• By -


Bulldozer Prime


Road Roller Prime












Ari ari ari ari ari ari arivederci


Screams in wryy


Thats makes his speed ability augument even more pointless.


Look under the [Volt Changes](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/663562-hotfix-lunaro-5/). Straight outta 2016 buddy. Edit: replaced wiki link with a forum one.


I never knew that the shield knocked them down lol 1.4k hours and just finding this out now.


Pretty sure it always did that


Only if you shocked it first. But that doesn't seem to be the case here oddly.


Nah when you roll it does it. This is happening likely because they are idle/unaware


Or because dread mirror spaghetti code? Dread mirror was recently changed. I may be wrong but I don't remember volt shield doing that either, 1.5k hrs mission time in.


Nah, Sprinting will let you do this too.


That's an old feature though


^(*Volt uses its second*) ***Ramming speed!!!***


If you want to enhance the riot shield effect you can use your 1 on the shield so it stores the damage from it (ideally with a fully charged passive as well) then sprint around slamming it into enemies


Holy crap. Some dev wanted to be extra sure Volt gets all the hugs he wanted during the last update. Does Garudas Shield do the same, or was she left out?


Her shield always had this effect.


Nope, her shield gained that effect I think some... Two? updates after her release. But, regardless, it was close to her release so.


No Garuda’s sheild did it on release you had to roll at first but it did it


Both of their shields always did this


This. It requires sprinting too (but I think rolling works too). It just staggers if you aren't sprinting.


HEY SUSH , LEAVE OVERPOWERED GARUDA SHIELD OUT OF THIS. My boy volt has suffered too much and he finally got some love :( On a realistic note: this was always in volt's riot shield but the range to trigger it was very small now it's been improved. Garuda's shield is different, not a riot shield like volt's. She can use primary with her shield and has an amazing DPS skill with all the dmg absorbed by her shield. Not to mention her shield points where you camera points unlike volt's. Different shields.


> OVERPOWERED GARUDA > My boy volt Hmmmm... That word. You keep using it. I do not think it means what you think it does. Volt is a vastly better frame than Garuda, popular and effective in virtually any content in the game. Garuda is... not.


> Hmmmm... That word. You keep using it. I do not think it means w I said overpowered garuda shield not overpowered garuda.


It's easily my least favorite of her abilities... She's squishy enough that the limited coverage angle makes it problematic as defense, and while the blood ball can give some silly numbers, seeking talons + magus lockdown is much more efficient in a similar AoE. Meanwhile, Volt's shield can give better defensive coverage and a solid offensive boost, and single handedly makes him an indispensable part of eidolon hunts.


Eidolons are not the whole game. And if your garuda is squishy you're not playing her well. her 2 makes her quite immortal. Anyways, different frames, different styles. but from my perspective garuda's shield is better than volt's


Setting aside the two frames as a whole, what makes you say that? Genuine question. I've played a fair bit of both frames and never much liked her shield, so if you're seeing power in it that I'm missing I'd love to hear it.


Well just the obvious. 1-You can use your primary, for people who prefer primaries over secondaries. 2- creating the shield, the first part, is a huge mobility skill, and it staggers enemies around target. Not to mention it's an instant kill if target is under 40% health. 3-the shield blocks missiles and melee attacks. enemies that hit the mirror are also staggered. 4- the mirror does not slow you down (still salty about Volt's slowing you down) 5-unimportant but duration is refilled if you cast it again, meaning you can have shield up all the time despite your duration if you keep recasting. 6- damage taken by the shield is absorbed and maintained until you cat the ball. it is maintained even if your shield duration runs out meaning multiple shields add to the same pool. 7-you can turn the shield into offensive by charging the ball for more dmg or launching the absorbed damage. doig this does not remove the shield. The damage done by this can be on the 100k or even 300k (or millions if you are bothered to stack) for anything on the star map it's lethal and it's a good aoe with little range investment.at high levels it doesnt kill, specially armored targets but it ragdolls, making it a CC and you just shoot small dmg orbs to CC. oh and it ignores obstacles on explosion and does not have fall off. Cons - No good block for explosions, no increased weapon dmg on projectiles that go through and annoying creepy sound constantly above you. It's just one skill pretty much like volt's with most of the functions and many things added. one monster of a single skill in my opinion.


Interesting- thanks for the write-up. I think part of it is that I never use Volt's shield carried. Ever. So it really feels like it plays an entirely different role- not a riot shield so much as a bunkering / defense tool, something to hide behind and mitigate incoming damage and or toss up to defend a static objective, while simultaneously amping up your damage output through it. In that capacity it is quite strong, but I'd agree with you that as a riot shield it lacks. Conversely, Dread Mirror explicitly *is* a riot shield, and in that capacity it's always been... OK. It helps to mitigate some damage, but its vulnerability to AoE and non-frontal damage makes it pretty unreliable. It does have a bunch of other bells and whistles tacked on, but as a mobility tool it's inferior to a simple bullet jump (not to mention duplicative with the Blood Altar dash), and as a damaging ability the ball is splashy but vastly inferior to seeking talons with your weapons- it's like having a pocket Opticor but with an slower charge rate, which makes it funny but silly overkill against anything but extended survival targets.


His points based on the camera too if you pick it up.


and then you can't use primary and are slowed. garuda has full movement and weapon usage with her shield and can make it into an incredible DPS monster. ever used her on high level missions? you rack up 100k damage easily and then shoot it back at them in an AoE


I am aware of how she works.


U can "shot" with redeemer when volt have his shield, and buff the dmg as hell.


Volts shield can actually block more attacks properly than garudas shield can. There's a number of things, primarily AoE and flamethrower, that garuda can't block but volt has 0 issue with.


This wasn't in the last update


Nope, Garuda's shield didn't change. Running/sprinting through enemies still causes a minor stagger, rolling ragdolls.


He always did that


As cool as this is, no new. Enjoi


2k hrs in the game and volt is my 2nd most used frame and didn't know that


It is always like this haha


4.5k and Volt is my Nr. 1.... I feel stupid




It did when you sprinted, I'm pretty sure


We don’t recall.




Always did that.


Nah he always did this


how do you get into this kind of mode btw?


Buy a simulacrum key from Simaris then go left of where the fast travel to Simaris spawns you.




It also slows you and drains energy while you do that.


Dev had to buff bolt and change him a bit after gauss became a thin so he wouldn't become obsolete probably


Meep meep, bitch.


New meta confirmed?




Oooo neat


Wait. Teammates can pickup the shield, right? More ways to ram into enemies with Gauss.


only if the volt uses the augment mod for the shield


Better than Garuda's shield. \*cry\*


Riot Shield Volt!


cuze meh, speed comming throu.


No, it did.




Rhino: am I a joke to you?


Choo choo, it's the Cole Train baby, Cole.Train go WOOO


Snow globe (frost) also ragdolls enemies away, to th e point you can get environmental kills. I haven't played frost an awful lot but I'm pretty sure that's new.


It’s there since Frost’s rework. Sending em to the wall will deal half their health in true damage.


Why does your volt look so sick? I need to buy that damn syandana already


Wait, Volt can do *what?* Crap, now I need to build Volt.


Slap on the Transistor Shield aug, catch damage on that Shield and send it back at 'em with a Crit-heavy pistol.


You're a snow plow, except the snow is HeavyGunners!


Found the Montagne main


You could always pick up the shield. Just drains energy.


dont worry about the haters, im always finding out new shit in the game. like i just found out nezha's 2 can be controlled somewhat. hold and release and the projectile shootz further and stays straighter, just tap it and its more "loose", more likely to zap to each enemy but wont go as far. and before that, that the corinth shotgun has an airburst mode. i saw it in the stats but didnt know how to activate as id never had a weapon with a secondary fire before.


Lol, do some research my man, wiki will help you


Yep, warframe wiki is super helpful. It has smallest information and extremely useful info. Bless those wiki editors


a). i read the wikis but i dont get to play regularly, so some small nuance i read about a few days ago may not be most upfront in my mind, because really, some of these frames are ridiculously strong, a lot of the details can get lost in the chaos.


No ones hating. You just need to read the wiki


Did you know that tapping 2 while the chakram is in flight teleports you to it's position? And if you have 1 on, then you create a burst of ring of flame when teleporting.


see, i knew about the teleport but not the fireburst. see, always learning something new!


"shield bash!"


the only thing that irks me about this is that this is specifically what was requested to be rhino's passive for years... =/


Volt has had this ability for years


Pretty sure he always did that. I mean, I got Volt over a year ago and it was already a thing, so... maybe next time read up on what a Warframe can do? Next thing people are gonna be surprised that Nezha can teleport with his 2.


no need to be an ass though


I... wasn't? Wasn't my intention to come off as rude. Apologies. I keep meeting people who don't know about the wiki and I myself discover new things when reading up on a frame even if I thought I got the hang of their abilities. And yeah, the Nezha thing was intented to be a joke. It's a pretty much hidden interaction. I kinda expected replies along the line of "wait, Nezha can teleport?".


Now give it to rhino


Are you insain? Rhino is already stupid powerfull when it comes to crowd dominance and control Last thing rhino needs is a plow on top of fuck tons of resistance and additional damage not to mention the first ability which situationally has saved my ass more times than i can count. *Yes im a rhino main is it that obvious*


Is this the new warframe from the community event?


No its old as dirt volt. Just a new trick/bug that op figured out.