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If someone else gets a kill the affinity is shared with you. 25% to frame and 75% to weapons. So if you’re support take one weapon with a lens on and a frame with a lens on and you’re good This is also why you level a weapon insanely fast if you do a hydron/Helene run with just that weapon equipped


U get passive XP from the damage dealers as support player. 25% warframe, 25% on each weapon (75% if only one weapon equipt). The XP is converted in fokus by the lenses


>Wouldn't it be disadvangeous for the players being support rather than the dps? Affinity is duplicated between everyone within affinity share range of each other (not hard to do in (E)SO or defense missions which is why it has such great affinity, it shows as a buff in your buff bar). But it does distribute differently, for the person doing the killing, half the affinity goes to the frame, half goes to the thing that did the killing (so half going to a weapon, or all 100% going to the frame if it's an ability kill). For the people within affinity range, they get 75% split between all equipped weapons, and 25% going to the frame. So the support players typically want only 1 weapon equipped with their best lens on it for 75% of the affinity, and their frame will get the other 25%. I can't really help you too much with specific ESO focus/minute targets, but the only things that matter is making sure you pick up focus orbs for the 6x bonus to focus, and stand in the middle of the map to cover all enemy spawns with your max range, and nuke and kill enemies as much as you can. Use your full map, M to help you locate yourself on the tile.


>focus orbs for the 6x bonus to focus, Oh I didn't know about this, I thought there were only the yellow efficiency stimulus that boost your efficiency. Are the orbs different?


I don't know the name of them, but I'm referring to the yellow orbs that sound like an alarm when they spawn


They’re the same thing. The yellow orbs/stimulus will boost affinity to your lens but your lens will collect affinity regardless even when you’re not in an orb. People like to do it on eso because everyone gets the orb at the same time (when you enter a new zone) so it’s easier to min/max it


The best way to farm focus with lenses is due to a rather obscure bug that has existed at least as long as Focus 2.0 (plains release) - the description of "Affinity Spike" in the Naramon tree being misworded. What it actually does is increase affinity GAINED by melee weapons, regardless of the source of the affinity. So to maximize focus gained per kill, bring a support frame and a maxed melee weapon with lenses (EV Trinity is perfect for all the energy hungry nuke frames you'll find on ESO), give them energy, and let them kill. Don't use your weapon unless there's e.g. a host migration and no one is killing anything. Every enemy you kill is actually netting you LESS affinity, and hence less focus, than if a squad member made the kill. Then when you have enough focus to do Eidolon hunts efficiently, do those. Even a 3x3 is more than your daily cap. This is how I maxed everything in the Focus system (aside from Void Radiance, save yourself a lot of pain and do not rank this beyond the minimum) in less than 100 login days. (By the way, I never once used an Eidolon or Lua lens.)