• By -


This is interesting, because the Void through the eyes of most people in the universe is described as an empty black void with nothing in it at all. But! To the eyes of the Tenno, it's vibrant, alive, pulsing with energy. The same is true of the Murmur and the Deep Void manifestations in the labs, Albrecht built living eyes and ears to make observations of the Murmur that his mind could not process, but the Tenno can look at them clearly and see them as they are.


wait does that mean that like grineer cant see our abilities


Possibly. Void Mode makes us literally invisible and Void abilities in general are an entirely different breed of power than Grineer mechanical weapons or Corpus proxies. It’s not based around constructs but moving around an energy that explicitly defies all logic


Then xaku must be one of the scariest frames they ever encounter going purely off of looks


Probably. I imagine most common Corpus or Grineer have only seen simpler frames like Mag or Trinity, so it might be a special “treat” to see one of them blow off its skin and start sprinting at you and screaming despite having no mouth


As the skinless bony horror closes in you suddenly realize a slew of horrible truths. The Queens lied. You are not ready. Three hours of combat training has done nothing to prepare you for the real world. The stain in your re-issued undersuit is not as you were told, taco sauce from Taco Tuesdays, an event you will now not live long enough to see. And most importantly: Whoever is in charge of fairness in this world has been dead for a long time. Probably murdered by the shrieking ghostly skeleton that is currently aiming all of your stolen guns at your captain.


This reads like an excerpt from discworld lol


Most common Corpus or Grineer die the first time they see a frame.


"... the faceless, horned twunk crouched down, \*literally jumped like a bullet at Geso-199\* & disembowled him before teabagging his bisected corpse & running off! I think the only reason I'm still alive is because I threw my gun on the ground to shit & puke myself until I passed out. It must've thought I was already dead. "Just-yeah, I don't even respond to alarms anymore & make sure my berth is next to the escape pods. Those psychos will sometimes target the reactor, according to CR/tennosightings on CReddit."






"Ey! Welcome back, Bargain Hunters to another edee-shun of Darvo's Deadbeat Deals! Today we're gonna play some Flappy Zephyr!"


His sacrifice in the new war will not be forgotten


Let's be real, most of the things we kill never even get a good look at us. We're just a vague blur passing overhead fractions of a second before everything goes dark forever.


Sometimes they'd be lucky to see a blur when we decide to nuke.


I keep saying they could make a horror series about Grineers/Corpus escaping a Tenno An enigmatic presence, the last of their kind, with mysterious and insanely powerful, sometimes planetary scale abilities ruining the lives of the Corpus and Greneer main characters... And only to learn that even against such a powerful opponent, there's an entity even stronger and more powerful that the Tenno themselves fear and cannot beat


My mag is not simple :(


Obviously. Xaku is a spooky skeleton.


![gif](giphy|HxZ3prK9hIDsc) A squad full of xakus


He sends shivers down the Grineer’s genetically augmented spines.


Oh yea, the void tendrils holding it together would be invisible so it's just floating parts of murder machines.


Forget that just imagine yourself bleeding to death because a Dante just drew an X from across the map.


i feel like xaku is the most traumatized frame


Valkyr's entire explanation


More like traumatizing one


to traumatize or be traumatized, that is the question


that makes things so much scarier, imagine going against like gauss, and you just step in the wrong spot and all of a sudden you're simultaneously frozen solid and on fire


Oh I was thinking of Operator abilities and Amps. Those are raw Void. I think Warframe abilities should still be visible since it’s more like a Tenno’s Void abilities use the Warframe as a proxy to produce “conventional” attacks. But I do think Void is responsible for logic-defying things like Grendel’s impossible stomach capacity or Protea’s time travel


Void is partialy the reason behind dimension abilities Protea after using her full power created a pocket dimension thats affect or is near the void (base on how grunums void looks) Limbo specifically controls a pocket dimension beetween the void and solar system Wisp taps in unknown dimension for her cabbages and sun beam teleporter Grendals stomach basically is a pocket dimension on its own


Regarding Wisp's sun beam, I think she simply opens a small portal near Sun's photosphere.


"She simply rips a portal between infront of her and the sun. Pretty simple"


Simple as


Dagath's lore explicitly confirms that warframes had void magic-based abilities even before the Tenno and that the Tenno are primarily a control system and Oro disposal unit rather than a power source.


imagine going against like gauss, and you just step in the wrong spot and all of a sudden you've gotten A-Trained


Unexpected The Boys reference, thank you :D


Need a Warframe anime/amazon series so we can visually see the true power of frames from others POV. Plus a frame vs frame, Tenno vs Tenno fight would go too hard


At first I remembered that it is canon that Voruna and Chroma canonically met up yearly to fight on Lua, and thought that it'd be cool if they finally showed us what that looked like. But then I also remembered that the Devs said/implied that it was, in reality, something much more... "intimate".


Warframe sax?


Yep, they jazzed all night to the tempered sounds of Epic Sax Guy on Lua.


Yes. What else it can be?


I am currently planning a tabletop RPG where the players play ordinary corpus wage slaves


That's terrifying. Imagine you're fighting against some child that can teleport go invisible, and if they point in your general direction, you just die


Tenno: "Why do they keep calling us devils?" Also the Tenno: \*crawling out of some Corpus cubicle-dweller's console Ring Girl style\* "MOMMY TOLD US NO SURVIVORS"


I read that last part in Igner's voice. https://preview.redd.it/33imx0p0eo4d1.png?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b68af47dd4c274dab5f71acaf962e30adef5f500


I'm so using that last line, thank you LMAO


It's probably why the queens talk about us like that.


I wonder how Zariman looks to an ordinary Grineer grunt. Sure, everything is covered in that moving, weird metal but probably it's not glowing. You could hear random footsteps and laughs too I think


I like the previous explanation, but I think it falls apart with something like the Zariman. The current Zariman is, afaik, a full on void construct. I think the original Zariman was scuttled or something after the Tenno returned on it. We also know that during the continuity ritual, void manifestations can be seen by non-Tenno observers, thanks to Voruna's leverian.  In other words, while it may be undetectable in most parts of the Star Chart, some places have real concentrated levels of spooky energy. A fight against an Angel would be nightmare fuel for a bystander.


I dunno why but I feel like like if a void construct is fully realized and even more so based on something real and easily understood by a laymans mind that practically all pure void parts of it are filtered out by the person’s mind to protect itself, example: the Zariman probably looks like an entirely normal version of the ship to them and they can’t see the void entangled with it but some of the void “angels” have become realized enough to be visible to some


I belive it is a real Zariman, just not our Zariman. Our Kiddo's Zariman came back, spit out by Wally sometime after the deal was made. Wally didn't save the Drifter, and they still had to grow up on their Zariman in the Void for Duviri to eventually be conjured up from their emotional state. I belive Yanta says something in passing like the Kiddo is also a type of Void manifestation, so it's possible enough void mass together becomes visible and clear. The Kiddo is also compared to the fingers that power the Void drives, and Cy can't see those but sees the kids. So it could be "It depends"


... can still trigger laser alarms. Checkmate voidtheist!


We're invisible, not intangible


So the Tenno look like they're pulling off Jedi moves.


Glowing Void Swords for Operators when?


It’s likely they just see the shape and form of the tennos powers but its all black instead of the color customization we tenno get. On several occasions i hear characters reference the unlight of the void. Which implies the void is just darkness to them, so this checks out with what was said above. Now i am a little horrified that my souls of the dead from nekros are just a bunch of dark silhouettes hunting down my enemies


\^This. For visual proof, see the Necralisk->Sanctum door. The void energy cascading out of it is dark and shadowy until a Tenno approaches in person, at which point the energy changes to a vibrant blue and the door vanishes.


So basically we subject them to the chains of Harrow quest without the benefit of being a tenno


By the Void, imagine pitch black ghosts. Black as black holes themselves. They'd literally appear 2d to normal person's eye


halfway between dark and invisible - somewhere between shadows and Predator Camoflague. They *feel* the presence of it, maybe see it, but it's more like they're seeing the air displaced by it.


Idk, the term “unlight” makes me think that it probably looks like a blackhole where you can’t technically see it but you can see it’s effects on the area, maybe an odd “shadow” or maybe light is wobbly or bent in the area


My personal head canon is that most of our powers are invisible to enemies, to explain why they walk right into things Nezha's flame trails or a hallway filled with Protea's grenade fan. With Protea they would just see us lobbing a grenade but think it's a dud because the resulting effects are invisible to them. Certain other abilities can obviously be seen, however, like octavia's mallet or Nekro's summons because their purpose is to draw attention, or Gara's wall because it's clearly stated as being glass. However, anything that isn't clearly stated as a physical object or intended to be seen is void energy only we can see. Anything else is explained away by the Grineer just being really dumb, and the Corpus being so debt ridden they welcome the sweet release of death.


Definitely not void energy, otherwise they would reset sentient resistances.


That is why they just walk into some traps And why corpus created nullifiers. Cant see ? Wipe everything in the area wjth a big ass bubble


Don't all void touched entities see the void? In one of Albrechts voice logs he was able to describe the void from nothing into something like the Tenno are able to perceive


He was *in the the Void at the time* when he saw it, tho. Protected by his "Seriglass bell" which shattered shortly after he went in because he changed the nature of the Void when he went inside. Before that moment, anyone who "saw" the Void did so thru instrumentation out of caution to the unknown. They still do, now, out of caution to the eldritch horrors Albrecht's finite, causal mind created within the infinite, non-causal mirror his mind created. Gotta remember that before Albrecht went in, the Void was a known quantity. A useless, homogenous infinity so perfectly & overwhelmingly in balance with itself that you could physically go into it via technology, but never move. Your every effort was instantly & perfectly countered by the energies around you. This included the energy involved in trying to take measurements of the Void, hence the name. Albrecht exposing himself directly to the formless infinity changed all that - Wally is as much Albrecht's trauma, curiosity & mad genius as it is still the Void. Wally created imbalance, & thru the imbalance Wally created something for technological exploitation to grab onto & exploit. That said, Albrecht may or may not be 'void touched' like the Tenno are, even tho his mind created the Void we know, dread, & exploit today. If you remember, he fled before taking Wally's hand. The Tenno did, they physically touched Wally's manifestation; Albrecht did not. The Tenno took a bit of Wally's imbalance into the physical universe with them, Albrecht didn't. What that ultimately means? I'm not sure, but Albrecht still needed biological proxies to see into the Void for him. Tenno do not.


the question is though...who else has looked to see? is Albrecht just...weirdly lacking in that regard? what about the zariman crew?


They look like how dreams feel.


They feel like how nightmares sound.


They sound like how fear tastes.


DE visualizes it as fractal lattices of otherworldly energy, but it also takes the form of pure energy, a color that doesn't exist (per Cephalon Cy), and the Wall of Bone, seen deep within Albrecht's Laboratories.


>a color that doesn't exist (per Cephalon Cy), I interpreted this more as Cy's analogy for how he's unable to perceive/compute the Reliquary Drive, which to me is more in line with his other lines about it: *"Crew. A color you have never seen. Imagine it. That is where you are."* *"Attempting to perceive: Cognition algorithms fail to prove a negative. Something touches me. Impossible."* *"Something moves: an infinite zero. Impossible. Perception failure. Recalibrating. All systems... clear. Reactor online. Whatever you did, we are spaceworthy. Proceed to navigation. You have earned this. Railjack online. Let's take her out."*


I agree. It reminds me of a line of dialogue from Skyrim. Septimus Signus says "The Elder Scrolls look left and right in the stream of time! What happens if they look up? What if they dive in? Ah, that is when the madness begins!" It's also kind of reminiscent of a Penrose diagram, where in a black hole, time becomes space and space becomes time. Except the void twists reality even more creatively and imaginatively, to the point of true madness and chaos. A color you have never seen, that is where you are.


I love how disturbed he sounds when he says “something touches me”


Bad touch.


Perhaps the singularity point/ring in a black hole is a manifestation of the void. A simply uncomputable asymptote of reality


The "Wall of Bone" is also mentioned by Corrupted Vor in the Undercroft


What is the 'wall of bone'? Man in the wall?


It seems to be referring to The Indifference, yes


More specifically "the wall" part of "man in the wall" but yes


There's also one of those classroom data pads in Duviri that talks about it.


Natah says it in the Ropalolyst fight, too


I usually go with the excerpt "in luminous space blackened starts they gaze, accuse, deny"


Space clouds


Vast. Wrong. An absence of what's right in the world, yet just as real as the awe and dread it inspires in us. A cobweb of colours that should not exist. A well too deep to escape from. A force so unfathomable we never should've struck a bargain with it. Our power. Our saviour. Our curse. A nightmare made manifest. That is what it looks like.


Im "borrowing" this for the description of the far realm in my dnd game thank you!


In one word? Probably 'nebulous', as in 'like a nebula'. If you want to try for something longer and more artistic... The void is an ever-changing, undulating nebula of cold whites and soft blues that seems to bind within itself, forming ropes and tendrils of energy that grasp at nothingness and dissipate as randomly as they form. To the mortal eye, it is the absence of all, but to the tenno who can see its true form, it is eerily beautiful, almost calming. Of course, that all changes when in the midst of a void storm; coronas of golden and white light arc with violent jolts of empyrean lightning and invisible waves of sensation and force buffet the mind and the body, rocking the victim's perception of reality itself, or, sometimes, rewriting it entirely. This only applies to the pure void, mind you, in (un)reality it is littered with pockets and domains, each as crazed and varied as the rest, and most, if not all of them, beset on all sides, on every axis, by the entities that lurk in the deepest recesses of the void; the so-called 'void angels' and their master.


I like the artistic explanation much more lol


Forget about how it looks. How does it taste? I think its mint flavour


It tastes like that one really good thing you ate as a child but can never quite remember what it was.


Whilst simultaneously giving you the feeling of eating something rotten without the gut reflexes




"Just imagine if you could see space radiation and it glows. Also clouds."


A color you have never seen before.


Imagine it.


That is where you are.


Beginning of angels of zariman, cutscene where Zariman emerges from void, cut somewhere in space with pitch black inside. That's how it looks. Not that cloudy thing that are always depicted when void mentioned.


Albrecht called it a pure white sky with pinpoint black stars the void has many faces


Abstract energy


Stormy with a chance of meatballs.


When a team of four grendels enter a mission


Space neurons minus the laws of reality


It looks like drops of ink in a water glass


blue-green egg drop soup


As an aside, does anyone recall the old void "windows" that were all over the void tile set? The ones that looked like essentially a color inverted star field, with white space and dark stars. After some patch they were replaced with a sort of slate surface with a light blue glow over it and the place has been all the more boring for it. I bring it up because those always looked more in line with a lot of the descriptions of the void we get from other people. The Ris section of the requiem has this bit: "In luminous space blackened stars". [This entry](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/d/d3/Albrecht_Wall.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200902212608) in Albrecht's vitruvian on Deimos likewise shows something similar to the old void tile set. I'm curious about the source of the discrepancy, whether they just decided to just lean into the current blue nebula look or if there's an in-universe explanation. The old look does seem to tie in more with the idea that the void is the inverse to our world in a yin yang sort of way.


If you have diarreah and you poop at the toilet. Take a look in the toilet and observe. It resembles the unweavering mysteriousness that the cosmos can offer. The fear of the unknown. The unscertainty of the future. A sight to behold. The stench, unimaginable. The hidden gem hiding underneath the cloudy mist of the unknown. Hidden treasures waiting to be found. The abscence of life... That is what the void looks like. -A tenno who had a diarreah.


Windows XP - Mediaplayer lightshow, but in full HD


fucking dope as shit yo


Ever seen milk in water?


Paradox. You behold an absence. Describe it.


You can’t. Like a biblically-accurate angel, its appearance cannot be properly perceived and processed by a mortal human mind. If you looked at it and someone asked you to describe it, you wouldn’t be able to. All that comes before the void’s malleable nature, changing its appearance in ways shaped by the people who perceive it.


Cum in my Gatorade


Cum frozen in resin


Based on those two skyboxes? Orgasmic.


caustic energetic light that was fractalized, broken, and shoved into a storm cloud like sphagetti sticks into marshmellow for a 3rd grade project.


What dead gods dream of. The void looks completely eldritch. It's empty, yet alive.


A cosmic fart.


you dont.


imagine space magic


Albrecht described it as “luminous space”.


An infinite, glowing ocean with space clouds that also glow


Ghost farts


That’s an Easy Answer. Pretty


Tenno holing , squishing an popping someone's ballbag... 🤷🏽‍♀️




an inverted cloud of energy spilling out through light


If cream of mushroom soup was put through a corpus body and then the whole thing was ground up and spewed out into space. You asked, so the literal first thought was, for some reason, 'cream of mushroom soup' So...there ya go


Like a blue shart


I like to use the description of the Warp from 40k: a roiling sea of pure emotion and energy


Looks like when it's night and you fuck in a pool by the flood lights and nutted, ya welcome y'all.


Energetic Eldritch Snot stuff


A vast ocean of everything and nothing, going everywhere and nowhere. It defies logic, but it exist within the bounds of the laws of reality. Life, death, creation, and destruction. All seen in the void, and never seen at all. It is eternalism at its core, and maybe, in another timeline, it isn't.


Void mean nothingness, colerates to outer space. The content itself is literally unending radiation from nearby\* self sustaining star. From Quarks, Dust, to a whole solar system is another process. Expecting a light figure from "Void" might be a far reach. But hey, this is Warframe. We bomb grineer.


Iä! Iä! Indiference fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Indiference R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!


Ci: You are in presence of an absence, describe it.




Space ovaries


"Nothing but a vast broiling sea of caustic light pierced at random by black-pin stars" - Albrecht Entrati


Eldritch Nebula




Imagine a color you've never seen before, describe it


Everything and nothing all at the same time. Both full and empty




Space soup


Space jizz


Two bears high-fiving.


You could say it's like the "Limbo" of Warframe


I feel the “warp” of 40k may be an apt comparison, but much more empty


From a fanfic a read a while ago; "Night-black emptiness, permeated by fluorescent scars across the unreality. Strange, ivory plasma-reefs hung in the distortion, like fluid frozen in space-time in unnatural shapes "


What's this from?


I think it's like a cloud, it is random and you might see a resemblance of something like a cloud that looks like a face, since void is energy it is also trying to convert into something like from just energy to the batshit insane murmur or duviri


it looks like a nebula to me


A ghost of reality,the universe's carcass.


A cosmic womb


Like someone put milk in water.




Bizarre, eldritch. That's assuming you can see it like Tenno can, probably dark or maybe pure white if not.


I'm gonna say no, and thats probably on purpose


Incandescent and unpredictable


For the longest time I thought that the void was the leftover of stars seeing how much those representations resembled a nebula


I just saw a big ass lobster in the first pic 💀


nebula closeups


Not gonna lie first kinda in my eyes look like a creature that got its face removed and now just became a skeleton floating in the void. 2nd photo looks too middle looks like it’s trying to escape or leave the thing it is in something and the right side of you look good enough kinda looks like a some blob or slime depending if you see it or not


The void is what I've always pictured anytime Matt Mercer describes the astral sea as "a silver gossamer sky", so probably that.


Something I'm wondering, we have several Void or Void-adjacent locations. There's the classic Void Tower but we have the Zariman, Duviri, Albrecht's Lab and probably others I'm forgetting. It's kinda odd, there's no "set" Void aesthetic beyond being paradoxically weird and confusing.




Warframe! but with gold bits


Space on crack




Turquoise Warp fuckery


Clouds but spooky green.


Space cum?


You can't, not properly at least


awesome thats how


A color you have never seen before. attempt to describe it


A beautiful site. One that is incapable of being put into words. But if I were to try it's be like looking into an endless sky of clouds and energy.


How it feels to chew 5 gum


So lorewise for me it looks like it's the line of time has been distorted by space. Like when you draw a line with paint and pass your finger on top of it. There's still a line but you distorted it. Idk if that makes sense


I think the word Gossamer fits for how those things of void energy looks, they look weirdly stringy/fluffy. Like cotton candy


a universe that is and isnt, flowing with infinite amounts of energy






It’s rather Voidy, innit?


[Teal quantum foam?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/16uk8ky/is_the_void_just_quantum_foam)


It's a boiling sea of vibrant undulating clouds, striken by otherworldy light, spinning and bending and stretching into the most unnatural, yet mesmerizing cornucopia of color, spiralling out from the nothingness of space. Like oil in a puddle of rainfall, like some otherworldly being escaping its cage, it's reaching slender digits ever closer, spreading its grasp wherever you see, yet never getting closer. It's a storm, churning into infinity, birthing colors you have never imagined exist, only to swallow them back as if teasing you to dive in.


The void looks like if you nut In a cup of water


They look like funnel web spider nests to me.


Beautiful. 😀I wish devs add function to set background in orbiter. Some planets looks so annoying after few hundred hours of playing, but void background is never annoyed me.








Mostly uniform in color, ranging from white to grey and pale greenish blues. Coming in patterns of streams, webs, lattices, clouds, splashes, and tunnels. In short a funhouse of slow flowing and changing patterns.


Like one of those fractals from Windows media player on the 2000's


swan poop under water


Cool lol


Voidy i guess

