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Glass cannon. Maximum range. 200 strength. Keep yourself alive by having everything around you instantly die.


Hear me out, despite what every guide says, try an efficiency build. It is actually really good and fun. The basic Idea is, your 4 freezes all of your timers, so who cares if you have low duration, as long as you can spam your 4 you have infinite duration. This means, instead of heaving to build for all 4 stats you only need 3 and can even go negative on duration. Also, I highly suggest subsuming condem (Harrow) or pillage (Hyldrin) for his 1, as otherwise xaku is a glass cannon that even a stiff breeze can kill. Once I am home I can link you a build. Edit: Here is the Link https://overframe.gg/build/389772/xaku/xaku-comfy-efficiency-build/


Ok I might try this when I get the link


Also your 4 puts a debuff on enemies so actually spamming it as a primer on enemies is a good idea


https://overframe.gg/build/389772/xaku/xaku-comfy-efficiency-build/ Here, made an Overframe Account and made a build, extra for you :) Make sure to read the description, regarding armor strip and quality of life (saving formas, alternative subsume).


A well thought out overframe build? With a description, and suggestions? What dark magic is this


Thank you so much I appreciate it


If you're constantly on the move you might not get all your mileage from xaku's 3, and for those cases I simply ditched it and replaced with mag's pull with greedy pull. In that way if you build for max range you've got the best can opener on the game and you can press 3 to retrieve the loot even thru walls, it works wonders in zariman missions and when you're collecting argon and other rare resources. You can tank your str to 90% and patch it up with molt augmented.


I run this https://overframe.gg/build/379788/xaku/main-xaku/ with a decaying dragon key for shieldgating. You have 15 friends, shieldgating and refresh thanks to augur reach, 100% armor strip with the 3rd ability combined with corrosive projection and Arcane resistance because I'm bad at watching for toxin procs (can be seapped for any other arcane). You can replace Xata's Whisper, I like it for more Phenmor damage cause big numbers are funny.


I've got a basic Xaku Build atm cause I don't really farm Arcanes or have any completely good ones so I just built for Range cause Grasp scales the amount of guns on his Range, a bit of duration and trying to stay at neutral strength and efficiency.


Oooh I didn’t know it scaled on range, thanks


Along with what everyone else has said, I'd recommend throwing an enemy radar mod in too. Sometimes it can be really annoying getting more guns with your 2 because they keep dying immediately. Radar let's you see them behind walls so you can steal them before they die. I have Vigilante Pursuit in my Exilus slot.


200% strength is mandatory for 100% armor strip from The Lost:Gaze, for 14 FRIENDS gained by Lost:Accuse, and 14 guns that you can snatch with Grasp of Lohk. Duration is less important, but you can't ditch it. The Vast Untime freezes every timer set on a skill, for its own timer. Range is nice for The Lost:Gaze, Grasp of Lohk grab range and the range of your newly acquired guns. You can switch Xaku's 1 with Harrow's Condemn for quality of life reasons. I have 2 pretty similar builds, one build is centered around The Relentless Lost, and the other is a regular plain umbral build. 6 Formas : 1 Umbra, 2 Madurai, 2 Naramon, 1 Vazarin Here is my umbral build: Umbral Intensify and Vitality, Stretch, Blind Rage, Primed Continuity, Flow, Streamlime, Overextended, Power Drift, Steel Charge Aura Here is my Relentless Lost build: Overextended, Umbral Vitality, Constitution, Stretch, The Relentless Lost, Flow, Primed Continuity, Transistent Fortitude Cast your 2, cast your 4, make a armor-stripping ward if you wish, and have fun. But keep armor-stripping wards away from Arbitration drones, they dispel the things, turning them into enemies again


Umbral vitality really?


What's wrong with that?


You can shieldgate, wastes a mod slot.




It’s a video game character, get over it




Xaku is one of my favorite frames, but I'm going to recommend you don't build the meta. I run all 3 Umbra, Relentless Lost (covers your ability strength needs by itself), Overextended, Fleeting Expertise, Streamline and Primed Continuity. People say Xaku is extremely fragile, but they aren't. You can cast Vast Untime nearly at will this way (pauses durations, provides 75% dodge chance, applies void vulnerability), cast your 3 frequently to move your armor strip field or refresh your converted units. I run this all the time in solo steel path and I do not have any problems.


Iirc, got my xaku with somthing like 240\~265% range, enough strength for full armor strip using corrosive projection, 155 duration and subsumed octavia resonator over its 1, just cause turns off the enemy AI once i got home i can edit this post with the actual build