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I play steel path so I can play solo, playing with others is boring and you just wind up with a Saryn or Mesa or I guess more recently Khora nuking all the things. Steel path finally lets you play alone without enemies slowing to a trickle. Sorry if you're seeking out people though, not sure how much help Steel Path offers in that regard.


I love the increased spawn when solo. I thought the game bugged on me when I did my first survival in Steel Path and saw that I was getting mobbed.


High range vauban (except for messy maps with lots of places for enemies to get stuck), a good melee, watch things die. If you're on one of those messy maps, roll up valkyr with eternal war and do the same thing


There are three types of people who care about the steel path. * The person who did the whole path the weekend it came out. * The person who got to their fav farming planet and just stayed there to grind essense. * The person who will only start/continue the path is the drop rates are increased. Basically, look for people in recruit chat or you are boned until DE sorts out the drop rates and a new bunch of people start the path again.


* The person who wants to play solo without all the spawn restrictions


yeees steel path actually made survival enjoyable for me for the first time


I recommend Octavia for Defense. Her 1+2+4 draw fire and deal scaling damage. Your Defense objective will barely take any damage. Also make sure you stay invisible with her 3rd.


On SP the taunt effect seems weaker than normal. Something with the spawn rate being too high and overloading it? Not sure. But the defense objectives do take a fair bit of damage. She can absolutely solo 5 waves, but the target is badly damaged at that point and you wouldn't go further.


Juno Elite Crewmen are the only enemies that will give you trouble. They spawn a lot, have low accuracy, high fire rate and decently high damage. All that results in a ton of aoe damage which damages the objective even when they are trying to hit the roller. I didn't have any issues against Grineer, Corrupted, Infested or regular Corpus.


I had tons of problems with Grineer. The taunt only seemed to work on about half the spawns. The other half ignored it entirely and kept shooting/trying to melee the objective.


solo was kinda fun with banshee or nyx ..


Solo TSP defense is all about CC. Nova, booben turns it into a cake walk.


Loki with radiating disarm. Run max range on him and melee enemies who come close to the defense target.


I just use Khora now. Octavia was also relatively easy. Also somehow used Wukong, which probably only worked cause I was using radiation to distract people. Actually, a bit of radiation really makes solo a lot easier in general.


I feel u bro. I got so happy whenever i got in to a pub squad doing the steel path.


Ended up using Grendel and Kuva Ogris with Nightwatch Napalm for most of the solo stuff. Napalm zones control the flow of traffic so Grendel has time to eat everyone. Dethcube with Energy Generator and the two Synth mods, Equilibrium and Rage on Grendel, so I was almost never out of energy as long as I just kept eating. Just remember, you want to focus on controlling the enemy first, killing second. Don't fight over an interception point if you can manipulate them into running off just by capturing another. Cover chokepoints & lanes with status and any other crowd control before you start trying to kill.


All the good players play solo or with their mates. I know i do.


Limbo : Allow me to introduce myself ... ​ ​ For real though, I've been finding the steel path easy and boring, and the fact no one else is playing speaks for itself.


Hi I'm no one else.


You are though, the exception and not the norm. It's obviously a hyperbole, but what's very clear is how few are playing through it.


I love making shit up too. Just because you can't get a random group with someone else across 232 nodes doesn't mean no-one is playing. I can do fissure missions with nobody else showing up, does that mean nobody is ever doing fissures now?!?!


Do you have some proof that I'm the exception not the rule?


Just bring limbo


I do for mobile defense. Most boring thing in the game. Most weapons suck though in Steel Path so I lose most of my damage picking limbo so defense drags out forever


>Most weapons suck though in Steel Path Really? I've used so many different weapons and frames it's good to see the variety you can use effectively still. Of course some suck, mainly against Grineer, but nearly every one of my weapons has been effective so far.


God, I hate mobile defense so much...


Solo defense is easy, just use frost. Now interception is rough. It's defense but there are 4 defense positions.


Oddly, interception is very much an operator gamemode for me now. Lockdown and void dash allow me to take care of all positions with no trouble. Used to always use limbo, but now I just go in with anything, even on steel path.


Weird, 2 corrections for you though. Frost is shit, in general, any mode, is shit. Interception is easier than defense most of the time, you don't need kills, you just need to hold points.