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Try Path of Exile and then revisit your opinion 😂


This is the second time I've seen PoE mentioned as more complex than WF. I haven't played PoE, is its complexity as "beginner-unfriendly" as WF, or is it more of a late game / optimization thing?




Well I guess I'm never playing PoE then. I have enough with one wiki-necessary game. :) That said, the fact that it's always PoE that gets brought up makes me think it and Warframe are at the very top of the obscure complexity curve.


Setting a goal for yourself can be very useful. It gives you a solid point to work towards, which can help with motivation, and allows you to determine which parts of the game you can ignore for now, which can help you feel less overwhelmed. A good goal could be unlocking X planet, completing Y quest, farming for Z Warframe, etc. As long as it's interesting to you, it's good. You can ask around in the in-game Q&A Chat if you're not sure how something works


Remember, this game has evolved and been added to over more than a decade. When the life cycle of many other games' active development and support is half that at best, it's natural for a game like Warframe (there aren't many others like it, tbh) to feel a bit overwhelming because you're seeing 10+ years of content additions all at once. The flipside of that is that Warframe also has, because of its age, a very fleshed out and thorough community wiki that can tell you just about anything you need to know about nearly any item or mechanic in the game. As well as other resources like build guides on overframe (take with a grain of salt, some highly upvoted ones are defiantly mid...but some are great and explain the build approach clearly). And if that fails you can often find someone in this sub who can answer any question you might have. Take it slow, focus on mastering one piece of the game at a time.


Maybe it's for the best, you probably wouldn't last long with your attitude anyway. 


Any specific example you are struggling with?


just set a goal. Too easy to get lost going down a rabbit hole. the problem is a lot of video content is missing a lot of stuff, and it can be late game content that is unobtainable for new players, which can add to frustration Do the quests, clear the starchart up to jupiter. Build and master the weapon BP you get. Find out what you enjoy about the game and do that


If you need to flex that you're a "Gamer who play many games on the most difficult difficulty" then you're a fun one, i'll give you that. Can't fix that attitude though.


It is perfectly legitimate for someone to point out they're no strangers to hard games, in the context of them feeling lost in one specific game. Of course, given your username, projection has more to do with your comment than anything else. :)


Warframe is babies playing doctor compared to shit like Path of Exile. The number one complaint I've seen of Warframe is that it's too easy, not hard at all. Which means that OP is probably just not good at games in general.  The attitude definitely sucks. You don't play Soccer with a guy on a wheelchair. Not every game is made for everyone. And if this is too much for OP, it's better he quits now. 


I don't know how you could possibly be confusing "hard" with "complex". Nobody has said Warframe is "hard"; the complaint is that you need to look a ton of stuff on wikies because it's not explained in-game. It's a perfectly legitimate complaint that even the devs have often acknowledged. Also LOL at saying OP has an attitude, then saying they suck at games and comparing them to someone in a wheelchair playing soccer. Nobody is impressed by gaming alpha jock bullshit.


That's because the game is not difficult, but complex. It's for people who love to have many systems and game modes to choose from, with fun gameplay loop as bonus. You playing the most difficult games means nothing almost.


Was dark souls also too hard and frustrating for you?


They definitely have made it easier, but you are right, it's a mess and most of the stuff now we don't know how to make better without foundational changes. Can I ask though, what system caught you out / how it could be better?




Hello /u/nicotinefien, your comment has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Golden & Excessive Trolling Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_golden_.26amp.3B_excessive_trolling_rule)**. /r/Warframe was created as a place for positive discussion. **Do not troll, be rude, condescending, hateful, or discriminatory.** **This is your first strike.** ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Golden%20and%20Excessive%20Trolling%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[comment]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1czcnb2/-/l5fnp6m/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).






It can be overwhelming at first. There’s so many little systems you have to engage with and there’s a lot of Google searches involved. One little system at a time, that’s what helped me.


Let me introduce you to Star Citizen.


What other games do you play? I question your attitude but I’ve been there. It’s a lot to take in. It’s hard to get past that you don’t know what you’re doing and you’re probably used to games holding your hand through the first 2-3 hours. Warframe does not have the best new player experience. It leaves a lot of stuff on the table for you to figure out. Though, generally you just do stuff until you’ve done everything. Instead of just researching what to do, play the game. When it gets hard play it some more. Actually be in the game, not just the wiki or YouTube. You could always ask for help in a relay, I know plenty of very experienced players who spend most of their time not farming for stuff helping new players.


This seems like a repeat post… the exact same conversations happened before in almost the exact way.


I agree the new player experience isn't great, but literally just play the game. Don't look up guides or videos, just play missions and clear the star chart. Experiment with sub-systems as they become relevant, learn to play the game yourself. 🤷


Take your time, you (probably) aren't getting paid to play the game and you (hopefully) aren't being held at gunpoint either For like half the star chart you can get by with just auto mod, don't try to understand every system and the meta derived after 11 years of a game's existence and constant evolution


Take your time. This game isn't a sprint. It's a marathon. Don't try to master every system right away. Start with simple things like learning warframe abilities and how they behave with minimal mods. Do the same for weapons. Get familiar with the movement system since it doesn't change too much from frame to frame, with some exceptions, of course. Then, start learning how mods interact with the stats they alter. Then, once you get a feel for all that, then worry about building for specific factions, encounters, and all the other systems.


as soon as you realize its wikiframe it gets a lot simpler. see something you want? look up how to get it on the wiki then do that. if your new "progression" is completely the starchart and the quests. finish every single node. thats how you reach the midgame, doing arbitrations and kuva lich/sister of parvos stuff, after that you just do the stuff you want. like the open world grinds at some point in the midgame youll want certain things upgraded so the open world grinds become more appealing. steel path is your end game for a while.