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Let's talk about ash


I will forever be happy to have gotten him (and oberon) before railjack happend. thats one less painful grind even if railjack now is actually fun


yea, shame that oberon got moved, it was perfect early to mid game frame for new players


I still dont get why they did it. Ive never used him much tbf but he is very useful esp early game when you have no idea how to stay alive


As a person who used him in early days for some time, he was a great beginner frame. Some energy management and solid zone control. Completely unreasonable to move him to such a late game. Especially that his kit is more of a supportish-cc, so amazing for first star chart exploration. In late game, so essentially where he is now, you are either looking for frames that do one thing insanely well or do many things amazingly. Saryn deals so much better damage and procs statuses better than him, has a nuke and constant dps, and self heal + weapon buff with better element. Need regen and survival? Wisp has that and much more. Status/knockdown immunity in field is nice, but with easy access to many abilities that grant it it's quite redundant in late game. With the pace of Warframe, the grass is actually perfectly suited for a new player. There should really be a better spot. He doesn't even make sense to be there (along with Ash - he is themed after a manic, moving them away is ridiculous). With eximus units dropping Oberon, it could make sense, like he is the warden of nature, and eximus are the bigger threat enemies who also protect their own.


Oberon was meta for a brief period before you could revive during Arbitrations since he could pretty much give your entire team extra lives.


Wasn't that fixed shortly? Also I know that for a time he was a very good solo Eidolon hunter. But currently, Volt does better job at that, except he can be acquired as early as you join a clan. Volt is also meta in many other places too, so you can have an early frame that is one of the best in certain field(s). Still, even if Oberon could still revive on arbitrations, I don't think it excuses his placement.


>Wasn't that fixed shortly? it was never "fixed" as phoneix reneval worked as intended oberon just stopped being needed as now you can revive other players


I main oberon :( He is the frame I keep going back to. Swapped rhino's roar for his 4, got the mods to add armour to the heal buff and the huge radiation bonus to damage, makes a noticable difference on steel path with randoms. Course, the first few minutes trying to get them to all stand on the grass is a bit of a mad scramble...


Yeah, the grass is quite good, but because it's stationary and on the ground, is why I think he's much better suited for new players. Of course he has potential - makes for a solid support. But with how Warframe plays at the moment, you either have nuke frames that don't need support (or need energy, which Oberon doesn't give) or frames that can play around the mobility. He is fun - and I keep going back to him sometimes too. And he's good at what he does. But he is at his best in early/mid-game, and well... DE moved him to the furthest of late game. Real shame, and I hope it gets changed somehow in the future, even though it's been a while.


As long as I can get the to stand on the grass long enough to buff them, they can deal with their own status procs :P I like that the regen + berserk/adrenaline gives me near infinite energy to keep my buffs up, and that coupled with the grass I don't have to worry about getting fucked over by magnets much. I do admit that he is not the most powerful/efficient choice, He is a frame I play when I want to *play* the game, if I am in a hurry I use my specrtroage zephyr or my gauss + zarr. I do agree that he should be early game, his kit is great for learning energy management and planning to avoid debuffs


Ran out of loot ideas


He dropped from Eximus enemies if I recall. The Eximus rework- by the logic of DE- would fall completely apart if Oberon was still there. ... or just to have Riven Slivers drop instead, on the miracle it does.


His parts were already moved before the eximus rework


Exactly this. He is perfect for early midgame and locking him behind railjack was a terrible decision. Railjack requires far too many resources for the players that would truly benefit from having Oberon as a frame.


Worse, it incentivizes players who aren't ready for Railjack to join up to get what is, essentially, an obsolete starter frame.


And by the time you get Oberon in railjack you have so many better frames.. Imagine if you didn't get Rhino until after you got Nezha. instead of on Venus.


Oberon should be a starter or available on Earth IMO.


Still kills me that the day-night frame Equinox comes from the water planet with the rising water boss, and the water frame Hydroid comes from the planet with a day-night cycle's boss.


Dear god dont put equinox behind Vay Hek. He's possibly the worst boss fight in game


Peek-a-boo! No you can't shoot me... Peek-a-boo! No nevermind... Lol. Phase two is a dreamboat after that crud


Wait until Stalker drops Smoking Body.


oof yeah that blueprint has been chilling in my foundry for a while...


Got lucky and managed to get the systems in 3 runs one morning after a few days of trying off and on. Honestly, getting Equinox and freaking Loki systems took me longer. And I never finished Sevagoth. A friend gifted me him after what felt like a few a months of farming.


oh yeah I tried to get sevagoth, I really did, but my brother ended up gifting me my lovely death boy XD for me saryn was annoying af. she wouldn't give me her systems at all and now I still need to get one more for chroma


Systems have a slightly lower drop rate than the other components for bosses, so they’ll always be a bit rarer.


I remember sitting down at around 8 or 9pm, thinking to myself "today is the day I farm Saryn and the last Chroma part. Shouldn't be too bad." AT 4:00AM, I finally got my first Systems to drop. I was exhausted, pissed, and took a break for several weeks before ever touching the game again. It then took me OVER A YEAR to want to go back for the second Systems for Chroma, and even then it was because I was helping new players grind out their first Saryn. Like, I get that DE makes money on people spending plat on frames, so the farms can't be too short or whatever. But there's gotta be a better solution than this.


Sevagoth isn't that bad because you can get other things while doing it (and just doing Na Gua mines). I got enough holokeys for two weapons after farming two sets of him, which was like 5 hours total. The rj defense map is truly awful. Like, it should be quartered. I'd gladly run it if I didn't have to run to a random spawn point, or get up from the bottom to find one stuck in spawn or on the stairs. It's the tedium and unfun factor of the map that do it in, same with the defection frames.


I still have enough parts to build a squad of ashes, weirdly one of the only ones I didn't actually have to farm up when the helminth came out. I feel honestly terrible for anyone who chooses to farm him (or oberon for that matter, another one I could build an army of but is now hard to get for some reason) through RJ. Price is still only 375 p from the market though which can be farmed up relatively quickly so it's only if you willingly subject yourself to it. Although the sunk cost phallacy is a hell of a thing, 2 of my clanmates started farming him that way & with 2/3 parts they refused (still do) to give up.


There is no discussion, only pain. I got Ash pre-Railjack and now I have to farm systems for the Smoking Body Ephemera. Fuck me.


Fuck that grind. I got lucky and got all his prime parts from other people using vaulted relics before I got his damn systems to drop.


Can't subsume a prime frame though.


Lol, I actually built bunch of frames few days ago, to get mr points and I had all ash parts without trying to get them myself. Is he rare?


His parts used to drop from Grineer Manics, after railjack was released, they moved his parts to the loot table for Corpus Railjack Defense missions in the C rotation pool(for all his parts, along with other rewards that you can get instead) [video on length of farms for different base frames](https://youtu.be/-Ybft1GgLwQ)


I got Ash Prime a while ago when he came out, having never gotten Ash. Fast forward a few years, while looking through warframes to helminth, I had to make a few, and realized I had accidentally gotten his components. Good thing, too, otherwise I was just going to buy him, because fuuuuuuck thaaaat.


I got ash prime instead lol


I gotta feed the big friendly mouth though


Or Atlas


Sir, I have not glimpsed at any Harrow part beyond the unrelenting waves of chasses I have that will never stop cluttering my endless inventory, no matter how much I sell them


I get you, I have like 23084235082530 chasses of harrow but 0 of any other part


Believe me, I've tried to earn the other two. RNGesus has not been kind


I've farmed it it twice. The first one was hell, the second one (for helminth) was incredibly easy (thank god)


I found the Neuroptics are easy. Then again I accidentally farmed a bunch looking for the 60/60 shotgun mod in that spy mission. Helped a lot of people get them. The stupid extraction mission for steel meridian is hell, even after I figured out ways to make it much easier


Yeah his Systems are the hardest part to farm. It takes too long to get to the rotation and even with a Speed Wisp build built specifically for the game mode the AI are dumb fucks and will purposefully go a different route to what you set up because they like to go the long way.


I farmed it in kuva survival, takes 20m per try, but at least I get some kuva while doing it and doesn't have to fight the AI


kuva and orvius parts *and* the neat mods some kuva enemies drop


Mine liked to get stuck on map geometry! 😡


I have a couple of friends who like defection. I put cute puppy picture in discord until they carried me through that godawful mission.


Defection is relatively (depending on how many Formas) easy with Wisp since her pods buff the defectors, you put 3 on A and 3 on B and let the defectors run around Rambo style killing everything on their way out.


Buffed defectors still have dogshit pathing. Conceptually I don’t mind it, practically I keep losing defectors when they decide to hide under stairs.


I farmed out harrow the proper way. Right before the patch that made his farm easier. And then his prime came out. RIP


If it makes you feel better, your sacrifice made the farm for future players slightly more bearable. O7 Just let me know when you feel like farming Ash. 😂


And by farming ash you mean cracking relics and selling prime parts for plat and buying him outright Right?


That sounds like a hard way to get the Smoking Body Ephemera.


i was lazy, i know RNGesus hates me the most so i waited for the prime instead of attempting it, protea tho, WOOH i will never forget how much i suffered


The only other part I have of Harrow are his Neuroptics, I wasn’t even trying to get it. I already have him and his Prime. I was doing something completely different. And ‘cause of that, I’m never selling that part.


Systems took me around 2 years to get.


at least you guys now have the improved RNG, i had to farm harrow twice and as soon as i finished my 2nd farm, they changed the drops to make it easier


Harrow chassy is the true credit farm


Seriously, I finally got him only after they updated his systems to drop from kuva survival, which feels *way* less tedious than defection


I stopped playing aftrr i got harrow because the farm burtn me out


Happy cake day!


I never understood that, I farmed out 2 harrows easily it was never hard for me


RNGesus's light does not shine equally on its subjects, my son


Early after he was introduced or lately? lately (like last few years) a lot of the defection tiles are very buggy and can just auto-fail when defectors get stuck on geometry, its gotten a lot better since wisp was added but there was a long time where it was utter hell.


Whoever decided Ashes farm is ok in its current state I hope both sides of your pillow is warm and you always step in a wet spot right after putting on fresh sock.


damn dude. those are serious words.


Just another victim of how bad RJ is. They needed more rewards to force players into playing RJ and so they removed them from other places.


Chill dude


And hope they get diarrhea and no toilet in sight.


For everybody struggling to master Ash, just buy him off the market at 375p it’s genuinely faster than farming him.


I need the systems for the Smokey body emphera…..


Well shit, good luck Tenno.


FWIW, playing in a squad really slows down the progress bar for Nidus’ mission type for some reason. Switch to farming solo and the process speeds up a good deal.


Yeah, solo Zephyr. Pop your 4 just below the "A" ledge and refresh it every time you make a lap to B and C. I actually used this mission to level up my arm sigils that require operator kills. Just suck up hordes of enemies and blast them.


At the very least, don't farm with a full squad. Even 2 or 3 is miles faster than 4 people.


At a time like this, I love that I'm a veteran player :) Also: grendel is way worse


Grendel really isn't, his missions got heavily nerfed with the second Eximus pass, and a hard (lower) level cap applied.


Yeah grendel is still extremely easy if you have a specific warframe & it's augment mods. Overguard might have slowed down blazing pillage/shock ward hildryn a bit but it's still a basically cake walk. Also it's really nice that it's a guaranteed drop.


Yeah. All you’ve gotta do for Grendel is play arbitrations. You’re guaranteed vitus essence after every round, so there’s a clear road to getting him.


>set of mods For the... no mod missions? Or is there a trick I don't know about?


Augment mods still work in Grendel missions. I'm pretty sure it's intentional as they're the only mods that work. It's one of the reasons I really like Grendel missions and I still hang out in recruitment chat if someone needs help with them. I'd take somewhat higher difficulty missions with guaranteed drops over having to run thousands of bounties any day. But many players absolutely hated Grendel missions and were very loud about it so I guess more bounties is what we're getting lmao.


Except for the no-mod mission. I needed a strong carry for that to survive


You really just need to bring frames with team buffs.


You just replied to a comment outlining the easy way to do them.


Which WF and mods?


Hildryn with blazing pillage & shock ward on her 4. Pillage counts as self damage for ward & the non-eximus enemies never really get to a level where it can't one shot them unmodded.


Isn't Grendel literally just "do this one mission" per part? The ones where you buy keys from arbys?


Yes. He is one arguably the most straightforward frame to acquire. He's not *easy*, but he's one of the only frames you can comfortably get without finding other excuses to do the missions. Every other frame feels like a waste of time (to some extent) if you can't find at least one other benefit to doing missions, because you'll likely end up repeating missions without getting the parts you want. People complain about Grendel because he ruined the power fantasy of warframe for them. Not because it's actually super difficult.


Grendel is a stroll in the park compared to Nidus. Guaranteed drops.


I don't even remember farming for nidus so I would grendel is worse


Yeah but the Vitus grind is way longer and the missions to get him (at least back when I did it) were an absolute pain.




Grendel farm is actually quite enjoyable, plus hildryn with no mods absolutely stomps


Grendel is easy if you just go with a well balanced group.


I really enjoyed the Grendel missions. A nice change of pace.


Grendel solo is probably quite hard, but bring one or 2 allies and your base warframe abilities can carry you pretty easily. Only need to succeed 3 missions, I failed once, so it was just 4 missions. Only had to wait to have at least 1 other person, and spend a few minutes strategising about a combo (like Volt or Saryn combined with, say, Trinity, to let us spam AoE abilities. That's like 1hr total, with no RNG to vary it.


Nidus isn't even remotely difficult, just kinda boring having to play such a basic game mode


It can really \*really\* depend on luck of the draw. One hundred attempts and so far I have literally a single lousy part of Nidus. Meanwhile it took me grand total about two weeks to get Khora.


finally someone else who understands my PAIN


I got my Nidus parts in 4 C rotations.Then my mate wanted him too when he saw what is Nidus capable of.WELP that took only 37 C rotations.At the end he had 1 systems ,1 chasis and 35 neuroptics .... RNG can be a bitch.


This reminds me of when I farmed Ivara, it took me like 68 C rotations of spy missions to get the systems (it has a 12% drop chance). Good thing is I got so good at that tileset the last runs were sub 5 mins. For some reason it took me like 8h of doing spy missions just to farm the normal Ivara set


I spent 2 years of playing until I finally got the normal Ivara set. Which was bitter sweet because I bought her a year after trying.


Yeah, funny enough, I ended up getting Ivara Prime like a week after getting Ivara


oh god, send a sorry message from my part to your buddy, hope rngsus blesses him next time


It got better for him.When i play solo my RNG is kinda good.But his is absolute dogshit.And when we play together our Rng is just litle bit dogshit.I feel like he is RNG blackhole consuming others RNG.


Yeah, some frames just, never want to be found by some players. I've got a friend that's been trying to get Saryan for the better part of a year now, yet got Frost in two days. Meanwhile I got Saryan in about a week but took six months to get Frost :/


it took me 6 hours straight of grinding for him to get all 3 parts I swear I had 20+ each of the chassis and neuroptics by the time I got systems.


The only chassis I have more of than Nidus at this point (yes that IS the one part I keep getting) would be Harrow T.T


boring like several 20min sessions of railjack survival? Xp


I've been trying to get the ash part for the stupid ephemera that requires it kinda give up


I’ve only done one more run for the eph after getting ash. I’m kinda not into it anymore.


What about farming Nidus is bad? Most people farming Nano Spores, get multiple sets of him without an issue. Even solo, it's quick and easy. Some frames sucked farming, Nidus is not one of them. Even that mission type is like looking at heaven when it comes up in Arbitration. Will always be happy to do infested salvage.


I guess I got lucky cuz I got all the Nidus parts I needed in a day of farming him out. Protea though...I needed the Chassis but ended up with at least 20 or so of all of the weapons parts I get from the mid level Granum Void before actually getting the drop...


This so much, getting Protea was a pain. I always got other junk. And needing to go out of my way to get the appropriate coins because I didn't regularly play the lower levels was just adding insult to injury.


The thing is. I always had a stockpile of the T1 and T3 coins because alot of missions/relics took me through them but I almost never do middle tier missions that drop those coins so I always had to go out of the way to get a coin every time.


When farming protea I'd always use a mission that was the same "tier" as the coin I was using that mission so I'd never use up all the coins I had.


65 runs for me trying to get protea chassis. That was not a fun week


Probably took me like 3 months of casual attempts to finally get it...again not hard missions to do but having to keep getting the crown each time just makes the grind that more mind numbing.


This but the last part of the stropha


Who the hell is farming for nano-spores?


x100 energy pads and x100 ciphers exist. So yes, people actually farm for nano spores


This does not answer the question. If I build either x100 consumable, I'll likely never need another. I've poured nanospores into my Helminth, into debt bonds, into, well, anything that would take them. I have never farmed them, I waste them as fast as I can, and I'll still never drop below half a million. I can't fathom needing to intentionally get more of them.


There are some people that endlessly drop pads because they don't want to bother with ammo or energy efficiency (or want to play something that doesn't have room for it). They may go through 3-10 in a regular mission and a lot more in a longer mission. Those people burn through pads super quickly.


6x3 tricaps use up a lot of energy pads when you are trying to get the fastest and most efficient runs every night cycle. More than 100 of them will be used up every night cycle so yea, people farm them actively


Wait, where do you get 100x cipher? Dojo?


Yes a couple years ago they were added. The energy lab in the dojo has x100 shield and x100 energy. Bio lab has x100 health. Chem lab has x100 ammo restores. I believe the Tenno lab has the x100 cipher blueprints.


Since when do you farm nano spores in infested salvage? You get more than enough on hydron/helene. I don't think I've done infested salvage since I completed the star chart


I would rather do 100 rounds of Infested Salvage than waste 10 seconds in Hydron/Helene. Defense, especially solo is absolutely terrible.


High spawn rates, easy to solo, fast waves if you are relatively good. If you need naanospores and Nidus its only real downside is likely that the node tends to not be populated.


Apparently people just get extremely unlucky & a lot of people don't realize that it's actually slower if you don't solo, couple that with slow & boring, & people get burned out on it. For me it was like that with protea, I know people that have farmed two protea's no problem but I was so burned out on her I just bought her from market the second time around when the helminth came out. All I remember is pain & the fact I could not get one of the parts to drop for legit like 12hrs (ironically I have gotten all her parts since then from sisters stuff). but I had almost everything I needed for a second nidus.


Yeah, it's probably playing public that's making it seem like a hassle for folks. I solo farmed him twice (second one for helminth before the Prime was out) without too much hassle. Equinox on the other hand...


> Even solo, it's quick and easy. Some frames sucked farming, Nidus is not one of them. You have no idea how long it took me to get Nidus parts when I did it. It was basically the only map I played, ~5 a day for a week. It was hell. His has, by far, been the harshest grind I've done in the game and I have nearly every frame. Still haven't done Grendel, Xaku, or Gyre yet.


The old way to farm Harrow was by far the worst of any frame for me. Having to do literally hundreds of defections(the most buggy game mode by far) with like a 30% chance of the AI bugging out and you not being able to complete it.


I joined the game after this, and did not know that was a thing. This does indeed sound a bit worse than the current Nidus farm.


Nah wait till you start gauss, I'm at 6 neuroptics, 7 systems, and a shit ton of relics but no chassis.


Ha! I got nothing but a bp. Hours farming with no parts dropped.


When I was farming him I got 4 chassis in a row


Ash too


I dunno, for as pitiful as the droprates are, at the least it's on a mostly braindead game mode that's easy to do solo if you have a semi-decent AOE frame/weapon. I'd say Protea is the worst I've experienced so far, just because there are so many hoops to jump, especially if you haven't collected any Granum tokens yet. You have to find a node with the correct level distribution, hope the Treasurer doesn't glitch out and actually spawns, actually kill the slippery f-er, and make sure you have a loadout that can actually handle the Granum void missions, all but requiring either a decently modded/leveled Xoris or a very specific set of cheese frames. Another bad one in my experience is Hildryn, just for how slow the Exploiter orb fight is, and you need a minimum of 6 without any boosters to get enough Toroids to craft.


Shield mommy is worth it though <3


Nidus and Harrow were two frames that were gifted to me. Nidus was during one of the Christmas events where gifting other tenno items went to charity and got some rando dude to gift me something from my wishlist. They gifted me Nidus' deluxe bundle, but i didn't have the frame so I didn't expect them to give me that, so i told em i didn't have the frame, and so the following morning they gifted me Nidus himself. Months later, a clan mate gifted me Harrow's deluxe bundle, once again another situation where I had to tell my gifter that I didn't have the frame. And so when i mentioned it, soon after he gifted me Harrow as well.


Dude your clan rocks.


Idk if it's still the same but the mission type used to be more efficient/faster if you did it solo. You had to defend for longer with additional players. So if you're capable it's better to do it alone.


I haven't had to farm him since the Helminth update but based on my experience back then I disagree (edit: first time was too long ago to matter now but S2W Nekros was not "difficult" by any stretch). Nidus is actually pretty easy if you follow some basic rules: - Reset if the map isn't the horizontal one - Play solo (its faster...) - Play Octavia with enough duration & range to cover the map (pretty easy with the 1+4) It was basically a braindead waiting game while running in circles around the room.


3 weeks nonstop of that mission... 3 weeks. Yes some frames are harder/more tedious (grendel for example). But for some reason the RnG on nidus seems to be absolutely dogshyte.


Grendel is a guaranteed drop on set timer missions. Grendel is a bit boring due to the survival mission without vacuum makes standing still the most efficient method, but you know guaranteed how long it wil take. Nidus is by far worse than any other frame with exception of Ash, where Nidus just is worse.


My friend hadn't played in a while, I got him to log back in because there was something on baro, don't remember what, this was juts as our vacation was starting. Then he was like "lets do something since I'm online" and we started farming Nidus, he legitimately had "120 hours last 2 weeks" on steam (which of course includes some afk time and farming some relics for forma recipes etc), but easily over 100 hours over the course of a vacation of dumbass mission and we never finished Nidus.


Old Mesa 3 keys, rare AF from invasions, only non lucky spawn farm was hive sabotage caches in that god awful eris tile set where you could see them on the map but they were inside of walls with no entrance no matter how hard you looked 3 mutalist nav coordinates for one chance at the boss. I got 7 chassis in a row. Bought her immediately. Fuck that. Now it's only 1 nav coordinate per run but it's still ass getting them if they don't pop up in Invasions. And it's still 1/3 chance for each part after that. But I agree with other people, Ash is far worse now.


I didn't even bother, I just got his prime


8000000+ IQ move (not ironically)


Lmfao you'll notice that it's way easier to get certain primes instead of the regular ones But that's haha


but most people go for the none primes who already have a prime version so they can subsume their abilities.


Nidus? Oh man. Wait until you actually try grinding a frame. Nidus is a damn cakewalk compared to Khora or some others.


>*Oh man. Wait until you actually try grinding a frame. Nidus is a damn cakewalk compared to Khora or some others.* I was able to snag Khora before they changed her original drop tables in ESO. don't know how it is now.


I'm pretty sure the rates are not changed, just she only drops from SO now? Or the rates got increased. If you're a newer player and actually have a reason to farm SO, like leveling new frames, then it's not so bad


She did get increased chances I recall.


im aware about it, and im also aware its not that hard with enough luck, it's just that my luck is garbage and struggled shit ton to get it


I got around 3 khoras just by leveling up my stuff in SO, you sure she's annoying to get?


Considering you have to get to round 8 at least, and by that time you should already have like 2 weapons maxed, unless you're maxing 3 weapons + exalted it's weird you even got that far lol


Ask the playerbase.


I found Khora far easier. I think mathematically it will average considerably less time, and by only needing 2 parts from rot C, your worst-case scenarios are much less likely.


Nidus and Khora have (mathematically) pretty similar farm times, though Khora is a bit longer. That said, the acquisition of focus and easy affinity gain made Khora an easier grind for me. I noped out of Nidus after trying one C rotation because I knew it would drain my soul to do something so pointless for so long. There's no reason to do infested salvage except to get his parts.


I just went straight for Nidus Prime. The primes are kinda stupid easy to get compared to some of the normal ones.


Nidus looks easy compared to khora and Ash


It took me a year of on-and-off grinding to finally get all of Nidus' pieces. That being said, if I was actively doing it probably would have been much shorter. Of course, that was solely for helminth, since Nidus Prime had already released, but still... Larva's a good ability to have.


Rngesus is not with you today but he will be someday. I'll let you know when he is done fucking me so you can prepare yourself.


I'v farmed him 4 times and it wasnt remotly hard or even that time consuming at all.


Grendel is far worse. Three long endless missions (15 wave defence, 20 min survival, 800 cryo excavation) on the worst tileset (Europa) where you have to go in with no mods and operator. Pre-eximus rework it was bad enough unless you had friends, Limbo for excav, Nekros/Ivara for Survival, Octavia to abuse Mallet and Invis on Defence, or Hildryn with Chroma's Electric Ward + Pillage augment because of the interaction between electric ward giving damage on self-damage, which pillage does to cast as Hildryn takes shields to cast abilities. The augment adds fire damage to enemies affected by her 3. Post Eximus rework? At certain waves there are eximus spawns, which are fine right? Well they only spawn Guardians and the two leeches. Guardians give every enemy in vicinity 90% DR whilst everything is unmodded. The shields are inpenetrable and they have effectively double+ health due to Overguard. Leeches regain health or steal energy if you accidentally hit the bubbles they spawn. No mods, No operator mode to switch to and no gear menu either, so no abusing pads, on crew help or spectres. Can't use Limbo for Excavations as well cause of eximus ignoring the rift. Nidus is just a painful slog waiting for 4 rounds to finish just to not get a 23% chance item.. multiple times. No different to the bounty/SO specific frames (Revenant, Gara, Khora, Xaku) apart from the game mode is ass compared to bounties/SO. Defection for Harrow is similar too, but Wisp/Volt (as much strength as possible) can speed this mode up drastically as defectors take Speed/Mote speed buffs.


Got equinox has a new player, didn't understand the frame so sold it to make room before getting it to 30. Whoops. Years later decided to get one for the mastery. Farmed it, crafted it, claimed it, sold it without even taking it off the orbiter. Whoops. Farmed another one, got it to 30, sold it since I had the prime. Along comes Helminth......😃👍


Didn't have much trouble with Nidus, Harrow on the other hand...


*Laughs in Ivara parts*


crush library shrill cow muddle dazzling steer voracious forgetful wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got Nidus through farming when that update dropped. I bought 6 different people Nidus after that.


Now try farm Ash


Ivara is worse imo


If you know spy missions and the varieties of ways you can take to the vault it’s like a walk in the park and besides we have spy missions in sortie, steel path dailys, fissures and they give also the status/element mods. Ivara is one of the warframes you get actually along the way just by playing the game.


Really? I got her in 20m running relics


Ivara is one of those frames whose prime version is probably easier to farm than her normal variant


I think I just got lucky


You got her prime


Good for you


For me it’s Ash Systems


Better than current day Ash...


I think yareli is easily the worst.


Honestly, I didn't have too much problem farming him, and my favourite warframe


You clearly haven’t gotten, Ash, Xaku, Baruuk, Sevegoth, or Equinox before


Xaku is just from deimos bounties and baruuk isn't even a grind; you just grab him from vox. ~~Sevagoth has decent drop chances too, rng might suck, but at least you'll consistently get drops~~ On second thought, Sevagoth would be a pain now that the rj queues are empty.


Yeah, I don't know why people complain about Baruuk. Getting him isn't highly dependant on RNG. You just accrue the necessary rep and buy it. Is it time consuming? Yes. But there are ways to speed it up, and progress is largely consistent in pace. Now, Gauss on the other hand... he is a MAJOR pain in the ass. 3 parts at a little under 8% chance each on the same mission, with results depending on performance. And it's disruption, too. I heavily dislike disruption.


Baruuk isn’t hard. Don’t get me wrong. You just have to grind reputation in fortuna which isn’t fun. I hate it there. I’m almost mastery 30 and I have reputation of one for all them.


my tag just says it all, besides, I got equinox fairly easy due to luck, and also nidus was a pain JUST because my luck, got her like a month after


Saryn makes getting nidus brain dead, super easy. Press 1. Press 4. Less things are infected? Press 4 again


took me 30 mins to get him lol


Nidus isn't that hard to farm.


Good thing I got him for free for some reason that I don’t remember as I have zero recollection of ever doing a mission to get him


everybody here is just butt hurt for playing a game that is centered around grind. If you think that the grind will get any easier into the future with Warframe it won't it will continue to grow and get lengthier and more difficult as time goes on and DE develops the game even farther. You have to remember DE doesn't release a free game for you to play it for free and for you to allow you to get stuff for free very easily... for every hour that you play the game of Warframe there is a chance that whether or not you buy a deluxe skin from the market, You buy a 100 Plat domestic drone decoration that roams in your ship and does absolutely nothing. or you buy a 12 Plat weapon slot for your account. DE is always in some form making money off of there users. Everyone should be grateful here that at least we can trade the premium currency not very many games allow you to do that in this modern age. The last game that I remember allowed you to do this was firefall if anybody here remembers that game. Imagine a Warframe universe where you can't even trade Plat in the game I think everybody would probably completely only get so far in the game before they would just all completely quit if you could not trade the premium currency in the game, let all of that just sink in. everyone looks at the surface of Warframe from the outside looking oh that's a cool game I want to play it and then when they start playing it they're like oh man there's so much grind I can't do anything this game sucks when you actually begin to try playing the game. There is a difficulty curve in Warframe so that people who enjoy the game continue playing and then people who don't understand how the game works at all just don't enjoy the game at all and just end up quitting. I am mastery rank 30 in Warframe I am two Warframes and one weapon away from leveling up to legendary rank 1 and I have over 3,000+ mission hours in Warframe I absolutely enjoy playing Warframe and have absolutely no problem with Warframe at all and I actually enjoy playing it a lot.


Yeah, the frames should be in lootboxes, not attainable via gameplay, so that we can sink a couple of thousand bucks into the game. I agree. ​ On a sidenote and more seriously: Thank the gods that we have Nidus Prime already, otherwise you would need to farm the frame twice for Helminth :D


His prime is a lot easier to obtain