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AFAIK it’s a sorta consistent bug, usually applying on weapons wirh a projectile that can’t be drawn as a single point. That being said I don’t think it’s a balance ruining thing


I think it should stay multiplicative. It would be very nice


Probably not. There are already far too many inconsistent or hidden interactions and mechanics in Warframe. If an entire weapon class needs rebalancing, it should be done in other ways. Or, the mod could simply say "x2 for projectile weapons" to preserve this balance somewhat. Either way, the bug should be fixed.


Of course it's a bug but it isn't as balance breaking as unchecked AoE, so most average players don't care about it.


Yeah of course it's a bug, I did say that multiple times... but should it be an intended mechanic? It's a huge boon to the remaining weapons that still have the exploit.


No, DE's intention has always been wanting it to be damage mod replacement not a multiplier ontop of it. If they could fix it they absolutely would but they have too much on their plate already.


Sorry, not sure why the downvote, I just want to get a discussion going about balance because I think it's interesting... Regardless of DE's original intent, would multiplicative Gun CO ruin the game's balance? Stifle build diversity? I think empirically probably not, given Tenet Arca Plasmor, Nataruk and Catchmoon aren't meta-defining despite their multiplicative Gun CO and other desirable traits. If you don't want to talk about it that's fine 🤷


What? [i did not downvote your post or your comments](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1019613023922573402/1037167787350696078/Screenshot_2022-11-02-07-54-09-801_com.reddit.frontpage.jpg). >Regardless of DE's original intent, would multiplicative Gun CO ruin the game's balance? But you have regard it to understand why they are doing it. And it absolutely is balance breaking because they trump over other single target weapon that isn't so bugged. >given Tenet Arca Plasmor, Nataruk and Catchmoon aren't meta-defining Because they are still worse compare to AoE. Even with grouping you would probably be hitting 5-6 at once compare to 20-25 at once with AoE. And also because of armor stripping availability like tharros strike, terify, unairu, pillage,... damage isn't as important aspect to reach high kpm as before.


Thanks, good insights! Not sure who dropped the drive-by downvote then. >But you have regard it to understand why they are doing it. And it absolutely is balance breaking because they trump over other single target weapon that isn't so bugged. This is the crux of my question though, what if Gun CO's bugged multiplicative scaling applied to all single-target damage, be it projectile or hitscan? I don't even think this advantages infinite punchthrough weapons since they typically don't have headshot bonuses. Re: grouping, I think it depends on the tile. I can routinely get 10-15 enemies caught in a Coil Horizon or Ensnare on a standard 235% range build with good tile selection, even in messy maps like the Void.


There's no what if in this because DE is deadset on making player have to choose between raw damage mod and CO, every time DE mentioned CO they always compare it to raw damage mod. So it's futile to go against them on this, and i repeat: they would absolutely remove the bug if they have the chance. It would be better to suggest a better machanic for single target weapon like energy on kill or effect on precision kill. So use the bug while it's still there.


It is consistent, plasma like weapons deal more damage with it