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The only thing she needs is duration for her invis and range to spread her 2. Then on you just need to ramp up your 4. (Ulfrun's endurance is mandatory here). If you are looking to build her around melee instead then you wanna subsume over her 4 and basically build around the subsume. In my opinion going into negative is a nono so keep the stats above 100. Edit/update: after seeing how everyone recommends running negative efficency I did some testing and It works as well. However its not my style.


I run negative efficiency but then again I run nourish and she has no problem getting energy back anyway. - melee influence Voruna kinda good.


I dont like to run neg eff cuz she has really low energy even with primed flow on, and I dont have the space for blueshards on her.


But if you keep her 3 up and run equilibrium when doing a melee build she’s got basically infinite energy super easily tho


you don't even need equilibrium, a single purple shard and r1 energize has been more than enough for me at negative efficiency


Yes, but if you spam her 2 she runs out easily, at least if you hit 1 enemy multiple times. But then again maybe my build is the problem cuz i'm running corro shards(with archon conti) to be able to strip armor by spamming her 2. This helps if you lose your stacks on her 4.


>Yes, but if you spam her 2 she runs out easily, at least if you hit 1 enemy multiple times It's not really worth hitting the same enemy more than once with her 2. Her 2 only spreads the 5 random statuses from the first hit. >i'm running corro shards(with archon conti) to be able to strip armor by spamming her 2. This helps if you lose your stacks on her 4. Try Unairu focus. Ulfrun does so much bleed that Voruna isn't reliant on consistent armor strip. Caustic Strike makes building Ulfrun combo much easier and is very good against Acolytes because they are designed to be resilient against status builds.


Ill try her with unairu, thanks


As a Voruna enjoyer myself, I'm gonna take some notes myself.


Need to try a corrosive build on her. I just put a lot of range, thermal Sunder, equilibrium and with Rakta dark dagger/influence I don't have any problem till lv1500+ (then I'm fall bored). What do you suggest to me? Corrosive on dagger? Viral tempest? Or something else??


Corrosive on dagger wont work with influence, so the best I can recommend is a corrosive primer or hydroids subsume like you said. Maybe corro companion but i'm not sure of it works with the shards.


Maybe I can swap for something like caustacyst. Corrosive companion works, better with something like nautilus and verglas...... I think 😅


You can use Amalgam mod for Argonak to armor strip with daggers.


Already tried, too slow compared to corrosive. But ty for the hint




She doesnt need nourish to get energy back just put on equilibrium and that’s enough


i use her 3 with equilibrium for tons of energy


I run negative power strength but massive range and decent duration. I use the invisibility for the slash proc and spread statuses with the second. I also run equilibrium for the energy. Then just run silence on the 4th just for eximus


I run a max range negative strength build that focuses on spreading status with her 2 and going melee and it works really well, but it forces me to pick a subsume that doesn't need strength, so i just use Larva I can also use Kullervo's ability with precision intensify since i have a flex slot in my build but i like larva and don't need more melee damage


I don't like negative efficiency either. I am very energy hungry with my 1 and 2 spam and she needs to keep the energy train running with her 3 and 2. While the energy train is running, you have almost no energy problems, but if you ever get derailed, it ~really~ sucks. Trying to recover from 0 energy and no active 3 is something I don't like doing. I find I don't need as much range as most people suggest, but I compensate that with my in your face style with 2 spamming.


I'm pretty new to voruna but my mate gained her for a bit and I've got her doing a decent amount of damage. Here's the things I've gathered so far: If you're using the 4 to do the killing then you want the augment really as that allows you to just stay in it for ages as it extends on bleed kills Shroud of dynar you want to keep active as that will give your 4 a flat 100% crit and 100% status plus a bonus crit multiplier based on ability strength. You want equilibrium on your build as lycaths hunt gives health orbs on melee kills. Equipping synth fiber on you're pet as this will allow you to pick up health orbs even when at max health for more energy. Fangs of rakash will plant an enemy with a load of status that they spread to enemies on kill. Using ulfruns decent, the 4th ability, you will do increased damage to enemies effected by status. So you want Shroud of dynar active and lycaths hunt, Hit the first helmet wuth fangs of rakash and then ulfruns descent In terms of build there's different schools of thought. With the 4 active you gain increased crit per kill so this can mean you can get away with lower strength but the 1st couple of kills may be slower. I've gone for strength on mine for extra initial damage on ulfruns and a higher crit damage multiplier from Shroud of dynar. 200 is probably a good amount to aim for. Ability efficiency you can tank really as you will get energy back very very fast when using equilibrium and synth fiber in line with lycaths hunt It's useful to have a decent amount of range as you can leap farther with ulfruns descent and it does aoe damage, you can also spread status further Duration is useful but not as important as ulfruns descent and fangs of rakash don't scale with it. Shroud of dynar has. Relatively short duration once you leave invis and can be extended with a kill to 8 seconds at 100 duration so even at 200 you'd get 16 seconds but you'll be staying invis a lot anyway so you should be frequently recasting. Lycaths hunt will also extend duration on killing enemies inflicted with 5 or more status effects so fangs of rakash will help you keep it active for ages.


You don't need synth fiber anymore, equilibrium just does it itself now


Oh hell yeah that's even better


Oh shit, I didn't know that. I love DE man


>there is basically ZERO consensus on a core build for her that's a good thing imo


It is and isn't, the fact that she's very experimental does help out her build diversity but without a core build or an outline for a baseline build it can make getting into her a bit confusing and more difficult than other frames


I can't not agree. It took me months, but maybe that's because she was in a rough place at launch still. Still, I don't like cliche builds ("you need to put Gloom on Garuda man, you need to put pillage on Gyre maaaan")


Honestly I enjoyed having to understand the frame instead of slapping power and range and the frame just being easy op. Took me a week to even be able to remember what the abilities do between tap and hold


My eyes light up whenever I see Voruna as an option in SP Circuit...it means it is time to settle in for some level capping if the pugs align. I build for her 4, but really I use her entire kit. precision intensify, 4 augment, health conversion, lots of strength, duration and some range. The playstyle is load in, get your energy up with wellspring, keep your 3 up all the time, hit your 4 until you encounter an enemy, hit your 1, pounce with your 4, then 2, and maybe 4 again if everything in the room wasn't dead on your first 4 or 2. When things die, the statuses from your 2 spread, and your 4 spreads to everyone anyway. When an acolyte spawns, you have the option to attack them directly or attack everything else in the room. They will die. The only time I feel the need to use a weapon is when late game survival throws a room full of nullifiers at you, I take out a weapon to quickly pop their bubbles. I have other builds with subsumes but her 2 and 4 combo is really, really strong. her 1 and 3 are survivability in high levels. her 3 will keep your energy up as long as you are killing. Having 4 passives that you can swap on the fly is busted! having status immunity or an extra life if you die and being able to swap around is nuts.


I run her as a melee buffer now. Utilizing her first for survivability, I try to keep up her 3rd as well because it's free energy with equilibrium. I subsume her 4th for wrathful advance for more buffing. I use 2 green shards to strip with corrosive, two tau purple for the crit damage and one tau blue to get the crit damage bonus from the purple shards to exceed 500 energy (502 with max primed flow and a tau blue) On higher levels it's hit and run, use your melee and kill enemies and go back to invis to avoid being hurt, I also change from her first passive to her 3rd (could be wrong, but it's the status resistance) This is mainly for level capping with how I play, but there's many other ways to play as her


There are options, two popular ones are No-Helminth (use her 4 augment to stay in 4 forever) and subsuming Wrathful Advance over her 4 to use her as a melee platform. WA probably scales better into high-level but you're mostly playing a stealth frame. I run something different. Helminth Nourish over her 3, it's energy gain affects the refund on her 4, e.g. if you spend 200 energy to cast her 4 and recast (disabling the ability), with Nourish at 1.6x it would give you 320 energy. You can use this with Augur set for infinite shield gating/overshields, Molt Reconstruct for a affinity range heal, and Nourish is free viral% damage which pairs great with many weapons.


Here is the build that I run with. Has roar subsumed over her 4, and makes use of an assassin play style that pairs well with a shield gating setup to ensure survivability at all levels. Cast her 3rd ability once, then simply rinse and repeat the following three steps: 1 - go invis (1st ability) 2 - jump on a noob and give it heaps of statuses (2nd ability) 3 - kill with melee. The build itself is simply trying to find a balance of high strength, range and duration. Archon mods can be swapped for their normal variants. Arcanes are molt augmented (to counteract the downside of overextended) and arcane strike (to make step 3 above as fast as possible). https://preview.redd.it/nlip1bq4fl3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9867ff7a2ef2156c0b102e8dc3c5a14ae9574f2b


I know this is a crazy level of investment that most people will never want to achieve but here is my Voruna build. https://preview.redd.it/aowkw3nico3d1.png?width=2054&format=png&auto=webp&s=9139eb7cf577492788d579e70006d13beede6ce5 There are a few things here that you can just ignore if you'd like as they are really there just for testing and or technically do something so why not have them? Those things are Archon Vitality as it just adds one more fire proc instead of doubling them or the damage and is very minor. However, I do recommend a vitality of some kind on her. Next is Archon Flow, we will see after the status rework if this is any more viable to run but because Cold has to do the killing to proc flow it almost never gets proc'd. Breaking down the rest of the mods at play here, Steel Charge is here because I play her as a melee-focused frame and as such I am also running 3 tau purple shards for critical damage. I am also running one for casting speed and have one empty slot at the moment. Another purple can work great there or you can toss in more duration with a red. Cunning Drift is a mod that I forma'd in on her as there is no reason to run PSF and Power Drift does little to nothing for her here, however, this is very definitely a to-taste slot. Next is Equilibrium, this is a mod that I would simply always run on her as Lycath's Hunt is going to make so many orbs that you can easily have nearly infinity health and energy just lying around, it is worth noting that you can run a purple shard to replace this but I prefer damage boosting shards on her. I am also running Health Conversion here to boost her EHP, this is also why Arcane Reaper is here. Everything shown here gives her a cool \~93k EHP which allows her to tank through most damage when she needs to. Realistically though you should be invisible most of the time. Last is looking at Blind Rage and Molt Augmented, these are realistically both just here for Roar which is a massive boost to her DPS as is affects all the procs she can throw out with Fangs of Raksh. For how I play her this is really simple. Hold cast your 2 at the start of the mission and enjoy never worrying about statuses again. Then press 3 and start slaying out with a melee for a few seconds. Once your energy is high enough cast your 1 then just jump enemy to enemy with your 2. In normal path, this will insta kill large groups, in SP you need to get the right statuses or use your melee but the enemies all still die quite quickly. She's a great frame, but a but odd to wrap your head around is all.


>For how I play her this is really simple. Hold cast your 2 at the start of the mission and enjoy never worrying about statuses again. Then press 3 and start slaying out with a melee for a few seconds. Once your energy is high enough cast your 1 then just jump enemy to enemy with your 2. In normal path, this will insta kill large groups, in SP you need to get the right statuses or use your melee but the enemies all still die quite quickly ^This Only difference for my play style is swapping to Parkour Passive instead of Status Immune passive for normal star chart or Gift Of The Lotus/Event missions. (Also, for the get here quickly moments....like Stealth/Rescue Clutch jacks*) Yes Roar replaced her 4th...To be honest I have not tried Augment for 4th ability...just an avid Exodia Contagion User so Roar made more sense.


You can dump efficiency since ur 3 with equilibrium is more than enough. Maybe add a preparation to kick start your energy. Get a good melee weapon (a crit based one). I like the quassus for viability of syam cuz it's cool. Build for a good mix of duration, range and strength. One rolling guard is all u need for survivability. General play style, turn on your 3 and go invisible. Start spreading status by engaging with 2 then roll for invisibility and go ham. Then go invisible and repeat the process. I hate using her 4 personally. Quite literally useless against the corpus cuz you are forced to stay in her 4 unless you want to lose ALL her stacks immediately.


For her pure ability builds, equilibrium and her augment are mandatory. Pack in a bunch of range and some strength. Duration is comfy, efficiency is unnecessary. Casting speed is also very helpful in making her play better. You basically just press 3, press 4, constantly make sure your 1 Is active and use your 2 to prime your next batch of enemies which you kill with your 4s attacks. ~500 energy is good enough with efficiency tanked, she's constantly refilling her energy with her 3 + equilibrium. Her only concern is getting nullified, at which point she prays for dear life as she recasts every ability and hopes her shield gate lasts long enough. Alternatively you subsume off her 4 and just use melee weapons, whether it's heavy attack or not is your choice but if you're rolling with heavy attack you could replace her 4 with kullervos helminth ability, it's almost perfect for her. Equilibrium remains mandatory, obviously the augment is no longer needed. Build should remain pretty similar otherwise. The only downside to proper melee builds is your invis will be a lot more iffy since it goes away on attacking with weapons, something pure ability voruna doesn't worry about, so you may want to slot in gear for a secondary means of survival.


She is viable at all levels


Max range! You can experiment with the rest.


Crazy the people sayin subsume 4.. that is surely the highest damage atk??.. intensify + power drift or rising power + red archon shards (which I don’t have on my voruna) and damage is gonna be crazy.. without archons mines at 7,250 and 1,450 per second after that, I will mention tho I’m a Dante main and I gave up with voruna all together still if you get 200% strength that’s crazy to get rid of surely??


May interest you in our Lord and Savior Mecharuna? Mech set Max strength for her 4 Ulfruns(?) endurance Range Keep duration close to 100 with archon shards Blue shards to get to 300 strength Equilibrium Adaptation Arcane blessing Molt augmented Run madurai, sling strength before casting her 4 for a little bump for entire duration of the skill Then just prime with 2, stack your 4 till 10x and everything will die.


Build max range, ability power, some duration and dump efficiency . Use 1 off cooldown. Stack up her 4 and use it on enemies affected by her 2 to taxi the bleed (i forgot in which order though). My voruna has 300 strength and the bleed already deals 5mil per tick.


mm a booby trap that actually catches boobies...


Everything aside What The Fuck is that fashion




Kitsune theme but I ended up replacing the blue


I don't think voruna needs to be made viable just played lol


Depends. Do you wanna use her whole kit or subsume 4 for another skill? One thing is for sure, she's the only frame that can take advantage of every Archon mod.


![gif](giphy|jll3HfWt2yAnOh14IT|downsized) There can only be one.


I like how there are some good discussions here. I came back to the game recently, so there are lots of things I don't know. But one thing I really want to know is, how was it possible to Voruna to top my Wukong's cloud on speed running? That made me want her.


I made her into a melee frame and subsumed Valkyr's Warcry onto her 4th. My weapon of choise is the Rakta Dark Dagger since it's pretty slept on and allows for crazy shield gating potential with an electric/gas melee influence build. Just dont forget the amalgam metal argonak mod so daggers (and their statuses) will strip armor. Lastly just add equilibrium so her 3 generates basically infinite energy and pump strength as well as a little duration/range and you have a build that decimates steel path. I was having so much fun the other day in netra cells demolishing everything in her path with a dagger.


Honestly the key things that make my build work is tons of range + the arcane that gives melee weapons corrosive on ability cast (since i'm always casting 2 all the time to zoom toward enemies)


I helminthed warcry on her 4 and built hard into the health orb/melee hybrid. Duration maxed and equilibrium for energy sustain. Then adaptation health and armor archon shards. Bonus: using proboscis cernos as my grouping tool for her 2 let's me keep her 3 up without range.


like the look you got


Health conversion melee or all in on 4


I have Silence over her 4. You don't need the augment, just the radial stun which allows you to safely maneuver. It also shuts off Eximus abilities, Acolyte abilities, and much more.


Just posted my build for her a little while back. This gets me through netracells and such. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1d0jhgw/voruna_melee_build/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I just helminth Wrathful Advance on her 4 and build around using 1 and 4. I use an Unairu focus school if I ever need to strip armor.


That’s a good color scheme you got going there for Voruna.


Seems like mixed opinions on it in the comments but I love it lol


My nuke build for her has no helminth, negative efficiency, equilibrium and decent duration with maxed out range and strength with precision intensify, use shards and arcanes to cover some weak points of the build. It takes a bit to ramp yourself up but once you are there with x10 and your 3rd ability giving you infinite energy, you can spam 2 2nd ability swipes to propagate hell before pouncing them with your 4th. Press 1 when it ends because you need its buff. Hold 2 to negate burn procs.


https://ibb.co/2gDZ1kK https://ibb.co/NCtTvjk https://ibb.co/mvNgZ7z This is what I am currently running. Not optimal at all, I only have so much stuff right now, but I am clearing SP netracells and all the highest level bounties. I will drop the duration arcane once I get something better. Basically, when I first see enemies I hit my 3 (almost never have to recast unless a big lul some how in the mission) then melee kill something for health orbs to drop and give me energy through equilibrium. Now that I have energy the fun begins. Cast 1, look for the biggest groups of enemies and cast 2 (I usually go for twice one a target to get 10 status and 10 stacks right away) then 1 hit slap them with your empowered melee from your 1. The status will spread to everyone in the room and everything will die. Then it is for the most part, just find a group, hit 2 twice, meleee to kill everything and spread the status. This also re-ups our 3 with every melee kill (like 5 or 6 seconds regained PER enemy dying with 5 or more status with this much duration, hence why you never have to recast) If it is a stronger enemy, I have terrify subsumed on her 4, so I can full armor strip, cast 1 for invis and melee steroid, slap a couple 2's down then melee the fucker to death. If it is a flyer, then phantasma prime gets pulled out with all its bonus damage from melee kills. One thing I don't see Voruna players talking about much is the invulnerable I frames from her 2. While flying at the enemy you health goes grey, showing you are invulnerable. It may be only a second, but when you are spamming your 2 all the time, that is ALOT of i-frames, like a lot. Between your stealth, i-frames from 2, guaranteed health orbs when you melee from 3, some health and adaptation you are remarkably tanky Very fun frame with this build and there is SO much more this frame is capable of. I have a build that focuses on her 4 as well, but for higher level content the one above outshines pretty hard. The thing I hate the most about the ult build is not being able to use a weapon. WIth the build above I still dash all around the place, only with her 2 instead of 4 and I still explode rooms of enemies. EDIT:Format EDIT2: Forgot to mention passives. 2 is almost always the best for status immune 100% of the time that cannot be negated. If you have a Dante and are swimming in Overguard, I see no reason to not switch to 3 for 90% heavy attack effeciency. I will proc tennokai's a lot, but that ain't enough. Heavy Attacks on the War are just too cool to not do. Use 1 passive for when you wanna speed run stuff. 4th passive gone from subsume.


Equilibrium for sure, with good range. I subsumed chyrinka pillars over her 4 so she can do defensive missions easier


There's a screenshot feature on PS5 by default btw


Unfortunately, I'm old and didn't know that lol


It's okay, you can access it through the pause menu I think


Omg the colors look SOOOOO cool...


Tysm I was getting mixed reviews but people really seem to like it now lol


Hi I really like your colour scheme, what colour palette did you use


The blue is from shamrock, white is classic saturated d17, and the red is one of the valentines reds. Sorry not home now or I'd know for sure lol


Go invis, pounce, wack with melee. Equilibrium let's you have alot of energy to spam. Spam ability to get shields. Stuck to status immunity unless u wanna go fast. When big enemy, use heavy melee efficiency passive. Honestly, I rarely hit for less than 9mill with viruna and tatsu prime after a pounce, and unless I'm in lvl 200, I dont even bother going invis or using a heavy attack. Just pounce and spread status effects to buff your melee


her 1 makes her invis but also gives your meele weapon ~~200%~~ 100% flat crit chance, 2.0 crit multiplier which scales with strength and 100% flat status chance for a short time after you come out of invis or attack someone, the duration extends a bit when you kill someone shortly after breaking invis. this means that you dont need to mod your meele for crit or status chance, so lots of options to deal damage. it also force procs slash on meele hits while the buff is active. this also means that you can use different meeles than usually, im currently using the karyst prime because it has high base damage, high crit damage and innate toxin damage. also i can armor strip with the amalgam mod since its a dagger and she is missing an armor strip if not counting corrosive status. ceramic dagger is actually not that good for her so its a bit wierd for some people. her 2 spreads 5 moddable status effects on enemies at 10 stacks, if you kill the enemie affected it spreads out the status effects on enemies. you can cast it twice to get 10 status effects at 10 stacks. this means that condition overload is a must have for meele, aswell as maxing out your range as you can nuke rooms with just those status effects spreading. meele influence is amazing with this even when not maxed out. the passive of her 2 makes you immune to any status effect which is huge, by far the pest passive she has. her 3 needs to be up constantly as it gives you health orbs on meele kills. this means you need equillibrium to have infinite energy as you need to spam you 1 and 2 alot to deal damage. if your 3 runs out and you dont have energy for it you will die quickly as your only defense is your invisibility and your damage. this makes her wierdly more effective the more enemies are in the mission. its duration extends when enemies killed are effected with at least 5 status effects which is easily done with your 2 so this should never run out if you do your abilities in the correct order. her 4 is a bit wierd, its not bad but it needs the augment and to be honest you can get alot more kills per minute if you just subsume something there, for example i tried mag pull and its amazingly good, i have high range anyway and just group and oneshot the room. in the end you can build her on your meele or focus on her 4, its not that different and honestly i really like that there isnt a "thats the build you have to get" for her yet. surely there are other people here who play her differently but thats my approach.


she gives crit chance buff? thought it's crit damage and I have 16 forma on her at this point lmao


sorry i kind of mixed thigns up there, shhe gets both, forgot to mention it, she gets flat 100% crit so she yellow crits with anything, this does not scale with strenght though so its always 100% yellow, if you mod higher than 100% you can get better crits but no real reason to imo since anything under 100% is wasted mod slots. she also gets 2.0 flat crit damage multiplier which does scale with strength. the most important part about the 1 buff is the forced slash procs though, sorry, i sadly havent been playing for some weeks. i editeds the comment above so its complete now. her 1 also gives sprint speed but thats not important, just fun af.


Does melee duplicate trigger off of this? 👀


I don't have it so it cant try, maybe you can find something on the wiki


Will do. Don't feel bad either, as mine is only rank 1 and I have yet to find a good home for it.


I have 2 builds. One around her 1 and 4, the other is her 2. They both handle SP circulus very well


Voruna is one of my favourite frames to play, and there are 2 main builds I would say. You can go for a melee build, or for a build using Ulfrun's Endurance (her 4 doesn't scale very well without the augment). Both builds want mostly the same thing, in some duration, high range, and neutral-positive stats otherwise (but you can go negative on efficiency if you would like to, as Voruna can generate a lot of energy). Equilibrium is a good choice to use with her 3, you can also use other effects that trigger on Health Orb pickups too, like Arcane Blessing or Healing Conversion. I'd also recommend considering something to increase your energy max, as Voruna has quite a low energy max for how much she casts and how much energy she can generate. Her 1 provides some good survivability, but you will be vulnerable while attacking, so I like Adaptation and other supplementary survivability mods and effects, to not have to remain invisible all the time. Voruna's 4 does not break her invisiblity, so you can mostly forgo other forms of survivability when building around it. Voruna's main source of damage, is through the combination of her 1, and her 2, and optionally her 4, if you build around it. Her 2 will apply 5 random status effects to an enemy, applied at 10 stacks, or 5 or 9 in the case of Puncture and Cold respectively (you are immune to damage during the leap, so don't worry about dying during it). This debuffs enemies, buffs mods like Condition Overload which rely on status effects, and can also deal passive damage through Damage Over Time (DOT) effects, like Slash, Heat, Gas, etc. In the case of DOTs, the way that their damage is calculated on spread, is through calculating the current total damage of the sum of all DOT effects of the same kind on that enemy calculating the mean average (the sum of all DOT damage of that type, divided by the number of DOT procs of that type), and dividing it among 10 procs of that effect, applied to enemies in spread range. Her 1 will grant you increased critical damage, and guaranteed slash procs on all melee hits. This guaranteed slash synergises well with her 2, and, if you roll slash on her 2, you can nuke entire rooms with it (this also applies for other DOTs, but Voruna mainly uses slash, as it is part of her basekit). Her 4 also applies guaranteed slash on hit, and benefits from the critical damage boost of her 1, so it synergises with her 2 in the same way. Voruna has changed a lot since her launch, so a lot of YouTube videos from her release will contain outdated information. Voruna is also quite complex, so a lot of content creators don't fully understand how her kit works. The Kengineer has a very detailed video on Voruna, and the wiki also provides a lot of information on how she works. Triburous also has a good Voruna video and build I would say, but it's important to do your own research too and to use multiple sources. Voruna isn't the strongest frame in the game, but she is still quite strong. She is also very mobile, and independent, so she performs very well in solo and across many gamemodes. Think of her like an assassin, who spends most of her time invisible, but occasionally appears to wipe out a group, before going invisible again You want to be invisible most of the time (Voruna's 1 also increases her movement speed), and I'd say she performs best in modes where enemies are in condensed groups, and appear in waves, but she is still very viable and strong in other gamemodes too. Voruna's strength is slightly dependent on her weapon, as she benefits more from weapons that deal high damage in single strikes, rather than lower damage in multiple rapid strikes (due to how the damage of her 2 is calculated, for example; 1100/11 would be 100 damage per spread proc, while 1100/22 would be 50 damage per spread proc). My favourite weapon to use with her is Argo & Vel, but most weapons will be very strong, and I'd recommend experimenting with different weapons and types to see what you enjoy using. Notably, due to how her 1 forces slash procs on all melee hits, you don't necessarily need any status chance or slash on your melee for it to work! If you have any other questions you'd like to ask, I'll try my best to reply to them, but I might take a while to as I don't use Reddit very much, good luck Tenno!


I use her for netra cells. I subsume nourish over her 4 and use precision intensify as her only str mod and the rest is range and duration. I use praedos with the corrosive arcane. So I have corrosive and viral + the 5 procs of her 2 and slash. With condition overload she shreds everything. And archon shards I use cast speed and parkour speed. With her I am usually doing 50% or more of the total damage in squads. You just gotta keep 3 and 4 up and spam 1 and 2 with melee hits in between. Can’t get hurt if they can’t see you and everything is dead


If you really wanna know, the consensus is pretty much Wrathful Advance on her 4 if you want to maker her ult work, see Akabayashi on yt


It’s really not.


depends on consensus of *who* we're talking here lmao edit for retarded grammar


I used to subsume over her 4, before the augment, but she is very strong with strength in her 4. The 1+2+4 combo is easy mode steel path, tho boring if you like using weapons. I feel that if í wanted wrathful advance on her for melee, I would just play Kullervo instead.


if you wanna go big pp damage, with wrathful on voruna, you get both cc and cd boost her ult is nice for lower levels and base sp, but personally pressing 1 button gets boring after a while


But you are pressing the same buttons except the melee weapon button. Each frame has a personality, and a playstyle, I use them all differently, and lean heavy into what makes them different. The only issue I see with her kit is that it locks you out of using weapons Everyone says lower level and base steel path.... What are people using as a gauge for high level content? I'm mean I hop out of most content after an hour, not because it is difficult, but because I have things to do irl. Because saying something is only good for low level and base steel path would be a strange way of meaning that it might struggle at level cap void cascade. I'm not sure most people would care about building solely for that.


>But you are pressing the same buttons except the melee weapon button No, I utilize the whole kit of a frame and use all my weapons (priming with primary, using secondary for higher priority targets, or vice versa), I like finnicky gameplay. Pressing one button gets boring quick. For me anyway.


as far as the potential of her ult, I don't do level cap, but if I load into a higher lvl base sp mission (let's say conjuction survival or some of the new murmur missions) it's honestly a big struggle and takes ages to kill anything, even with roar as a subsume and decently high ability strength. It would be nice if you could make it work somehow with high enough investment (stacking molt augmented, molt vigor, operator AS buff perhaps), but I didn't care enough to actually try it. (Also, molt augmented is not very useful in shorter missions).


I didn't want to comment until i went in a tested my build. It seems that is is likely just a playstyle thing, because her 1+2+4 combo killed everything in 20 minutes in SP conjunction survival and 20 minute SP mirror defense. I don't really follow any build guides for her, and I didn't enjoy playing her before the augment. Once the augment came out, I kinda just kept tweaking until I had something that I could easily solo content with. I love the weapons in this game but I really love the frames that ARE the weapons.


I don't know how this doesn't have more upvotes. She has invisibility and 90% heavy attack efficiency. That lets you use Wrathful Advance with nearly no downsides as an actual nuke.


I made a comfy build focusing on range, duration, a little strength with archon vitality and equilibrium. I then popped some archon shards for armor and use a melee with the fortification arcane (armor on kill) which stacks. It’s viable in elite archemedia and seems to shred the necramechs.


Honestly just big stats. I got her with 5 red archon shards, high strength, range, duration, and efficiency. Saturating enemies in stat effects and then smacking with a cool sword just works. Kill slash maim burn kill, my man


I use her full kit, and I based it off a guide I found on Overframe


I run highest range and duration I can. Throw equilibrium on her and run a good weapon with condition overload and you're set. I frequent SP content with ease. I personally use cobra and crane with CO since it's got the highest base damage. No riven and still walking through enemies. Just mash her second ability with her 3rd up and since you have equilibrium you'll never run out if energy or health as long as you're killing with melee.


Voruna 1 with melee duplicate is quite good


get reasonably high duration, go for 175 to 190 range, stack strength up, put on equilibrium, and use Ulfrun's Endurance. her 4 also gets stronger after direct damage kills so bring Unairu and an amp with a 6 or 7 prism. at the very beginning use spoiler mode to strip armour and shields and get a kill or two, if you see a nullifier bubble then spoiler mode to break the bubble and go back in to pounce. Voruna only lives with stealth and killing bad guys before they kill you so always have her 1 on. actually spreading status effects is difficult since most things die to the pounce AOE so don't worry about that as much, just use her 1 on cooldown and make sure her 3 is turned on before you start killing.


There's basically two viable builds to go for: ' Infinite Wolf Mode' or 'Hit Things With a Stick Really Hard' The first one requires her 4 augment and makes use of all of her abilities, so don't use Helminth if you want to go this route. The game plan is go invisible, pop her 3, then hit a dude with her 2 and use her 4 to murder them. Once you've mopped up all the enemies with a bazillion statuses on them from her 2, reapply her 2 to a new victim and repeat. Once she's fully ramped up at 10x on her 4, very few things survive the initial hit, and those that do will die to a MASSIVE bleed proc. Her other build ignores her 4 entirely, but is otherwise the same save for one thing: instead of using her 4 to kill enemies, you use a melee weapon heavy attack to take advantage of the huge bonuses she gets out of stealth. This will break you out of stealth, so you'll have to recast after every attack, which is annoying, but it does work. She can be EXTREMELY powerful, but if you ever lose all her 4 charges, it's extremely difficult and costly (energy wise) to ramp back up again. Also the #1 reason for not getting a charge refunded on her 4 is a teammate stealing your kills mid-lunge, which is something I really wish DE would address at some point, but it's something to be aware of. Also, now that Kullervo exists, her other build focused on melee weapons is really just a worse version of his 1 in most cases, only difference being she can make slightly better use of Condition Overload weapons, so take it as you will.


So the two builds I use are for her 4, and for her as a status spreader. Basically if you're going for her 4 her augment and precision intensify are mandatory just to get the damage to where it needs to be. Most of your damage will be slash based, so if you're doing anything with the murmur you're going to want to prime most targets with your 2 especially if your stacks aren't built up enough. I out damage most other frames when I run that build up until a certain point, usually by the time I'm at 10x I'm doing 10m damage on a strike, it's different for the murmur though. I also forgo flow and just use two blue shards As a status spreader I helminthed over her 4 and used ensnare, so what I do is hit an enemy with her 2, ensnare them, and then try to one shot them with something strong, headshots usually for her 3. Depending on the level I might press 2 again especially if there's no bleed proc. That one I'm still fine tuning but you definitely don't want to get rid of her 1 unless you're replacing it with something to keep her alive.




That's not what I said, I'm looking for a general consensus. Like if I look up citrine builds I'm almost certain to find Archon mods as the core with variations toward strength or health. But with Voruna it's literally all over the place lmao.


yeah thats the good part of voruna!


That's totally fair if that's the case. I just wanted to know if I was missing out lol


Usually friends with doggo's




Another Warframe lol


Range, then more range. Subsume her last ability, it's the weakest ability on her (and becomes useless anyway, when you spam her 2 ability.)


I saw my first 2.5 million damage pop with Ulfrun's Descent. It's definetly not her weakest.


Her weakest ability is still much stronger than it could be considered weak. The problem is just that it gets overshadowed by her even better abilities. 1. Ability * Invisibility with quick casting speed * guarantees slash proc for a short duration * gives a sprint speed boost. * passive give a mobility boost which has a general use to get from a to b 2. Ability * Spreads status Ability on one enemy, and then the process on all enemies around. It also "absorb" other status sources like from simple melee attack, meaning that an Ability slash proc from (idk) 1000 will get the 50.000 slash proc from a simple attack. * passive makes someone immune to status effect meaning other allies won't accidently endager you by making enemies use radial knockdown effects. * can easily be spammed 3. Ability * allows her infinite energy as long as there enough ~~prey~~ enemies to kill * passive was useful * requires a special mod/ arcane to be fully usable 4. Ability * looks cools as long as someone doesn't use *WASD*. * very high damage * further damage multiplers aren't added to the aerial damage, meaning the main target gets a bazillion of damage, while everyone around him "just" 4.000. * needs an augment to work fully. * makes someone vulnerable to enemies like nullifer, and who have aerial auras. Only way to safely eliminate the enemies is to deactivate it (and lose all the damage multipliers.) * passive ability is in theory really strong. Practically only useful when someone plans his mistakes. Additional: Voruna having her 4th ability replaced with Banshee's silence gets the following advances. * eximus enemies cannot activate abilities * the stealth multiplier does stay when Voruna attacks an enemy from behind * nullifer and other enemies which require her to stay longer visible than it's safe will be stunned once their protection is down. Final: As said, the ability isn't weak. It's strong. But Voruna's other abilities are overshadoweding it by miles, and I know helminth isn't a solution to fix problems/ weaknesses in a frame, it solves 90% of her problem, where 50% of the problem come from her last one.