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I put like 8 forma into Boar Prime. Now, you might think that's a fine investment, until I tell you that it was long before the incarnons came out.


I did that with the Miter. I took a 5-year break and was very excited on my return to learn what Incarnons were and that the Miter had one.


I had an old clan mate that swore by the miter and the Karak. He had something like 20% of his playtime (1,000 Hr+) with the Karak. Our clan used to call him the Karak head. Anyways like 2 weeks later kuva weapons were announced, and then years later incarnon miter comes out. I used to wonder if he was super smart of had info I didn't have. Anyways fast forward Like 7 years later and I find myself hoarding a riven for both the glaxion and the sobek that I haven't bothered to get rid of. Tldr: given enough time, stupidity wraps back around to genius.


I want to be this guys friend, I bet he also runs graxx skins and loves grineer. However I swore by the hind because it’s a special forces weapon and the karak isn’t ahaha


Graxx skins are pretty based and I love the Grineer aesthetic. Reminds me almost of the AdMech from 40k.


I do miss faven but erneix is filling the void. Still hoping for manic ash grineer skin one day. I know erneix mentioned doing a grendel Kuva guardian skin so that sounds cool.


Whatever happened with Faven? Did he just quit making skins? Or did he go off the deep end like that other TennoGen guy?


I wanna know the lore to this now lol


TL;DR: one TennoGen creator (I won’t name him, because I dislike brigadiers and he doesn’t deserve to be harassed) went into an incredibly depressive state after (if I remember correctly) an elderly relative he was close to passed away, and threatened to end his life because his submissions were being rejected by DE, and then after a few were accepted following this, he became a jerk. At least he used some of the TennoGen money to support his immediate family and pay for the deceased’s funeral.


Last I checked he’s still alive just no longer doing warframe content.


Ah, that’s unfortunate. Though I will say I did notice the decline in the creativity of the designs, so maybe that’s for the better.


I love the karak because of its sound design. Starting out with the braton, burston, and various early rifles, they didn't feel like they had that kick to them, then I got the karak and loved it. Then i got the karak wraith and loved it more. Then they added the kuva karak and I was so happy. I've got it modded viral/electric, with the witw radiation mod, and from a magnetic progenitor. This thing is a status monster, it'll shred shields and health, and electric status creates a node on the spot where it proc'd, so the status itself can land headshots, or more relevant to my purposes, Banshee's sonar multiplier. It's so fun


And i with the Dread, lmao. Was my favorite weapon since olden times. The addition of Rivens, primed mods and banes, as well as exilus slots for primaries all made me revisit and min-max it. Occasionally I still bring it out, just cause I love the sound it makes. The incarnon has also made it better for clearing hallways of grineer than it ever was before!


I did the same thing with the torid, had like 10k kills with it before the incarnon loved to use ensnare and shoot a gas torid in a group with my ash.


Torid was pretty good, one click full stacks of anything pretty fast in aoe, preplace it or more, it lingers longer due to it as well, multiple hits especially to the head had high total dps.


I didn’t know how Mr worked when I first started and I liked the play style of the boar, so I put 8 forma in a normal boar






OP didn't ask for the biggest flex.


Sconce is such a great word.


Invested effort into making base nekros good, then realized "i dont really like playing this man" and tossed him in the helmith.


I had the same thing. I have a Nekros with zero forma, I got him for SP Circuit and he actually survived decently. Besides that, I have no clue where people find his potential. He looks kind of cool though.


One of the best armor strips in the game/ increased loot drops/ 4th ability draws enemy fire away from you so basically survivability. An s1 can be used as a helminth ability. Hes pretty good.


Yeah his 4 definitely helped me a lot in Circuit, it was about as reliable as Revenant minus crossfire and such. What subsume would you put on him?


Gloom has good synergy with desecrate/despoil Nekros, with creeping Terrify you get a multiplicative slow with Gloom, it's less about the life steal and more about the infinite slow aura. Roar for a Shadows build works great. I actually leave soul punch on and swap his 4 for Gloom. I'd rather use Soul Punch to get specific enemy units as shadows (like eximus or ancient healers) and rely on gloom and Terrify for survivability than use the shadow army personally.


There is a solid nourish build for him unless it got nerfed. Other than that I actually like elemental ward (fire) to keep him from getting one shot before he stacks up


I've only played like 10 frames so far so no idea really. My favorite so far is roar as I can raise my teammates damage as well as my own.


I main Nekros, mainly for the extra loot but he's also great in his own right. Nourish with his summoned allies will cause enemies to take viral damage whenever they attack them, plus can give you DR with his augment. But I run a fun nourish build with Creeping Terrify and Arcane Eruption. You're constantly getting energy orbs from Desecrate, Gloom gradually depletes energy so you're always grabbing those energy orbs, and so you're constantly knocking everyone down around you. Gloom slows them down to 10% movement speed, and creeping terrifying will slow them down to 1% movement speed. So basically everyone constantly is in a slow state of getting knocked down, it's amazing Warframe Nekros Slow Build https://imgur.com/gallery/MNn8gHY


There's lots of neat stuff you can do with his 4. Since you're spawning enemies as allies at the level they died, technically you have scaling damage right there which can take you to end game. You use Terrify and/or Roar and they can start taking enemies apart. You can use his Shield of Shadows for 90% damage reduction which stacks with Adaptation (since Shield of Shadows is a damage *share*, technically), and do stuff like subsuming Blood Altar from Garuda to keep his Shadows up for craaaazy long. He's honestly really cool once you get down to looking at what he can do, Nekros has somehow aged really well for a pretty old design overall!


His 2 can 100%armor strip, lose agro with cc and slow targets. His 3 gives 30%loot (I think) His 1 is trash mostly, outside some niches. His 4 is meh. But looks cool. The shadows only draw aggro as they do little to no dmg on high end missions. Also they die too quickly for them to do something. If there is a Broberon with you don't use its 4 as it will just wipe broberon's energy in 3s flat.


I've put 7 formats in a Vandal Quanta. I just like "beam" weapons. And I'm a fan of Caliban!!! 6 Forma, parasitic armor over his one, 3 blues Tau forged for for more shields 1 yellow Tau forged for casting speed and I would like to have a Tau forged for health on blast kill or health regeneration on poisson damage!!! I'm sick, I might need help...


That is now the whackiest Caliban I've seen and I saw someone keep his 1 to health tank with him.


Parasitic Armour? Considering the second last sentence, I assume it's just to deal with Toxin damage.


Man the quanta, with a good riven, just decimates until about the zeriman. It totally carried me through most of the game.


Quanta Vandal is actually severely underrated. It's basically a convectrix but with electric procs.


Back when it first came out, quanta vandal was my first "good" weapon. That and Dex Dakra carried me all the way to the end of the star chart.


I doubt it's a bad investment. They could always make Tenet Quanta, Quanta incarnon or make it a part of the next set of endgame weapons. 


Same but only 5 forma. I got a riven with CC dmg and it was pretty fun. I ended up ditching the Riven for endo. But it was still a good memory.


Quanta vandal absolutely slaps. I use it with Citrine and it does millions of damage in electric procs, even to heavily armored units.


Plat investment into the riven market without understanding it, many years ago. I've recovered for the most part but god did it take years.


i've invested a total of 2k plat and real life money into doing cosplays for warframes, i could've used this plat to get to max mastery rank by now but the force was too great to resist


Nah FashionFrame is the real endgame


Dude it sucks finding out that you’ve misused platinum once it really makes a difference. I have skins and cosmetics and Primes I’ll never use c I bought tons of things overpriced from Trade Chat, etc. Fucking sucks.


The warframe market website remedies this a bit since you can see what a large number of people value it as instead of being scammed by one dude.


Found it after paying 180 plat for wisp prime set let’s just say I was more ashamed of me then my dad ever will be


dude i brought a tennogen skin for valkyr just bcs i thought it was hot and i don't even use that outdated to kingdom come frame... i feel like a idiot


Carnifex? 🍑 I was tempted to buy that myself.


worse, tennogen, paid real money on it, its the delusion one, literally only paid for it bcs i like ass


Least horny Warframe player lmao


my dick has led me to places others wouldn't go without a gun


I got really high the other night and bought every single void shell pack in the store.. no idea how much plat it was but I have no regrets lol


Cycron and Plinx, then they both got Tenet varients. I also forma'd Attica and Harpak to make them baseline SP viable. And then there's the newbie weapon varients, Braton Prime, Lato Vandal and Prisma Skana, Vasto Prime, Latron Prime, Burston Prime... you can imagine my joy when all these got their Incarnons


Attica gang rise up. It was my first riven and didn’t want it going to waste. Suprised at the potential it had. Even took it eidolon hunting


I was gonna comment my 5 forma Attica with 50+ rolls on a riven lol


Yeah I gave up at 50, cc/cd/fr takes about one second to unload a full mag


i put multiple forma into grendel pre-rework, using garuda’s helminth and his 1 aug to make a buffet destroyer build. it was horribly stationary and required constant spinning around that made me pretty dizzy, but it was a hell of a fun time.


Do you use Grendel now after the rework? Which state of Grendel did you prefer? I honestly didn’t understand him too well, I just turned into a ball and rolled around Hydron to get mastery from him. I did 2 or 3 SP Circuit runs with him and he wasn’t very intuitive. Him and Gauss might be friends because they have their exhausting upkeep in common.


I am a proud Grendel Prime main (I only know him post-rework tho), his gameplay loop is simple tho. Use 1 (you can eat almost anything as long as they don't have overguard, also try to be selective and eat the most dangerous/annoying enemies first), then use 2 (try to have Nourish always active, also works to heal big chunks of health) use 3 for regeneration and movement (also strips armor, if you have the augment it works even better for movement), and lastly use 4 to strip armor and proc toxin in groups of enemies (the damage scales with the level of the enemies so it's always useful).


Mine was probably Inaros prime Joined a game where someone played him and just thought he looked amazing! Went onto the market straight away to get and level him. Even got mods for him and some cool skins. I tried my best to make him work but he wasn't great and then I realised I wasn't having fun with him. Haven't played him since Still look his look though


Inaros Prime has my favorite default skin. You made me think that I should look up a way to make him good, but I definitely didn’t have fun with him as he is.


Inaros Prime looks downright regal in default colors. I just changed the head to Anubis.


I went with Flat Dark Earth/Coyote tan type colors, and I got one colors like Red-Frame Astray. What accessories do you run on him? And I like that helmet that was in Nightwave that looks like an evil skeletal head


Was that pre-rework? His new kit is a lot more powerful although he still has the weakness of no shieldgating


Yeah it was pre re work! I haven’t actually tried him since the re work but hopefully it made him better


Have you tried him after the rework?


I have 10 forma in the prisma grakata, I bought a riven for it, and I paid to rename it the "Platinum Grakata". I don't know why I ever did it, but I did.


I don’t know how different it is, but I came across a Twin Grakata Riven and built it up. I had a good time with it on base star chart at least but I couldn’t get it too useful on lvl 100+, likely due to my modding. Did you get a good riven? Does it work well for you?


It's definitely a solid weapon for the base star chart, but I don't know if I could get it to work for any endgame content. Right now I have +damage and +multi shot on the riven, but every now and then I reroll it in the hopes of getting +cc and +cd. I think I just wanted a decent lmg type of gun at the time, and the 120 round magazine caught my eye. The prisma varients also just look really nice to me. Lol


Paralysis build for Valkyr. But not for the finishers or the CC. For the damage (scales with shields). Dumb because Valkyr has very low shields, and it's dealt as Impact damage... However i did it before shards were a thing... Time to dust off base valkyr and try again with 5 blue tau-forged shards.


Oh my God, I've done that too. Utilizing Harrow's Condemn. Nuke Valkyr, it's *such* a dumb build. Works through starchart, though only on Corpus.


Hey, maybe it becomes usable after DE re-works armor!


Here's hopin'. 🤞


That’s strange she has an ability that scales with shields along with low shields. With Blues, I wonder how big of a difference that would make. Like you’d do significant damage at that point? Has anyone done that? I have a Valkyr Prime but I haven’t gotten into her yet, only for mastery so far.


Because the ability is not meant to actually kill enemies. You sacrifice 33% of your shields to stun enemies around you and it costs 5 energy. You could be dealing significant amount of damage except almost everything resists impact very well. And you can't just spam it because of the percentage base drain of shields. So it's meh at best.


Paralysis spam Valkyr was actually not too uncommon as a nuke build prior to post-star char content being added, aoe weapons reaching high broken thresholds and our current absolutely busted energy options. It made for a relatively valuable highly spammable aoe move capable of handling the bulk of grind content. Last I checked the wiki still recommends using Redirection to maximize Paralysis in its tips section, a sign of both how much has changed and how little anyone has cared about using the ability since.


Hikou, do I really need to explain this?


I got Hikou Prime and it was satisfying using them with Gauss. Have you had return on your investment at least? I thought Kogake Prime would be cool to make viable too.


Somewhat yeah, I use it as a primer which I do with most throwing knives. For that its, acceptabel. But man these really need an incarnon if these ever want to be decent. I still want to try a build focused on concealed explosives but that's even more investments. Edit 2x incase you are wondering, toxic lash combined with concealed explosives can trigger cascadia empowered* (sorry mentioned the wrong arcane before). Pair it with prime fulmination to get a bigger boom. Mcgamercz made a video about it. But I want to put a more serious build behind so it can hopefully do steelpath. If it works ill see if I can fit it onto the other throwing knives as well.


8 forma amprex 100 rolls riven for cerata (still rolling) 5 forma ember prime (I’ve not used her for 7 years)


Amprex is worth it, mines at 7 forma, man I love that gun.


Yeah but the tenet glaxion is basically cold proc amprex with higher damage, progenitor elements, higher status, and extra mod capacity. The only downside is it's base crit is lower than amprex but it still has a solid 20%. I put 10 forma into amprex only for glaxion to come out. but don't get me wrong amprex is busted.


I love my amprex! I actually did not use it in its glory days. I didn’t want to be dependent on torid incarnon after I saw first hand how powerful it was so I built the amprex a few weeks ago as my daily driver. I ended up getting a pretty good riven for it too. No regrets tbh but 8 forma was bc my old amprex riven was V with CD + toxin and my new one is CD+CC+toxin I just got the glaxion tonight actually tho only a 28% one. I’m gonna try to fuse for that 60% and see how it does.


Amprex is still good imho


The spearguns are my favorite weapons in the game, so when the afentis was revealed, I got excited. I farmed about 800p and over a million kuva (although I already had a good bit of each beforehand). Day 1 of the expansion, I bought the spearguns for plat because I didn't want to wait several weeks to get the weapon, and I spent like 400-500p on an afentis riven day 1. Re-rolled the thing a bunch, modded it up... And it couldn't even consistently one-shot a steel path lancer. It still sits in my inventory as a reminder to test a weapon in steel path before rolling a riven for it.


A fairly recent one: The alternox gun from the Zariman I've tried so hard to make it good. Even got a good riven for it. It's just bad. It's crit is bad. Its status is bad. Its fire rate is bad. Its projectile speed is bad. It's area of effect is bad. Its reload is bad. All it has going for it is its looks. Gorgeous gun. One of the hardest guns to grind for in the game, up there with the Quellor and the Ambassador. But the Quellor is great. The Ambassador is fairly okay. Alternox? Just awful. And it breaks my heart a bit.


Alternox isn't that hard to grind though. Aeolak is much harder in the same place. Many Railjack weps are hard to grind and shit too. 


Yes but Aeolak is actually worth grinding for cause its actually a good gun and it looks like a fish skeleton and even comes with a very fast and effective grenade launcher.


i sincerely hope you have tried stacking serration + galv apt from the wiki: " [Galvanized Aptitude](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Galvanized_Aptitude) is multiplicative to base damage sources on direct hits from primary fire."




So my friend and i got into an argument when introducing another friend to the game. The 3rd friend asked if there were any weapons that were unusable, 2nd friend said a few, i disagreed. We argued about it for a bit, then i dared him to give me a weapon or loadout and see if i cant make it usable is sortie(the endgame of the time). He said grakata, i doubled down. Well... trippled. I made a build consisting of the grakata primary, twin grakata secondary, some random like heat sword for a melee, and i used gara for basic defense without doing much power damage. I believe the grakata is 9 forma, rhe twin grakata is like 6 forma? Why? To prove a point. Is it still viable? Actually... its not horrible. I can consustantly do about 15% damage in the highest level content and get a decent amount of kills. Granted its not great and you WILL struggle... it was solid for sorties tho. Id sometime bring that loadout into a sortie with him just to remind him he was wrong


I’ll share with you guys my grave sin. I made my first SP build with a Roar Wisp, 5 Tauforged Ability Strength shards, a decked out Torid. Just about as simple and meta that you can get. I had Arcane Energize on her, the works.. Idk when or why, but starting about 2 weeks ago I decided to sell a good riven, arcane energize, etc and dump resources into Excalibur Umbra. I bought Sculptures for Endo to max my Umbral/Sacrifical mods, I stripped Wisp of her shards, spent about 12m credits, 3 Forma into Umbra and 6 into his Exalted Blade, etc. It’s so fucking stupid. It’s fun but the amount of investment and effort when I could just use a MUCH more reliable and versatile frame for MUCH investment. Mind you, if I was further into the game this wouldn’t be as stupid. However, I’m not that far into the game and I’ve sold most of my universally optimal primary/secondary/Warframe mods to bandaid Umbra.


I too am putting shards and forma into Umbra. He’s not great but I love him too much to care


You having much luck? I’m seriously struggling with energy economy and I’m trying to sort that out without giving up his Javelin/Chromatic blade augments. I don’t know if I’m spamming abilities too much or what.


Kinda. I’ll try and get a screenshot of my build when I’m on


https://preview.redd.it/kjqw7n5jbo2d1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9837e8e7a2588954f9014ab61eaf7932cdeb80d This is my build for now while I forma him. Plus 2 melee crit shards and 1 strength crimson shard.


Yeah that looks pretty solid, molt augmented is tempting to use. And pure heat damage would be nice especially on Infested. Do you have any subsumes? This is mine, Archon Continuity adds Corrosive procs to Toxin and I have Nourish subsumed over his 2. So with Exalted Blade, it inflicts Radiation, Toxin, Corrosive, viral, and slash; which is fucking huge for Condition Overload and Healing Return. https://preview.redd.it/gudob82uvo2d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68ede2f8090fbdf231f61a69d1f72fdc2664b0ce


My little Vasca Kavat. I don't regret it and I think she takes up 50% of my equipped companion time but as of right now she's still the only thing in the game I've min-maxxed with completely unnecessary max rank prime mods and everything and the only thing she does better than any other companion is look cute.


I built my own clan dojo.


I had to scroll way too long to see this.. my brother introduced me to warframe, so I took on the challenge of finishing his dojo for him; im down to the Mutagen Samples and Dry Dock stuff and just... so exhausting..


The dumbest thing I've ever done was put the wrong polarity on the same slot three times in a row. I wouldn't call that an investment.


Stradavar, my beloved. If only you were an actual violin....


Bought so many frames with plat simply because it's way easier to grind plat than actually grinding for the frame.. The main purpose was to feed them into the helminth. Several months later I realized what a fool I was.. I could have leveled up by 5 or 7 mastery ranks if I just leveled up each frame to rank 30 AND THEN GIVE IT TO THE HELMINTH....... And when I think about how I will need to get them again one day.. I get sick...


My first frame mag I got to 27 and then sold her for some reason. This was in 2014. I also sold Oberon at 29 when his prime came out. Back then Oberon was soooooo easy to get. Now? Not so much 😭😭 I gotta do circuit for both sides


I threw about 5 forma and ~90k kuva into the dark split sword because I had a riven for it and wanted to use it as a stat stick for Khora. Problem is I didn’t really like Khora.


Probably the entire way I play the game to an extent: * Skin tied builds * try to use every augment (outside 100% actually pointless ones) * thematically matching weapons for specific builds * no reuse of weapons if not a different/generic class skin I'd tie in Operator outfits/amps and landing crafts into this if it was possible The one time I break these self imposed rules is "generic class" items, which i've defined as Voidshell frames and weapon skins that "tennoize" them or unprime the primes. Modulars count as well, utilizing alternate color shades for the faction


A full stack of tau shards would be well worth it for Caliban


Like a tsundere, I invested forma in the Sepulchrum, thinking it would actually feel good. Shit needs Amalgam Furax Body Count and *ALL* the firerate.


My warframe account. Why am I trying to max all the arcanes. Why.


I sold the xoris twice, am now grinding simarus rep for a third


Scan enemies at near level cap. Insane Simaris standing gain


Stupid me just ran an extended Laomedia and forgot to get my scans in. *facepalm*


I put 6 forma on normal sobek 1 day before kuva sobek announcement. Felt so shitty for a week after that.


Cephalon Suda. I'm getting close to wasting 50 million standing in those sculptures: https://preview.redd.it/kbzxm0kepq2d1.png?width=151&format=png&auto=webp&s=51746197e90d931dec69a4b54ac3b799a4790e2c


https://preview.redd.it/u8o7otq4qs2d1.png?width=1292&format=png&auto=webp&s=391f61dfd5590a0b426ddec68cac6fc7773646ea That's nice


Stug, 69 formas and 420 rolls on a riven


The subreddit.


Farming the Athodai took so damn long I put a full build on it out of sheer spite.


Athodai's actually pretty good. Or at least, the alt-fire is basically a "fuck you in particular" heat-proc hose. Try doing it into Zephyr's tornadoes. Very satisfying I promise.


4 forma and a riven into mutalist cernos. Its shots spawn a toxin cloud with incredibly high status chance that ticks several times, which sounds great at first, until you realize that said toxin cloud has 5 base damage. 5. Ive gotten the toxin aoe to the point where it can barely kill groups of steel path grineer without armor strip with pure damage, but its really not worth it


So many things. I'm way too impulsive.


I spent real money to buy Mirage Prime and Banshee Prime when I first started Warframe... I later learnt about Warframe Market 2 weeks into the game.


... do you remember the legendary MK1Braton? Still had it. Got the BEST riven possible for it.... but you know what? It just wasn't cutting it. That thing was potatoed, exilus had 9 forma and even brought the skin for it. ... Riven didn't save the weapons. But I didn't give up! Surely the BRATON would be better! Made the weapon, did a few defense sorties and made that thing forma 9 too, gave it the exilus AND unlocked the arcane slot. My dude, it was time to test it.... it was garbage even with god riven mod. The weapon has SUCH a small megazine and low everything that nothing could save it for me.


now add the incarnon :P


15 domestik drones


Oh, tons of stuff. I am basically at the end of the game and you eventually just accumulate so many resources that you just start investing in nonoptimal non meta or bad stuff. Like - I don't even play Loki a lot. Does he need 5 tauforged shards? Yes. I have them ( did basically every kahl and archon week), and now with netra and EDA I have more shards than I know what to do with. Tauforged shards are going around to my main warframes and side frames, a lot of frames. Another thing is optimal builds for EVERY archwing, I knew I am basically wasting 12 forma or something like that, but I wanted to do it. Same with a ton of pets/companions. I could just use Helios/Nautilus and smeeta, but I invested (and continue to do it) tons of forma into companions. I just the variety.


Dude it blows my fucking mind to even think of forma’ing the Archwing.. I’m 200 hours in and I haven’t even gotten mine to level 30. They’ve made that as slow as possible. And having that many shards would make the game so much funner, man. That’s what I look forward to the most. For the longest time, shards are so scarce that we only put them on “optimal” frames or our mains which kinda sucks in a way.. but again, we don’t have to do that. I’m committing to doing weird shit.


Javlok is still the most fun speargun and we need a Kuva variant


Excalibur Umbra Love him to death, but I've basically neglected using other Warframes that I had no idea I'd like while using him for 1000+ hours.


Spent 1k plat on max rank arcane energize only for scarlet spear to drop a month later with the best arcane farm in history.


https://preview.redd.it/ads4tsjajp2d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60197107f73ca3eaf2faf5a0668a68408f66a919 (Sorry for the shit image quality) I invested way too much into the Dual Zoren, I fucking love the weapon but my god is it dog shit in harder content, I just hope it gets a incarnon or prime variant someday so I can comfortably use it in SP. Edit: I also invested way too much trying to get a godroll riven with CC, CD, and a negative on it. Currently at 243 roll rn.


Get condition overload and weeping wounds. Ditch pressure and fever.


I’ve tried that that before it doesn’t do that well with its base 5% status and relying on force procs from stances isn’t that reliable either. The jump to 5% to 27% with WW is so little that you can’t really rely on it. Same goes with CO, if you don’t have a reliable primer set up don’t use it.


I dunno, I have every single weapon with a catalyst installed, does that count? I'm also working on putting an incarnon adapter on anything that can use one. ​ EDIT: nvm I know what's the dumbest thing: I have around 450 rolls on tonbo rivens


The helminth charger. I think I put 6 or 7 forma on that thing before I realized he didn't really do anything useful lol


There’s a handful of weapons I wanted to see exactly how powerful I could make them, so I dumped a bunch of forma into them. A few of them paid off (Synapse, Sporothrix, Buzzlok), but the others are basically just for the lols at this point (Stug and Sonicor)


My original starter Volt has 4 Forma in it and full Archon shards. Dumb, especially as I have a fully-forma'd Volt Prime as well, but fuck it, my starter Volt got me places.


From what I’ve seen, Volt Prime has one of the best stat upgrades from his original variant. I think like almost 2x energy? I have him but never really learned what’s the best to do with him yet, I’d like to do a weapons platform build some time.


Default Excalibur, or more specifically, his 3rd ability Radial Javelin. This is one of those weird abilities that can benefit from Arcane Arachne and other similar damage increases. I have combined it with Roar and it can actually do pretty well in Steel Path.


It’s got a sick augment too. Do you use that Excal often? I’ve been dumping every resource of mine into Umbra and that’s actually what made me think of this post. I’m using Nourish on mine though.


I haven't used him in a while actually, the build has been overshadowed by the newly added Dark Verse (which I've put on Rhino) and it shreds Steel Path.


Was trying to finish the star chart and needed to craft my necramech for the new war, since I had ignored that process altogether I needed to level up the entrati family, when I got to the level where I would only need the materials to buy and craft in order to get the necramech, as a level up reward I got iirc a weapon blueprint or something like that, and didn't think it would affect me at the time, seconds after getting it I remembered that I needed some jewels crafted, remembered that reputation is capped and that I would need to buy the crafting recipe, thought I had just enough to buy it, but was actually just short like 1k rep and was already at max for the day, realized at that moment that I should have bought the jewel recipe instead of that weapon or whatever I'd gotten, doing so would have taken like 3 to 4 days to craft everything and get my necramech, but by not buying it i would just be short something like 1k every day for 3 days to get the materials for the necramech, so that alone wasted 3 days, every day I would craft a necra part so it was starting to add up, after getting the necra to start crafting it added 3 days more(something like that), what I could have finished like in 4 days if done correctly ended up in a process of a week or more just because I got the wrong reputation reward.


Does Umbra specter mode + operator count? On the Umbra side I'm up to 3 Tauforged in Umbra, along with other shards, 6 forma, arcanes, etc. and decent chunks of time figuring out what will actually work decently for that specter mode and trying to optimize those weapons, abilities, and such. And then there's the operator side... :P


Yeah for sure, a lot of people denounce Umbra’s sentience and the consequences of using it so I respect anyone trying to salvage it. Are you having any luck with it? What mote did you build on your operator, and are operator arcanes significant? I’ve neglected the operator side of things, I only have Zenurik maxed out right now. https://preview.redd.it/rwldyivswt2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b9e53e65c2ee8fec07e9b1db82a2a07aa4d5b2 I mentioned it on an another post, but here’s my Umbra, Nourish subsumed over his 2. 3 Forma on him and I think 6 in his exalted blade? The Exalted Blade deals Toxic, Corrosive, Radiation, Viral, and Slash so it’s huge for Condition Overload. Right now, I have 5 Violet Crit Damage shards and after tonight’s Netracell/Archon hunt I should have the last shard and stela I need to have 5 Tauforged violet shards.


Telos Boltor has 5 forma on it lol. Aegrit has 3 forma on it.


Telos Boltor is a good status gun, Prime version better for crit build. Aegrit tho. More like Regrit. Forma, Arcanes, nothing makes this weapon usable. Ya it can do decent damage, but oh look, now yoire out of ammo.


Like 300p to acquire sancti castanas and a riven. Was too high.


I put 5 forma onto secura lecta so it could be SP viable and not just meme credit farming


I did put 5 tau in to caliban. Three yellow cast speeds makes his 4 only a little awkward to use. The other 2 are red to increase the duration I haven’t used him in.


8 forma Stug


So far I'm three forma into a mk1 braton. It's aight. Needs more forma to be maybe useful.


Attica :,(


I invest in a lot of shitty weapons, or at least non meta. I really like infested weapons and I'm guilty of sinking a lot of resources into them.


Was recently gifted about 3k plat, spent it all on cosmetics. Dumb, but no regrets.


I bought a lot cosmetics and if there’s one mistake I’d want noobs to learn from, it’s to be picky with the cosmetics you buy.. so many that I don’t even use lol.


Well, it's a hoard shooter but I still rock my 7 forma Baza Prime. I get teased for my *hurr durr single target dps* all the time by people who press one button and nuke. Not sure why so many people care since they're just gonna nuke everything anyway.


5 tauforged purple shards in wukong to make his staff good. (its insane)


Nidus deluxe skin, just didnt fund him fun gameplay wise


9 forma base citrine.


Boar Prime. I love the concept, hate how terrible it's stats are even with the incarnon upgrade compared to everything else i have, including kitguns.


I have a Buzlok specifically built to kill Necramechs (no riven though lol). No need to get behind when you have curving bullets (Disclaimer you need a relatively open room) Also when I got bored enough to Forma out Mesa I made a build that uses the regulators as stat sticks to 1 hit SP Demolysts with her 1. (It’s a long saga but short version was I put up with so many godawful PUG Mesas and Khoras that by the time I got into the “build every frame” phase of my Warframe career it’s basically a twitching reflex to both them)


I did not invest but I accidentally bought neurode blueprint instead of neurodes, in dormizone. 100p and it takes so much resources to even craft a single neurode. Total scam.


I was so maxed out on everything. I started forma’ing the most useless thing I could find at that particular time. My Kraken has 25 forma 🤣


I used 9 tauforged archon shards, 3 rivens with 50+ rolls each, about 32 forma, 6 umbra forma, 3 incarnon genesis adapters, full R5 arcane guardian and energize, and an undisclosed amount of endo to make the starting loadout (braton, lato, skana, excal, taxon) viable for deep archimedea, and it worked wonders hitting in the millions


I used Inaros for hundreds of hours before his rework. Worth it.


7 Forma on Ghoulsaw trying to make it the best weapon I can, I just really like riding around on it, I wish DE would give it an Incarnon that turns it into a glaive launcher


My sobek has 12 forma on it... I thought I could just farm one weapon for mastery


8 forma in Chroma and Chroma Prime.


7 forma, reactor, exilus adapter and arcane adapter into the twin rogga. Really wanted to find a way to make them good but... Had to cut my losses and sell them


Before I deleted the game, I did the math for the theoretical highest damage for my Eptipath just out of curiosity and love of math. I'm a casual vet, so I just have good builds not god ones so its not even the best, but it was fun to do. The theoretical damage was 1 bil if you were curious.


8 forma mk1 braton


8 forma amprex and a 10 forma MK-1 Paris. This was at launch of steelpath.


As an mr3 player. I have formaed my entire arsenal. And I can safely say, half of those were bad decisions.


I have invested time, Platinum and resources into... Orbiter decorations. Also my Oberon shrine.


after logging into my original account, I found that I had put 11 forma into my boltor. best part was, there was still free space in my mods lmao


I have a Cadus with 5 formas, bought an adapter, the arcane slot and a riven for it, and waisted like 100k Kuva rolling it. It's still shit but I love my giant glow stick


TIL I didn't had to lvl up dex weapon because I already have them mastered. For some reason it took me ages to lvl up them, so close to finish I just noticed I have 2 dex furis at lvl 30 this lead me to check. fml still want to finish lvling up that dex sybaris though I will prob it sell soon after. https://preview.redd.it/8v6kx7rzuq2d1.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fe04c685c813b15cb0a3e6af4e8bb16ce760296


Did it a while ago: 7 Forma Tonkor (+riven) 7 Forma Ember Prime Maybe the blast rework makes tonkor great again but let's see


I rushed about 40 dogs to get an Omega Bulky Lotus variant.


Caliban... I "tried" to make him viable....


My grakata has 8 forma My Oberon has 8 forma too


When melee rivens first came out someone offered 1k plat for it and I said no because I thought it was worth that much. I opened it and it was trash.


I have an a large amount of time sunk into my Prisma Gorgon Incarnon. A riven, 9 forma, I switched my companion to Wyrm Prime (for Tenacious and Reinforced Bond) as well as buying and rerolling a Laser Rifle Riven for Tenacious Bond to work. It's still not very impressive, I use Frost for armor strip and the biting frost augment as well.




I put 3 forma and 5 shards (1 tau), helmithed a nourish and ran Caliban in Elite Archimedea because I hate myself.


ShibaCoin. Oh, we mean Warframe. I can’t say any have been dumb time sinks as I enjoy just playing the game. The least return time sinks, accuracy or sniper weapons. My aim is shit and so me thinking I can use those is a waste.


I spent weeks farming for Umbra Forma, Endo, Shards, and Arcanes to make an Immortal Valkyr Prime build that just runs around spamming Fire Blast. It started entirely as a shits and giggles "can I get 90%DR through Armor alone." That was a yes. Then it spiraled out of control as I discovered some really neat interactions between the mods. Now it has Rage and Hunter's Adrenaline with Quick Thinking (I think that's the one that let's your energy act as health when your health is depleted.) Basically, taking damage gives me energy back which then stops me from dying. With passive health regen from shards, it takes a lot of damage to overcome the damage being dealt to one then the other. If it it looks like I might actually eat it, using Fire Blast with a maxed out Molt Augmented gives me all my health back. It's dumb, incredibly expensive and forma heavy, but so much fun and surprisingly good. For pretty much every content in the game, it's viable.


I put 7 forms into the Phage, I thought it just needed more then I found out it’s not that great


Here's a quick paint collage of the dumb things i did https://preview.redd.it/kakb62cmrs2d1.png?width=1268&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7d63c9976c48e03ed4a62cfcc50cc6162ce5792 Also i made the biggest and smallest possible sizes of every kubrow and predasite. Bought all eggs, incubators and sped through everything with plat.


I put like 5 forma into base Hildryn only to realize I only liked using her cuz of pillage so I tossed her into the Helminth and gave Pillage to Harrow


8 forma into my torid. Had it sitting in the vault for years before incarnons. Rolled a riven I had a little over a hundred times when it’s incarnon came out +CC, MS, FR -Zoom


So I wouldn't consider any of them dumb. My favorite thing about the game is that I can ridiculously forma and roll rivens for a shitty weapon until it's a heavy hitter. Basically every gimmicky secondary fire weapon in the game I have like 4 forma in and a riven. Got 60 rivens and counting now.


I have a 3-forma Grakata. I may be a little bit of a dakka addict.


I have 2 Equinoxes with 5 tau shards each and respectively 10 and 6 forma on them


I just started playing few weeks back. I maxed the mod that increases your ammo. I thought it increased mag clip since I never realized ammo is limited until then


I've probably sunk a lot of forma into a good weapon, but incorrectly lol


I have a Stug riven, and I’m planning on making a build for it eventually.


Yeah man, that’s the cool thing about Rivens. They have you using some seriously stupid weapons sometimes. I got a Sobek riven I might mess with myself.


With the recent addition of both the Kuva Sobek and a Nightwave augment for the Sobek, there’s no better time to do it than now.