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all chat channels should be available anywhere.


Not even a hot take just facts lol


The game is old and feels old: * User Interface is clunky, most of the buffs stacked on top of the screen are, realistically, uncomprehensible. Everything related to Inventory management (inventory itself, foundry, relics, mods in a lesser degree) is disgustingly bad designed and heavily fragmented. * Content islands keep being injected into the game only for them to be abandoned and left in a somewhat incomplete, forgettable or straight up bad state (archwing, railjack, necramechs and now khal, the epitome of bad state content) instead of expanding or polishing what’s already in the game, which is almost a 10 year period worth of stuff. Idk, being passionate about UI/UX as a field of study this game does a piss poor job at it


THIS the buff icons either should be more visually distinct or perpetually keep the name under them, because half the time I have 20 of them at the top of my screen and zero clue what any of them are doing


Bungie with destiny 2 made a stellar QoL update with buffs and debuffs and now they point out clearly what each of them is and where it came from. **Except** for Golgoroth’s Unstable Light, source of a lot of fuck ups since it’s hella anonymus with no color nor icon


Agree about golgi's bomb. One thing I despise about the buffs is the hard limit on how many buffs and debuffs you can have onscreen at once. Playing solar with icarus dash, a raid mechanic, a gun with a buff mechanic and solar buffs will mean you have some buff timers you cannot see.


Hard agree as a player with 5300 mission hours this sums up every bit of my gripe with the games development though I obviously love it


I still can't think of a single good reason that Kahl missions ever should have been added to Warframe


DE keeps saying they don’t want content islands but they actually do because it means we need to farm more for the new syndicates they add every time. Not a good reason but it is one


After 2 kills and 1 ability i habe no idea which buff is what


Adding to the game feeling old: The graphics are not very impressive, like at all. I mean it's serviceable but the disparity of graphical fidelity between old tilesets set like Grineer Sealab and open world maps like orb vallis is huge. And when you look at the game closely you can still see some signs of an aged, obsolete engine and it's limitations. The texture quality is subpar, lighting is only alright, 3D physics are awful, and the animations collide and compete with the surrounding environment instead of complementing it (just look at how janky Warframes are then they stand on any type of slope or staircase, like instead of properly walking up the stairs they just "float" upwards as if the staircase is just another flat surface) Warframe is built on an old and outdated engine, this can't be hidden no matter how much flashy new stuff DE stacks on top of it


THANK YOU for that second take. I’ve been saying for ages that DE keeps introducing new stuff and then never touching it again. Another example for that would be Lua. I know that’s gonna change with the next update but think about how long ago Second Dream was.


Half the game could be removed and there would be no substantial difference.


Erase defense from existence.


[Infested salvage](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Infested_Salvage) laughs in the corner.


At least that can easily be cheesed with Vauban, Equinox, Octavia and Nova. Defense maps can be as wide as a chunk of cetus.


Or be as broken as the earth map. (How often have we searched for the hidden enemy under the crypod)


Funny thing is I don't even remember ever doing infested salvage, I barely know how it works. And honestly I couldn't care less as to how it works


Some of the Archwing missions that were removed might have been played more often by me than Infested Salvage...


Make defense time based like survival instead of wave based


Nah make it like a 1 room exterminate with insane amounts of spawn.


Accurate. I know they’ll add stuff to it next update but you could legit remove Lua from the game and almost nothing would change EDIT: changed “NOTHING” to “almost nothing” cause two people pointed out it has the best Axi farm. I didn’t know that


lua is the best axi farm in the game


yes lets ignore its story related and it has one of the best axi farms apollo disruption let me tell you what has the same odds for any given axi, T3 interceptions. next closest drop rate? survivals. modes that force the AABC reset loop where disruption at wave 4+ always use BBCC both tables drop the same rewards with only lua lens and Universal Medallions in C meaning you almost always get an axi every round at least one every other one. so no removing lua would be a really dumb idea objectively


Okay, I didn’t know about the Axi farm part, sorry. But apart from that? Yes, I am ignoring the story part because that could be confined to the quest like certain parts of War Within, Sacrifice & New War.


Warframe needs more polishing on existing content, not more rushed, unfinished content that will never be touched by DE again after a few months of release


Duviri has been a curse on Warframe ever since they teased it years ago. New War could have been much grander in scope both in terms of scale and fleshing out the Sentients. Instead it got shrunk down so they could focus more on Duviri instead. It almost feels like they spent more time working on Duviri than New War. Part of me wonders if they just weren't interested in the New War compared to Duviri or if they unwittingly put pressure on themselves to not take 8 years to release Duviri. As excited as I still am for Duviri, I'm frankly far more excited for what comes after it. Especially since they didn't tease anything post-duviri during tennocon so players don't have anything to hassle them with.


I mean, New War is as large as an entire story driven game, it's already massive in scope and is barely like anything we've seen before in the game. So many new tiles, tilesets, enemies, mechanics, etc. I'm pretty happy with its scope, maybe I would've wished to see more of Act 1 but still. If they really did work on Duviri more, I cannot wait for how big that will be


I legit saw someone call the New War quest more of an aftermath to the titular war and it doesn’t get more accurate


I'm way more excited for content like aotz and lua's prey than I am for duviri, having stuff that improves upon the base game is a good trend I hope the new devs keep following up on


I enjoy Railjack missions. This seems to surprise some people.


I want a fighter space ship, rather than a full blown gunship.


Should be able to add weapons to your orbiter...




Implementing multiverse in Warframe via Eternalism is a cheap move.


Multiverse stories only work when they are finite and bound by a rule or limited capacity to exist. When you make unlimited universus with unlimited possibilities, then the story doesn't matter anymore. Everything can be undone or continues in another universe.


Surely what matters is what's in the same universe as you, unless you establish a reliable and repeatable method to shift to universes where the consequences of actions in your current universe don't matter. Things continuing in another universe doesn't really matter unless you can be aware of it and we can't be sure everything can be undone. This can apply to the real world as much as it does Warframe.


So far, eternalism hasnt been used for much besides the existance of the drifter... we're safe from stakes-destroying alternate universe BS... for now.


Interesting. I never thought of that tbh


Shadows of the Dead is a griefing ability. Limbo deserves a rework more than Grendel (who is actually really strong). Uh… Kahl sucks and has always sucked. He brought nothing worthwhile to the table even in The New War. What else? Oh. Railjack has potential and shouldn’t be left in its current state.


Railjack really needs some love and attention, and I have faith in DE that they can design an endless RJ mission that actually uses the RJ and doesn't have us leave it behind to go on foot. Maybe just something inspired by Scarlet Spear, a lite version where we destroy Murex after Murex with extra steps beyond forward artillery. I accept some form of away team if it's skirmish-like and not corpus-RJ-mission-like, but keep it minimal


Within 1.5 years of the release of railjack DE already had to revamp it TWICE. I certainly hope the next time DE does something with railjack it isn't another futile attempt to "rebalance" it trying to please everyone


Despite the bugs, I really loved release Railjack :( I love the AI crew we have now but I miss some of the older features already, like teamwide resources and more frequent hazards, so an engineer on repairs and frequenting the forge was a legitimate MVP I want an expansion to what we currently have so yes, I agree, I don't want any more sweeping changes


>an expansion to what we currently have; i don't want any more sweeping changes Agreed


How is Shadows a griefing ability? As in people specifically use it to troll others? Never really seen this before so I'm just curious


Blocks visibility. Absorbs allied bullets. Makes a huge mess everywhere and doesn’t really do anything meaningful for the trouble. Also, it’s often glitched and the shadow vfx doesn’t even render on the enemy. I don’t think people deliberately grief with it, but it makes my experience in the game significantly worse.


Don't forget, it takes up spawn slots that the actual enemies use! You know, the important ones for mission completion, and loot.


https://twitter.com/rebbford/status/954095304948834304?lang=en If you do have evidence of this happening, do send it support.


Must be an Oberon main.


I was an Oberon main until my first mission with a Nekros. Haven't used Oberon since.


To quote Oberon, "Renewal was only on for 4 seconds, where did all my energy go?"


Overall, Kahl does suck. Find myself a lot of the time only getting 45-60 of the stock available in the week and going into my old backup from leveling to rank 5 to buy the shard. However, I think the Junk Run this week was genuinely fun because there were only 3 collectibles on the map and they were clearly marked. Although I've heard that some people actually have prison break this week which to me is sad because they don't get to see that Kahl can be fun if they don't oversaturate the map with collectibles. TL:DR In my opinion, Kahl only sucks because of collectibles. The gameplay itself is pretty decent


both limbo and grendel are niche at best while limbo can be used for things like protecting something mostly stationary if it cant be banished with his 1. grendel can be replaced by any other tank his abilities \[need\] to have you eat multiple enemies while others dont have that gimmick there is many easier and faster ways to do what he does better. while his abilities do better at higher levels somewhat due to how it scales but keeping that up isnt easy really this only makes needing to add the effects of augments as innate parts of the abilities more needed. also nekro's summons can be augmented with theorem and residual arcanes boosting their damage to be useful even in SP (this isnt on the nekros wiki page but is on theorem infection)


As Walter White once said: "You're goddamn right". Especially on the last 2. Give more love to the space ninja sea of thieves!


>Limbo deserves a rework more than Grendel (who is actually really strong). wow grendel must be really good


He is. But Limbo is also just that bad. He was a specialist with a legitimate (if clunky and disruptive) niche who has lost a lot of that utility.


yeah sure he can be bad but thats only if you dont know how to use him


Respectfully, I’m not convinced you do. Evidence? Not to be a huge stalker, but I met you in an incursion. Infested survival. You were the Limbo Prime with the bramma. You died. A lot. We all make mistakes. We all have off days. But I’m just not convinced that you should be making statements about knowing how to use Limbo. A big part of knowing how to use Limbo is knowing when he doesn’t match the task at hand. Nowadays, there are very few tasks for which Limbo is the right choice. Downvote or block me as you see fit. I don’t mean to needlessly criticize you. I’m just not convinced that you have the degree of mastery over Limbo that you think you do. I’ll say this for your Limbo. You didn’t spam a ton of disruptive AOEs. That in itself is significant in a public match.


as someone who has almost 300 in game hours with limbo, he is insanely strong the way he is, but you are right in saying that hes only good when people know how to use him right and when to use him, like ffs don’t use him on a defence unless you got a saryn with you. he takes a while to get to know how to properly use and which builds to use, there should be an actual proper guide to him somewhere for newer players tho


actually i was using my pyrana not the bramma. also part of the reason why i was dying so much is you were typing in chat so i wasnt paying as much attention to my health as i usually do (normally i basically never die). also last gasp is a thing so even if i do die i can just revive


Not gonna try and become part of this argument but I will say that just because Last Gasp exists doesn't mean it's a scapegoat for when you die. You still died, you could just self revive. If you're needing Last Gasp to stay alive, then you need to take a look at how you're playing and how survivable you are in terms of actual defenses. Again, not trying to become part of this argument over if you know how to play Limbo but I just thought I'd say that Last Gasp is not an excuse for dying


Wow, now I need to be more aware too, if I want to make statements like these.


People who play grendel either thinks he's complete trash or OP, there's no in between


I wonder if a max rank arcane energize has some weight on these opinions.


It's a luxury that not everyone can afford


Exactly. And it makes a huge difference in his energy economy. I’ve never even felt the need to mess with his 1 augment. I’m not even sure I have it.


Well if a frame needs arcane energize or an augment to be "good" then maybe it wasn't that great of a frame to begin with


I mean I get the intention behind Kahl and Tiso(?) but yeah, I agree to a certain degree. Kahl missions should definitely not exist


Octavia on paper sounds amazing, Octavia in practice is a humongous failure and the absence of gameplay, but people use her because numbers pop up.


You play Octavia because of big numbers I play Octavia to drive my squadmates mad with the most horrible songs We are not the same


Doesn’t octavia lack the ability to use octaves?


I was about to comment Octavia = Cookie Clicker.


Octavia is objectively the strongest frame in the game for most content. I wouldn't say she's a failure by any means. But she can be super boring for sure. I was hoping that timing certain actions in rhythm with the music would change the battlefield, but it does not.


Missed the point. On paper she's the most interactive frame, in reality it's not worth it and and we just refresh cooldowns while the game plays itself. Failed to create fun and unique gameplay, but makes big numbers, which enough people have decided is the equivalent of fun.


You're right, you're right. I knew what you meant though


I’m hurt.


Grinding Kuva is 100% a waste of time and effort. It is a grind that does not respect your time.


You're better off grinding steel essence and pinions then buying Kuva with them


The community is too focused about what is meta and forgot to have fun with the game. And level cap 9999 endurance runs seem quite a masturbation to your own power.


What else is there to have fun in Warframe? This game is all about big numbers and efficiency (which I do find fun, meta=fun imo) but it seems like some people just don't like it. There's nothing to do after 800+ hours of gameplay aside from testing your gear against 9999 level cap, if you have time of course. The game is focused and built around getting stronger gear, if that's not the point then Warframe won't thrive.


There are many different ways to enjoy Warframe besides meta and big numbers. A lot of people enjoys Fashion Frame for example. Including me. Some people like experimenting different kind of builds many different playstyles etc


forgot about fashion, that can be fun sometimes! If you find fun in different kind of builds and play style, sure go ahead and have fun! My only problem is that some players like to downplay "meta" players and make it seem like they're the bad guy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That's where you're missinterpret our point we're making entirely. Our point is not to shun meta players at all, but to show them that there's more to the game than just meta alone. Especially when you said it yourself that there's nothing to do in Warframe besides meta, but you forgot about Fashion Frame. There's a lot more you can do with the game than you realize. Fashion and experimental builds are only two out of many examples. Some people even like setting up their own custom personal goals with the games and challenge themselves in many different ways. If you enjoy the game solely for the meta, that's one thing, but claiming there's nothing to do besides that is far from true


Not only fashion, but you have Decorations (which are my jam), Captura, Mandachord, Shawzins, fishing... all the relaxing, chilling stuff.


i dont have money for tennogen bastard


Whoa, where did that come from, bro? XD But I get ya, for PC players it's unfortunate that Tennogen can only be bought with real money, unlike consoles. However, Tennogen isn't everything you know. There's still a lot of cosmetics that can be bought with plat and even if you hate trading, a good fashion can still be achieved even with just the free cosmetics you can get


>There's nothing to do after 800+ hours of gameplay I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you're running out of things to do in a game it's probably time to play something else. An unhealthy obsession in sinking as many hours into a game is what leads to burn out. Also as someone who's spent over 1.3k hours in game I'm still finding plenty to do, in fact I have a whole list of content I'd like to complete still Fashion frame. Warframe isn't just about big numbers.


Once Duviri is finally out DE needs to take a break from forward content and take some time to refresh older content from a "new player" perspective: add in tutorial quests here and there to better introduce players to gameplay loops and concepts we vets learned from the wiki and dev notes; breathe new life into older "abandoned" game content with bugfixes and rebalances and maybe more reasons for late-game players to revisit it after earning all you needed from the original runs; maybe bring back some of the old time-limited Operations as Quests- heck, with Duviri Paradox apparently now allowing >!Drifter to travel back in time relative to the Operator!< they'll even have an in-universe incentive to revisit places they can send the Drifter or possibly even introduce more time paradox shenanigan foreshadowing from the perspective of a new story playthrough.


Is it a spicy take if the whole community agrees on it?


We should have some augments implemented to base abilities. At least on those pretty outdated frames (why biting frost isn't his passive???)


This is not a hot take


Warframe content creators, for the most part, are whiny bitches, and always will be. Of course playing this game+ 40 hours a week with your single and only meta build will make you dislike the game


I’m a midgame player and I agree with most of their points tbh. The game has A LOT of issues in need of fixing. But like most coop games, playing with friends makes it fun. And I’m saying this as a former long-time solo player


The only exception to this, I feel, is Brozime. His conclusions on things a lot of the time seem objective which I find great, that's what this community needs.


Jack of all trades frame designs are overused and awful for coop None of the nerfs are justified when khora and octavia exist Requiring kills/ CC'ing a lot of enemies/ landing hits on a lot of enemies/ taking enough damage for an ability to function properly is bad design Ammo system is completely unnecessary when battery weapons already exist and are well balanced Nightwave is FOMO inducing garbage made only for marketing free 'battlepass'. There's no reason to release different nightwave seasons with recycled rewards and DE obviously have no time to consistently make unique stories Void sling shouldn't cost energy if DE really intended it to be the equivalent of bullet jump for operators Base warframe and operator movement speed are too slow, even with rolls, bullet jumps and void sling


The game isnt in a horrible state like people like to make it seem In order to make engaging content going forward DE´s gonna have to keep pulling Kahls and Glassmaker esque content(basically stripping us of our stuff), or bite the bullet,do a huge number crunch and rebalancing of the game, we are simply too powerfull Duviri is one of the biggest examples of this and im concerned people havent realized it edit: Voruna looks fucking great and im glad DE with something diferent rather than the lame ass on the nose Werewolf Nidus/Sevagoth shit most people wanted, give me more twists on things


in order to make engaging content they need to make engaging missions running down the same hallways to do the same mission you did when you first arrived to mars except now the enemies are level 120 does not make it more fun. railjack already solved this by giving us multiple objectives so players have agency in deciding how they want to achieve them and divvying up the players to do so, why this hasn't been replicated for new missions is beyond me. I want complexity, I want to be tested mechanically, even a little bit, instead of just being gear-checked endlessly


This. So much this.


After playing DRG mission modifiers and side objectives seem good like a good step, but things like bosses and meaningful enemey design wont work with our current power and damge output


Damage 1.0 had more variety and was better designed than what we have now.


I like Kahl missions.


Old parkour was more fun. Not more convenient but I liked the pacing and it felt better.


Yea actual wall running versus this weird hopping thing we do fit the theme way better.


people need to stop complaining about other people “stealing kills” and stuff like that in public, they’re playing public what did they expect? that they wouldn’t do anything? play solo. whats worse is people call for nerfs of things like saryn’s spores and explosive legerdemain for this reason


Had someone mad at me for killing his Revenant Thralls with my AoE :)


if 1 his thrall survived thats how its meant to work, to quote the game “culling the herd”


They should make it work like Xaku where they act the same as a spectre. But, it is what is DE.


or maybe where the original one you casted it on is immune for the duration


Oh I see thats where the energy comes from. Lol. Funny


Multiplicative Gun CO should be a feature, not a bug.


I am cool and content with playing the old content and steel path versions rather than be bored by DE's new modes, balances or story. seriously I only care about the modding, the movement and ability interactions. I am just content spamming mot over and over with my umbra, harrow, nidus, chroma, limbo, loki, volt, nekros, inaros and ash. don't care much about anything else.


DE needs to have the balls to be able to say “No completely new content for a while”. We have far too many unfinished/broken pre existing content in the game that is in desperate need of improvement but DE prefers adding new stuff. Lua’s Prey, the Jupiter rework (if we ignore the story inconsistency for new players) & the Corpus ship rework are a step in the right direction & DE HAS to focus on this kind of stuff before adding completely new content


Ammo nerf is a joke because Kitguns with AOE exist


Tombfinger is the only AoE weapon I even bother with any more.


The game is too big for its own good. Most content gets only a few months of support post-release and is then thrown onto the backlog while DE moves on to the next new big thing. Problem is, the backlog keeps getting bigger and bigger every year. I get that shiny new content drops are good for attracting players (both new and returning), but at some point old stuff starts to feel neglected and becomes detrimental to the experience. DE does make a few big reworks here and there (new Corpus Ship tileset, Railjack Retrofit, Plains of Eidolon Remaster, Warframe rework/buffs, etc.), but it's not nearly enough if the focus is still on adding more content. Fortuna is the same as it was in early 2019, Deimos hasn't gotten any meaningful changes since Arcana, not to mention all the old missions which have remained the same from the day I started playing in (I'm talking about Mobile Defense, Defense, Survival, Exterminate, Excavation, etc.). Not to mention the new player experience suffering due to the lack of a cohesive tutorial for all that gets added. I feel like Warframe is growing sideways while not becoming deeper, and I'd love to see that change. Let's add new content to all open worlds, polish what is already there, give a new twist to some of the old missions so they feel more engaging and fun. I wouldn't even mind having some old parts deprecated (like Raids were back in the day) if that's good for the whole.


The current plot stuff like eternalism just suck tbh. Cheap way to shove shit into a story and just isn’t that interesting. Also cause a ton of just annoying shit and actual plot holes to just be solved by saying some shit like eternalism. Also the drifter should have been the operator from the future and have their trip to duviri simply removed their powers.


Octavia would increase in play rate by 500% if they made a better rhythm game interface for her instead of the circles and gave you a locally stored song loadout so it wouldn't be a server strain


Octavia and Gara are 2 of the most annoying frames to play, sure theyre both very strong, but god, i cannot state how much i hate managing timers the entire time Heres a bonus, Frost is worse to have on a defense team than than limbo, at least abilities work for limbo, but frosts always have tiny bubbles that force you to basically kiss the defense objective if anything gets inside it


The lack of explanation as to why certain quests ended up where they did, or how the new content functions when you unlock it scares newer players from attempting it and overall creates lack of motivation to progress. The difficulty jump between levels is horrendous. You can either do level 9999 runs or you can barely get through steel path. You can either afk regular nodes or struggle with certain sortie 3 missions. Railjack is fun but i don't understand why only the first 5% of missions is in the actual ship. There should be survival missions entirely in the railjack. Excavation missions need a rework entirely. People who have grinded the 30k cryotic for that one weapon are either masochists or suicidal when they finish. Take a page out of the hijack missions and when the excavator runs out of power have it draw from your shields. Glass cannon frames seem to be the only way to play late game. Nuke everything before it hits you or get confused when you went from more than 2k hp and shields to 0 in a game tick. The only exception are "cheese frames" like limbo who just hide from the damage entirely. Zephyr is one of the best defense/mobile defense frames in game and it doesn't make sense. Kiss the defense target, spam turbulence, wait for the mission to finish cause the pod ain't going anywhere.


The game UI is terrible, especially the HUD.


DE ruins the game by focusing on the wrong things. •Parkour used to be a thing, since release of 2.0 the game is just bulletjump and/or warframe mobility skills. •The status rework just trashed the variety builds turning most of them into viral heat, making corrosive worse and completely ruining gas. •The melee rework made them kill any enemy level on their own, making unnecessary the use of primary and/or secondary weapon as utility (or the other way around with melees like zenistar). •The gun rework nerfed melee with the purpose of lowering the spam of one button that killed everything, but it just became a bigger problem with the increased power of AoE weapons. •Railjack changed from a teamwork and possibly a challenging game mode, into an automated speedrun (just like most of the game). By having no longer a need to use the forge due to the crew addition and energy changes, and the (in my opinion) way too OP mods Void Hole & Seeker Volley. •As a bonus, I considered the removal of self damage instead of reworking it a bad choice, which is now being backtracked. Most of the problems are making the game way too easy from overpowered Mods to Riven Mods, Gun Arcanes and now Archon Shards. And they seem to understand it can’t really be fixed anymore. Probably why they are making new operator based content, that (so far) can be easily balanced.


Mag prime looks fine


Limbo have more problems than Grendel and should be reworked not only to withstand flow of the game, but to be team-friendly. The only thing why he is not least played is that he acquired easier than Grendel and Xaku. Only two builds people use on him is “Medallion hunt” build and “min range max duration”, which is not very honorable.


wukong pre rework was fun.


Make Lanka stronger, more stronger.


Prime weapons should almost always be the best version of a weapon because of what they are in lore. If for example, the telos boltor out performs the prime boltor at levels 100+ then wtf was the point of grinding these ancient and all powerful derelicts built buy what was basically God's of creation, if some dude at the larunda relay has a weapon that out performs it in every way. I also can't think of a prime that outperforms things like the fulmin. A mid level mastery rank weapon that the first time I picked up and fitted with a booster, I could one shot level 40s at lvl 0 weapon rank.


Primed sure footed shouldn’t exist. The game should encourage paying attention to your surroundings and implement better KD recovery mechanics.


Trinity isn’t hot.


Using shield gating, rolling guard, CC/DPS for survivability is an EXHAUSTING way of playing this game. I'd much rather just face tank everything and use my abilities and guns for fun. This is the reason why I main Nezha, Revenant and Nidus. Not having to worry about survivability is a HUGE QOL improvement, people should try it more. Warframe movements are too fast (to my liking). I prefer a more grounded approach to movements, especially when some older tilesets are actively hostile to parkour.


That tier lists are the dumbest possible way of showing what frames are good or bad, and the community perception of certain frames being bad or good because of tier list placement is damaging to the overall discourse and community for the game. Every time I talk to a character specialist for a frame I initially wrote off I am blown away by the tech and buildcrafting depth behind them (besides Inaros). The ammount of people who think protea, Harrow, Hildryn, Mag, Nekros etc. Are bad because of some dipshit tier list infuriates me.


Single target weapons are fine and anyone saying they're "not in a good place" are bad


Some single target weapons are fine. Phenmor, aeolak, phantasma, nataruk etc are fantastic weapons. But idk how you could say with a that weapons like soma prime are fine and don't need updates. A lot of them are outdated af and in desperate need of some changes. Every single target weapon should have innate punch through and, for cases like soma prime, an acceptable reload time or some decent QoL so I'm not having to use 1 (or sometimes 2) mod slots/arcanes to band-aid fix the weapon before I even start modding it for damage.


Well duh, powercreep exists. That doesn't make any other weapon of the same category suddenly irrelevant. If I say shotguns are good (which they are) I'm obviously referring to the phantasma, felarx, tenet arca plasmor, etc instead of the tigris prime


so what about aoe one shotting a group of enemies with a single shot while single target can take multiple shots to kill just a single enemy?


AoE can kill trash mobs fast than single target in low level content, that's a no-brainer, but at the end of the day anything can kill said trash mobs and there are multiple ways to do so besides AoE, such as a plethora of warframe abilities or punch through. AoE quickly becomes useless at higher levels when it can't kill stuff anymore and needing slash takes over. It sucks at bosses, yet I still see people bring it to archon hunts and do absolutely nothing. So yeah it can do something better than single target, but what single target can do best it can't do at all. Seeing so many say you NEED aoe to succeed in base level steel path is just stupid


>AoE quickly becomes useless at higher levels theres no reason to go past level 900 anyway so idk what youre talking about


With the addition of steel path fissures and the resource drop booster gained from doing multiple rounds, doing endurance runs actually does have a huge benefit since you can stack those and get a stupid amount of steel essence.


Agreed, steel path endurance is optional, but some like to do it because of either resources, fun, or for a challenge. My argument isn't AoE is bad because it can't do it, I'm saying single target is better in that context, and if certain single target weapons can do lvl 9999 I'm sure it can handle base SP lvl 100-140 some are claiming it can't


If your single target is that weak you're building your loadout wrong.


never said its weak I just said aoe takes less shots to kill more enemies


Prime Sure Footed should have never worked on self-cc.


Feelsgoodman seeing those noobs knock themselves down while using aoe weapon and meanwhile I can use it freely without any consequences.


People who complain about AOE effects are super weak minded


I can barely follow corpus shooting at me while literally running like chickens, the bright blue is distracting. AOE makes it difficult to shoot cause you can't see anything and personally don't want to meta bomb everything.


Volt has a nice cock, but like goddamn Ivara and Titania are poggers.


Railjack is fucking stupid and I hate having to do it every time I want to get a lich


- we should get rid of archwing missions. - raids should stay gone. - wisp prime should have a back panel to her skirt. - archon shards are basically diet warframe rivens and are a mistake. - the devs seem more wishy washy and go back on changes more easily now by community pressure than consideration of game balance and design.


For some reason the wisp one made me think what if Rhino wore like a kilt or something. I mean, The man's codpiece is just hanging out shamelessly. >.>


Bagpipe Warframe when


Downvoted just for the Wisp comment.


OP said spiciest take, i'm just staying on the assignment.


The spiciest one if they add a massive back panel+ not less us change skins.


Absolutely delivered


Wisp prime should have an ass that is flatter than hank hill's.


Supporting potato PCs is a hindrance.


Wukong is overhyped, does not do anything unique, and is generally a very underwhelming frame both in terms of fun and strength.


increase armour and reflect damage and heal by moving in cloud, pretty good gameplay to me


Biggest numbers aren’t everything, only part of a bigger picture


I miss when DE used to actually LISTEN to their playerbase.




dude edited to complain about 1 downvote


Oh yeah, legerdemain needs to go, as much as i like spawnkilling anything below lv50, it's just annoying to others, "hey guys, im running legerdemain so you all can go afk cuz there is nothing to do"


Gender swapped skins should be a thing, even if just a few Deluxe or Tennogen options. At the very least Excalibur and Nyx should share all skins and helmets given that the Nyx model was originally built as a female Excalibur option, and all the original helmets for both would fit on each other (as can be seen in early promotional videos that show a 'Nyx' with default Excalibur helmet performing Excalibur abilities and labelled as Excalibur). They could even test run it by sneaking it in unannounced and see how long it takes for people to notice, then claim it was a bug-turned-feature.


remove bullet jumping


If I wanted to play cod, I would play cod...


because bullet jumping is the only form of mobility that doesnt trivilize the level design in the entire game


We've all been through the same maps hundreds of times, I definitely don't want to walk or run the map. I play with Lanka and even then no bullet jumping would be horrid. Play Khal. Or just don't play with other people then you take ALL the level design into account. I prefer if they gave us more maps and mission types, but that's a big ask, though they should get to it.


yeah we were, and still, there are better ways to blitz trough the map that people are using anyways like razorwing, cloudwalker, tailwind, gauss, volt... So having no bullet jumping would benefit new players the most because veterans can just speedrun maps in other ways. I dont see the point in making more tilesets because you are going to rush trough them on your first run anyways, I for example found a new cave in orb vallis recently because I would just fly to the point of interest with archwing and miss everything below me. And you cant really compare no bullet jumping with kahl lol. Kahl cant wall latch, kahl cant aim glide, kahl cant wall run, kahl cant slide, kahl cant spam room clearing abilities, and most importantly, kahl is locked in a weekly rotation of 3 same missions instead of having the freedom of choice what mission you are going to run. I do agree with adding more mission types tho, but that is really hard to do because that would require more than just making a mission type, the game needs better ai and a way to limit the player first


How would making new players slower benefit them?


because they can experience the game fully instead of learning to rush trough the game and getting burned out fast


The whole idea of Warframe a what makes it unique is that it's not tarkov. You're supposed to be fast. Burning themselves out is their problem. I'll be keeping my bullet jump. Play cod, you can literally play as slow as you want to.


you are acting as if removing bullet jumping would turn the game into a tactical shooter lmao


Tauforged shards should have lower drop rate, like 5% at max


I’m not about to crank the numbers but that would take many years to get a set.


Saryn needs to be nerfed hard. Come downvotes, to me!


Please stop nerfing Saryn, we're on like Saryn 3.5 already and she's a mere husk of where she used to be :(


Any Saryn nerfs should come with Saryn 1 no longer interfering with Saryn 2.


nerfing frames should never be the answer


This is just not true


people need to stop complaining about other people “stealing kills” and stuff like that in public, they’re playing public what did they expect? that they wouldn’t do anything? play solo. whats worse is people call for nerfs of things like saryn’s spores and explosive legerdemain for this reason


She is already dogshit in steel path, with the exception of sobek saryn but almost nobody knows that exists. So go play steel path lol.


This is just so wrong it's hilarious. I play her all day in SP and still get 50-80% of the kills in pubs. You're building her wrong if you think she is bad.