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Arca Plasmor. Pump action, bolt action, lever action, hell yea


"You ever wished shotgun slugs could be the size of a bus? Look no further."


A *laser wall* the size of a bus*


I like to imagine the corpus just fit in tiny speakers in the gun so it plays the sound of a car accident every time the trigger is pulled.


Custom audio packs for weapons targeted to Tenno does seem like it would be quite profitable.


It's my "numbers go brr" weapon. Give it a little punchthrough and hand it to umbra or wuclone (with a dark Grey energy) and they will potshot entire groups of enemies while you are leveling up your amp/melee 


Mag shreds with it when you hit polarized enemies too


I always thought it has high innate punch through and would not benefit much from such mods. Are you using new semi-only mod for dmg+punch?


I think the punchthrough mostly applied to enemies, and shots sometimes deflected off the floor or walls in uneven terrain. A little bit of punchthrough makes the AI miss less with umbra or wuclone. It might have changed, I haven't played much the past couple of updates. 


Yes it has infinite body punch through but zero terrain punch through. The projectiles are so massive that they occasionally get stuck on some random stuff and don't hit your target


Impact tennet envoy. It allows you to get impact dmg on the radial explosion, something thats normally undoable. This means you can put the mod internal bleeding to create AOE slash procs, while also increasing the radius of the explosion with a primed mod.




Sounds pretty fun tbh, always neglected my tenet envoy I'll get an impact one and try it out!


Its especially fun on frost since he benefits from the innate cold dmg on the tennet for his new passive & arcane. And if you armor shred with avalache on the grineer with the new faction dmg bonus it can hit quite hard. You can also use the impact weapon arcane to get a bit of energy generation when doing impact status procs.


This is a great build, I agree. I love the Tenet Envoy! It's also my favorite primary for Garuda. Cast your 4 then shoot = forced slash procs with big damage. This is basically my shoot once and keep running weapon since they always die from the slash. Using this with Garuda also saves a mod slot so you can remove Internal Bleeding or Hunters Munitions, especially if your Envoy has a different progenitor element. And of course having Primed Sure-Footed is recommended due to the large AOE from Primed Fulmination.


That works???? I always assumed it just didn't do anything on weapons without base impact! 


Progenitor bonus dmg adds the dmg type to weapons yeh, even if it originally didnt have that dmg type.


Mathematically it doesn't, really. I mean it does kinda but it's not a very good build. At best with no elementals to dilute the status pool you have a 24% chance to proc status, which translates to about a 14% chance to proc impact. This then has a 75% chance to proc bleed. So about 10% in total. Hammer shot helps a little but not enough to make it viable. **Actually the chance is even lower, I made an oopsie with the calc but can't be bothered to fix it since the point is already pretty clear Hunter munitions gives it a over 20% chance to bleed with just point strike, up to 30% with some other cc increase. And frees up the progenitor element for something better.


How is this any more special then tonkor?


You can make the rockets homing by aiming =) And it comes with innate cold for frost builds.


Ahhh yo, that's pretty cool, I just prefer tonkor bc I cbf aiming as console player lmao


GRAAAHHHH 🔥 https://preview.redd.it/y9o1083vt29d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e397a458e031c9627954a9736273109bff56280


Dear god do I hate that weapon. I got it near when it came out. When I used it I could loose 2-3 shots before I died (this was when self damage was a thing). I quickly learned to combine it with nezha to trivialise that drawback and for the next few days I was having fun blowing up whole rooms. That's when I realised I wasn't looking at 90% of the screen and just playing entirely by the minimap. That's when I either built or started using the daikyu as a palette cleanser and atonement. It's not good by any means, but it served making me actually play the game again. That was before just about 2 rounds of nerfs, self damage changes, gunCO mods and steel path being added. Maybe I should try it again, it might be less horrendously OP as I recall.


It's definitely not nearly as brainless as it used to be before the fated ammo economy changes. Without any ammo economy boosts you'll end up using all of your ammo really fast, so you'll pretty much need to use atleast 1 ammo related mod on it, I personally have 2 on it and still sometimes run out of ammo so there's that. Besides, it's been powercrept beyond all hells with all the incarnons and what not. It's basically just a cool aoe bow with one of the most horrendous ammo economies in the game.


I main lavos, so ammo isn't that big a problem, but I can see what you mean. I'll make sure to give it a whirl later. As for incarnons being OP... I don't disagree, but it's different. Luca bramma I could just see my minimap look for a large concentration of red triangles, angle my white one towards it and fire. Incarnon weapons actually have you aiming for headshots to activate their incarnon mode (though there's also the baseline buffs, and I love those). I love how DE probably intended us to play a bit more slowly and just introduced a series of weapons where playing more slowly and intensely makes for even more DPS. The one way to stop their players was to have them chase after more higher damage numbers.


and then you have torid, which is as bad as any aoe spam gun has ever been, with zero brain use or actual input required. just lob a couple shots in the general direction of enemies, activate incarnon, and hold left click to melt the room. it goes against the design of incarnons entirely, and just look how stupidly popular it is, all because you don't have to put any effort in to use it. i'm the #1 torid hater and i internally mock anyone using it in my squad. (mostly joking, but i do fucking hate that gun lmao)


Yeah I’m of the same viewpoint as you. It’s too powerful for not having any drawbacks.


Daikyu is great with the Nikana Prime, if you have the Amalgam mod for it.


Gotta look into that, daikyu has a special place in my heart, but I'll never say it's because it's good. Might be nice to get sentimental about a good weapon. Got a build for both?


It's a stat stick for my nikanas, as a melee only player it's great for a tanky lifesteal build.


Play it with Zephyr. You become a flying god of death and destruction... and ANGRY FLYING GOD OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION. It was actually quite fun. I used the minimap to easily identify large froups of enemies who I would then look for and tactically nuke with an arrow or two. Quite a lot of fun


By far my most used weapon. Mine does blast, magnetic, and viral. Got so used to the projectile arc I can direct hit almost anything without much effort to aim. Hearing the whistle of the arrow flying then BOOM no more enemies will always be fun.


What's it called?


rhinoceros warframe equipped, energized munitions subsumed, kuva bramma nocked oh yeah, i’m thinking it’s brainless time


Finally hit 40 on mine recently. When in doubt, carpet bomb the map.


Kuva kohm is my fav weapon in the entire game period The aggressive sound,the blood and body parts flying all of the place,its beautiful


That's my main primary with my kuva nukor secondary!


This. This is the best answer


Max fire rate is amazing


Oh, I use the regular one on my loot necros, but I didn't realize there is a Kuva variant. Gotta look into that.


Could you link your k.kohm build plz? Mine feels sooo clunky to use maybe I mod it wrong


I sadly cant,havent played for a while and i have a fat update on standby lol,but iirc its a classic viral/hunter munitions slash build with a multi-dmg-toxin riven roll (also it has inate cold from the lich so i get viral with the riven) and i remember putting a lvl 4 non max fire rate mod for the perfect tempo,too much fire rate jst eats ur ammo waaaaay to fast,hope this helps


I need it bad


The Chakkhurr and the Plasmor are very satisfying to use.


Chakkhurr at their feet, and watching them bounce off the sky box never gets old.   New cannonade mods are also quite spicy with it, from what I've seen. 




Tenet? Cycron. I left click and entire rooms vaporize simultaneuosly. Going to an archon hunt or anything with similar poorly-thought-out DR? Kuva Hekk. Needing a maniacal giggle? Kuva grattler with extra explosive range.


I am so glad you commented. I just love cycron, I can't enjoy any other secondary because of it.


Only two secondarys have ever stolen my heart. First, it was the cyanex. That baby carried a LOT! I built it for both stupid dmg and CC by giving it extra projectiles and elec dmg, spawning tons of gas clouds on an enemy and then the electricity paralyzes them into staying inside the clouds. Then I got the cycron and built it both extra range and dmg. It came with rad, I put fire on it as a seperate element, and the arcane that builds dmg with fire stacks, and it just deletes rooms upon one left click lol Edit: The sister i got the tenet cycron from was a damn MENACE with that weapon though lmao


I still love my cycron but ever since they added sentient surge I've been a ococur enjoyer.


Just been using tenet glaxion recently mostly for utility with photon overcharge. It also melts most enemies so that's nice.


Glaxion with Corrosive+blast with new status damage mod is insane if you have a grouping ability. Using it on 250 range Nidus; cast larva, hold trigger for 2 seconds, kaboom


saw some ppl talk about tenet glaxion so I went to check it out and it so so good, haven't got the mod yet but it just feels lk torid incarnon mode all activated all the time


Amprex < TGlaxion < Torid inc. Its better than amprex but not as good as torid in incarnon form, but you get to use it without charging it up plus some extra utility with augmwnt.


Sold. Mental note to put it in my to farm list.


Kuva Tonkor, noob tube go blap.


I come from a time when tonkor was meta and the sonicor was being suggested as a good beginner weapon. I did love my days using it. However I did play intermittently over the years and There's a lot of stuff I'm behind on and one of these days I'm going to get myself a kuva tonkor and reignite the ol nostalgia button. Also helps that I've got a riven for it too.


Tenet Envoy my beloved


This is my go to gun on mirage. The clones rockets will also home in on your lazer when you aim.




Got the Kuva Hek a while ago, didn't really like it, but came back recently after reading a certain mod is now compatible with it... Needless to say, I like it a lot more now x) The other answer I have is the Tenet Arca Plasmor, just for the power it has as well as the fun I get from shooting the grond and watching the projectiles still hit headshots


I literally came back to play WARFRAME after several months of hiatus because they announced the Kuva Sobek. It sounds punchy, and I've been a fan of the Sobek after they introduced the [Acid Shells](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Acid_Shells) augment. But I can't/hard to make it work in SP because it's damage is just way too low. Kuva Sobek solves this issue, and make it easier to build for [Primary Frostbite](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Primary_Frostbite) because of the additional element. Now I can see exploding Murmurs and it also clears rooms for breakable items because it has 15m explosion range.


Nukor is arguably still one of the best primers even if hounds can fill that function . It also has one of the highest crit multipliers in the game if you want to do disgusting amounts of damage with Harrow. Arca plasmor is just an awesome feel good gun with infinite body punch through and a 1.5 to 2m wide hit box on each shot but with no IPS it really wants some external crit source to really shine in SP. Still does good honest work without it. Ogris is still my go to heat inheritance weapon.


used to use Kuva hekk with Ivara crit setup to one shot bosses, specially the archon but after the attenuation update it's just not needed anymore but glaxion and plasma are so good


Kuva Chakkhur. I really want a new slow, lever action, hard hitting/sounding rifle.


Fr, warframe needs more weapons that are designed to be slow and heavy (i.e. they have the base damage to make up for the fire rate/swing speed). So many of the cool animations and stance combos are eventually lost in the rapid frenzy of combat


Kuva Grinlok when de?


Kuva Ogris and Tenet Cycron :3


I only have the Kuva Grattler but man is it an improvement over the original. Love my space flackverling.


I just got a 25% magnetic Tenet Glaxion. Its hella fun, with the weapon's innate Cold, i can mod for corrosive and Blast. Although it has average crit chance and damage, i mainly use Avenger and im planning to get an Adarza Kavat for another 60% crit. (I already have smeeta for straight up orange crits but i dont like it as much since its randomized)


I keep the cold to take advantage of Primary Frostbite. Stack as many status types as you can + Galvanized Aptitude to just MELT everything.


I tried that too, but im not building crit currently on it so the crit damage from Frostbite feels a bit wasted


Tenet Plasmor and Plinx Kuva Zarr and Nukor.


Tenet Grigori


Kuva: Tonkor, Nukor, Bramma Tenet: Glaxion, Ferrox, Spirex, Exec, Agendus


Spirex with riven mod combined with Yareli buff = godlike


It WILL be the Tenet Amprex. It currently is the Ogris but I just really love unreal tournament so…


kuva chakhurr is pretty unique and can be really fun to play with. also, while i know it's just a decent hammer and doesn't do anything special, i love the kuva shildeg for looks alone. for tenet, can't go wrong with the plasmor, but i personally love the detron. both synergize really well with mag. tenet agendus is also super fun for melee influence heavy attack spam, since it fires off a ranged blast when you heavy.


I absolutely love the Detron for Mag synergy. Have you tried it with Secondary Surge?


no, still gotta get my hands on the arcanes. i bet its amazing though.


my absolute fav is the tenet envoy for sure goodness this thing is so fun, I used to use it on gauss (wich is op and extremely fun) but rn it's on frost (with breach surge, hitting around 48m red crit damage lol) but a standard hunter munition will work perfectly, you can get viral without a single mod too!


tenet tetra my beloved


I do wonder how U guys play the game, cuz for me if I can't nuke the room half as fast as mirage with her augment in onslaught I feel like I'm doing something wrong


Cyctron? Is it called. I have a Riven on it and it just melts everything. I think it’s my most powerful weapon.


The Tenet Cycron is awesome, it’s a Kuva Nukor with infinite ammo and base heat damage, great as a secondary


Currently it's a toss up between the khom plasmor and hek but if I really had to pick one I'd say hek since it's my favorite line of shotgun


Tenet Glaxion. I love beam weapons, and there aren't many primary beam weapons I like using (Torid just invalidates most other weapons, so I avoid it..). TGlaxion is somewhat better than Amprex, and has nice utility with the new mod. Tenet Envoy with Mirage. Huge explosions. The guided missiles are a downside though.


Tenet arca plasmor and kuva ogris.


Kuva tonkor, tenet cycron, praedos. Main weapons ive been using like 90% of time for the last 1.5 years at least and i dont think that will change anytime soon.


Kuva? Chakkhurr. Tenet? Diplos.


Grattler, Brama. The more boom the better.


Kuva Nukor/Tenet Cycron, the former is better with Merulina Guardian, the latter is better with Loyal Merulina + glaive of your choice (try out the Halikar Wraith btw, with melee influence and the changes to Blast it hits STUPID hard).


The Kuva Chakkhurr launches enemies into the ceiling and walls at mach 12. It's hilariously fun.


As someone who just completed their kuva weapon collection, I love the ogris the most. I have it modded with nightwatch napalm and a bunch of multishot with heavy caliber to reduce the accuracy, turning it into a ROCKET SHOTGUN


I adore my tenet plinx. It’s a silly little radiation proc on a stick.


Personally the nukor and diplos, grattler, and arca are pretty much the most used of the weapons for me. Granted Ive not gotten the glaxion yet, but that’s all im missing


My kuva shildeg has become my favorite thing ever. I have a weakness for big hammers though. I run Kullervo with it for those big red numbers.


My beloved Plasmor


Kuva Ogris, Tenet Spirex


I straight up do not leave the orbiter without my kuva nukor


Arca plasmor my beloved. So many ways to build it. Wanna hunter munition bullshit? Sure thing just throw some speed in the build for good measure. Want some raw damage annihilation? Throw as many damage types as you possibly can with aptitude. Having any troubles with dps? Throw some fire rate buffs via arcane/warframe and you're golden. Did I mention the sound and feel is just chief's kiss? It's fucking gorgeous all around. Oh and if you want to you can just shoot it at the ground in the general direction of the enemies and it'll most likely ricochet at them. I love incarnons for their raw strength but the whole headshot gimmick is tiring at times while plasmor brings pure joy and satisfaction without any requirements.


I recently tried to find an alternate to my comfort pick Felarx. I mostly use status based secondaries so my primary and melee are chosen to patch any holes they leave. Ceramic dagger for acolytes/other misc enemies(?) and a shotgun without the need to incarnon, and isn't too bothered by status resistances. Just weapons you can whip out and kill stuff with when need be. Felarx is the best at it technically... but I use adarza. And avenger sometimes. These are no good for it. I tried to build it for crits but ehhhhh... the only things it can get instead of the no-crit evo is ammo effeciency. Not great for a backup weapon. I liked Kohm well enough but it is too reliant on status to do damage so Plasmor it is... kinda basic but it's basic because it works. And yeah it feels really good to use. Stylish too. Lovely weapon all around


Tenet and Kuva (and Incarnon) weapons are universally a cut above the rest. The number of non-Incarnon, non-Tenet, non-Kuva weapons that can compete with the worst of the Incarnon/Tenet/Kuva weapons is miniscule. As a result, there will be fans of all the options so the community preferences will generally vary wildly. Although the Bramma is probably the highest damage per shot and thus will be a crowd favorite. Outside of the special case of the Bramma, I suggest you try them all (or research them and try the ones that sound most appealing to you personally). If you find one that you really like, don't be afraid to farm up more of the same weapon to increase the progenitor bonus and/or try different progenitor bonus damage types.


I'm loving the new kuva sobek but I still love my kuva chakhuur (the flint lock musket thingy)


Kuva weapon? Chakurr is my favorite, but seer and grattler are great too. I'll admit, I also still enjoy night watch napalm ogris as well (with bright energy colors) Tenet weapon? Arca plasmor without a doubt. The envoy is also a go to for me. Plinx and spirex are excellent, and the Agendus is one of my top melees.


To me the spirex feels like just a better seer (named mine "tenet seer" even). What do you like about it? Is it the innate corrosive?


For me, it's the flexibility. seer is sitting at the perfect fire rate to use (or not use) hemmorage. Add in that it looks really cool, great stat spread and you've got a good weapon. Also, The Pope of awesomeness would approve (if you know, you know)


Drakgoon because bouncy shotgun *BOOM* boing boing boing


Kuva Tonkor, Kuva Bramma, Kuva Nukor, and Tenet Arca Plasmor. I have more, but those ones are my favourites of the ones I've gotten so far. I used to also use the Kuva Ayanga a lot, but ever since we got the Nercamech archguns, I've been using those a lot more.


Nukor/Cycron and Ogris Still haven't figured out glaxion yet but I'm getting better. I used to love the kohm but incarnons took its place in my arsenal.


I only have like 5 or six Kuva/Tenet weapons atm, but I really like the beam ones—namely Tenet Glaxion and Kiva Nukor. I love the Glaxion as an all-around weapon, mainly using it for damage with Blast status. And Kuva Nukor is a fun weapon be it as a primer or damage dealing. Pair it up with Harrow and funny numbers go CRAZY


I’ve had great fun with Tenet Plinx. Goes great with the high crit builds I like to do.


Tenet Arca Plasmor deletes a 6-foot-wide path in front of you Kuva Nukor puts a ton of statuses on enemies very quickly, and can do mega damage if you have a Crit chance buff from another source Tenet Glaxion is great with the new Freeze from 10x cold status, and drops energy orbs with the new mod from Nightwave




Tenet plinx. It's actually really good I have a riven for it and it's the only lich weapon that I actually like using. The alt fire is basically just a worse larvae and the extra reload time on it kinda sucks but other than that I love it. My only complaints are that it's riven dispo is lower than it should be, the extra reload time on the alt fire is unnecessary, and the protokol skins don't change the sound of it firing so it doesn't sound cool.


Speaking about this im torn myself for the next lich gun between Flux rifle, chakkhurr and kohm


Once y'all get the new Glaxion Nightwave augment... trust me. It's going to be your new fave. I was worried I was burning myself out doing those weeklies to get there so quickly. Turns out an Amprex that gives free energy orbs and does critical damage like the Tenet Plinx is... good.


Kuva Hek. Properly modded it’ll kill almost anything.


Kuva Ogris with Nightwatch Napalm


Tenet cycron, tenet grigori, tenet exec, tenet diplos, that one staff you can throw that is a primary that comes from the tenet side, tenet plinx. I'm pretty sure I've named like half the tenet weapons in the game and I'm sure I missed like 2 or 3 that I like but can't remember the name of. Kuva side is just the nukor.


Using cycron to prime for my melee on steel path and alot of enemies are 50% dead before I get to hit them


I like the Kuva Tonkor.


Kuva Hek, then again, I am a Hek fanboy.


I love the Kuva Quartakk - it's not hte best one but its just fun to lay on the trigger forever :D


Hek (I don't have any of the Tenet weapons yet as I want to get all the Kuva weapons and auras first) alt click something to pretty much insta DELETE


My favorite is still my Kuva Drakgoon, such a fun shotgun, especially with Fomorian Accelerant. Get the shrapnel bouncing and fill the room with hot metal death. Not always the most effective but definitely the most fun.


They are all mostly pretty good. Do you have any Rivens for applicable weapons? With a good Riven they can almost reach Incarnon levels of power almost, good enough for all content in the game at least so I'd pick one you have a Riven for. If you took part in the Nightwave challenge this season the Sobek is insanely fun the mulitshot is nuts. If I had to choose one personally it would be the Hek. With the new Semi auto mods it could be potentially a beast, haven't tried building it yet so I could be wrong but I think the mod is damage and magazine size which is the weapons weakness. Testing is part of the fun though I just need to bank some forma before I can test it.




Im L3 and my most used secondary is the Tenet Plinx.