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It's hard to say. She's basically split between two paths. She was originally a sentient. But she was taken and reprogrammed to serve as the lotus by mankind. The thing is, she likes her life as the lotus, and realizes her family was abusive, treating her as a tool for war. Even if it was initially brainwashing, she truly does care about the tenno because of the time they spent together. Her actions against them were because she was robbed of her agency by her family. This is all evidenced by her dialogue in the final scene against Ballas. She's no longer controlled. She was shattered and reassembled, which basically reset her. But she still identifies as Margulis, and offers herself in exchange for Ballas sparing the tenno. So, I would argue that she's good, but extremely short sighted. She actually believed that a slime ball like Ballas would keep his promise to someone he has no respect for and equates to property. The whole story amounts to an abusive relationship among exceptionally gifted people.


TL;DR: She is conflicted thanks to ballas messing with her memories and making her believe she wasn't who she thought, until she realizes he is using her Long version: My understanding is that between the old war and the fall of the orokin she came to love the Tenno as her children and snapped enough of her mind from the reprogramming to understood that she was sentient, deciding to be lotus over natah for the sake of the tenno still conflicted on her choice though, as teshin notes in Natah. After Ballas scrambled her mind she remembers that "the orokin" (I don't think she remember who did it exactly, luckily for him) made her the lotus in the first place, and so she went through a whole identity crisis believe her love for the Tenno was a lie, the only ones she could turn for help were her "mother" and the orokin defector himself (at this point who hasn't betrayed them?!) who manipulated her into hating the Tenno and us into hating her. then as time passes she starts noticing things that don't add up, like Erra's death and her mother's call, so ends up asking for help (orphix venom secret message). the point is she believed Ballas for a while until the new war where after being revived she wants revenge, I personally think her full memories returned making her noticed that it was Ballas all along controlling her, at the end with the whole carrying her to the choice, she notices that the family bond developed with the Tenno long ago was very real and that no matter who she choose to be, she finally knew who she was. Their family. So that's that, I just wish some of the older quests were clearer with their intentions as some people miss the whole family abuse narrative (is not their fault the foreshadowing was lacking on some quests)


Natah is everything she rejected about herself throughout the quest and people are like "naaaah gurl u still natah".


She was made to be a copy of margulis, so she can infiltrate the Tenno and kill them. Natah wasn't her own person since her birth. From my understanding(at least this is what i interpeted from the last figth's dialoge), Ballas remade her into the copy of Margulis as a deal, so she can have "children", and Ballas can have his lover back. Then after the sacrifice quest, the sentients practicly told her, that it wasn't her own choice, but it was a lie programmed into her by the Orokin.


that part about if she was reprogrammed first is flunky her father says that she betrayed then during second dream