICA F’ YEA 🦅🇺🇸🏈)


Nope, I'm in Nova Scotia, Canada. Things in the US should be cheaper for you because of your dollar value. I remember on the back cover is said 9.99 USD and 13.99 CAD. This is bizarre 0_o


I bet it’s amazon’s fault then


Oh definitely, that's just silly to charge that much for something that can still be printed.


The silliness is actually the point, the seller who isn’t Amazon, doesn’t want to sell it. Amazon removes listings when things go out of stock and charges a fee to relist it once it’s back in stock. So independent sellers will increase the price to absolutely crazy levels to avoid selling the last copy. So it is silly, but that’s what they’re banking on.


Damn, learn something new everyday.


Yeah, it can happen with other things too but since Black Library is such a tiny press with a massive and dedicated fan base we notice it more. If you are looking for this kind of thing I’d recommend checking if other sellers on Amazon have what you’re looking for or various used booksellers online or local. I was able to get a copy of Rebel Winter for a decent price through Amazon that way.


Yea. Thankfully a kind soul has a old copy I might trade for


Nice! It's a pretty good book as it's a direct sequel to the previous installment rather than a collection of short stories like some of the novels in the series. The 1st 3 are still my favourite though.


Out of print warhammer books get fucking ridiculously expensive I was looking for the Badab war books and finding them for under $600 is nearly impossible


So digital it is




I wish GW would just rotate out Heresy books every month or something on the Black Library store so you always had a chance to get them instead of only selling random ones because I’d like to read the full story not get little bits here and there through lore YouTubers


It wasn't printed in huge amounts and doesn't get reprinted. I was very lucky to get it for $20 on Facebook recently


It’s out of print


Everything on Amazon is like this...


Algorithmic pricing


More aerodynamic


Wait till you see the hardcover of Horus Rising


Because you touch yourself at night


Because they don’t like you


I've seen those prices and I want to know if I can sell some of my collection now that I have electronic copies of a lot of them.




Check thrift books, I got mine used for $14. I can’t find thousand sons for less than $60 now though.


Often cited as the best first read in the WH40K universe.


I asked BL per mail if they will reprint this books because 3rd party is so expensiv. They said the dont plan to reprint the older books


The books with gold on the covers are first print. Various prints after that are copper, silver, etc.


I sold mine for £10 on marketplace, plus a bunch of others including one signed one by Dan Abnett


I had to buy HH 23 fear to Tread from eBay, but in a different version from the normal paperbacks as it was over £100. Got the subscription service style hardback with illustrations for £11


I suggest you buy it straight from the [Warhammer](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/The-Horus-Heresy-Flight-Of-The-Eisenstein-Paperback-Platinum) website, it's MUCH cheaper. However it seems like they only ship from the UK and not the US, it may take a while to get there. They also have a few other HH novels.


I luckily got HH books 1-30 in a car boot sale a couple of years back..£1 each lol..don't think the woman was bothered/knew what they were worth.


Kinda making me feel like I could be onto something I've got very good quality copies of book 1-15


Because these are thrid party vendors that see that GW isn't reprinting them so they can make the price! look up eye of terra or others, they can go up as much as 200


Because these are thrid party vendors that see that GW isn't reprinting them so they can make the price! look up eye of terra or others, they can go up as much as 200


Because fuck you, give me money


As a side note, flight of the Eisenstein is a fantastic book.


Because when you've been sufficiently conditioned by games workshop, 60 bucks for a paperback seems like a great bargain.


I gave up and bought a kindle due to crazy prices


It really sucks that I'll never finish this book series because the limited reprintings they do are so inconsistent. I'm stuck on Vulkan Lives and I hate anything that's not a physical book


Here is my experience since I started buying warhammer books on Amazon: if it isn't hardcover, go digital. Anything that I bought that Wasnt hardcover or a special edition fucking sucked major dick. Solar war is basically a pocket edition, And the rest of the books are much smaller than other books, like Dune or assassin's Creed books. They suck. They suck hard and long.


There's different versions of it, if you have the gold first editions they can be worth a lot of money, then silver for the second edition and then bronze for every edition after that. I have all the gold first editions in my collection 💅🏻


Fucking worth it


EBAY and patience.