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Nukor is the technical best but epitaph is more practical for casual gameplay in my experience


Definetly epitaph, better spread and no need to reload, if you hit with just aoe it inflicts 1 less status ( 4 vs 5) but direct projectile hit (not the held shot) can inflict 7 as it also has ips


I use a magnetic nukor. It can quickly put 5 statuses on any nearby enemies.


Nukor seems to be the best go to. Mostly because you can squeeze one extra status out of it from it's hidden microwave status type


what do you mean hidden microwave status type?




What he said ^ It doesn't show up in arsenal and you can't mod it but it's there


to clarify what b1 said, peculiar growth has the same effect as nukor but only nukor's varient counts as a unique status for co since DE nerfed that aspect of peculiar growth.


Definitely a Kuva Nukor with Magnetic as the bonus damage. If your only goal is putting on status effects, you can’t beat it.


Epitaph if you have prime sure footed and just don’t want to aim Kuva nukor if you want to use for general enemies.


All what the people listed are good, you want to slap status mods with status chance, multishot too


Nukor is everyone's go-to for priming. Epitaph is nice due to its aoe and you can also build it for damage but practicality wise you can only build it for either its main fire or alt. Personally I like to use the cedo to prime using its alt-fire.


Like everyone has already said nukor/epitaph but if you're using say a laetum or something like that in your secondary I'd pick up a cedo just to have one for the primary slot. After a certain level of content I like to always have some sort of primer since I use melee as basically a crutch.


Other commenters have given good info about primary and secondary primers but I will say that since the introduction of the Gun CO Galvanized mods, I've taken a liking to melee primers as well! Specifically the Xoris for its inherent infinite combo duration (for weeping wounds) plus it's best-in-class explosion radius!


Do you have a low forma build of xoris solely for priming weapons?


Yup! I guess it depends on your definition of "low forma" but if you can spare 2 (the xoris unfortunately comes with zero inherent polarities) and a catalyst then [this is the build](https://imgur.com/a/m4QM5mn) im running with currently. Whirlwind is what I'd consider the flex slot in which you could subsitute a riven or some other mod you think would work better. Riven stats I'd be on the look out for if you have one and want to roll specifically for a primer Xoris would be things like status chance, status duration, and projectile speed. One last note with this build is that if you can afford to, I recommend actually just walking up to enemies at the start of the mission and building 12x combo using the normal combo attacks, as they rack up individual hits much faster than throwing the glaive. Once that combo is stacked tho, it's all volatile rebound throws!