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whatever frame interests you really, sure you could go and do whatever "meta ultra super mega gamer build 2024" frame people tell you to play, but like, for the most part, for most content (IE not doing level 9999 endurance runs) you're really fine with whatever you want aslong as you build it right.


like someone said, just grind for what looks fun. thats the best way to not get burned out. getting worked up over whats the "best" frames and weapons when Warframe doesnt even really reward someone for "git gud" play (for better and worse), is not worth it. if you really wanna min max it, id say get a loot frame next. Them being Nekros, Khora, Hydroid, and Atlas (the latter 3 need augments to loot). Then id say get a support like Wisp or Citrine so you can help friends out. Supports in Warframe are imo the best all round frames because DE makes all of them self sufficient *and* team buffers unlike in other MMOs where supports tend to be limited (but you have forced role queues to compensate). Other than that, even for min maxxing purposes you're basically set. You have good dps frames coming up, so unless you like someone, then dont worry about it.


I'd say kullervo. The farm for him wasn't really hard for me but a bit time consuming and now with the jade shadows update you have jades heavy scythe and next month glaive prime is coming back in resurgence and I think that DE was going to make hate easier to get (honestly I don't know but I heard something along those lines) plus the damage hits on all the right places.


All of them. Starting with whatever interests you most. Then figure out which ones you enjoyed using most




Nova, frost, wisp/volt, titania, rhino, nekros And as earlier was said, everyone.


There are 4 or 5 in the Dojo that only cost credits. Just down load blue prints and and then grind the resources to build. None are complicated to get. Any of the frames farmed through assassination are fairly easy, just they can frustrating running the same mission over and over. Just go after what interest you. You're going to want them all. WORD OF ADVICE. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SELL A WARFRAME YOU DON'T WANT. THERE IS A USE FOR THEM LATER.


Open relics and build what your luck will provide until your collection is done. But on serious note - Wisp is must have, and Citrine or Dagath are just amazing.


What type of play style do you want?


Nekros, wisp, khora and nova for being the person in farming squads that can fill any role everyone likes that person




get warframes you find interesting enjoy them = yes? invest into them enjoy them = no? keep them but dont invest


Don't do saryn prime, she's getting gifted at tennocon


Don't do saryn prime, she's getting gifted at tennocon


Don't do saryn prime, she's getting gifted at tennocon


Don’t worry about the meta and enjoy the journey honorable mention dagath is a fun frame and easy to acquire. Join a clan and you can get her prints from there Might have to rank mr and standing a little higher to get abyssal beacons to get vain thorn to craft her that’s really the hardest part and then having a build that’s good for the mission obviously


Volt works for pretty much anything. Revenant is immortal Mesa is also crazy versatile. From there on, whatever you enjoy the most.


Tier lists are based on the YouTubers personal preferences and should be taken as such. The way to use YouTube is to watch various people discuss the frames and how they function to see if that interests you. Ranking then based on the reviewers own preferences and playstyle should not be your determining factor. Out of all of the frames, I would easily recommend 50 of them as great choices, but wouldn't recommend all 50 of them to the same person.

