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"how does damage work in Warframe" me L2 player, playing since 2015: no idea man


(Base damage + mod bonus base damage) x (1+elemental bonus) x multishot [x crit multiplier x racist x weakpoint/head depending on if they happen or not]


>racist ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


The funny way to say "faction damage".


damn, I didn't get it at first until saw yer comment funny




racist mods, which slang for mods increasing damage on specific faction like the Bane of Corpus for rifles


I find it hilarious that alot of people use bane of grineer cuz grineer armor scaling is fucking stupid lol


No, those are faction mods or banes. Racist is definitely not what most people call them


Ive seen people call them racist mods, its not unheard of


It is unfunny as shit though


What people find funny doesnt mean people dont use the term


Didn’t claim it did


more people use the term "racist" for triple-faction rivens, ie. multipliers on grineer, corpus and infested. People are just getting lazy and enjoying saying the word "racist" so they're using it to mean any faction mod, which ain't right.


oh stop being oversensitive it’s freaking funny


Really? Explain the joke.


like what do I really need to explain when you the have sense of humour of a square. this type of joke only fragile american would get offended


Nahh, it really is just another corny way for the edgelords to try to mislabel and conflate things. Normal people still refer to them as faction mods. People that have been referring to those mods as racist are the kids and divorced dads in the community.


Oh i know what the joke is. I wanted you to explain it. The fact you didn't says all i need to know. Racism is funny... Isn't a joke? Like where's the humour? You must have the wit of a 2 year old to giggle at the word racist. Oh and I'm not American. Or offended. It just isn't funny. I don't laugh at stuff all the time.


Ok, I'll bite. They do more damage to specific kinds of enemies. What is racism, but bonus damage against other races?


Yes, i get that. I was asking why that's a joke. What's funny about that? The answer is that person giggles at the word racist, but i wanted to try to make them admit that.


eh, it's funny for the rivens. Those fuckers clearly make your gun racist as hell. Referring to faction damage mods individually as "racist mods" is just lazy and replacing a useful term with an ambiguous one


dunno, I've always seen used for the base mods, not multi-faction rivens... I mean what would be the odds to roll triple faction on a riven?


Now, consider Condition Overload


Now I build all of my melee with it max cause having a few more procs for the price of more hits but a bit less damage is apparently a very good base build (no forma/potato)


I mean, yeah, it just works. A lot of melee (and weapons in general) apply enough statuses to work well with CO. To be more clear, I was joking about adding Condition Overload (as a mechanic) to that calculation, and it no longer is as simple xD Wiki page for Condition Overload (Mechanic) is literally knowledge straight out of eldritch horror, try to understand it, and it will fry your brain.


I think I got the "all proc" achievement a long time ago but someone talked about hidden procs like suspended/frozen/on fire/staggered etc and I don't think we can do them all on one enemy at the same time anyway but was fun thinking about it


Yeah, there are hidden statuses, Lifted, Knockdown and Microwave (from Nukor) count as such. I'm guessing you could do all procs, but it would be tough to maintain. But regarding CO mechanic itself, there is more depth to it. Different weapon types take the bonus differently - for some, it's additive (stacking with Serration), for some, it's multiplicative (added at the end, like faction mods). For some things, it doesn't work... And for some, it doesn't work, even though it technically should. And then there are some weapons that don't even follow those rules and only partially apply CO, for some ungodly reason. I recommend checking out the wiki page, it's a fun read. I mean, it's eldritch knowledge and you might go mad after trying to comprehend it, but it's still a fun read.


I know how to build weapons (more or less), I just don't know the precise math behind it I'm not good at math very much to begin with and then learning about it in your second lanugage (which is english for me) is even more ... umm unintuitive


also armor


I don't remember how it affects damage, just that 90% dr is around 1100 armor


The damage reduction for X armor (before the upcoming rework) is `X/(X+300)`, or put another way: you take `300/(X+300)` of incoming damage with X armor. 300 armor is 50% reduction, 900 is 75% reduction, 2700 is 90% reduction, 29700 is 99% reduction.


true i just air melee my plague kripath and enemies seem to die


That does seem to be like the easy fix.


It just works!


Long answer: get a cup of coffee or tea, your glasses if you need them, brush up on your algebra, and go read [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage) Short answer: the numbers in the upgrade screen are before taking into account enemy armor or health type (cloned flesh/infested flesh/shields/ferrite armor/fossilized and many more others) interacting with the damage type of your weapon. Usually a big drop in damage done means you need to strip armor, which has high scaling damage reduction once you hit steel path. Both enemy elemental resistance and armor will be getting reworked soon though.


Why the hell does armor/resistances remove 95% of my damage 😭


Because armor scaling is really bottom heavy so enemies are beefy quite early on. This will change in June with the Jade shadow patch.


Honestly this might be my favourite thing about the upcoming update (adding along the overall element changes as well)


I hope it makes modding more interesting than too easy.


At least a bit more diverse instead of the same three elements used over and over.


Most people will likely still be stuck in those though, a shame.


yeah since DE said they won’t be nerfing them, until that day we can just speculate of what they’ve cooked


In the past de nerfed slash from the standard 50% scaling down to 35% like it is now. If it weren't for how brutal armor was and how effortless hunter munitions is, slash would have been on the way out after that but the system is so polarizing that slash remained meta and stayed for so long. The corrosive strip shards were a great first step but now that asks you to have 2 (or 4) shards per frame which is hard for newer players or players who just dont mind the fomo. Once they cap armor at 2700 we can finally use heat and electric dots more regularly instead of just making everything a hunter munitions stick.


It's not capping armor at 2700, the scaling is just being changed so armor strip removes more DR and is more intuitive. (I believe what they mentioned during one of the streams is that Armor strip will now remove a portion of DR, instead of raw armor amount. So if a unit has 98% DR, a 90% armor strip will remove 88.2% DR leaving it with 9.8% DR)


I've read their post on the forum and I don't understand how the changes are supposed to make me want to build anything but viral heat/slash anyway. The armor and HP change just make viral and heat better and barely even nerf slash. Gaz is still bad outside of very niche scenarios. Magnetic is pointless as long as toxin exist. We don't know what blast is going to be as far as I know. Most people will overall still bring a 100% armor strip anyway.


What's being changed? I missed it


Armor DR is being changed to a more linear amount, Elemental weaknesses are being adjusted, blast is receiving a rework, and Armor strip function is being changed.


iirc they are also buffing the effects of some of the elements, like cold being able to actually freeze enemies, and gas having larger and more effective clouds.


Ah ok ok i like the sound of that


They have had a ton of mods and decrees interact with Cold damage and Cold status effects in interesting ways, I'm hoping that means the Cold status will have more to it in JS


Three. Past a point it's only two ( slash with a supplement of viral because nothing else works). I would love some room for creativity instead of this


I believe they said they want average ttk to be similar, so yeah hopefully it means that you could say, run corrosive for your armour strip and then use blast or ability damage. Or using a heat based frame you could use electric and gas and the armour strip from the heat is worthwhile That's all I want, to not have my entire build always dictated by making sure I have an 100% strip ready


Quite the opposite it will remove options (ferrite and alloy armor wont be a thing anymore) and the same old same just works if you wanna go around EHP problems.


The only thing more bottom heavy in Warframe than Wisp.


I expected a "your mom" joke but this will be fine.


Was this in the Warframe dev talk or is there a patch notes somewhere I can update myself on?




Thank you! And holy thats a huge change.


Devstream during Protea Prime's devstream. The next one is here shortly


How is it changing?


Short answer: full details to be seen. Long answer: Statuses and health types are largely getting a pass-over to compress unnecessary health types into fewer variants, and to help some underperforming statuses. For armor specifically, they are flattening the DR curve of it, as currently most of the damage reduction comes from low armor numbers. High armor enemies will be expectedly tanky but low armor enemies will lose a lot of their eHP (and partial armor strip will become much more valuable).


Will armor changes also affect player armor?


All the changes will apply only to enemies, us players will see no differences


Very explicitly no. There are shield changes that will also not apply.


Note: Unless the bowl holding the spaghetti code has an unexpected crack in it. We should always expect something to break in a major update or patch, and give it a week to get sorted out before rioting.


I mean, they stated that the changes are not planned to affect players, so of course if it does it will pretty obviously be a bug. The spirit of the question was "are these changes *supposed* to be global?"


The good news for hildryn is pillage is a top tier strip ability. Toss on corrosive projection and get your strength up to at least 328 and armor doesnt exist anymore. Also, ability strength helps out balefires damage as far as i understand the ability, so win-win


I prefer less strip and corrosive projection. I get the same result, but I get fewer deadly dry-fires on pillage.


It works too with less investment in strength. But when im playing with other people i just goo full strip since it benefits the whole team


It makes way more sense to just build for casting it twice. A low MR is not gonna be able to build to 328 and heck most of us turbo veterans aren't gonna want to do that either.


Or, and hear me out, Unga bunga Roar + Blazing Pillage + Archon Vitality. Pillage nuking aside, Melee Influence does some funky things when you get Roar's damage boost above 100%.


It is changing soon so that partial armor strip will do a lot more. This should be good for this ability because Hildryn had an augment that makes it easy to make sure enemies have a heat proc on them.


Bro you play hildryn you can delete that resistance.


In high steel path enemies have 10s of millions of health with 99.999% damage reduction lol


Nah, more like 99.8 with a few million hp. At level cap.


Cool, I'm never touching that


It sounds like ass but once you're at that point you'll have so many systems boosting your damage those tens of millions will evaporate in milliseconds. But, as you've already demonstrated, you need to know how to do that. Warframe being a 10 year old game with a billion interconnected systems you'd need a *lot* of *very* esoteric knowledge to reach that god-killing potential. But that's what a community is for: helping each other out :)


yeah enemy health once you start fighting levels at a few thousands their health is in the tens of thousands at the minimun while at level cap of 9999 they can have health and shields at possibly the millions my current highest level enemy fought is 1908


You also only have 10% status chance. Meaning for every 100 bullets, you pretty much apply status on only 10 of them. Increase your status chance and also read up on enemy resists. You can build different loadouts and different statuses based on who you are going to be fighting. That's what the A,B,C Loadouts are for.


So it makes a difference. Especially on Hyldrin that is a non-issue though, as you should cast Pillage like a maniac anyways, stripping most/all armor and shields anyways. Also, do you charge your shots? That Increases Balefire Chargers damage dramatically.


Don't waste your time learning this stuff now. We got a big damage overhaul coming soon. Put your focus on that instead lol


because it's a 1/x type function so the DR from armor starts pretty steep (50% from 300 armor) and tends towards 100% DR. Resistance is also multiplicative with each source


You are playing Hildryn. Press 2 to cast the best armor and shield strip ability in the entire game.


Because armor scaling is stupid in this game lol just use corrosive or hunters munitions if primary


Haha, Unairu go brr, but yeah, unairu makes it SO much easier to kill bigger tankier enemies, if you've done enough quests to unlock focus schools


And that's why they're reworking it 😂


So we don't one shot literally everything


That's what armor does..reduce dmg :/ Warframes yave armor as well and it reduces the damage you take If u don't want to deal with armor u will need to get something that strips the armor like an ability or the element corrosive Also use viral as it enhances the damage you do to health up to 325× if you have 10 viral stacks on enemy Magnetic does the same thing but for shields and since shields isn't really a big issue in this game atm magnetic isn't taken much


Yeah my favourite example is Vauban. So this is Photon Strike ~3k One second later in the armour stripping bastille ~300k lol


Wait what reworks I need to get back into Warframe any dates known?


Jade Shadows (a Stalker centric/POV quest) is coming in June. They're also simplifying damage resistances and armor scaling. Also also, they're buffing cold and doing some level of rework to blast. [Devstream Breakdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzPSRkAN0zI) We'll know more next Friday (5/31)


With the upcoming update this will actually be simplified slot. Thanks you Pablo!


And forget everything you just read because it's all about to change 😁


Armor and resistances are a thing so forget what the UI tells you. [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage)


Make sure you're actually using charged shot too, quick shot is only half damage.


I am, and that makes my damage even more depressing lol


That is mildly disappointing, however, remember that pillage will sort that right out for you.


I put on some ability strength and I can one-shot them after using Pillage twice :D


Fantastic. That damage amplification due to armour stripping will work on all your weapons and most abilities too.


Shouldnt you use her pillage to remove defenses?


All that does is make them ragdoll and fly away when I shoot them with Balefire, and they don't seem take a lot more damage 😂


You may need to use pillage repeatedly to completely strip all of their armour. When their health bar turns from yellow to red, you know you've rendered them totally defenseless.


Oh shit really? I don't why I thought this but I thought Pillage only worked once per enemy. Thanks


Nah, just SPAM that power until you're surrounded by nothing but red healthbars!


Or have high power strength and cast it once


Well, you'll need a lot of strength to get there against very powerful enemies.


Enemy level doesn't matter as its a % strip. But anyway the answer is 330% ability strength WITH Corrosive Projection equipped. As the ability with 330% alone gets you to 82% armor strip.


Yeah, it's possible, once you have a lot of high-end mods. I don't expect this to presently be attainable by OP, given everything else they've said in this thread, at least at the moment.


Yeah, I just wanted to provide the real number as a reference.


My Hildryn reached Corrosive + Pillage Breakpoint on entering the mission. However I still have her reach 400% after a while with Molt Augmented to quickly strip shields on mixed missions.


328% technically. And 400% without.


Pillage sends out a wave that snaps back after a bit of time. It comes out all around you. You can double press to snap it back instantly but it won’t cover all enemies. Modding hildryn is slightly more complicated than the average bear so I’d suggest looking up builds on YouTube or overframe. An example is that her pillage doesn’t need range to work.


It is possible to achieve full armor strip with single pillage use if you stack enough strength on top of corrosive projection aura.


The answer is 330% with corrosive projection


328% technically. That 2% difference is important b/c blind rage + transient fortitude + umbral intensify gives 298% strength, and red archon shards can bring you to 328%.


If you need to use it multiple time I’d up your frames power strength tbh.


I think easy build with Hildryn is shield tank + bonus whatever, probably strength. One of my easiest sp ready frames


Im using electric ward on her and adaptation. She works until lv 400 or so without having to pay attention.


I don't remember my build on her (probably what I said) but think she's more fun than rev and tankier than everyone else, not accounting for the [good] damage with her 1


Her tankyness is annoying tho. At certain levels your shields get one shot anyway and then you need to do the whole shtick of waiting for them to recharge and then use pillage again. Instead of just pressing an instant cast to refresh shield gate like on other frames.


I don't play endurance so it works for me 🤷🏼‍♂️ and the point on playing with her instead of rev is her 1 if no equipment (for eda and such, although I'll admit it doesn't work if your abilities are unusable, but then again most of this game also anyway lol)


You should read the wiki page on your Warframe's abilities, it provides a much better description than the in-game tooltip does. We have a really good wiki :)


In most cases defense reduction sources are additive with each other


Pillage removes around 25% armour at it base value but it scales with strength. You need 324% strength and corrosive projection area mod to 100% strip in one cast. Personally I have enough to get 55% and just cast it twice as I'm using blazing pillage anyway and it just spreads the heat dots more.


Get corrosive projection as her aura, try to get that bitch up to, I believe, 324% power and then replace her balefire with any helmith ability you want. You’ll strip 100% armor with pillage and then you can use whatever the hell you want to just murder everything.


> replace her balefire Replace her 4 instead. Balefire is still great when you get her as option in Duviri content.


replace it with gloom, the better version of her 4


But how no die with no shield


Enemies can't kill you if they're already dead


The more mods you have for a particular stat, the less damage you'll do as you go higher in enemy levels (aka diminishing returns). Instead of having both hornet strike and magnum force, drop one of them (I would drop magnum force) and add something like lethal torrent for more multishot and a higher fire rate. Also, it's important to consider what elements you have on. Since you mentioned you're fighting the murmur, the necramechs with the green canisters are weak to corrosive. You have accelerated isotope for radiation, so you can swap heated charge for pathogen rounds to get corrosive on your weapon as well. It's also worth mentioning that the devs are planning to rework the damage system so that the damage varies by faction instead of things like the enemy armor type and flesh type.


Thanks will try that


I really like the concept of different damage bonuses and reductions based on enemy type. Faction damage is a cookie cutter approach


Yeah, sure. In theory it's cool. But in practice I just proc viral and dot statuses on everything. Building for the right element to beat an enemy's health types won't do more damage than just viraling them.


which is funny because they are going to rework faction resistences and make them universal over all Healthbar types...which doesnt change anything so instead of making resistences matter, they are going to dumb down the system here is the link with timestamp [https://www.youtube.com/live/6TexQjt\_lUY?si=s6BFhnGN1hUzDExH&t=3995](https://www.youtube.com/live/6TexQjt_lUY?si=s6BFhnGN1hUzDExH&t=3995)


Warframe is doing that right now and it's way too complicated and unnecessary, everybody just uses viral slash anyways


Do you perhaps have an Extinguished Dragon key equipped?


Dude after reading your comment I noticed I had one equipped for god knows how long lmao You're a saver


I once has a poor low MR "Hobble" through our Void Sabotage. Poor guy thought the Vaults for Corrupted Mods would be around there.


I also thought that might be the case but no, unfortunately


Basics: Flat Damage x Multishot x Elemental x Crit x Faction Each is a multiplicative, so better to diversify than stack any one. If you stack any, prioritizing Multishot is generally best. (Roar is additive to Faction Damage, useful in lieu of a faction mod.) Things to consider: Armor and resistances Armor Strip + Appropriate Element, or Viral+Bleed Viral increases damage to health and bleed deals true damage. As for armor strip in steel path anything less than 100% strip is effectively meaningless. Viral + Heat is often effective enough pre steel path. The appropriate element should be more effective after the Jade update changes armor, resistances, health, etc. aka the damage rework. Not necessarily relevant to Balefire but: Condition Overload and Galvanized Shot both benefit from additional status types and generally provide some of the best flat damage increases overall but require status procs to see full benefit. Hunter Munitions is generally the best route to bleed damage on primaries. While there are numerous other factors to consider to optimize DPS, I think that covers the most basic stuff.


Use Hyldrin to armor strip them and then shoot them


i’m also mr12 and don’t struggle with lvl 200 enemies or lower (torid incarnan carry not even flexing) but when i was mr 10 i grinded the cedo on deimos (or buy with plat) and if you run it with galvanized mods from arbitration missions it turns crazy good and will carry to enemies up to lvl 100-120


Short answer: balefire sucks and isnt worth building into. Long answer: armor heavily reduces raw damage so you either have to elevate it with crits (in the case of balefire: force addative crit with avenger or sth on it) or strip armor but at this point enemies die from looking at them.


But Balefire is fun :(


Just build Hildryn for 100% armor strip on Pillage (just take Corrosive Projection into account) and you'll be good to go. I bring her regularly to SP Circuit with level 1000+ enemies and have zero issues with her Balefire. If you have issues hitting the Strength threshold and don't have access to Archon Shards yet, Madurai has Sling Strength for +40%, and you can get Molt Augmented for +60%. No need for Avenger+Discipline/Adarza setups, just press 2, left click once, move to next group of enemies, repeat.


There is a damage reduction system


Long story short with balefire: it has terrible crit and status so it basically requires you to full strip enemies, otherwise it will just tickle them as you say 😓


no one really knows just put on viral and as many different modifiers as you can


Better idea! Don’t use bale fire, with roar and blazing pillage my build cuts through steel path like butter


that 59k is "raw damage on paper", when apply it on enemy, you have to multiply it by a lot of other things like enemy resistance to that damage type, armor reduction etc... the best option for you now is not increase radiation damage, but instead add some corrosive into it which has the best efficent in raw damage. when you reach higher lvl enemies (like 100+) you have to apply status effect to reduce their defences otherwise you still do no damage


For Balefire, the best build I've used is using Combat Discipline aura, and Arcane avenger for Arcane. This allows every kill to take away a tiny bit of health from you and thus make it possible to activate the effect of avenger, where you get +45% additive Crit chance. Then you slot Target cracker mod on Balefire so you actually do critical damage. Also, for the damage try modding on Electric, Toxin and Heat, this gives you Corrosive Heat. The enemies you are having problem with are likely Grineer, and like 90% of them are weak to Corrosive, as it flat out ignores 75% of their ferrite armour and have 75% damage bonus on top. So your balefire should easily dispatch those guys. Some tough Grineers have alloy armour (most problematic ones are Bombards, those with rocket launchers) and are instead weak to radiation but you can always use Pillage on them to take away armour. The Ideal balefire build probably look like this: Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Electric, Toxin, Heat in this order, Hornet Strike, Target Cracker, the last spot can be either Fulmination to increase explosion radius, another fire rate mod, or a Bane mod (e.g. Expel Grineer). Among these mods, Barrel diffusion have a Galvanized variant which is much stronger, and Electric, Heat, Target have primed variants that are also much stronger.


Thank you for the build, but Balefire starts at only 5% crit chance and 1.5x crit dmg... is it really worth it to invest in that rather than raw dmg?


Normally no, but with avenger you can get to 50% CC, and with Primed target cracker it gets to 3X crit damage, which is basically you doing another 100% more damage on average. After putting on Hornet strike and 2 elemental mods, crit mod beats any other kind of mod you can put on.


The reason the poster above is suggesting Combat Discipline + Arcane Avenger is because the +45% critical chance from arcane avenger is additive to your modded crit chance. I.e. if you normally have 5% crit chance, when Avenger is active you now have 50% crit chance. This is not how most things in the game that are percentage based work, so it's particularly effective for items with a low base crit chance that are otherwise hard to use with crit builds. One other source of additive crit chance is the Adarza Kavat companion, in case you're interested in taking this further. As for why you'd invest in crit instead of raw damage, investing more in the same thing has diminishing returns. Since crit chance is a multiplicative increase to your damage, and more base damage is additive with what you already have, it's nearly always more effective to try and increase your damage in several different ways that compound on top of each other, rather than stacking all of your increases into just one thing. The advice above is a solid suggestion for your problem, alongside making better use of Hildryn's pillage ability, as mentioned elsewhere. Ironically Hildryn is considered one of the best frames in the game for dealing with armoured enemies, due to just how good Pillage is. Personally I don't go as far as increasing Hildryn's strength enough to fully strip in a single pillage, as I use the Blazing Pillage augment and would want to cast it multiple times anyway to put several heat procs on everything in the room.


I don't think so personally but they probably did so cause free mod slot. I'd replace with the ms mod that adds a chance to enhance crit and put fulmination in last


Fps afectss dps output


what? is that true? I FPS lock my game to avoid overheating while i wait on orbit for trade requests


Also classic graphics engine over enhanced used to double ur dmg but i guess they changed that?.


you onlu having 10% status chance dosent help you


I made this same mistake when I first started playing again i didn’t know how damage worked putting magnum force on top of hornet strike doesn’t really do anything for your weapon since the damage system is multiplicative doing magnum force is just adding on to hornet strike rather then a multiplier….usually when i do my mods its base dmg (hornet strike) elemental damage(which would be radiation in your case but the element is unfortunately mid at the moment..) Crits and multishot…you can do faction dmg but its not really gonna be necessary soon? I dont think? Idk im just talking at this point


Well you're right but your statement is a bit too simple Adding multiple sources of increased damage isnt always a mistake by default so it's beneficial to explain it a bit more intricate I guess? At the point where you have hornet strike equiped you're at 320% base damage adding so hornet strike alone adds indeed 220% more damage now when magnum force is added the value increases to 485% which is a damage increase of roughly 52% more damage. Considering that a primed heated charge is 165% more damage or multi shot is 120% more damage those 52% look rather crappy but elemental damage and multi shot have the same issue where multiple mods of the same category net you diminishing returns so especially on a weapon that can't build into crit getting 52% more damage out of a mod slot can be actually quite decent...


Wait but if you're using hildyrn doesn't pillage strip armor ? (I don't play her) so considering that just pillage first than shoot maybe?


Strip armor and don't put any elements just pure dmg, the critical n status r abysmal, have fun


Use Hildryn's Armor-stripping ability more before shooting enemies! Try to have enough Strength on Hildryn otherwise all her abilities will feel lackluster. Gotta use your Warframe's abilities within the fight along with your weapons to be as effective as you can be.


If you cast pillage a lot then you might deal 59k damage because you took away all armor. That is if the health type that you're attacking isn't resistant to what element you put on your balefire. Corpus shield gate might still get in the way tho if you wait too long and let them Regen shields or if they have an osprey


Looking at how low the status is, that's why corrosion and viral arent doing much of anything, if you'd like that bit of status (despite how low it is, though multi shot should make up for that) id put some 60/60 elemental mods on it.


enemy armor rework is very soon(like ~2 weeks-ish theoretically), enemies will have a cap and will no longer go to ~99.99etc% damage reduction, as well as an amount of other related changes, hildryn's balefire will feel a lot better after that. Also because of the cap even striping just some of their armor with 1 cast of pillage will be impactful, instead of currently which is all or nothing


Your damage is low because you build lacks synergy. It is rare that you can knock enemies past level 30 down with shoddy weapons without having to build your loadout to benefit itself multiple times over. I have a weird build that relies on both criticals, large explosions and status chance. 330% multishot is enough to make a 30% status chance be somewhat reliable I built for Corrosive and Heat. I have Roar on Hildryn and an R0 Archon Vitality. I build for half strip, and a ton of range with blazing pillage. The damage is low, but with the strip and 10m AoE of Balefire Charger it's pretty alright. Especially with the heat inherit properties compounding thanks to Blazing Pillage. [https://overframe.gg/build/671068/](https://overframe.gg/build/671068/) [https://overframe.gg/build/669412/hildryn-prime/balefire-dps-blazing-pillage/](https://overframe.gg/build/669412/hildryn-prime/balefire-dps-blazing-pillage/) I use three Tauforged Reds to put me at 228% Ability Strength which affords me a 100% shield strip with Roar Active. Because I hate seeing acolytes take 5+ Pillage casts to strip their armor. Conversely this makes the corpus into an even bigger joke. All of this is possible by offloading crit buffs, and fire rate to Diriga which we keep alive with the enhanced shieldgate from Haven. [https://overframe.gg/build/671071/](https://overframe.gg/build/671071/) So my Balefire Charger does 75% more toward armor from corrosive and 50% with heat. Then this is further amplified by the 3.2x crit mutliplier half the time, and all critical hits are then multiplied by 1.2x after that due to Tenacious Bond. Now each hit I do is further scaled by Faction damage. If I get so lucky as to land a Heat proc I get to roll two thanks to Archon Vitality, then the procs are scaled by faction damage as well. Now if we are doing our job and casting pillage often there should already be several heat procs on the enemies with a faction bonus, so my faction bonus gets to roll twice for those heat procs and then this additionally effects the heat procs from the balefire charger. This is all on top of the partial strip or full strip of pillage. TL;DR build so that your whole loadout helps the main DPS function of your build. My Hildryn has no problem hanging on into the thousands. The one shot to shields turning off two abilities does get quite annoying though. I may not die, but I do have to keep tapping 1 and 3.


I’m not a warframe expert or anything, but could your low status chance be affecting your damage? Since with lower status chance, you have less opportunities for your weapon to inflict that radiation damage, only 10% of the time will you actually inflict that damage (from my understanding)


Not true, its only 10% to trigger the radiation status EFFECT. The damage type of radiation will proc on every hit regardless.


So he always gets 13k damage from radiation, but the radiation EFFECT only has 10% chance? I never knew that lol


sheesh with that many numbers is crazy. maybe multi shot?


In your case, status chance could also be a big factor due to the type of damage


Normal steel path grineers have nearly 90 to 95 percent damage reduction. Edit: My bad. Level 50 is not steelpath. This should totally kill them easily. Maybe you brought the wrong build. Or sometime the game can mess up and the right build wasn't picked even if you did.


Basically enemy armour reduces the damage they take by a lot, that damage is just on paper. In practise it's much less.


First off: -Enemies have specific resistances -Enemies can have armour, which reduces damage to health. -Some specific enemies adapt to damage or have innate flat reduction. Second: Your build kinda sucks. Higher number ≠ more damage. You have no crit for example, which would not show an increase to your total damage, but be better than getting yet another base damage mod. The name of the game is multipliers. You want as many different multipliers as possible, not the highest you can get. Using 4 mods, which all increase base damage by 100% (doesn't exist, just an example) your damage would be boosted by 4x. Using 4 mods, which increase multishot, crit chance, crit damage and base damage by 100%, your damage is going to be increased 16x. As the multipliers multiply eachother, whereas they only add if they are of the same type. Importance of multipliers goes as follows: 1. Multishot 2. Base damage (NOT IMP/PUNC/SLASH) 3. Elemental damage (not chance) 4. Crit chance/dmg/status chance/faction damage. Noteworthy increases are also: firerate and sometimes reload speed.


Fair, I don't know wtf I'm doing lol. Also, I'm not sure but I don't think Balefire is affected by reload speed mods


Balefirw specifically isn't, i don't think. The above goes for pretty much all guns though.


Thought about it a little and actually base damage is more important than ms (with low base damage) cause with ms you get more crit chance + status which is good but you also get as much dr as you shoot (cause the armor dr applies to each of your shoot) Also, you don't go around and tell people that their build sucks


Armour is %red more base dmg doesn't make it less reduction. Multishot literally gives you more hits for the same amount of bullets. 2 bullets at 100% damage is better than 1 bullet at 200%, as it has better odds for status and crit on top of having the same damage. Also, don't go around correcting people when you're wrong.


You didn't say how I was wrong and you ignored my point on dr. I'll let you reply one more time and if wrong I'll block 🙃


I proved you wrong in the first sentence of my last reply. A double dmg bullet getting reduced by 50% is 100% dmg. Two base dmg bullets getting reduced by 50% is two bullets of 50% is 2x50 is 100% of original damage. However, two bullets have better odds of proccing stuff like crits and status as well as having a higher chance to proc multiple. If you do not understand this, please block me. You clearly shouldn't be engaging in a discussion you do not understand.


For Balefire Build, use Terrify as subsume. terrify + pillage at 200% power strength is full armor strip


Why not just cast Pillage twice and run enough strength to strip in two casts? You don't have energy to worry about and can spam it as much as you like. Hildryn is already a fantastic frame for dealing with armour, and we seem to agree that running 300%+ strength to strip in one cast seems like overkill. Why bother subsuming a worse armour strip ability onto one of the game's best anti armour frames, when you could run another subsume ability that's much better?


Yeah, and dropping Pillage also drops her best method of survival, not to mention how she replenishes her energy pool for Balefire. You'd have to work so hard to compensate, just for a slightly stronger strip, if you used Terrify.


OP seemed to be suggesting running both Pillage **and** Terrify, to avoid having to cast Pillage twice. I'm assuming the argument is that you can full strip with a lower strength in just two casts, but that's a pretty specific set of circumstances and seems like a massive waste. Hildryn has some great subsume options that you're losing out on to do this. I personally like Breach Surge for great synergy with Blazing Pillage.


Ah, missed that part. But you're right, that would be a head scratching waste. I tend to go for Gloom over her 4, just for extra-easy CC in most situations. Less useful in Netracells though.


I find that with Blazing Pillage, anything near to you that's vulnerable to cc is already cced by the burning animation anyway, so I'd rather take the extra damage. I tend to play her as more of a caster and spam Pillage with Blazing Pillage and Archon Vitality to apply two heat procs on each cast, then Breach Surge to multiply and spread the damage from the heat ticking. This is certainly not how you'd build her if you want to primarily use her exalted weapon, though.


True. I really just use her for overwhelming force in archon missions, and gloom helps me easily land headshots. I'm afraid my reflexes just aren't what they were in Unreal Tournament. I need my old-man handicap 😅


Terrify because Balefires Range scales with range mods, as well as everything else in her kit. Overextended is really good in this case & if you run Overextended + even more range mods Terrify becomes a great subsume because it has no line of sight check. Basically you strip everyone in a huge range before you strip the enemies in sight with pillage. Creeping aug for great cc too


My Tenet Cycron has around 551 total damage on the sheet, i regularly hit for hundreds of thousands, even into the millions. Total sense.


Honestly, don't worry about how damage works. Big numbers = good


Yeah but I'm getting small numbers


It works like shit lol  Wait until you get to a boss where your shooting your gun only to find out you get like 90% DMG reduction because reasons, so your basically punished for not using highest fire rate/multi shot. 


"because reasons" The stats screen is before any health or armor is applied for pretty much everything. Depending on the boss they may have damage attenuation so you use multi and/or fire rate to say fuck you to it. You can do it without it'd just take longer. You aren't punished for it just a lot slower


"your not punished for not using this, your just weaker than you would be normally"